The Albany tri-weekly news. (Albany, Ga.) 1867-186?, August 03, 1867, Image 2

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d. VifTmiZKD.—It would rvciii tiial there I* no o»»<l to the schemes mid plans, oil the pnrt of pretended friomls mid plntnnt loy ••Kclftor. S. S. SWRET, ai/kany, ga., AnsrsT x ! nlisis, to chouse tho poor negro out ol Ins j nro pmteful for the ■wonts of encouragement we have received from our friends nnd patrons. They are giving evidiyico of their good will hy their inercMe'of pfttronage. Incite last few weeks one increase*! eoiiniderahly, nnd we hnvo tho assurance that hy the time the Fall trade opens, we will have all that weeandp. Tho merchants of Macon, and other citfeMro,discovering that this is the best |Kjint lo mlvortise in all South-western (lenrgia—as otto expressed it, that ho had advertised nl) through the country, but had received more benefit from his expenditure nt this point than at any two others that In* had tried. As crops are bidding fair, we anticipate a large business in Albany this Tall, and with it we hope largely to in crease our circulation, as well as our udver- tidin' |>atronage—nnd also to increase our facilities fordoing work. I form.ash llorsK.-—This popular Hotel wa* closed on the first inst., Maj. Owen r tiring. We are sorry to loosii-Hrr-^ijor from the “feeding committee,” hut hope he may find other employment moreprolitahle and pleasant. Mrs. Walton has taken charge of tho House, and everything will he kept ill the best style. Fuksii (Iaiuik.n Nkkiih.—W« iii*o under *>hligatioii8 to Messrs. L. 10. *1 11. 10. Welch lor another supply ol < 5nrilcn Seed, 'ITieir list, of Heeds contain everything that is raised in the garden, nnd are oftlie liesi quality. They have 1h*cii put up with great care, and tjicro will he no risk in purchasing. M’lmse who wnnt'ibcN! nrtictcH had belter lay in llieir supply at once. 4'll a No k or Hank.— Messm. Towns A Bro., have moved info one of those elegant new store rooms, under the New Hotel, and have made large additions to their stork. — They are prepared to furnish groceries and produce at the lowest market price. They are clover men, and well deserving the ex tensive patronage they an* receiving. Hive them a call before purchasing elsewhere. little earnings. It was-only a few works ago that n villainous arrangement s\t Nash ville to fleece the freed men was exploded and its originators brought to grief, and ac cording to the paragraph below,copied from the Chronicle Ji Sentinel, something nearly similar has occurred at Augusta. There arc a good many cheap and handy patriots and blatant loyalists in the country uow> looking alter the negro vote and the negros Minings,and it will do no harm to watch them. < fur Augusta eotemporary says : It has been pretty generally circulated in this city for the last three days that the Fl ood men's Savings Hank has suspended payment. Some of the frecdincu having eafled for the purpose of drawing out* the money deposited, were iutormed that the hank could not pay just now. The cause assigned for suspension is, that the money wax appropriated lo the support oft he l,oyal f ieorgian. The frecdincu are very indignant, and make threats against the Yankee emissaries who are alleged to have swindled them out of their little savings. r fhe negroes of tin* South will find out. to their sorrow, that they are' being made the dupes and victims of the white knaves, with black hearts, who are now prating of poliii- nl rights and privileges and social equality. A correspondent, writing to us ilx>m In dian Suriiigdj Ihsist that it la time the con Henratayo utfeh of Georgia were organising and taking steps to counteract tho mischcvj* oil! influences brought to hear by the radi cals. He siiggoHts that country meetings 1m* held, and the suitable men he selected to address meetings of both colors; that if necessary, the expenses of such speakers he paid, as those of tho Radicals are by their party at the North. It really aeems to us that tlie conservatives ought to bo making greater efforlM than tlioy are now making.