Newspaper Page Text
The Medley Called by a Sooth Oeorfla Die-
tiller—Tbe Ub|ect oi the Mcelloi Said |o
Be to Form a Comblaatlaa-They Have a
Uwyer to Advlio Them Ho* Far They
Can Oo.
Now Origins, Deo. 23.—Ulaaiaalppl
and Louisi-ina tarpon tine uiannfaotnrers
ore gathered here in executive seaeion
today to oonBider plana whereby they
can form a oo operative organization the
reanl -’i.c
a combination.
The by Albert Prld-
«o of Lake Park, Qa.,a prominent
turpentine distiller. J. I. Ford, of
Soranton, Miss., is their legal adviBor
and will tell them how far they may go
under the drnstio laws of Louisiana and
Another Horrible Accident at Plltsburi This
Pittsburg, Deo. 20.—The Blaok Dia
mond steel works of Park Brothers, on
Thirtieth street, was the soene this
morning of an awful aooldent, in whloh
at least live workmen lost their lives and
twolvo wero injured. Reports are freely
circulated that from ten to thirty were
killed, and it will not be known Just
how many are dead until tho wreckage
is cleared away.
It was at about 4.15, as the night
orew was about to turn over the mill to
tho day force when the four boilers ex
ploded with terriflo force. The mill
was completely wrecked and the debris
piled fifty to sevonty-flvo feet high.
The boiler works of lames McNeil ad
joining the Black Diamond mill was
also destroyed.
Not a Pound Since Wednesday—Wood Sellloy
a I $10 o Ton.
Lima, O., Dec. 23.—There has not
boon a pound of soft or hard ooal in this
oity 'sinoe Wednesday. Wood is ten
dollars a ton. Hundreds of people walk
miles into tbe country to meet wagons
coming in and make purchases before
others get oat.
They Bound and Osfyed Two Watchqen,
Then Blew Open Safe.
Posted Away This Morales at aa Advanced
Ago—Funeral Tomarrow.
From Monday's Herald. .
Mrs. K. O. Davis, ono of the oldest
and most beloved white residents of Al
bany, died at tbe home of her son. Dr.
W. L. Davit, corner Jefferson and Flint
streets, at 10:80 o'clock this morning.
Her passing away was preceded by an
illness extending over a long poiiod of
time, being due to the infirmities of old
age, and those-who were ministering to
her realized for some hours before the
endoame that she was not long for this
world. Death came quietly and peace
Mrs. Davis was more than seventy
years of age, and during a long life in
this community had boen greatly be
loved by a large circle of f riendB and ac
quaintances of ail agos. During tho lat
ter part of her lift, infirmities kept her
oonfined, most of the time, to her home,
but she always olaimed the pffeotionate
regard of all who knew her. She was
the relict of the late Dr. W. L. Davis,
Sr., who, during his lifo, was a prom
inent physiolan of this oity and section.
Prior to her marriage she was Miss Ella
C. Winkler, of Savannah.
Mrs. Davis is survived by four chil
dren, Dr. W. L. Davis, Mrs. J. W. Yam
key and Miss Edwina Davis, of this
oity, and Dr. E. O. Davis, of Atlanta.
A brother and sister, Dr. J. A. Winkler,
of Boston, Mass., and Mrs. E. J. Bonier,
of Atlanta, also Burvlvo.
The funeral will take place tomorrow
morning at 10 o'clook from the resi
dence of Dr. W. L. Davis, and the in
terment will be in Oakview cemetery.
The following gentlemon will act aB
pall-bearers: Messrs. T. M. Garter, J.
B. Gilbert, B. I,. Weston, J. T. Hester,
A. J, Lippitt, S. B. Brown, S. W. Smith
and L E. Weloh. The funeral service
will be conducted by Rev. W. L.
Riolinrds, pastor of tho Baptist ohnroh,
Mrs. Davis having, for many years,
been a consistent momber of that branoh
of the Christian faith.
