Albany weekly herald. (Albany, Ga.) 1892-19??, February 06, 1892, Image 7

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1NU&1J.N11 r KIN 1 ■mt 3* M .Wd-fc [ I TOaj? toil II thloaly i [II* In which ? r " ; tlevp-,»l;U.-<li»-i' lit. .Tlinro^tetistlcsrare both ‘fi "iirtaroi'3 ““VCriM.-- ‘ i an rtio-rlo , l‘ urnliig, ft* W<V,| .'»wW«gig«n. n, group of I: I Bnboook n was In n lartd 1 •fVeti arc ; BmdXord. •", > (be tJn!tsd3 ThoCln :lde -m (Inn i i 1“ praedoal jft •a* i. OIJH-w- H- «tJi* r y jvliiyM ■>iKl nf ta,- -bra wereel,; * [lor t Portly after and vlUlollt wWim-- 1; lie roitiarkabW tit that eljji)Mlprni . > the front ais tlio most ilnr arnurtliotla At St. ,'Darthnlo . '»’» ||o».J>ltftl • ' Not Wily .lot a- ?<£££--£g% : t a thousand of them were upon the pioneer'd > night hldeoiu with In pursuit cnmo (hut ...» of now thoroughly ett- i, and though tho pioneer ■>ly swift of foot ho bail to ry .effort to hoop out of I there tolhodariinon Of i wilderness ontruod a dun .for Ufa anil death, nd win fairly smooth, and desperate umti snrrio- s compelled to tl«o the caoapo thooo oinsh I along, did river for at ho .160s die mixture of ether hot maintain its position of irtty, liawastba casd Indbojbm but In 1080 not oven the total ad mlnlutralloiiH'of ether, alone, and gas and ether combined, roacbod by a lung way the number of administrations of chloroform. It Is Just possible .that, lb ‘.art title change of opinion may be luc to tho results published by the fly,' dorob.'id commission,, of wlrloh a mc|ii her of the staff of the-hosplta! wii* die shining light. But investigation# «bo»v that,«tho> had bofi/i declining In favor- fori itoitfd rears at Bt Bartholomew's. In 1888 it was administered 1,008 times out of 3,788, while, during the wunu year, gas and etnsr combined was only given Sill limes, wiiut.ij. contrast with this eloVorr years ago, cuirtni records above quoted demonstrate! As w# sac now, chldrd form takes the load, than a long way behind comes ether olono, while, gar ttbd ether combined malms a shockingly bad third.'- Medlool Prow. » Iti n him Oed be holly tin low 7 sped on. dud Ills 'eyes . .his wild, , ■ r^fid. swollen ,-sr 111 nil ilure. r mile was '■fWwi „ sloped toward It, and Ills descent flow pOrsuud and i wlf^f scarce slkfnojtiiepttrairnit irflvo mile# had that despnruhv mued, and noW, oshadstad a» i hln sq ifformod land iiiku iff i'P that r- nllvo, i to uffeot a . l turbulent nurrei that horde o: li|nd him, and inn speed, (irb d was simply iparnlleled. ,m wore high ily eighty Wv'.r A mass of jug I'donld hope to “would bo Im eg when once raging boosts tile dangermn w below, atid fully twenty-five feci \ th# .Brave pioneer ... T9 „[ltfl banks, , i truly hi a. most desperate situq But, scarcely realising bis dnn n his desperation And freusy, lie ped down tbo slope, and, putting ! effort of his horse’# fast falling In ono mighty leap, landed sly apon the other bank of the Horn** lustctwl of ISurrif*. That Pails accepts tbo horse ns u partial substitute for the boovo ev. ry oho ought to know by this time, per Imps a page from my own experience tuny assist In Justifying Franca In wbut Is but one of the gastronomic eccen trlollles by which she has won Inter national renown. I speak of Franca beenuoe 1 believe that it was In Paris, which wo have tier own authority for regarding da France; that lilppoplmgy found its Drat arris; i« Introduction Into modern clyiliiatluii. Tn.'l horses have been onteu ever Bjnce tboro ..era human beluga to fat them- Is ns oertaifii as flint Micro tiro Iranian bulng3 pnil Jiprse#, The Vrcncliumu, no matter what Ids 'Other vyeaUnesses may bo, Is a true philosopher when It, comes to Ills own nourishment. No wood Is too humhTe for a aulad. If ft bo but savory; No experiment is too daring whloli holds the possiWllfy of sensation to the palftto. 