— A little proj)t*r exertion now may avert fu ture evils of appalling magnitude. Let our friends arouse to the necessity of timely and vigorous nt&ton. [Col. Enquirer. CfeOBClA, DosRberly County. lurflRion Count, of nU County, ) i At puAMHKiui, August 2d, 1827.1 g lEALKD PROPOSALS null »p«U^Uoni wllU» ) recti.ed by ih« Cl»rk of lhi» Curt, from ikb tc to (lie 20th Instant, fur the banding of the bridge across Klokee Creek, near Oen. Lawton • plantation. Also, Bridge across ihe same creek, near George Walker’s plantation, known an tho Dawson Bridge; also,the bridge acrossChickasaw* hatchee creek,at Ihe ford at PineIsland; also, the bridge across the Turnpike, known as Qrimmeta * A Special Tax will he leriw*l lo pay for all such bridges as insy he contrncled for ~~A~. «. JACKSOSi w.nlSBaw; Claghom, Herring & Co., Cotton Factor* arid Commission llorchltntJ, »ajit» ro»T«« a*d «*l» or Cotton Tunw. BhuuUilp, sWitlngi, Ao., So. 120 Clitatnul Bt, I So. 7 Vtorrto Block, Philadelphia, Pm. | A„(u.lm, Ga. VIA— No Ski'.miatk Ticket in Decatur.—We believe that the sensible course adopted by tho colored people of Decatur county, Ga., will Ik* more generally pursued than is gen erally believed. The Hninbridgo Arqits f ays’: “Registering in this county has reach ed seventeen hundred names, the colored largely in the majority, but it is not yet known the exaet number. We are informed that the colored people will run no separate tiekut, but will, be,satisfied to vote with the whites for any good, reliable man for the ( ouvention.—Tallahassee Sentinel. Take a Nkwhiwi'kii.—At a lime when there is more necessity for reading the news papers in order to keep well informed than ever existed before, some persons are depen ding upon the opinions ol others t<> guide them, nnd scarcely ever look into a newspa per. They had better take some newspaper, and find out for themselves what is going mi. The'fuel of it is, no man is prepared t *• l«*iin an unbiased and free opinion, upon any subject, unle.-s lie obtains ail l In* at ail h|e information than can he Imd. Rki'Ciuatiox.—-Several Northern paper?- are talking out pretty freely on the sulked of repudiation. It will lie some time per haps before any party will venture to‘take it lip as u rallying cry, hut enough is being said to set the masses to thinking about it, and whenever the masses get to thinking about a matter which they may In-line will jump with their interest, tin* work is about halfaeeomplished, nnd itseonsumatioii only a question of time. The W\nin t’nv.nv Umar l'a>ha the Turkish General who has undertaken tin job of suppressing the insurrection in Crete —vouchsafes the information that his en deavors have been successful, and that “the war in that island is now ended.” Culortu- nately, however, the same rumor has often been sent over the wires before, and as often been subsequently proved lo he without Inundation. Coino Rack.—A colored cuss who was up before the police court at Louisville a tew days ago, on a charge of stealing, rat her took down Hie concern by remarking as he won about io he marched oil* to jail, that “il d«y didn't let a nigger’steal a little in dis dam country, I'se gwine back to Tennessee, whore Mr. Brownlow 'ill see a nigger git his rights, sure." Good Bov.