Newspaper Page Text
$1.50 Blankets,
with Girts, $1.25
$2.00 Blankets,
with Girts, $1.65
S. B. BROWN ft CO,
A large lot of Lap
Robes cheap.
Suggestion i
It U Midi | Misdemeanor lo Employ or Coo-
tract with a Teaaot or Cropper who la
Under Contract wllh Another—Pull Text
ol the Meaeure In Which Parmere are
A bill of lmportance'nnd one of gen
eral interest to the fanners of the state
was passed by the late legislature, and
has been signed by the governor. It is
a measure introdenoed by Mr. George,
of Morgan county, to protect farmers In
their contracts with laborers, tenants or
orbppers, and Its purpose Is to oorreot
an evil of long standing.
On account of Its wide interest, we
give the fnll text of the George bill.
It will bo noted that nnder the
third seotion of the measure an affidavit
may be required of the employee, tenant
or. cropper nnd if a false affidavit is
given tlie party giving it becomes liable
to prosoontion for false Bwearing. The
George bill is as follows:
An uot to make it unlawful for any
person to employ, or contract w ith as
teuant or cropper, any person nnder
oontraot with another; to provide cer
tain penalties, defense!, and for other
purposes. *
Section 1. Be it enacted by the gen
eral assembly of Georgia Rnd it Is hereby
unacted by anthoritv of the same, That
when the rotation of employer and em
ployee. or of landlord ami tenant of
npridnltarsl lands or of land owner and
cropper. Inis been created by written
contract duty ex-rated before an officer
authorized to administer oaths, it shall
be uu lawful l'or any person tinring the
life of said contracr, made and entered
Into ip the manner above prescribed, to
employ or to rent lauds to, or to fnrnish
lands to be cropped by said employ
•tenant or cropper or to disturb in any
way said relation, without first obtain
ing tho written consent of said em
ployee, landlord or land owner as the
cafe may be.
Boo. a Be It fnrther enaoted by the
authority aforesaid, That any one
violating the provisions of the foregoing
section shall, at the option of the party
alleged to have been ir- jnred, be prose
cuted ns for a misdemeanor, and upon
conviction punished as provided in seo
tion 10110 of tho penal code, or he shall
bo liable in damages to said alleged In-,
jured party ub follows t 1. In case of
employer and employee, the d images
ahull not be less than doable the amo inf
of wages or salary for tho eutire puled
of 1 a liar-
In selecting holiday gifts for friends and family, remember this:
That an article which can render some service to its owner is of vastly
greater value, and will be much more truly appreciated, than some
gilded trinket or costly fad of the day.
We respectfully submit that nowhere can you hope to find so
many useful articles appropriate for Christmas gifts as in an up-to-date
furniture and housefurnishing establishment.
Here’s a short list. Look it over. It does riot begin to tell one-
half the story of what we have to offer.
of uuid contraot. 3. In case
lord and tenant or of land owner and
cropper, the damages i hall not be less
than doable the annual rental value of
the lauds rented or uropped, said value
to bo fixed at 1,000 ponndi of middling
lint aotton to the plow.
Sen. II. Bo it fnrther enaoted by the
authority aforcsn d, That in addition
to other defenses in both civil and crim
inal cases arising under the provisions
of this act. shall be good and sufficient,
when proved in every itom to the satis-
faotion of tho jury, to-wit:
1. For the defendant to show that
prior to the alleged violation of this act,
saio employee, tenant or cropper, as the
case may be, had for good reasons and
jnst canse abandoned his said oontract
and terminated the relation oreated
2. For the defendant to show as a
complete defense all of the following
facte, to-wit: That prior to the employ
ing or otherwise contracting with said
employee, tenant or cropper, be received
from said employee, tenant or eropper
an affidavit to thi **
Moquette and Smyrna Rugs,
(Aiwortod sizes and newest patterns.)
Oak and Rattan Rockers,
Morris Chairs,
Children’s Chairs.
e effect that said em
ployee, tenant or eropper was not at the
time under a prior exiling oontraot,
which affidavit defendant-shall show to
the eonrt, and that immediately on proof
that said employee, tenant or cropper
was nnder contract defencant disebaged
him, and refused to permit and did not
permit him to remain on bis (defend
ant's) (remises. Whenever in a suit for
the recovery of damages the defendant
shall urge his defense saecessfally, he
shall have Judgment against the plaintiff
for all costs and reasonable attorney's
fees, and in oase of a like resnlt in the
prosecution of a criminal oase nnder the
provisions of this aot, the defendant
shall have a like Judgment against the
Seo 4. Be it fnrther enaoted by the
authority aforesaid. That the provii
of this ' '
China Closets and Sideboards in Elegant Patterns,
Center Tables,
French Plate Mirrors,
Ladies’ and Gents’ Desks and Cabinets,
And a Beautiful Line of Bedroom, Parlor and Li
brary Furniture.