The people of Albany sympathize
with the ohildren and other relatives of
the deceased in their bereavement.
Chicago, Deo. 23.—Six robbers last
night entered tho Chicago Honao Wreck*
ing Company’s building, bennd nud
gagged tho two watchmen and blew
open the safe. They took $38 from the
olothes of a watchman and escaped.
. After three hours of captivity one of
the watohmon, still bound, managed to
orawl to the fire alarm box, which he
John Reece, of Csrlecey, 0s., Victim ol Hli
Own Thonihlleisnesi.
Atlanta, Deo. 20—John Reece, a
white farmer of Oartecay, Ga„ was
killed tbU morning on an elevator in
the Kiser building on South Pryor
street. He leaned or.t of an ungarded
elevator and strm k the wall.
Extenilve Preparations (or Christmas Festlvl
lies si Sandringham Upset.
Loudon, Deo. 23.—The condition of
Qneen Alexandria is more serions than
has been given ont and osnses some
anxiety. Doctors are in ooustant at'
tendance upon her mnjeaty. A bulle
tin issued at noon today says the Queen
is progressing favorably, but the exten
sive arrangements lor (Jurmwas festiv
ities at Sandringham are npsat and
their majesties will spend Christmas nt
Marlborough Honso.
Thmisnntls Sent Into Exits.
Every year a large number of poor
sufferers whose lungs are sore and rook-
ed with coughs arc urged to go to an-
other olimate. But this 1b costly and
not always sure. Don’t be an exile
wbon Dr. Ring's New Discovery for
consumption will onre you at home. It’s
the most infallible medicine for coughs,
Golds and all throat and inng diseases
on earth. The first dose brings relief.
Astounding cures result from persistent
nse- Trial bottles free at Albany Drag
Go., Halo-Davis Drug Oo. Prioe 50o and
$1. Every bottle guaranteed.
Will Rentals In Waiblsytoa Throsih the
Washington, Deo. 28.—It is the presi.
deutVinteution to remain in Washing
ton during the holiday week, bnt he de
sires to obtain a respite from official
duties, and will see only euoh visitors ns
have urgent business
* Goes to New York lo Spend Christmas With
His Dati{h(er.
Washington, D.O.,Deo 28.—Admiral
Schley left here today at 10 o'clook, via
Pennsylvania, for New York, where he
'will spend the holidays with his daugh
Health and Beauty,
, A poor complexion is usually the re
sult of a torpid liver or irregular notion
of the bowels. Unless natures refuse
is named off it wUlsureiycauseimpnre
blood. Pimples, boils and other enip-
tiOM follow. This is nature s method
of throwing off the poisons widch the
bowels failed to remove. DeWtts Ut-
tle Early Risers are world famons .for
rem edying this condition. They stim-
Mate the fiver and promote regular and
healthy notion of the bowela, but never
ause griping, oramps-or distress. Safe
tills. Albany Drug Oo., Sale-Davis
: Oo.
Several Persoss Frozen to Death—Traffic at
the Month ol the Thames Stopped.
London, Deo. 23.—The inland conn
ties are suffering from severe frost.
Several people have been frozen to
death. Traffio at the month of the
Thames is stopped by fog.
A Good Cougli Medicine.
From tho Gazotto, Toowoomba, Australia.
I find Chamberlain’s Cough Rem<
is an excellent medioine. I have .been
suffering from a severe congh for the
last two months, and it has effected a
care. I have great pleasure in recom
mending it.—W. O. Wocknbr. This is
the O'inion of one of oar oldest and
most respeoted residents, and has bten
voluntarily given in good faith that
others may try the remedy and he bene-
fitted, ns wan Mr Wookner. This rem*
edy is sold br Albany Drng Co.
Third Victim Dead.
Richmond, Deo. 23.—James Stiff, the
third man shot in the Westmoreland
tragedy by Herbert Marix,several weeke
ago, died this morning.