—An old man named Ellis Jones, was shot by his sou at l’eoria, Malta- 1 ka county, Iowa,on the 22d inst. The father told his boy to feed the horses, when the boy refused, and words followed until the boy drew a pistol and shot his father in the left, side. The causo ol the affair is supposed lobe the fart that the old man had deeded Ids property to his sons, provided they Would take care of him until he died, and they thus connived at his death, the hoy be ing a tool in the hands oftlie others. From Washington—iUovcinrut for Fop’s Removal. Wamiinuto.v, August I. -In Surratl’H trial to-day Mr. Merrick resumed and eon- eludeil his argument lor the defence. The following were his cloning remarks: “There had been blood enough shed in this country, and it in now time that the blow had ceased. No mail had greater hor ror of l he crime that resulted in the murder ofArahaui f.ineoln than himself. Already four hive been filing and others are stiller- ing. Three years ago there a as in tLis eily,ahappy household, sitting hesido a blight household lire. Then* sat a mother, -I sister just, budding into womanhood, and beside them a young man just reaching man hood. lie would have tiiejury remember theehangOM that have eoiue over that seenu. The bright lire is extinguished, the mother sleeps 'in a nameless felon's grave, tho daughter, burdened nnd broken hearted, drags out a wretched life, and the son is here before you on trial fur his life. May Almighty <fod so guide and enlighten your conviction that theromembrauee oftlie day and of your verdict may hereafter and for ever he* a most pleasant veeulleetion.” Bradley will probably make a short ad dress to the jury to-morrow. A delegation of Alabamians waited on the Rresident last evening, and urged the removal ol (leueral l*ope, on the ground that his administration of ii flu in* in District Xo.T wan equally obnoxious as .^heridan'H. Tho President merely stifled that In* w ould make a note of the grcvuuccs. Admiral Farrugut nllleiall; reports to the Navy Department his arrival at Cherbourg on the l llh instant at which dale In*assum ed command of the European squadron. A French "Loral" Reporter* The Montgomery Advertiser of yesterday say»: Wagons were continually coining in yesterday, with cotton cither for storage or Hale. T|io planters in the country who wbre holding their cotton tor eases of emer gency, are anxious now to get rid of it on accoupt of the brilliant prospects oftlie growing crops." Wood Cuts.—“Brick" Pomeroy has woodcuts in the two Inst issues of his week 1ft* 4Fhc first ia » “big buck nigger,” pick- banjo and singing a song, the bur- tl0A of whiih !s "work nwiiy white trash.”— rtfil i l Thejicqoui] ent represents a family party.— Throo year old youngster, log.—“Pleaae, mamma, let me go to Washington and kick the President, too. He won't hurt me.*' The Paris correspondent in the New \ nrk 'rimes, in a letter dated .1 n»n* I •, thus writes (jie history of a repot ter who persisted in tub ing noies under circumstances which would have e on pel led many men, ofcvtraordiiiaiy courage even, lo desist and cek a place ol sivlety.: .Matt hi«*ii Don/elot, ua*i in lean, “local" lor the Monitciir, aiuPuths limud hy a friend during tho memorable JliJv days of that* year in the midst of a show ft* of'stones and clubs that were flying between tin* military and eanaile, taking notes. “VVlint are you- doing here, you poor devil ? You'd hitter get away from here if you want to save your skiii whole,” said lie.