1 have always believed that the mail who ate tins first oyster wiis >.t least protbpliwmleally a Frenchman. Tho Roman eluonlclcr (ells us, avltli a shudder of his stylus, how ho dlscuv erod the natives of Qnnl eating snails I Who that has tasted of the snail soup of Provence, or picked the delicate shell a la BoidclalSo, will not rate there rude barbarians above the poor profea dona! panegyrist of tho Ciosnrsf—-Alfred Trumblo In Now York Epoch. world, and' I Tpdiana oltbor. 'Yo’it Jtnow the tAWs have,A gbVemi|r.planted by thi Titus (in Iieople, anda' legislative body oalimi ■ ■ •••■' the Ohootaw national legislature. .Tlds- house holds regular sessions, and. they ninUc laws, roll fogs, establish rings,, ail'd do everything also that' podtiojiuF 1 ran think of. fVhcn fldvbruor .TfSIes, a young . luilfbr'uftd, was elected gov ernor wo witnessed one of Hie greateof campaigns ever fought. When our ruilroml pierced the coal ndnes'of the Ohoctaw iiatlbn sevoral of the bid red men attempted to get possession of most of tho mines aud make us pay dearly for flip obnl. Thoy foiled, and hove cried 'corporattan' ever since. “Bo When the gubeniutorlal candi dates liegau to show their hands Jones took the high moral ground tliAtho was Aga)ust our railroad And all those who Cavofbd II. ' Ho went In tho fight with tills SdntjmontMa.wato'.iword, and was elected. Brit It was an exciting fight. Biirlngtlic "oiuiipalgn if Jones wanted to comiiinntcate with a man fifty miles away lui Would send a uuui with verbal incssageii. Tim Other candidates fid lowed this example, ami no writfen k t- ter.s figured Ir, t.lio campaign. Tbs day before the voting a Messiah story Was turned loose In tho ilootlona ol t.ho n.v tjon whero .tones was ;iot. popular, and tho people left to seo the Monslali, thus losing their votes. “On tills same day a number of lead ing Indians who were working against tho olcctlon of Jones were summoned to Washington by bogus telegrams to talk with tho great father. Aud so it went. Every conceivable trick wus re sorted to. After Jones had been u<>- ohirod duly elected and had taken Ills seat it was discovered that one precinct, which gave hhu 125 majority, wA« in habited by less than soveutysllve peo pie When It conies to counting votes ’ Hcbeming tlio Oliootaw TtfV tllans will certainly get. a place. 1 will back them against tho world’’—Old- oogo Ueruld. ^ IffiotU or personal,U jimHI' cy were the drowsiest, ntfiI Iqt of elderly and rbeUiua’ ie that l hiid seen in many a (14y Ai least six of them \' en l bv,er 'jie\t : iitj foam of ngu„nnd tho rejii^nttir were lor bent by ill health or p'*' e or four chatted ainlably. nsly with otic unothor ai " Attention'- irimtevpr to tbo thy vwratery or the pwmi! .eashiet-.,- The pretldent 8 ...... tpough; arid was po. peevish tttat au the opipIpyoR of the place Were afroid'ol Caj British a thrliltng «..., =. Bueno* Ayre*. :Th< chartered to- lor Buenos Ay t shortly afte voice liping ralccd. Tho sen clary would say, -l fake it that the opinion of the boai-tj Is In lhe. uCBrniative." and then Jot- down in ,t the yeas had It. Many of the dii-erluP ovidOutly did not know what he was talking about li.oceurred to life then that the policy of taking n lot op t-Idid- ly financiers, whoso facilities Had b-.en worn out by years of ^-'arduous work. <-.nd putting them In charge of (he affaiis i.l great corporations, merely on nc,count of (heir accumulated wisdom, Was ,u fundamental mistake, Mon In the ttnun cial world, do not retain their liental vigor its late iu life as men who follow other avocations In this country. The pace is too hot it sooiuti to mo It might tw tho part of wisdom to put yoilfigcr uien on the bdamU of direction In th.