Albany weekly herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1892-19??, February 06, 1892, Image 5

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- print itt who ore running this miUt the proprietor, with „»r in bis month ana i. its bunds ,u ms pftrtcots, “I thought I was till you etupe." ' ? The Englishman 1 looked at him, turned biiok, paid hi* bill amide- parted.—Mu* O’Uell In North Amer ican Kuviow. Woosiifht f aTbs Bnst. I aui now prepnrVd to do sll kind* o( Albany. ..that gambling, ie at,*.. . , vsojr, market- Bps,'.' j { -. ■ •>4tv. 1 >v ;■ .•. - hoa* who heard the Judge'* Newt 11*11 were ooh'rlitord e who <; mid not ranting t otiuroh fairs, festivals or trerojJti the eye* of the law, t gambling as was the pris- Albaay hot wtara you lhtemtod todo, THAT COUNTS tn the Hour of da* bom or death, J*v 1U Iv 1 , nr Kramer AbborUle ar iv Helena It ar Helena lv Iv Alloy nr W Lyon* Savannah Oh h s'ton Columbia Wllm’gt’ii Chnr lotto Richmond W'ubg’ton Bnltlnioro PhllUelpn Now York repairs, 1 build .one horse and two- horns wagons, delivery. wagons aud dump carts. 27-dSOn A. B. Bmcman. Arc not neel:!. UUsin. The; rested an unusual amount by reason of the fact that idles #re so near at hand, •ail that somebody will be liiort before the holidays Omni Hence. Ho thnt wapit, good souse is un happy in hnving learning, for he baa tudreby only more ways of ex poking hliueelf, nnd ho that ha* Dense knows that learning is not knowl. edge, hut ruihor the nrt of using it' —Bfotle. Mn. I»if. Wstkokb, n prominent real estate agent of Sail Angelq; Teta , has used (Jliaruberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlam lima Remedy in his family for never*! years as oocasiou reijliireil, and always with perfeotsuq- ocsH, He saysi “t lind'k a perfect euro for the bshy when troubled with oollo or dysentery. I now feel that my outfit is not completo without a bottle of this remedy at home or on a trip away from home. For sale by Albany Drug Co. And cftrt'igot in. between 21 end SI years'at ... -1, IlKVfc II lo'O'l otiHfrtCle-r, find want to pwrtrine some protsctiun for vein fam ily I f you 'be,or protsetlnn for yourcelr if you si'ti 'Mriible.1 br Mcknessor sccoienl, the Wolasn Chain [,vibe your mernl e:>!bv, anil will pro* lo the niooiict ni ib.fx.i, |2joo> or 18.000, curt Sick Tlenefll ill IS, Jill iirSIS pec week. < ifieOqiaen Chain Is U jeers old, aud bss Albany turtci day night all ,. If yon err whits aso, in irood iicaitl want 0. pv.cvic.c —,— -— llyjf you dle.or iirntectlon for yourself i(ton i;haIn° nvIt«(K your m«ri\V;«ii>bip» and wlllnru* |r —. ...... — —. 1U« naaA*,Mi eel Ol ftftfl IOOAI ill* lit 18111 Uut *»1MS itr SUV HISIWII*'* *n*, y"T— ■ *'* , pudHick TlonelU of t $S, tW«rgpr week. j , ntvrr had aoonu/tert nUtlm,' Albany JLodcc 214,0. G. U, meet* every TUnre* dny nlirht nt <;3l p. m. in Golden Chain Hall, Wc«tl)r«n»k'* Comer. John Short. Commander, Harvey English, Bee* votary, ,J. W Gillespie, Medical v ,xninfn.»