Newspaper Page Text
VOL. 9.
NO 35
Business In the City wu Practically Sus-
peaded. Pew Honaea Opening Their Doors
at All—Beautllol Fireworks Display Wit-
nessed Last Night. - ,
From Thursday’s Herald.
Albany's first Christmas of the SOth
century proved, in the main, to be a
very quiet one. Little occurred to
make it different from most Christmases
of ,the past ten years, nor was there ofIrongroy . I„ fact, it ,s related^that
! several nights ago in Sandy Bottom, an
I employe of one of the reilroads encoun-
la Trouhllap Employes of the Railroad Yards.
Several Shots Fired at Him.
The yard employes of the railroads
centering in Albany are for the present
maintaining an arsenal of no mean
dimensions, and all go about their dally
and nightly work "loaded for trouble."
The canse of this appeal to firearms is
a series of more or leas exotting encount
ers with a strange man in the railroad
yards, extending over a perion of sev
eral weeks..
This individual is described as tall and
active, and is said to wear a false beard
anything to mar the day.
The weather was more like that usu
ally experienced on the nation’s birth-
tered the mysterious party and snooeed-
day than, at Christmas. The air was ed ln enatohlng off hl „ heavy beard .
', and many persons an.
ier raiment. Ho furs or
;o be seen, and the little
mi Santa Clans had
to abandon his sled and reindeer down
in this seotlon of the country, making
the trip in some sort of enchanted auto
mobile or airship.
There had been no agreement am _ng
the merchants of the city relative to
closing ttielr places of business, but not
many stores were open dnring the day.
Some threw open their plnces for a few
hours during the morning, but ln tho
afternoon practically all business instl-!
tutions were dosed. The railroads
operated no freight trains, and the
freight depots were not open to the pub
lic. All the banks, the poetoffice, court
house offices and other jmblio institu
tions were closed.
Throughout the day', however, there
were large orowds on tt& streets, and it
was at all times a lively'jjrowd. There
were no disturbances, the crowd prov
ing a very orderly oue, ahd everybody
waslnthe beBt of humor, As was to
have been expected, there was some
over-indulgence in afdent spirits, but
comparatively fpw i»)tf?Aicated perjjfy*
were seen on the strelts.
Last night, there was a splendid dis
play of fireworks in the city. The fire
works line brought out this season by
local dealers was larger than usual, and
trade was good Monday, Tuesday and
yesterday. It would bo interesting to
know how many hnndred dollars were
burned up in Jlast night’s display alone.
The poor of the oity were not forgot
ten. Money, food and clothing had
been collected by several committees,
and were distributed where it was
thought they would do the most good.
The nnmnsked masqnerader succeed in
escaping, however, beard and all.
The stranger has been operating tn
the yards for Borne time. Several oars
have been broken open, we understand,
but little, if any, f property has been
stolen. This is probably due in a large
measure to the watchfulness of the yard
employes. On several occasions shots
have been fired at the supposed car
breaker, but he seems to bear a ohariued
life. At any rute, no oue has snooeeded
in hiding him yet.
Ti e railroad men are considerably
worked up over tho matter, and deolare
that, sooner or later, they will capture
their man.
Yesterday morning, Offioers Kemp
and Haley arrested n man who was seen
on the streets wearing a long gray
beard, which upon, examination proved
to be false. It was thought that an im
portant capture had been made, but it
subsequently developed that the pris
oner was a citizen of an adjoining
county, and was merely "masquerading
for fun." He readily established his
innooenoe of any crime, and was re
New York, Deoember 20.—Edgar B.
Maolay, who refused to resign as
special laborer in the office of the gen
eral storekeeper at the navy vard, was
summarily discharged today. Maolay
went to the navy yard as usual and pre
pared to resume his duties. Pay Direc
tor Putnam went to Maolay’s desk and
read him the telegram of dismissal re
ceived from Washington yesterday and
told him he was dismissed. Maolay left
the yard Immediately and said he would
return at the usual time tomorrow pre
pared to go to work.
Farmers Lose
Hfsvily by the
The Herald has already reported the
seriouB injnry to the oat. crop ln this
region by the recent freeze, and it will
be seen from the following from the
Amerious Times-Recorder that the con
ditions in the country around Amerious
are about the same:
There is no doubt now that the oat
crop in this county has been dadly in
jured if not killed outright by the re
cent freeze. The orop planted in Oc
tober and November was the largest in
One Negro Met Death at Another’s Hands.