The Fsll Planting ot Oats Believed to Be Al
most s Total Loss — Scarcity ol Seed for
Tlie December freeze has played
havoo with the oat orop in Southwest
So far as the Herald's information ex
tends, this is the only material damage
done in this region by tho unprecedented
Deoember weather that we have been
experiencing for the post ten days, bnt
this is not inconsiderable.
On aooonnt of the dronth that pre
vailed throughout the mouth of Ootober,
the best time for sowing fall oats when
conditions aro favoraHe, the fall plant
ing was very generally delayed nntll
about the middle of November, and
wheu the freez, came it oaught the
ground wet and the yonng oats at that
oritloal stage when to be ont down by
the oold meant death to them. They
had not had time to beoome well cnongh
rooted to survive a hard freeze.
In tne Herald's inquiries only a few
farmers have been fonnd who are of tho
opinion that the oats will snrvivs this
remarkable spell ot December weather.
A few, bnt, only a few, planted their
oats in Ootober despite the dry weather,
and, while it is admitted that oats
plant id at that time may not all be
killed, it is the consensus of opinion
that they have been materially injnred,
while those planted later have been
killed outright.
The destruction of the full planting of
oats in this section at this time is a
serious matter. It means something
more than the mere cost of seed and re
planting, for it is the fall planting that
counts for most in this region. The
yield from oats planted in the spring is
never so good as from those planted in
the fall, and on account of the short
oorn orop that was made this year an
onhsnal valne attaches to the pros
pective oat crop whioh, under favorable
conditions, wonld beoome available in
Another featnro whioh outs consider,-
able flgnre in the disaster to the oat
orop is tho general scarcity of seed and
the prioe of tbe same. Oats that were
planted in Ootober and November were
pnrohased at from 75 oents to 80 oente
per bushel, bnt now the rnling prioe in
the market is $1 per bashel.
Birmingham, Ala., Deo. 20.—WiU
Roddlng and Jim Winton, alias Will
Winton, negroes, wore hanged here this
morning. Both men professed religion
and their last hoars were spent in oom-
pany with ministers. Redding made a
speech from the aoaffold warning his
hearers against tbe evils of bad oom-
pany. Winton ont the throat ot his
wife because she threatened (o leave
him and take np a Ijfo of shame. Red
ding Bhot and killed Annio Greene, his
awoetheart, from jealousy.
Theodore dels Fifteen Years, tod Laura (DIs
De Bar) Seven.
Lotadou, Deo. 20.—Tho jnry today re
turned a verdict of gnilty against both
Theodore and Laara Jaokson. charged
with immoral praotices and fraud. The
judge sentenced Jaokson to fifteen years
of penal servitude, and Mrs. Jaokson to
seven yours.
Poor Meo, All Negress, Paid Ibt Death Penally
Bristol, Tenn., Deo. 20.—Oloero Har
ris, colored, waa hanged at Virginia
Oity, Va., this morning for the uor-
der of Samuel Ware last September.
Danville, Ky., Deoember 20,—Reuben
Quinn, negro, was executed here this
morning. Last April he murdered John
T. Oram, of the Danville poUoe foroe.
Diplomatic Relations Between Chill tad
Argesllns Severed.
Washington, Deo. 28.—Secretary Hay
has received a oablo from Minister Wil
son at Santiago de Ghl'i, confirming the
repot t that the resonroee of diplomacy
have boon oxhanstod lo the effort to set
tle tho dispute between Ohlli and Ar
gentina, and that diplomatic relations
huvo boon broken off.
London, Deo. 28.—A navigating party
of Chilean olfioors, engineers and sailors
has arrived at New Oastle for tho par-
pose of taking over the warship reoently
pnrohased for Chill.
Food Changed to Folson.