* Don/elot paid no attention, Imt kept on lmsilv noting the facts of tho contest. “I tell yoii, Don/elot, you'd better follow me, if you have any re gard for your life,” said lie again aslieiurn- ed to leave. “God forbid !” said the imper turbable local, nnd kept on with his “ac count.” Seeing his friend making prepar- tlions for a hasty retreat, he coolly called mt to him : “But, I say, Thomas, If you're going that way, will you just take those sheets into our office and tell them I shall stay to got timeout intuition.” An hour hitter tho soldiers received or ders to fire with bail eat ridges, nnd in the the first volley, Donr.elol was hit hy a ball. A surgeon come' running to him. “You .ire wounded ?” asked he. “Yes,” said Don/.o- lot, “and prottv badly, too, i take it, fori can't write, 1 find.” “Never mind your writing,” said the surgeon, “you’re badly hurt; vou must be bound to the table.”— There's not so inueh hurry about that, doc tor. Every man to his profession. It's mv business to* write an account ol this affair, and if you really want to do me service I beg you carry these notes to our office, and add this po»tcript: n :20 P. M. A voilev fired by the National Guard at this moment resulted in wounding three citizens and kill ing one.” ‘The wounded I seu well enough, but where is the dead innii V” "I am he.” said Douxelot, mid expired. ExTitAORnt.NAUY Siouv.— 1 The Boston Traveler relates the following story: “A party ofladies and gentlemen encamp ed on the beach in Ipswich, yesterdav, with their boats moored near the shore in a small cove. When the squall came up, shortly before a o'clock, they were surprised bv see ing their boats, winch were large dories, from fifteen to twenty feet in length, living through the air. The wind raised tlm boats out of tho water, and carried them over a neck ofltutd live hundred feet in width, lha surface of which was at some points at least tell feel above the water level, after turning them around, end for cud, landed thorn on the other side. Two of the tents under which the party sought shelter, were nh»o blown away, nml their occupants exposed to the storm.” A Kino Hkiikadkd nv Bnt risn Oyru Ega —A letter from China savs that a British man-of-war was dispatched to Review inl and, and her. officers there Imhcndod the. native King for having put to death the' captain of on English ship while trading in hi« territory. 1W In the following manner does a Col orado editor welcome the return of a respec table citizen: “Our respected townsman, Mr. George Triteli, returned front tho East in last evening’s coach. He has on a fine suit of Mt ate clothes, including a plug hat, and is the dogondest looking cuss we have over seen since Jim Ford left. We are glad to see him hack again, however, and hope he will now settle down nnd behave himself,” 2^"’ The Richmond Times reports a sin gular explosion of n latch key, with which a gentleman was opening Ids door a few daj, a since. Tho report was as loud as that miido l»v nn ordinary pistol, and the force of tin; explosion shattered the key-ring and scattered tho keys, blowing a button off his glove and injuring his hand. The cause assigned tor the explosion Is this: The lock was of brass and had been heated by the win, and the key being of steel nnd Also heated, lmd, by coming m contact, caused a thermo electric current. This current often causes the explosion, the shock of which is not. unlike that of nn electric battery. New Oim.kanh, August 1.—Sheridan's order leaves one in each Board of tho origin! t’oinieil. Oftlie old Board one in tho up- ner and four in the lower are elected on tho ltepuhlienu ticket. Of tho new appoint ments two in the upper nnd three in the low er ward are of mixed blood, nnd one in the lower a pure negro, and one doubtful.