Sboallng Probably Accidental.
Meagre details of a fatal shooting at
Pretoria, iu West Dougherty, the site of
the Red Cypress Lumber Company’s big
plant, have reaohed the oity.
The killing ooourred on Tuesday, and
was probably accidental. The two prin
cipals were on iriend'y terms, and had
had no qnarrel prior to the tragedy.
One had a loaded shot gan, it seems, and
while standing or walking with it npon
his shoulder, accidentally discharged it.
The foil load struok the darky who was
standing immediately in front of the
muzzle of the weapon, prodnolng al
most instant death. The slayer came to
Albany and gavu himself up to the
authorities, aud is now in jail. No
coroner’s inquest was held.
The negro who was killed was named
Malaohai Taylor, the negro who did the
Bhooting being named Bob Miller.
■ |
When Officially Notified this Morning that
Ha Had Beta Dlicharged, Ha Lett tba
Navy Yard, But Said Ha Would Rttura
Tomorrow Morotng and Report tor Daly.
He la Hard to Shake Oil,
Civil Service Commlnlon Notifies Him That
His Dismissal Is No Violation of Law.
.Washington, Deo; 20.—The Civil Ser
vice Commission today notified Edgar
P. Mnrlay, t’*e historian reoently em*
ph».VPd at the Brooklyn Navy Yard,
that his removal from his position at
that point was not in violation of the
oivil service aot. This notification was
contained in a letter written to Maclay
by Piesident Proctor of the commission,
and is in reply to an inquiry from him.
When the Offending “Historian" Refused to
Reilgn He Won Kicked Out.
Washington, Deo. 25.—Secretary Long
has discharged Edgar Struton Maolay
from his position as Bkillfnl laborer ),
the Brooklyn navy yard, Mr. Maola-
Christmas Wedding In Brunswick at Much
Intercut Hare.
From Thursday’s Herald.
■ The marring t of Mias Mary Elite
Goodyear to Mr, W. Eugene Mitoholl,
whloh was solemnized at the Episoopal
ohnroh in Branswiok yesterday, was a
sooial event of mnoh interest ln this
oity aud seotion.
The wedding was a beautiful one, oo-
onrring at noon. After the oeremony,
the bridal party and a large number of
guests assembled at tbe spacious home
of the bride's father, Ool, Goodyear,
where an elegant lnnoheon waa served.
Miss Goodyear is oue of Brunswlok'a
moat beautiful and attraotlve daughters.
She hen visited ln this city, where she
made a host of friends, and won the
heart of him who led bertothe altar
Mr. Mltohell Is one of Albany’s sterl
ing young men. He ooonpies a respon
sible position with the hardware estab
lishment of R. 0, Eatman, and is one of
the most effloient young business men
loathe oity. He 1b from one of tho most
prominent families in tilts seotlon, bis
grandfather, Ool. Nelson Tift, having
been the founder of Albany.
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell will remain at
the Goodyear home on' a honse party
nntil January 1st, when they will come
to Albany, The heartiest of weloomes
a id the warmest congratulations from
t’-eir hosts of friends await them here.
Among the Albanians who attended
thp wedding wore Misses Olara, Jean
nette and Maria Mltohell, Miss Julie
T ft, Messrs. Nelson Mitoholl, Nelson
Tift ard James T. Mann.
C ireotb Annua) Convention Begins at Co.
lumbla, S. C.
a p
. . . . . * . . _ JW x Educational Association holds its
having refused to resign when requester:^/ •
Eighty-Seven Turkeys Distributed—No Cbrlst-
maa Tree.
Washington, Deo. 14.-Eighty-seven
years and the loss of it will be severely : b -^ were distributed from the
felt by the farmers of Sumter. Several Honse w licemeni me sseogers,
of them who came to Amerious yester-
day expressed the belief that the orop ushers, servants, gardeners and stable,
had been killed. Should this be true, as 1 '
feared, it would be a oalamity indeed,
to do c—
Mr. Maolay is author of a naval his-
torv, and in its-lBst volnme sharply crit
icised Admiral Schley and denounced
him as a caitiff, poltroou and coward.