\ m to rheumatism. T)r. Callsaya Tonlo will .ie by Albany Drug Ithrook' dm Bho as l liven to* t in 18*3 Bnyonuo, and the upon was at ' first tod by military on- Irat hattio iuwlni'h OlOho oonnnotiou at Cordela for MmuS and Atlanta, also for Jitckeonville, Palufck* and all FIoj iila iKiipta. Connection at Ba vaanali tor all points nm tluaHbor «la Atlantic Coast Line, or V. 0. A 1*., and Columbia and Charlotte* Also with ocean oUuua ihl))* for New York*'Boston tod Baltltaorn. JO. decided tin* fata of it nt. Koerwindon in Exchange Bank Stock, Commercial i Arnica Sabo. In,the world for outs, errs, salt rbetitn, fever ppeil bands,chilblains, u eruy'ions.and posl- *, nr ti > pay rfehulred. to give perfect satis- f refunded. Rriee U1S Eor Sale by Albany .ln-t..vts UrngCo r - lllil cleliriy tb itiOfOll timid is props ring fi lory In bwt ;1.un , (io bt*' 1.1 1 tt» lv ar AimiricuH lv Iv Hid,lane., bumpkin., Ixiuvaln J ...Omaha.,. cPltebcmi.. Kurtsboro ar lv Siouts m’y ... Selma .„ Vi* b * N ar lv ....Mobile... Wvr Orl’mi iii’m’gbaic Kashvltln boulsvino,. Cinsianati nr lv ■St boms. Bunk Stock, and other good i rive st mt nt Blocks. Good bargains in plantations. Some ready stocked for business. Bern* plantations 1 can cut up into, small farms. Cheap homes for sale in oltyorpoun- 200.000 acres Fruit and Farming Lands. 800.000 acres Timber Lands. Desirable City Residences. City lots in all parts of fhe oity. Some very cheap Building Lots. BAGGING, TIES, FERTILIZERS, English t'aint is omnposeil largely of coal Tar in about the proportion of tS5 per cent, coal tar and 15 per cent. ALBANY "other stuff.’' This fact has led some otherwise sensible business men Into the error of believing flint they could Suburban Lands In quantities tn suit purchasers, ranging in price from $10 r ss n’t 12 01 a m S <0 noon 12 Ml pm * 25 to $100 per acre.’ Houses and Btores for rent. If yen want to buy or sell any prop* ei call and see me. SCHEDULES IS EFFECT DECEMBER Si, 18*5, Between-Alban}) Americas, Columbus, Ft. Valley, Malian, Orifilu, Atlanta, Mi stuff,” will draw op in knots, erack and collie oft, V;s; it’s blRok like English t'aint. That’* true. Ami it’s also true that so fsr ns color, ami, to a certain extent, the smell, Is concerned, bvvq colored men are alike. One of these men may bo a useful smi re spected bjtlpen, the other a worthless olmlti-gang nigger, ft's rbo percent age of ‘'other stuff," called character; that makes (ho One a useful ami re spected member of thecnmmunicy, the lack of that percentage that, makes the other man a curse to the noimnunity Then, again, that mighty brain of yours is lully 85 par cent, watery mat ter. Itisthu 15 per cent., or less, of "other stuff” that has enabled you to attain the eminent position you oc cupy in the financial, business or sq- iilal world. It. is the lark of that per centage of “Other stuff" that has caused other men to be failures. Jt is the leilgeville, Augusta, Savannah, Dawson, Eufaufa, Union Springs, and Aonif gomery. T; t Basil noWW. HFS t> C *». lonef, Girard, Ala,i says, »r,i "I wa* suffering fruni ie hem 1 anil was ourrd by I C.eemefiier, >V,o keep It and tielleve UmtMw tlip JL. E. Wclcb Glose coiinwHloo at Kolilgomory for All point* UiVht west and Northwest. AIbo nt Now Or- (oans lor nil iioli.U in To aha and tlio Southwest. No«. 