— Some of the colored appointees belong to the newly enfranchised. They are free citi zens of the State of Lnuisianna*. rpou the reeomtnoiulntioii of Uov. Flan ders, General Sheridan appoints n Mayor and Aldermen of tho town of Lake, t’nlens- ion Parish. TUe special attention of Commissioners of Hoads for lids county is called lo pullintf tkfir amrsl roads In complete ordef, as liiey will ne keltl to _ complete ordef, as they si riel account far a failure to do the same. Done by order oftlie Inferior Court, at Chambers, August 2d, 1807* W. It. WILDEB, tug Jt C7—ISOinat Dep’y Cl’k GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY, -KOR TIIK J1BNEFIT OF— The "Masonic Orphan’s Home.” 1)0VI), WILSON ii 10., ATLANTA, GA. GREAT SCHEME1 One Dollar-Full Tioket. Capllal Prize, 520,000, For Oae Dollar. Glass Extra T IIIR great Lottery for Ihe benefit of the Masonic ini Orphan's Home will be drawn in puhlio Atlanta, (la., on Wednesday, the -1th day of Sep tember next, 1 H*>7. « It K A T S O HE M E. 1 Prize of .. $20,0001* ... $20,000 1 Prlxe of 6.000 i* ... 5,000 1 l'rixe of .. 2,000 is ... 2,000 1 Prixe of 1,000 Ii ... 1,000 1 Prize of 600 is ’500 1 Prize of 600 if 500 4 Prizes or ... 260 is ... 1,000 UK) Prize* of 100 is ... 10,000 200 Prizes of ... 60 i* ... 10,000 Prizes amounting to .... *50,000 S OOTII-WESTBRN, NI.COI, i W „.^ tern Atlantic—connecting Consignments of COTTON, WHlUT, and other produce solicited. Hate ample and excellent CLOSE STORAGE and will wake reaaonnbla cash advavcks on Consignments when desired. Agents fortheealeof AUGUSTA FACTORY GOODS in Philadelphia, and will furnish them In Augusta at Fflctor$ JYicm. . Also, Agents in Philadelphia and Angnsta for Athens, High Shoals, Roc*, Steadman, Covington, and oUict Southern Factories. augl— t'-m connecting wUg ^ DOUGHERTY SHERIFF SALE. Will be sold before the Court nonse door, in Hie city of Albany, on the first Tuesday in September next, between the usual hours of sale—^Thirty-fire hales of cotton narked S. k T., lo satisfy two fifns front Terrell Superior Court, May Term 18f»0, Samuel D. Irvin, administrator de bonis non of Thomas J. Johnston, deceased, vs. John T. Howard, James W. Henderson, and Wm. H. Turner. I.evied at defendant’s property, and pointed out by S. D. Irvin. J. S. BROWN, D. Sheriff. July 80,1887 Glonoia—Dougherty County. Whereas, B. J. Johnson, adm'r of Ihe estate of Robert Johnson, deo'd, applies to me for leave to aell all the lands belonging Io Mid estate. These are therefore to oil* all and singular the creditors and next of kin of said deceased, to be and nppeir.* at my office within the lime prescribed by law. to show cause, if any they can, why said leave should not be granted. Given under my band and official sip nature, this 29th day of July, 18«7. W. H. WILDER, July 30,1807 Orditift.y. STARTLING DISCLOSURE! That the citiiens of Albany anil surrounding conntry have long needed a $50,000 In Prizes for $1 Dollar per Ticket Package of Ton Ttokota May Draw 930 t 000. All the above I’l i/en will be Drawu, Plan of these* Great Lotteries ami Explana tion of Drawings: Tho number** from I to Hsi.tKH), corresponding witli the iiiiiuWi'S on ihe TiukptN, are printed on l«ue FiraUklif «••** Eslablisburnl, .lip, or paper .ml wlih .m.ll in.., Tllli I .Nil KI. SI'ATGH IIotki., Ll‘|lt liy Messes jWliilnkorit Snssccn, is receivin', n !w hlinn1111 of jmtronnice from 1)10 Irnvul- i";r |inlilir, Its rlmrpps urn only S.'i |iorilay nml every I him- rninrnrtnhln nml nice about I In 1 tioiise. Tho Inre is well prepared, nml in Kienl vnriely nml nbumlnneo. Ill nilili- tion to oilier nilrnelions, liiey bnve eoniiee. leil with the hotel, n No. 1 linrroom, excel lent hillinnl (nliles, bntli room nml n livery slnlile.—Allnntn Krn. Kast liny.—The Niles, .Miehignn, Semi- m l tells of a lhsl ymiu^mnn in tlml town, nrsolil, who look]msse«sionnfn Iiiijc Ii v fiy. nml nller ilriviiig nroiunl town two or three limns, returned nml hitched the horse nt the spot where he lmd lound it, reinnrk- liict Hint he eoulil get none nl his Indy Iriends to ride with him, ns they wero “nil nfrnidof the d—d old mnre." It would lien eryinS slinme to spnok llmt boy. • loon Nuavn—A Bad Man Rkpuihatkk. --The following notice, which we find, in the Augusta National Itqiuhlican of jester- ‘lay, will !