Pocket Knives and Table Cutlery,
Coal Vases,
Fire Sets, Etc., Etc., Ad Irifiriitnm.
Can’t you get sonje.valuable, hints from this short list? If you
can, come and see us.
The Supreme Court Decldei a Cue ol Ii-
tereit to Mnolclpilltlss.
The following, from the Macon Tele
graph of thin morning, is of interact to
Albany bnolness men and to the mom-
ben of the Oily Connoll who have the
fixing of the annual llcenao ordinance.
The question decided by the Supreme
Court is one which has been a bone of
contention in Albany at different times
for a number of yean:
■The olty's delivery wagons must pay
a license. The Supreme Court of Geor
gia has settled the question by deoiding
In the oity's favor in tho teat oase
brought by Mr. Holmes Johnson, the
dealer. In the test, nearly all of the
ownen of delivery wagons were Inter
ested. Tho case was began in the re
corder's court lnBt Janaary, and it was
held that the tax mnst be paid. A cer
tiorari was taken to the Superior Court,
aud there the city won. An appeal was
then taken to the Supreme Ooart, and
again the olty won.
‘The nmonnt involved is abqnt (600.
Eaoh one-horse wagon or dray haa to
pay $16 per year, and oaohAwo-homo
conveyance need for the same purpose
must pay $H0 per annnm. On the 10th
of next January, license taxes on all
snoh business will again be doe. Bonds
have been made to secure payment In
allot the instanops where the ltoense
was not paid last January.
“The contention of the owners of the
delivery wagons was that the wagon
was a part of the business; that a coal
or wood dealer coaid not condnot his
business in this day and time without
delivery wagons, nnd that the merchant
mast have one or more in his business,
in ordor to compete with other mer
chants, and this being trne, the city had
no right to tax the business and then
impose an additional tax on tho wagons
need in the business.
“Alderman Morgan introdnoed inj
council an ordinance to exempt the I
wagons from the lloense. This waB done
soon after the fight commenced. He
was out-voted, however."
All Three Accldenti Hive Occurred In Steel
Worke—Thle Morning Boilers Exploded,
Injurlsg Mooy Workmen ond Doing
Orest Demege to Mill Properly,
Pittsburg, Deo. 31.—For tho third
time within 72 honn Pittsburg steel
workers have been killed by a torrifio
exploaion. Following on the heels of
the awfnl disasters at the Sopo fnrnaoe
of Jones & Langhl-n on Thursday and
at the Blame Diamond Steel Works yen-
terdny, the olty was shocked this morn
ing by the report of another explosion at
Singer Nlmtck's West End plant, in
whloh sev.n were scalded,, one badly
hurt and thirty othero slightly horned.
At 0:65 two of the battery of five boil,
ers exploded with terriflo fotce. The
soalding water played havoo among the
workers who hadjaot started In for the
day, while pleoes of the bo'left caused
great destrnotlon to the mill property,
The oause of the explosion is attrib
uted to fronon pipes whloh supplied two
boilers of the five with water. This
froze some time early this morning.
About stxto mon were at work whon
the boilers exploded.
Don't loot Thom Suitor.
Often children are tortured with itch
ing and bnrning eczema and other skin
diseases, bnt Bnoklen's Arnica Salvo
heals the raw sores, expels inflamma
tion, leaves the skin without a soar.
Glean, fragrant, oheap, there's no salvo
on enrth ns good. Try It. Onro guar
anteed Only 3Bo at Albany Drag Go.,
SJo-Davis Drag Co
A. J. Snell wanted to attend a party,
but was afraid to do so on account of
pains in his Btownuh, which he feared
wonld grow worse. He says, “I was
t-lliim my troubles to n Indy friend,
who said, (Chamberlain's Oollo, Cholera
aud Diarrhoea Remedy will put yon in
condition for the party.' I bought a
bottle and take pleasure in stating that
two doses cored me and enhbled me to
have a good time ut. th“ party." Ur
Snc’.i is a resident, of Summer Hill, N.
Y. This remedy is for sale by Albany
Dr a-; Go.
liny Burns l.iko Cotton,
The'attention of many porsons has
been dlreoted to the fant that smoke and
steam are still seen issuing from the
debris left by the fire whloh destroyed
Farkas’s stables eight days ago.