- big eorapArilea Hlsceitaln tii-.t tls- stockholder.i deserve more protectl.., than they receive under the present r.yv tem.--Uiak- ly Bull hi Brooklyn Eagle .-of the Jler. hod quite coco while at earner lied been tt'tWfrgo at 'V..lviirpb6l , n’-Vd arrived at that ■'e-rbvoliition had conscdv All large ,,ueli As the timber, wore coimf^jjod to remain out, !ii'tile Hutemr Aj/res Roadp which is; about fouitcAn tj'uilas from. the TJie luiisters qujartered .themsel,yos.tir. the different lioj} <: i fli most of- Jhi-lr business we.s dfiiie ashofr untiidhe ■ es selp A-oie huid'ed.or dlscjtfttspd. ( .s.tJu: ■ caselinppcnwd to tjk- > v f- On Mayl/somc iitye trouble agiuo arose bet when the rebel# And tlfp gov -■rnmont q[ud Ariother revolution' wus hreutenm, .' Tlu> troops began to I'm nt nil riVbelu, tuel withinasboi-t wi de firing w,i»ageneral on oil sides. Captain Pritchetr-I was a'nxtous io see whet' ,v»s going ) on throughout the, town, tipd ' "I ..dt..g_A */ , . . moniYIcrpil slowly, in- tho diivi-tiou of the ju-seiial Befdre he had gotten fur. hov.-ever, he was captured by 'two sol. /“ dicirs aua led, at tho point of the ti .yi* not, to the arsenal / lie was glvoma Winchester rlfie, au;l, to "• - - ' y command of the olfipirs In . chnr,-;o was compelled; to Join itlie'ihV* crowd. tYltiimit much oom pin hit, blit a great deal of nervous dissatiipAetkuj, hu .begun popping away at every oh joet In the shapo of a men who wvrital'j wltlitn range of the aipulipl. Hen, If: I was-kept at work ‘with his rille .' f-ri* 1 ^, In all its branche three hours, when he was rullevid oit-i' a picket |mt on gpard. An opportunity presented itself, A£d Captain Pritchard slipped around tin wall and escaped from In's captors lid " ‘ mii thi, NEATLY, were miabto to cheek -. Headlong speed, And many .it - number went over the bank And * away, while tho exhausted rambling upoii tho ground. ... joujts later,, .lib.wever. I,.- ed his cabin hi'safety, and In a had fully recOVerod from the that terrible .rhle for liter- tlio iiiOsT*t**ttaofdlnary ono In mke record of flieht-eltt : ^ >'r life was one of remarkable tires, ami now, n mon of suporloi ranee, although nearly sixty years I ago, ho ratklcs nt Mnoso lake, Minn here Ids life Is still a sllrring mid jltftil one. •- Yankee Blade. Nut » Mu»|nlnn. h-'.One-,o[' Ohlengo's young men had V 'bocn uaSjilg.dit one of 'Chletigo'a yenny P, todies ter .\ time, Tlio-young lady I,ns ‘ a littleAnother, and a few Suudayaago ; thu little- i..-othermid the edmhvi of sister del i left In each othor’s so '‘{Uety. “Why don't you brlngyonr vlo i rite with you some timet" asked the brother. "1 have no ytolin, my-.lltile man,"., said.the admirer of the sister. -' "Pa tblqks yon have," added thu boy . ‘.'‘Whut did he say l" asked tbo lover, ,. “thatshows be thinks 1 have a violin?" “Why," Add the over Innocent youth; ■“I heard him toll ilia that he guossed you were fiddling around after some -Hhrawil I-rlsensrs (lot Away. There la a good story of an escape from prison that was effected by two prisoner., of war. Getting control of u pair of cutlasses, they beguiled a sen tteel lit guard relieving and presently Jumped from the wall Ono disloeuted lit, onklo, and begged Ula companion tu dispatch him and make his own ceciijK-. Tho companion, however, hoMed’-lilm on his back, and bnforo the alarm w .s sounded reachud a neighboring rlye.- running full of too. This ho had to swim with his disabled friend. Head Ing the othor side, thoy toahionod a rude crutch. ’** .They now heard flic almm sonndin;:, on which tho well csoape cut* his fl-ig.