«• hailed with delight in this see- lion ol the Stnte: “O. T,. Giikuiiaiit.—This gentleman Ims been removed from the position of ‘State Superintendent of Kduenlion, Kreedmen'a Bureau, by (ten. Howard, llis successor lias not lieen announced.” Look 1 ms Wav.—A Mr. l'otipbnr Cnrtia, m liis honeyed s)ieeeh to (the New York Constitutional Convention in favornflnm.m onstitutionnl Convention in favoroflemnle siitfrnge, said that he had no respect lor the rule of “brute force.” Ho believes that no lle nr she Ims n hand in tho business. If (10 will turn Ids face square about to the South when lie puts it in that style, ho would find just wlml lie needs Jto properly point the moral ho would enforce. Si'kkraok IN MicmilAN.—Tlie Michigan Constitutional Convention, in eommittecof the whole, hy a vote of 29 to 28, struck the word “mala” out of the sudrago clause. This leaves the suffVage open to women, un less reversed in the Convention itself. All Indians, likewise,are secured in tho right In the franchise. Wkm. Pi t.—Tho remark of tho New Orleans Times, that “tho people of the South have accepted tho situation, but they want tlie situation to accept them.” NEW AT THE BRICK STORE. 20.000 LBS. BAGOH. c. I.BAR SIDES, Sboatdrrs, Canvisacti Shoulders, ilrethrsu B.con, Csursued Rsius, S« kill of B«j Msckent, Wae Appts Cheese, Deal Family Flanr. SVOAU.Mgredee, A.T Giv REDUCED PRICES- S »'s » call, At Ms NEW BRICK STOIC, Where re hse% sad err neehiag, srerytht^ ia ike wsjr of Tstfly 0merles tad Itlssl rsislshls. Goods, Aaguti fli v 18ft W mnuiM. ami place I in a gla*s wheel—all Hie priiea In aecorilanei* with the Scheme, are similarly printed and encircled, ami piur.ed in another glaca wheel.— The wlieelnare then levolvrd, and two boye,blind folded, draw tlie Numbem Prizes, One of ihe hoys draws one number from Ihe wheel of Nos. and at the Mime time tlie other boy drawn out one prise from the wheel of prire**. Tlie number and prixe drawn out are exhibited In ihe audience, and what ever prize cornea out ia registered and placed to Ihe credilof ihiti number: nnd llii* operation ia repeat ed until all the prize* are drawn. All prixes are payable without-discount, and Ihe il Official Drawing *ent to each Purchaser. BOYD, WILSON A TO., Manager!*. aug !l Id Atlanta, Geo. Founrll Proceedings. (’nn*cti. i’hxmdxr, ) Albany, (Ja., July 29,1887 j ('•ilhil Pre«onl Ilia Honor, the Mayor, ard f'niincilmcn l»Hvii, Johnston, Hotihaand Welch. Abienl • (.'otincilmeti Siephena and Mercer. Minute* oflnal regular and called meeting*, read and confirmed. The Policemen of (he. city reported for inefficien cy, were, on motion, di«charged. The Council pro ceeded to the election of two other* to fill the va- oanciea. refilling in the choice of I* J Willis and George Mock. The Committee on Way* and Meana, to whom tva* referred the subject of inxe* for the present year, report the indebiedueasof the city, up lo July lat, 18G7, including officer* aalnriea due $‘{018 48 Taxable indebtedness of city six month* hence C460 Otf flxco.iiK: Total value of cily laxable F8HJ8 48 properly rendered $1,000,286,40 Tax 66c per $100 Tax on Polls 28,000 •• " Profs 800.00 Street Tax ... 60;!,00 $6,601 86 1300 00 Deduct forinudvenl taxes 7810 80 300 00 Dougherty county $7510 80 Total probable income $8760 86 Your Committee think that a les* amount than 65 cents on $100 will not more than pay Ihe current expense* of the cily for ihe present municipal year. is beyond question, and we are now on baud with Ihe most complete asnorimeut that has ever been brought lo this market. Embracing every thing sco k Georgia, Bast Tennesseel i Tennessee, and Orange & Alexander * Two Daily Through FROM MACON* TO NEW y 01t .'