As was remarked In the Hbrald at
the time, there were many tons of hay
stored in the stables when the fire oo-
oarred. One pyramid of baled hay in
the northern Beotion of the bonding
contained abont TOO tons, and it was
there that the firemen had their harde-t
work. The fire ate its way deep do vn
into the pyramid, and try as they might,
the firemen could not extlngnish It. It
would not be possible to state how many
thousand gallons of water the depart
ment poured on the bnrning pile. A
line of hose was kept oat for several
days, and a large force of hands was
employed to move the hay with shovels
and pitchforks so that the imotilA>r|pg
blaze conld be reached and extinguished.
Ip view of all the efforts that have
oontinnea to bnro, and many persons
atop In the street to oomment bn the
ions of this aot shall not apply where the
employment given is of snoh duration
and of snch nature as to make it o-rtaic,
that it conld not resnlt in injury to the
plaintiff or proseention
Seo. 5 repeals all conflicting lawn.
spectacle of smoke and steam issuing
from a pile of hay whioh has been barn-
lng for eight days, and on whloh many
thousands of galloon of water have been
One small bottle of Hall's Great Dis
covery cures all kidney and bladder
. removes gravel, mures diabetes,
seminal emissions, weak and lame
books, rheumatism and all irregularities
of the kidneys and bladder in
ohlldron. If not sold by yonr druggist,
will be sent by mail on reoeipt of $1.00.
All bottle is two month's treat-
ment, and will cure any oase above
mentioned. Dn. E. W. Hall, sole man
ufacturer, St. Lonls, Mo., formerly of
Texas. Send lor testimonials. P. O. Box
Sold by Albany Drug Oo.
Ripley. Tenn., Jane 1,1901.
Dr. E. W. Hall, St. Lirais, Mo —Dear
Sir t Having tried various remedies
without satisfactory results, I was per
suaded to give yonr “Texas Wonder" a
trial. I lave used one. bottle, and,'al
though my oase is one of long standing
that baffled the skill of the best physi
cians, yet it yielded at once to “The
Texas Wonder,” whloh I heartily re
commend to all suffering from kidney
and bladder trembles.
Yonrs truly,
W. EL Brotox,
Pastor Baptist Ohnrob, Ripley, Tenn.
O. W. Boott, Plumber,
xe-d&w ot
'Phone 108,
Maxim Gorky, the Russian novelist,
is so popular with his countrymen that
on every possible oocaeion they give
him an ovation. Reoently, when he at
tended a theatrical performance, he was
oheeredso frantically by the andienee
that be stood np and shouted, “I am not
a ballet dancer nor a Yenns de Milo.
What are yon (taring at me for? Keep
yonr eye* on the stage.
Stood Poison
There is no poison so highly contagious^
so deceptive aud so destructive. Don't bf 1
too sure you are cured because nil external. -
ilgns of the disease have disappeared, and'
ilta rl/viinv snvn linn nr A mall M
the doctor says you ore well. ‘ Many p
sons have been dosed with Mercury a
Potash for months or years, and p
nounced cured—to realize when tool
that the disease was only covered up—
Uko Bogota mo.
out again, nnd to their sorrow ami tnotl
cation find those nearest and dearest t»
them have been infected by this loath
some disease, for no other poison ie-sor
surely transmitted from parent tc-ffiriid
os tills. Often a bad case of Rheumatism^
Catarrh, Scrofula or severe skin disease,
an old sore or ulcer developing in-middle
life, can be traced to blood poilCtt cou»-
Kriy Tho Sin of tho
in cany sn r\ - p, j
life, for it remains smoldering ht the s?**-
tem turever, unless properly- treated sad-
dri ven out in the beginning. S. S. S. i*
the only antidote for this virus,
tho only remedy known that can over
come it and drive it out of the blood, amt.
It docs this so thoroughly nntl'cffcctuiHly"
that there Is never a return of the disease:
to embarrass or humiliate you afterwards..
cures Contagious Mood
Poison in any nnd all.
stages; bOntallls nd
mineral to break dowtfc,
your constitution ; itia-.
purely vegetable and tH4 only blood puri-r
tier known that cleanses the blood nnd',
at the same time build* up the general. *
Our little book on contagious, blood 1
to embarrass or hut
j»ison is the most complete and. instruct ",
live ever issued; it not only'teils all >
about this discuss, hut also how to cure,,
.... - - H
yourself at home. It is free and nhoulil.
be in the lisml* of everydno keeking a.
cure. Send for It
Two Blitz and Several Joint Resolutions
Turned Down.