Putrefying food in the intestines pro-
daces offeots like those of arsenlo, bnt
Dr. King's New Life Pills expel the pois
ons from dogged bowels, gently, easily
bnt snrely, earing constipation, billons'
' ‘ ' the, fevers, all liver, kid-
ness, sick headacl .
noy and bowel troubles. Only 25o at
Albany Drng Co., Salu-Davis Drag Oo.
Digests ,
what you J
1 put fuel under a boiler wit
You mlghtas well putTuel under a Trailer without burning it and
K the engine to run, aa to eat food and not digest it and expect
p up nourishment for your body. , You must nave nourishment
to live and when you cannot digest your fond, Kodol Dyspepsia Ouub
will do It for you, with no aid whatever from the stomach. It contains
exactly the sameelementsosNaturffs .digestive'fluldsand can't help but.
- produco tho spine results.—David Taylor, Blind Rtdgo, Pa.,writes:—
"I have been afflicted tor a
rled various remedies wltliot
of Kodol Dyspepsia Cuue.
i tor a number of yuars with dyspepsia and have
tried various remedies without good results but was cured by one bottle
I cannot say too much in its favor."
It can’t help but do you good
and by E. O. DsWItt A Oo., Obleaco. Tbs It. bottle contains Hi It inns the too. Rise,
thing and healing application for piles, sores and skin
Witch Hazel SALVE. Beware of counterfeits,
Prepared by E.
When you need a snothim
diseases, use DeWItt 1
I was in bid hsJihthisspring nud'ooufdnol
lupin fed for four weeks. .When 1 was eon;
sit up X
idnsy trouble MdfalS
had hysterical sp«Ua. X
dittos when X.Motived your
Almanac” and road tho ad-
H Is wtil that women are mors patient than
men. Few men could bear the bitter psngs.
ths agony and distress that womtn endure.
Thousands of women have corns lo look upon
suffering u a duty of their eex. But there era
• ■ u of f[
f this heroic fortitude which
now renders unnecessary.
Wins of Csrdul brli
Many of the best
many instances i
Women need no longer suffer for modesty’s
Wins of Csrdul brings rsllef to modest women In Uw privacy of their
t homes In this city ara never without Inis great
msdlelnt. It cures whites and falling of the womb and completely eradi
cates these dragging periodical pains. Mrs. Davis' cun shows ;
cates these dragging periodical pains. Mrs. Davis' cun shows you conclu
sively what you may expect If you follow her example and taka Wins of
Csrdul. Thedford'e Btack.Draught aids Wlna of Cardul by regulating the
stomach and bowels. Whan you ask your druggist for thus medicines, ha
It was Wlna of Cardul ana Thedford’e Black Draught
aura you get them.
that saved Mrs. Davis' lift. Never taka a substitute.
The Largest Plant of its Kind In ths
Hamilton, O., Deo. 28.—The Cham
pion Ouated Paper Works were burned
today. Tho loss Is $1,000,000. It was
the lagrest plant of the kind in the conn-
try. Four hundred employes are
thrown ont.
The Treasury Portfolio Will Now Htvs lo Be
Tendered to Another.
Washington, D. O., Deo. 28 —Gov.
Crane, of Massachusetts, has defined the
treasury portfolio tendered him by Pres
ident Roosevelt on Friday. It is official
ly announced at the white house that he
deolined for bnsinoss and domestic rea
Destructive Fire In the Sibley Colton Factory
st Augusta.
Angnsta., Gn., Deo 20 Adestrootive
fire occurred in the Sibley ootton mills
this morning. The ploker machines
wero destroyed beyond the possibility of
repair, together with twenty bales of
cotton. The mill will be foroed to olose
down nntll new machines are reoeived.
Has Not Beep Heard From lo Response lo the
Request For His Resignation.
Washington, Deo. 23.—Nothing has
been heard at the navy department
from "Histoiian" Maolay in response
to the department’s request for his res
ignation. Under the rales an em
ploye is allowed three days grao a in
which to show cause why he should not
be dismissed.