| And nil Northern nnd Eastern C -iic* • , ’ Tlll-nnifll M..1I nn.l fri ... * - llrvnl Tlivoiijli Muil nn.l Tlirmiitji V of ii.o <:/;/:a r AnvAxr.wjfa' i.lOf.ij .iLtl IHinrmn ovov nil in lime mitdinuLlI SBOXT&s US Tlmn nnjr Corapoilng Bom,, * AND A 1.1. K A ,j Tho Trnrolor by I bin Itonle 0 .... * numerona .Steamboat and Omnibus traCT ^ vexation* delays, incident m oth»r i aar the conn potions ark rLtel PERFECT. Thi* i* the only Route that ^ ® Checks Baggage Th To all poinla which Through Tirketa Magnificent Sleeping C’nrs 0 n NIGHT TRAINS I The country along this line of mods U hie for heallhfulncsa, grandeur of mouM|kJ_ »y. beumiftil ond fertile valley.*, atTordlif|U| e*t and n*nat abundant fare. In fact, || con it try on this continent that offer* l duceuictii* to the business man or pleaiSTJ for summer travel. * tat For further information, Ac., Ufi Tichel Offices of .Southern Rollrs July *.*; joii\ t. morre ^onrriil Soul hern j HA7.-7H. ATTEHTI0KI A W PERSON holding NOTES orPLil Baert & Brlnaon, or .Voles « they tire Undorsers, will please send ns on of the-nine. UK Kit’S & BRH\ mil n2l If m Mason Noat, Chaste, Ornamental or Useful To 1*.h « T i o v Hnm-Kim:i. We cannot enumerate the one-hundredth part, hill will manlioQ that we have a LARGE and VAIUKD assortment of COOKING of tho mo.l pollertu, which will hr SUIT THE TIMES. 8TOVEH ..hi to Plnliif Fnuof dc JniuiiiPd Tin Yi nI'.'i, of or.rjr v.rleljr, .If you wool ANVTIIIS'a in I hr House-Furnishing Good* Line-no mailer wluit — call on us, JfeT TOWN'S NEW BRICK BLOCK. TOWHS & ItltOTlIRK. Glass Fruit Willi patent lop* for P.*r - lie 1 • v July 21*. IHr»7. l J »f*>*pvvinK Frnitl I. E. X II. E. *|| NOTICE. A LL person* indebted to the t lute of Dougherty county, i vpiesied to make immediate payment, and tl having demand* again! said estate will pn propelly authenticated withiu the lime | by law. to Wright \ Warren. Albany, Q J. M. .inly 27, 1 SC.7. Adm'r A. C AFFLICTED, READ KAVTON'S OLEUM Wl Glass Fruit Jars! O NLY a small lot, .1 sixes, the best in uiaikel. J JuM received at the House*Furnishing liond* Store of TOWNS ,v 11 HO. For The Ladies! J ELLY Moulds, (beautiful pattern*) Spice. Cake and Sugar Boxes. All very nice. Ju*t receiv ed At TOWNS A BROS. Toilet Setts. (Most Beautiful.) JUST RECEIVED at *V } | lible cure for Bhoiimntism,'' Xnurnlgin, lllu'itnmiit* 1'niiiH iu tliu i Back, Breast, Sides nrj| Tnntlmuhu, Norvoua Iluadm lio, Ei\rfu*ltt*, Sprains, Bruisns, Swoiling?!, C'ulR, Insoet Jlite«, I Burus, Afl TOWNS A BRO S. Thi.*gii>nl remedy fliouhl In* in every L Por Horse* this remedv hn* no equal. Ask for KAVTON’S* OLEUM VIT.E. *lher. Seut hy express for $1. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST Cook Stoves. A large lot just received. If you want a GOOD r"*— KAYTON’S MAGIC AN EGYPTIAN REMEDV. k^Smve for a little money, he sure to call al TOWNS A BRO S. ?£!!*.!!?*JWjy* 1 * Jn Tl ^ L»w*. al the . LOWEST PRICKS in the Slate, call TOWNS & BRO. Pressed Wash Pans! (AKrKRAf. SIZES.) Kay ton’s Dispeptic 1 1 Arc a sure and pleasant cure for Djip lion* Disorders, Constipation, nnd all iver, Stomach and iiody ought to submit to be governed excent* fc ** our Uommitlde therefore recommend that a tax of P RESSED Dith Pans, Pressed Milk Pans, (from 2quarlH to 10 «iuarl*.l Just received at TOWNS & BRO S. Albany, Ga., July 27, 1887. (7«n_- 85 cent.