Secretary Long’s notion was taken by
direotion of the president, nnd followed
a conference between the president and
tho s eoretary, who took to the white
honse with him a letter from Maolay in
response to the request for IiIb resigna
tion sent by the seoretary last Saturday.
In his letter Maclay submitted that he
eonld not be removed or be compelled to
resign withont definite charges being
made against him, and withont having
an opportunity to answer those oharges.
Although the civil service rales give
employes of the pnbllo service the op
portunity of answeiinp charges that
may be preferred against them, the
president exercised his prerogative in
the present instance and directed Ma-
clay’e removal, it being held that the
latter was aware unofficially if not
otfioially of the reasons whioh actuated
the exeontive in taking the oonrse de
termined upon.
as the high prioe of oorn and feedBtnff
will oost the formers dearly next spring.
Only Those Having Important Business Will
Be Seen.
Washington, Deo. 26.—The White
Honse will remain olosed until New
Year’s day. Only those having urgent
and important business wi'l be seen by
the President dnring the coming week.
Mrs. Roosevelt and children, with Dr.
Rixey, sailed down the Potomao this
afternoon on a bunting tour.
men today with the compliments of the
The program at the White Honse to
morrow will follow the onstom of the
family in former years. There will be
no Christmas tree, as a tree has never
been a part of Christmas celebration in
the Roosevelt family. The ohildren,
however, will hangup their stookings
and will arise early to visit them,
Six Bodies Recovered.
Lvierpool, Deo. 24.—Six bodies have
been recovered from the Hangle station
tunnel. These apparently represent the
total number of deaths resulting from
the burning of tbe eleotrio train yes
terday on the overhead railroad.
The Halcyon German club will give a
dance on the night of the 81st, when
the young people of the city will dance
ont the old and dance in the new year.
Consuls Make an Appeal to the Embas
Constantinople, Dec. 24.—Assassina
tion and the pillaging of villages and
ontraging of the inhabitants have so in
creased recently in Macedonia that the
consuls have appealed to the embassies
to pnt a stop to Buoh orimes. The for
eign ministers have made urgent repre
sentation to the perte of the danger of
permitting a oontinuance of sooh acts.
Lots of people are seen wearing neto
cravats, Bcarf pins, watoh ohains and
oharms, and dozens of other little re
minder* that Christmas has just passed. |the world the day oemmemorates,
Merlon Silver to Bear Ratio of $2.10 is $1 of
American aold.
Manila, Deo. 20.— It was publloly an
nounced today that the ratios for tbe
first quarter of 1U02 would be 12.10 Mex
ican Bilverto one Amerioan gold dollar.
General Wright, acting olvll governor,
says that, though unsatisfactory, this is
tbe only solution of the matter tho com
mission thought possible. He hopes for
early action by congress on the snbjeot.
Declares Today and Tomorrow to Be Holl
Chicago, Deo. 24.—Following the
usual Christmas onstom, the Ohioago
board of trade has deelared today and
tomorrow holidays.
Christmas Services.
From Thursday’s Daily Herald.
One of the most delightful Christmas
services e zer held iu the oity waa that
at St. Paul's’, ohnroh yesterday morn
ing. . The ohnroh was beautifully decor
ated, the prinolpal decoration being an
elaborate road harbor of .green cedar.
The usual Ohristmaa servioe of the
Episcopal ritual was read, audita beauty
was enhanced by the Beautiful mnsio,
which was under the direotion of Prof.
Von Hafe.
Mr. Wright never spoke in happier
vein than yesterday, and his sermon
was full of beauty and pathos. Every
one who heard this Christmas sermon
will remember it, and its lessons will
long leave their impress upon their
minde on hearts.