17 and 18 will inn ooUtl between Mont- gotnory tod Suvaanto. OWCIli (iAltHKTT, A. 1*0PK, Vico-PniH A Gonl Ift'gr. Qenl Priw. AvX. OiUco lit First NnvionaJ Bank, ,H<>ntgom«*ry, YOU SnOKE ts all ngesin ( jfle linnie. it to take i hgt nil like ar that the tendereat delicate invalids are I aU el’le fails. New bottle, 108 vloses M. ale-Darla Drug Oo, n^ and W. H. Gilbert. q> held baidc by Joul- coi.i; *t' p for the pro moidnuH, the massacre, mate .Cbn.jtbuis umy there .is not line of the . fivent aro'iObristtau Amcricvie. BlrmingUam Albany, Florida | & NORTHERN R. R. 2’IJIJt TS1U.K SO. 1. To take effect at 5 a. m. Sun day, Oct. 6, 1895. CKNTKaTa TIMM STANDARD Between Albany & Cordele. Albany. .Ft Valley. Aid Want to But YourKCints Lot, Maeoo .Atlanta.. MillodgcviUe. .Avgusta... Savanonh A then* Albany. .Arllni .Blakolj .Columbia, Lower Auy Ifouao in the City. South Bound. North Bound. FIRST CLASS FIRST CLASS o mnoktj tho Albany ong enough to give la) do not want to itftttd. the teto. Ash the «A3° or “00ben any Factory cigars. joy, 1 ho. • tbipvt' in in iu*o* k ;Io, • m3 it, es^KvInliy if cimUy, genoroo*. ursoif. Albany Cigar Factory STATIONS TJKPA.HT . A ibany.. .t’liUcina.. Wurwlok .Taylorti. .Uordolc. -MANUFACTUKKRS- Sawaimah. ft*. “Tito Cuban Hand Made” THE ALBAN J. L. RAREY J* 8 0BKWS, Onroral Manager, “Tlio Al,” all Havana ( Filler, Cigars. medy for » bottle Heine has MANUFACTURERS > THB WEM, ltWOWN I have received a very fine seleptlon of Spring and Summer Samples from which X am ready to take orders. I have also reduced my price* as low as good workmanship and material will admit. Parties wishing a F»,rimr. Si 1 ..; Druiiil 8t, MERCHANT TAILOR, Last Tax Notice Ie now prepared to fimiifih. on abort notice, Uie moat Btyliab and sorvioeublo cloUiing. AH or- dera will receive prompt attention. II you will give me a call, I wltl convince you that I Wntoh tbis pf-ace fox I havo iuBlrnt i.oua mun the t’umptioller General to pn*h the collwcilon of taxo* as much m posalbUi in coinpllance with tbe termsof tli©law, ami will be compelled to issue oxtuollotid ngaiust all drtlnquontii. Ithcrefdre urge all who can <lo*o to come forwiud and pay IhoirSttHe and Oo’.vuty ta tea now. ' Jf. T« KEWTBR. T.C.lhG. NICE SUIT ean save you money, prices on goods. Will please leave their orders at once, for good work cannot bernshed. All work guaranteed and satisfac tion given in every particular. Remember tho oid’ stand, Ventnlet Block. H. W. PRICE, Ovdr Firat National fiana FRESH LOT Pickles, Sweet and Sour. *f»AB'£ a ‘ Jso. A. Divff G D. Gnaanmioto ites, ’terj .. . .• ”te! • '*-« CITY TAXES We haru 6CC bushelff C*e«r«ta Aims A*rof»r Heed Oatff for sale. DkWITT farming ccl &-Mdawtf UbWjI’.G* The tax books of the etty of Albany, for tho year 189&,are now open at my office, ou Broad street, where l am ready to Issue receipts lor taxes- Tho books will positively br closet! on the noth of December, and tax executions will then bo issued againut all delinquents. H. A r TAfBVRB.lB*. 10 19 tf City Treasurer. Store For Rent. A new supply just received at Crain’s Book Store, »i Broad Struct. - A LB 1ST GA. The l»rge>tore forr.erly occupisd by thcMnse A Cox Co^ ou Evoftrt ,tnxt- CiU on or aqdrea, JONES * BACOK, I f.rtff Olboav. 8*. Bogianlng to-ro 100 lbs imlo A Baled (nlHs ffi ot«y without e etrect, opjw Ar... Rufauin-