Nearly all the windows of tbe new
Methodist chnroh have been plaoed, and
the interior work praotlcally completed.
Within a very few weeks this olegant
new house of worship will be completed
and thrown open to the public.
Recommendations or a Well Known Chi
cago Physician.
The women of Findland of the lower
classes perform arduous labor that in
other countries is usually assigned to
males. They wheel hand carts and bar-
rows of various descriptions containing
heavy burdens. They also sweep the
streets, not as boatmen and even assist
in loading ships.
I nse and prescribe Chamberlain's
Oongh Remedy for almost all obstinate,
constrloted coughs, with aireot results.
I prescribe it to children of all ages.
Am glad to recommend it to all in need
and seeking relief from colds and oonghs
and bronchial affliotions. It is non-
narootlo and safe in the bands of the
most unprofessional. A universal pan
acea for all mankind.—Mbs. Mary R.
Meleudy, M. D„ Ph. D„ Chicago, 111.
This remedy is for sale by Albany Drug
Big Sugar House Burned.
Franklin, La., Deo. 28.—The sugar
house on Jnstine plantation, owned by
Mrs. J. L. Darrah, was burned today
Loss, $50,000.
>< We have three children. Before the
birth of the last one my wife used four hot-
tl :s of MOTHER’S FRIEND. If you had the
pictures ofour children, yon could tee at
a glance that the last one
Is healthiest, prettiest and
flnest-looklngof them afi.
My wife thinks Mother’s
Friend is the greatest
and grandest
remedy in the
world for expect
ant mothers.’’—
Written by a Ken
tucky Attorney-at
prevents nine-tenths of tbe
suffering Incident to child
birth. Thecomlng mother's
disposition and temper remain unruffled
throughout the ordeal, because this relax-
ing, penetrating liniment reUeves the
usual distress. A good-natured mother
is pretty sure to have a good-natured child.
The patient is kept in a strong, healthy
condition, which the child also inherits.
Mother’s Friend take* a wife through tbe
crisis quickly and almost painlessly. II
assists in her rapid recovery, and wards
off tbe dangers that so often follow de
Sold by drantote tor $1 a fettle.
Bond for our fros llluotrotod book writtoa
expressly for expectant moihsia., „
r 1
Central Business Property!
On Wednesday Jannary 8, 1902, at 11 o’olook a. m., we will sell at pnbllo out-.
cry (on tho preu-ises) lo the highest bidder allot the “Lehman Property” front- ;»
ing on Jaokson street, and running westward 65 foot to an alley to be opened anil
donated to the use of said property. This property will bo sub-dlvldod into six
lots, preserving in taot the honors now on said land.
A plat of tbe sab-division oan be seen at onr oflloe. Title* porfeot. This will
be a rare opportunity to pnrahasa some central hnelness property that Is rapidly
enhanoing in value on easy terms; terms one-third oash, balance one and two
years with 8% interest, on deferred payments. We will also on the same day
sell tn the same manner and npon same terms that portion ot the "Johnson Lot"
fronting the Presbyterian ohnroh, 75 feel on Jaakson street, tanning book 167*^ .;
feet, on whioh is eltaated an 8-room dwelling house. ThlB it the. most desirable
resfdsnot lot in the heart of the dty and rente welL
We will also on same date offer some other valuable reaidonoo property Im
proved and unimproved npon same terms.
This will be the greatest real estate sale ever offered in thia oity.
For other information oallon or address
Truly A Grand Old Whiskey,
Cream of
It’s pure and wholesome, and sold cheaper than any other whis. •
key of its fame, rank or quality. - ‘W-
t t ’■
• - .* ti*
—Manufacturers Ot'—
Annual Capacity 10,000,000.
For Sale byJAlbany IJrog Go.
100,000 Choice Trees from Nuts
O. M. BACON, - - DeWItt, Go.