The ^congregation was large for a
Christmas gathering and'all were glad
that they had spent a part of the day in
worshiping Him whose coming into
/bolnmbla, 8. O. Deo. 20.—The South-
Ednoational Association holds lt>
: ^Joventh annual convention here toeja ,
the opening Beseion being sohednled to
open at 8 o’clock tonight. The State
convention will continne in session Fri
day and Saturday. Geo. R. Glenn,
Sohool Commissioner of Atlanta, pres
ident of the association, arrived this
morning and many other delegates are
expeoted dnring the day,
, T03STES <S5OOZMIIF’.A.irsr-^'
i Discount
In order to quickly dispose ol all lines of Holiday
Novelties, and reduce our regular stocks of China and
Silverware before inventor}, we offer : : : : : :
25 Per Cent. Discount
Op Fapcy Gbipa*
Faijcy Goods,
Dolls, Toys. Etc. ^
10 Per Gent. Discount}
Or) Gut Glass, , \
Silver Novelties,
Sterling and Plated 2
Silver Tableware, j
Plain White Cbioa \
apd Cbipa Dipper ^ets.
J This offer holds good until January 4th, inclusive. An excel-
A lent opportunity to beautify the home at little cost.
| Qreen Trading Stamps With All Casli Purchases.
| Hofmayer, Jones & Co.
Be Member of Peece Conference of
Labor sod Capital.
New York, Deo. 20.—Former Presi
dent Cleveland has accepted an appoint
ment to the industrial department of
the National Civic Federation oreated at
the reoent peace conference of labor and
capitalist leaders.
Ed, L. WightS Co
Will Be Inducted Into Office Vncnted by Res-
Ignsllon ot Secretary Otic Some Time In
Lsrge Carlo Leaven Pensacola for Bremen
Penaaoola, Fla., Deo. 20.—The British
steamship Oayo Bonita sailed this after
noon, for Bremen wlth.a cargo of 14,850
bales of ootton. This Is the second
largest oargo ever leaving here. It is
valued at *887,403.
Establishing tbe Modun Vivendi
Chill and Argentina.
Santiago, Do Chili, Deo. 28.—The
protocol eetabliahing the modus Vivendi
between Chill and Argentina was signed
yesterday. The text will be given to
the pnbllo here and at Buenos Ayres to
morrow. The public feeling is satisfied
and all Is transqnil.
Washington,^ Deo. 25.—It was an
nounced authoritatively this evening
that Governor Leslie M. Shaw, of Iowa,
wonld be ‘ appointed fsecretary of the
treasury to succeed Seoretary Lyman J.
Gage. There will be no change in the
office of seoretary of agrloultnre, Secre
tary Wilson, also of Iowa, continuing
to retain that portfolio.
The date of tbe transfer of the treas
ury department will depend on the mn-
tnal convenience of the ontgolng and
Incoming seoretary, Mr. Gage having
signified an entire willingness to remain
at the head of his department nntil snoh
times as it may be agreeable to his suc
cessor to hold. It is supposed, however,
that Governor Shaw will be Inducted
Into bis new office some time in Janu
ary. It has been known for two or
three days that Governor Shaw was
slated for appointment to succeed Seo
retary Gage, bat It was not until today
that the Iowa exeontive accepted the
tender made to him.
1 H"
$$$&$'[ .V
Too Late
* ■
to tbifik or intranet* when tho house ir
in flumes The time to conntder it is all
the time pro Iona to that.
And wo cun help you to reach a do*
oision cj, to the amount of
to be placed on business premises, stock,
residence, fnrnitnre, etc., and the best-
companies to plaoe it with.
A Seat In the New York Stock Exchange
Sells for $80,000.
New York, Deo. 28.—A new record
prioe for a seat in the New York Stook
Exchange was established today by a
sole at *80,000.
Ijoflitl ReMlpti of tho N«w Crop to Date
The Market Here and Elsewhere.
Oar market today was steady.
Good middlings
Low Middlings
Good Ordinary.
RECEIPTS and shipments.
Sock on hand Sept. 1
Reo'd Saturday by wagon... 440
Reo’d previously by wagon.80841—80781
Reo’d by rati Saturday. 30
Reo’d previously by rail..... 40008—10728
Total 78088
Shipped yesterday 197.
Shipped previously 60205—00463
„ _ Cashier.
Asa’t Cashier.
The Commercial Bank,
Albany, Ga.
Accounts of flank*. Merchant* amt
Individual* Solicited.
Destroyed by fire...
Stook on hand....,,,
g0r tfpeclnl attention given to Collec
tion*. Wo. remit on day of payment.
For Rent or Lease.
Whitehill plantation, in West Dpngherty.
Four mules and corn. A party with i
perience with fruit preferred. - -
20-dlw-wlt; L. E. WE