* on every hundred dollars be collected. All of which Is respectfully submitted, JOHN A. DAVIS, 1 L, K, WELCH, j Committee. J. M, MERCER, J The petition of J, M, Cooper for the erection of a wooden stable on the N, W, Corner of Ills lot on Tine Street, was presented, and on motion received, and the prayer of the petitioner refused. BILLS PASSm. Alexander Duncan $1 50, P, 8, Rogers $76 0O, Dougherty oounty $900 00, Israel Adams $12 50, Ephram Johnsion $14 0), James Gilbert $02 50. D H High $UC"Gt« Charles Irwin $25. A J Taylor 15? S?’ ftWkpKwv °°. J*nweL Robey $41 66, John Drinkwater $15 00, Gilbert A Ken dall $;{.*> oo bills acrsaacu Robt Quick *20, O J Wright $100, J FCwxilr *50, P J Strofer *lil 00, Sinn.l Polfu (4 20. U H Mwdn $28 05, N A A P Tift *99 00, Tucker * 11.11 *2, C Yotkcr *80 !I2. Ou moiUm thr .ccouul of Krcr.ll IMnkmtr for *012 50, onlerrj p.i.l, with lb. umuIou of iko holcncc uppeorlng lo b« due him of ,02 50, rrfored lo iko Ch.lno«u of 1'omnlll.o ou mrrrt. for his ozumiuolion. Couucil odjourord. ... , J F. f'AKGILE, Clrrk. Alhau/.Juljr 20, 1807 NEW BOOKS T. X. WIIITAKER. R. a. iASSIKJf. T'nifrd States Hotel, WHITAKER A SA08EEN fro,riol,r. Wifkjaanr bnadnsl rardi *1 firiml PaxouRer Depot. Conrr .ndPrjrorM, ...... ATIAKTA. OA aagl—lm* JT JobWork exMNitadat fa. office in Ak%kkik» fanMbwtofwofyawcripUon. - Partisan Life with Mcehy. Muklback’e Historical Novels. Louisa of Prussia and her limes. Frederick The Great and his Family, “ *• •* " •• Court. The Merchant of Berlin. Berlin and 8ana Souci. Joseph the II. and Hit Court. Henry the VIII. and His Court. Tka last chronical of Barxet—By Trollope. Raymond's Heroine—A Novel. Diavola—By M. E. Brandon. —ALSO- Standard Literature. Blood and Thunder Novels. Ne* School Books end Stationery. BSuAay Book published promptly ordered for customers. J«iy r. L. E. WELCH & CO., Booksellers and Jewelers. Lawton & Lawton, Wholesale Produce Dealers, n WACO!*, «4. ilAOON, ^ NKW and OI,P PI.( HTH, CANVASSED HAMS, hay, &c„ &c. iMnVzzzsr"*- july Administrator's Y virtue of nn order of Ihe B Dougherty county, wHlbesoidbeftWj iTou: - “ ..ouse door of said county, on the fir*t August next, between the legal h<> ur * " real entalc of John R. Hardwick* « lots .situated ou Jackson street, beii number* 4t» and 48 Pine street,, with s anu to i intwio'^ . room*, and neooaaary oulbuiUUngs; M !.» allev lieine part of lot « and lot on the alley being part o. t>kiM *t reel. Sold as the property of mm wick, late of said county, deceasethfor^ j of the heirs and creditors of »ion given 1st October. Terms cash. K. WEhC* June 22,1867 Gr.onniA—Dougherty County. N°TI(’E l»Ilf"' 1 / 8 W ™ l 1 0 *) 1 Ihnl on l hr Any nf aliff Donghcrly conuly. ilcpvrled H-i"^. leaving Julia A. Pace Executrix!^^ J Testament, and she having ioicnaKx— McLaren* and by said intermarriage not now represented, and no ndministrniion wilb the WdUno* of said Davis Pore, nnd that m miuisiration will be vested in t ixrior Court, or some other W •- thirty day* after the pDibl.cnuom —- nuless some valid objection is w* men I kciSAJ Ulr.n umlcr my lmo*l lfnh iln^ofM^lDOi. • ill M.y, 1 May 11th, 1867 JDBT ca. For ih#rure of Sudden Cough* and C»l<k| mil. A9id Stomach, Sore Throat, Hearth*' Sickne**, Cholera. Diarrhea, Pains and f the Slnnineo. Sent by express forfl. the Liver, Stomach an«i Bowels, and 1 regularly will cleanse the blood. Thw# > greatest nnti-Kilious Pill* ever placed I public. Sent by mail for !»0 cents per box. The above medicine.* are prepared aada I’tinr. If. II. KATP S«ranaak,l To whom all order* should be addressed: Agents, A. A. SOl.OMnNS A CO., WhoUm»| gists. Savannah. Ga. . Beware ofeoiinlerfeits. The genaiae 1 11. 11. Kxvtum’k signature ou each bottle* A liberal discount to those selling •“* For »ale in Savuiiiinli hy A. A. CO., K. W. MARSH A CO., W. M. « TAT EM. and by Druggists and Counllf J generally. J*v ■a, K A ll r Welch, Af ALBAH1 ha