-r. smCats Ills face with blood, binds up bis heed, has Ills hands tied by the, lame one, end In this plight they up proacli n farmhouso. Here tlio lame ono explains that lie has token.the cs .cape, but Is himself laiue Aud requin- r hprsea. Theiwi aro ciieorfully fumiriu..'. by the loyal huebandjnuu, and the puli ride gayly beyond the enemy’s Hues. Now York Evening Bun. , A Ciirlog* Clieniinnl Anhmuly. An astonishing result woii reacbed hy Dr. Ulehard’uon, tho English;, expert physiologist. In somo expcriwAnis on tlio reiphxtion of animals confined hi pure oxygon, Iu most "cabas a Ufafrly How -of fresh oxy gen rendered tiie uni lUiilH conllnedrinit exoitedand feverish, and none wore quieti»i or made slebpy. When, however,. Mio oiyggii, after linv. Ing been piissodonoethrough theeham bors containingj'tbe aniiimb, was cub Icoted, purified nnd.again used. All the warm bloodod animals, .snch; as (logs, cute, guinea pigs, rabbits,’ etoi, .became drowsy and ten quietly . asleep; and, whon tho gns wns again used after an other purification, tlia sleep be(uime deeper and somo of tho aniraato .soon died. The roxygon appeared chemically pure ut each tlmo of using, and the oauso of Its romurkablo change to ef fect Is ns yet a mystery. Whether Some peculiar modification of oxygen, takes place during respiration, or whether tlio toxin properties are duo to some ue tlvC product of respiration which iuis escaped detection to tlie inhaled gas, is a problem w.hiolt will doubtless be studied with much Interest,—St. I,ouls Uopnblie. Trok tlio (lenten. Bo’s coachman tor a North Side torn' Uy. Iki app.treutlj- knows all there b to kno-.v about a horse, and when t, gete.nn tho tK.i ,v!;h his livery on a lire engine wouldn’t make bin, thrn lie* vohlclo an eighth of an Inch. Bo l» «, dignified that tut Is almost nwo hi..; '-- tog. Ho Is a edachtuau witli «;i rAc trimmings. He eanu- into the lum- a day or two ago shortly after brt-uU fast And raid lie wbuid like, to go away for an hour or two. ‘t want to. take some clothes to i shop to bo luunded," lie said. “Oertulnly. Jifracs,’; assented his etu - plpycr. , ' won’t ho gone long,” ho said ape! ogetlcnlly. “AU right.” “And; l wont tiro the horses, so fi you want then: later’’—£ "The horses?"'exclaimed the head id the huiiso., “For heaven’s sake, bpi. far Is It'f" "Only a short dlstanee, sir, amt I !i bo careful-to keep them fresh.” "But whut do you want them for.?" “Bo awkward to carry a bundle, so- Tlien It looks bad. People would s-iy "There goes Brown's coaohnian >v|“ the week's washing.'. It wouldn't do the family any good, sir. ’’ Then Brown dropped his inornir.-g paper, gasped, mid finally said: “Allrlghtl Take’em. Do you want A footman too?” - Chicago Trlbdne, had gotten but a few yards'from pluco when he hoard some grape whiz by him and upon looking mom-1 tie saw two guns being used at the head ol the street to keep, It clem- Captain Prltehm-d, wrlthoiit niubii cer-- mouy. dropped himself info a three foot gutter, and there i-omalued wri tho water streaming over hiin far about an hour, when the firing ceased. After that.overling tho captain did not trust hiumcl/ for from the hotel ‘until his steamer sailed. ' ri He Wild hu fought hard, but ho Ins not learned whether tie was a govern meut soldier or a rebel, and lie wasn't curious ehongli, to ask. — Baltimore American. QUICKLY, CHEAPLY OOOOOCCIC' _9 . 'JO o C..C' o : c. EXECUTED ■ o&cT'dQ ■:&£s3£££3.?. . Xli© Woaien Outulnct<»r». Dlokons certainly made a mistake when ho created Mteawber of tho ni.