Atlanta, Deo 10.—Governor Candler
has vetoed tho bill passed by tho legis
lature to pay $117 to tho, widow of the
lato Adjutant Oenorul John Malntosh
Roll. Tbo governor gave as Ills reason,
that tho salary oi General Kell wns paid
np to the day of his death, and tho pay-
ment of this amount to his widow wonld
be a donation or grntnity whloh is pro
hibited nnder nrliolo 7, section It), Jinru-
grnph 1 of tho constitution, , Ho said lie
vetoed tho bill reluctantly,, drat nnder
the constitution thora was - no other
course. ■'" 1
The governor nlso vetoed the follow
ing resolutions on tho same ground :
To pay the pension of ' Wililam J.
Watkins, deoessed, to his children., ...
The pay the pension of H. S. Taylor,
deoeased, to Mrs. 8. fl. Taylor, 11
To pay the pension of Mrs Rnthy
Kitchens to her spn, Rivard. Kitchens.
To pay the pension of John T. Eng
land to his widow.
Gdvernoi- Oanriler vetoed trie blll'prb 1 /
witling for dispensaries In Webs'ter
e rapty,,because tho mcasurs pfrajitt^d,
t to establishment of dispensaries in .any
Incorporated town. Under this provis
if n, he skid;any {cross roads settlement
light become incorporated jnst to goto
ipensary. ... ,, ,
| The atorea of the olty have been
twded today with hundreds of shop-
pen. Many person* from thesnrronud-
been made to extlngnish the fire, there- 1 country have come in to do their
(ore, it is considered remarkable that it
f iristmaa shopping with Albauy mer-
ants, end no complaint is heard 7 of
dullness of trade.
Captain D. G..Parse, of Savannah,
has sent a eanot Georgia syrnp each to
the President end members of the Cabi
net, and the Atlanta Constitution spoils
ihe flavor of It by spelling it “nlrop.”
If Congressman Livingston gets all
the appropriations that he is asking for
Ms constituency he will have done bis
whole duty on the line of redndngthe
surplus in the government treasury.
When one farmer meets another now
he’s almost rare to ask, “How’s yonr
oatnP' _
- laved Bis Life.
“I wish to say that I feel I owe my
life to Kodol Dyspepsia Onre,” writes
H. 0. Ohrestenson, of Hayflpld, Minn..
“For three years I was troubled with
dyspepsia so that I oonld hold nothing
on my stomach. Many tides I wonld
-Many tides 1 woul
be unable to retain a morsel of food.
Finally 1 was confined to my bed.
tors soldi could not live.' Tread
yonr advertisements on Kodol Dyi
Gore and thought it fit my case and
commenced 1 tames. I began
tram **•- — »
bony Drug Oo., Sale-1
•100 Itoward# •100,
The readera of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least one
dreaded diseases that tcienoe haaboen
able to onre In all its stages and that In
i Cure is the only
catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
positive onre now known to the medloal
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu
tional disease, requires a constitutional
treatment Hall'* Catarrh Core Is
taken internally, acting dtreotly upon
the blood and mnoons surfaces of the
system, thereby destroying the founda
tion of the disease, and giving the pa
tient strength by bnildlng np the oqniii-
tation and assisting nature in doing its
work. ! The proprietors have so much
fdJtbin IfeonratlTrpowers, that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for a
that it fails to onre. Send for
testimonials. Address,
'olkirs for any case
list of
to think ot iiisurntioe when the house in
in flames. Tim time to oonsicUr it ta all.
the time iu-yyicsa to that.
* J wm " '
Aiiri-wn oifn 1ip|p Tttu to'reach'A de
cision os to the unit-nut of
.• beak ' . •
l PP. •
to ho placed Oh bepim-fli premi-en. stool
residence, fnrnltnre, on-., and the
oompnulss to place it with
Having bought out theCurrluffe an*
Waffttri'Kt-jmlr shop of jth B. Fl Mim-
■fluff,' I uhi ridw'prepared lo it« .1$
wor’; doiu* by ' - ' *-r
Thrive employed Mr. J. W. J< itiaun*.
an eipert herae-iboor,and it.II iiinkm
horsMkoelriff a specialty.
\ottr patronage is solicited.
M Mrs
A new and complete assortment
Artists' Tube Faints in Oil
Bristle and Sable Brushes, v
Canvass, Academy Board,
Tracing and Transfer Par* .
per, Crayon Sauce, Pa
lettes and Palette Knives.
Has jnst been reoelved at the
m w»i
And-Ve^teyontto call and
r KIF. 7 £ ?. -• *'
-fl .(I
-vsn Drag Co.
33UOH CJ3U?/? QHA A00S
^Ocv.Teicdo, O.
('are the'bfot;' "
and In-
flu’enza use CHENEY’S
U ill*0