-w cnllno persuasion... “Waiting for some thing to'tilrn up" is u foiulnino oliaii tcrlstlp. And after all, Isn’t it true that “all tliliip-i ,vime to those wiru j waitr Tjicy do turn up for woman if she waits'lbng enougb. Today, after -at’t waiting.forty years, she hoholdfi 400 on ciipntloliii dpeh j to lmr. Forty years' Tlio Oof'i KAtne. “Wliat Is your (log's name?” asked » man who won waiting at (he postofU)-,-. of n youug follow with a particularly bright dog. “Ask btnii" answered the young fill. low-eooUy. “You don’t seem to nnderstand, sir. I asked you what weiayour dog’s nautri ?' And T ansvyhreJ^SMtffiC^ risollwtl fur Sutraco Bollroad.. A very Important improvement to tlio street railway business box been invent ed by Capt.dn M. A. Cutter, of Alle gheny. ft Is an appliance thq, ear for throwing a switch, and which can bo liandied by,the grip man or motor mau without compelling him to stop or get out of tho car. The car etui bo going at mil speed and make a switch without slowing up or causing any Im-onvoulenco to the rnau who throws tho switch. The oontrivanoo Is a very simple and inexpensive one. Anotlierlmprovement which Mr. Cut ter has innrio Is In the running gears. By touching a lever the entire ear can be swuug around upon tbo wheels and started backward. There is, abuse quent ly, but ono motor needed for e:t«li oar, and in this way tho cost of (-quip ping a ijnglo car is reduced to about one-half.. A brake has also beeil in ■ Vontod by 5fr, Cutter by which the cm- limy be held white being leu-rsod.— New York Telegram. Habit from tliu Uuiigson* Qonvicts who wore forced to drug about a ball and chain at the galleys could often bo detected, when released by their habit of trailing ono foot aftei the other. John Boylo O'flelliy, con demned to convict life In AustnUrn tei tils Fenian sympathies, had also in of tv: years n habit whloh told a like; story. Bays ft friend In his roci-nt "IJfe": Wlieu walking abstractedly and me shanically he always went a short dis Voice and then retraced his steps, no matter how wide a stretch he bad be fore him. It was always threo paces forward, torn and three paces back, exactly like (ho reeth-sa turning of a lion In a cage. Ono day f asked him “Boyle, wlmt was the length of your cell when you were In prison? Hoiv many paees?'' “Throe," ho said; “why do you ask?" “Because, when you arc absentminded you erf way# walk -tlirriv paces forward and then rolraeo yoin steps.” ngo sho did not, need' movo than one hand to count all tbo things sho was allowed to do for a living. But one of tbo things sho never did expect llos tamed up, and tills Is tho woman street ear eonfluctor. She gives perfect satisfaction, thoy Say,, and sho Is certainly picturesque film wears a bluo Ilannel uniform, a big Panama straw hot and a long '.white plnaforo with frills and liinumcrabib pookc-ts. Id tho pockets sho oc'rrit-* tickets and oh.-.iigc-, while strapped over her shoo Ido/- sho curries a sinull leather bag In which are the surplus money and tickets. -Sho hands I,ho passenger who pays ills faro a yellowtleket, which ho Is supposed to destroy. For oil that aro uilsslng sho must hand over the money. If tiloro lie any siioean't ueoount .fot, the nionoy .Is deducted from her wsxres of twenty-five dollars a month. Ol course tiff# Is net in New York, but It- may oomo some day, sinoo women liavo begun to enter service on tlio elevated roads in Brooklyn. It is Ir. Chili tllfit tho woman conductor flourishes. After tlio war with Pern thoro was a surplus of women that hod to be r.tiJixed, so they became, among other Ibings. street oar conductors. —New York lie Border. Job; Offies W.«-ar^! prepared, tp pi im any- tliii,'* frpm a; visiting card to'a maiivm.'th poster. New. resses, New Type and Skilled Piiuters do tlif work. ' mopey " m Iter going is a true story. nrfl •“> imperlteont snob,” raid, th.i sequel to wliich i oerwaj.fg fljlflbv.-^.CiW’ Io tho lover aim ider man, brandishing bis am “My dear sir, tho dog's nruuo .ja.'Ask, him,”’ vx/ lainod the youth as hs're treated to r. >afo distance.— Detroit Fret- press. : < r :r ] ■ ' '"Sta-ioi mrarPTO-Th” of tab jiresent time ; • -wdly sis acres, ky-vlhc mOrtno Hd Thoujht Xt ITfti Frpo. A reporter; of tender ag# fouml' the doors of a banquet hall looked against him the other night and knocked for admittance. Somebody let biin lu.n*-' knoxttagwjyi ho was, ru?cl he took thy Rvcf Aanf l«n m-inlft flhil t JWUJtlcat}’ a QmvsMou €»l’Otojtrjtphy. 1 walk along tlui stream and amuso myself liy t ilting note of the bathers. They see uotlliog wrong in tholr ac tions, mid I note there Is nothing really luuuodesi, bold or indecent about them. They tnluk nothing'wrong to families and friends bathing together,' arid, aftcr.all, 1 have again forced upon toe tliu fooling that niridesty wid immodesty ore matters <>f custom aiid fashion, and run tarh'.nded of a little maiden hi •fteypt who, upon seeing mo hppfoneli.., coveicl Jifti- with her skirt that she might modestly hide it from the eyes ol “ TIil Japanese are inmauy .JP are in most things more polite and v - ro fined. Still;'until lately, the se*‘ra Color* Infltiouo® lnsriuo People. Colors inflnenco not oniy cattle, but human beings also. On this polut some curious expo.-ienees aro ■ ropert-vl from Italy as to tlio effect of color on the nerves of tho sick and tlio insane. In tho hospital for tho insano at Atessan dria spcctu! rooms aro arranged with red or blue glass in tho windows, am also rod or blue point on tho walls. A violent patient is brought suddenly Into a blue room aud loft to tho effect: oi that color bn Ills ueryes. Ono mankie was cured In an hour ; anollior was :! poaco in his mind after passing .a i):r to a room of violet. Tho red room is used for .tlio eommohost term of lie mentitt—melancholy'rf usually accoiu panied hy A refusal to fako fond. Aftm three houm in thp red room n paUeiit etnicted iu Ulis ivay'tegiuY tO-kfl.C’.lt'vi- fulandssKed for food.—Detroit-I.Fri-e Press, Split tho IMTorcnco. An old farmer entered tho grocery and asked, “"Whut’s sti-awb'ries, Zeb?"' “Mov y’got some?” .“That depends.” “Eight for good ones. ” “X met. old Brown yest’day; said bo 'lowed they'd bo 'bortt nine." “No, eight," “Couldn't make it nine, &!:, could y'?” “Not now, Joe. Berries Is oombi' in right fast now’davs." '' Will y’ split ilia difference? Man ay’ll feel ent up 'bout it anyway. She 'lowed they’d bo nine." “XIow many y’ got?" “Three quarts, and they’re 'Wilson’s •evdUnV and ’s'gopd ns'y’ over cluppf-d eyes on.” "''Wall, I’ll do It, sceto’ it’s you, Joe. Briog.’em to.”—Chicago,Mail." We make a speckiitv pi Commercial Printing, and keej. V a good supply ol" stationery .iu , stock. ' Orders by mail promptly at tended to, and prices arid work guaranteed. .n»V.V;ri, bus. ertr i.iu»it«. ri'C?ry," said -the. ypung ’' " . .. won’t do.”; - y«r’v. ' f.ten' iue v r muirl ahi-, . •tu :llt((vd Care (or Cancer. Professor Itbsander, of Stoefile.lm', claims he lias found a clu-s for (ru, r. According to his statement lie haacm-r i four cases of this dissaso by tbo Incu-:. tettb'n bf 'th# patients with some of Ills own invciitteu. His experiments woro varied In so far as 'th# place !-. which the fluid was injfietad is con, earned, for two of tho patients wore inoculated to tho breast and two in the face—Philadelphia Ledger. run Euonxli. . mm ’ f^ipK • “Jle is aging very rapidly, ls ho “Well—at ' tho usual rate- i " tb't the minute.”—J .ns- ,