The Albany tri-weekly news. (Albany, Ga.) 1867-186?, December 19, 1867, Image 1

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■TWIV' h ^BEYIT. STYLES 4; CO. For My Country—Right or Wrong. * • Dollars Per Ainam ALBANY, GEORGIA. DEC. 19. 1867. NUMBER 127. Law Cards. PRICES REDUCED! TO SUIT THE TIMES. if ; u** AT HtS'YELL KNOWN STAND ON BROAD STREET, ALBANY. «A. I* WMMm, ' ■ lias just received, and is now oflcrinjjnt REDUuED PRICES, A large find well selected stock of now, rich nnd elegant JWWii an? Dry Goods, Consisting of II. MOROAft. A. r. HAW*«. MORGAN 8l HAWES, ATTORNEYS AT LAW ALBANY, 0A. ILL PRACTICE IN THE SOUTHWESTERN and Panola Circuits, anJ also attend to business in the Circuit Courts of the United States for the District of Georgia, and will attend to Com missions in bankruptcy. Albany, Nov. 19, 1807. O. J. WHIUJIT. • L. P. D. WARREJt. WRIGHT & WARREN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ALBANY, «A. yy ILL practice in the acvcrul Conrts oflaiwand ‘equity of llio United States for tlu» Slate of Georgia. Also attention given to COMMISSION in UUPTCY. Albany, Nov. 18, 18G5. RANK- 37 D. H. POPE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY, «/». W ILL giro prompt attention to any business entrusted to him, in all theCouitn of Dough*' erty nd surrounding oountles. Nov. 1. 144 Bankruot Petitions. Having received the RULES and ORDERS together with ForillN and Procoo«UNj|S^in Bankruptcy, as promulgated by SUPREME of the Unite ■’ july27-79. niled States, we are_readg to (He coses, fte* HINES ft HOBBS, Attorneys at Law. Medical Cards. Drs. Jennings & DeWitt TTAVK associated themselves in the practice of |~1 medicine. (OFFICE—Up -Up stairs over Hilsraan ft Ball’s Drug Jflr* Dr. DeWitt will give special attention to ,G1CV‘ SURGICAL cases. Albany, July 2d, 1807. 70-tf DU. TODD. -TCoJ' — AND OFFICE—Lehman's Corner, Opposite l.ivrry Stable, RESIDBNCK At A. P. BRINSON'S. Fcbl2-nll-tr| ALBANY, QA. RflfW WINNS HUTS , DUU 10, OnUJjU < lili 1 0« I JLJ Ifarnr rt-. rfAUb, O.U.ri.y A ALSO A FI'LI, SUPPLY OF DOMESTICS, AND HEAVY GOODS, Alexander, the Demist, in our absence, leave your message on the Slate ootlO Qm 11?'. BUMKBTS m NKOCMSs) . $nd Clothing for laboring Men. ! II. V. CALLOWAY C. M. POPE. LiuafiSl Drs. Callaway & Pope, PALMYRA, GA. March 80th, 1807 [«0-ly] DUS. SHIS & MCMILLAN In addition to this immense Stock, lie lias on hand, nnd is constantly j ‘ ‘ *1* r * — . I ..mImh. 4m tl.n .Ilia... nt ..A .I.ImIIh rfcciying choice selections of j ^Groceries, Provisions and Family Supplies, mi Cutlery. ^Crocker j, and Glass Ware, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. •Us gU ti I ^ i :iOo»fectionaries, Notions, etc., etc., ndLiquors of all Grades and Brands, and in fact every . -fttticle^usuany found in the two departments of AND DRY GOODS. _n is safest for the buy or as well as seller, he nnnounc- iiiH the public gbherally, that lie has marked his goods nl far Cash alone will sell at o very mr^MvaMuee : Cost .i*; ■ ..T 1 • ■ SfcHsl •prepared to offer the most tempt in gin to purchasers, and respectfully solicits the- most .rigid examination fiiyleandFric-t's ftjfc eptire Stock. idL..v 1-.. ’ '• ■ "i ;• * n olka^t - dn Cotlop ah **«W,Qe. Nev.H,l8«*. aci-viccs to the citizens of Albauy and vieinit; OFFICE—At the Drug 8tofe of Gilbert ft uro on Washington street. May 2d, 1867 (44tfj DR. W. A. LOVE, ALBANY, GA. . Office (until further nptioe) at his Residence nearly opposite the residence of Captain John A. Davis’. May Bib, 1867 46-ly Business Cards. Savannah Advertisements. A. X. SLOAN, Rome, Gi. o. P. STUBBS, Macon, Ga. C. OROOVKB, Brooks Co, On. A. T. M AC INTYRK. Tlioninsvilte, On. SLOAN, GROOVER & CO., JT^(£©©U0 AND Commission Merchants, 4 8TODDARD8 LOWER RANGE, PAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA * T/IDERdL ADVANCES OK COTTON consigned to our correspondents in New York and Liverpool, oct. 24—8 raqi ' ’ . A. 0. MolAE, ' fcmiission Merritt; 88 B«Y8f»W. Savannah, Georgia. CJTILL continues r strictly commission business, O No interest in the puroliiso of Cotton. Colt* ■Ig, fgnraents solioted' .Prompt and personal m i. “ *bu to n»y care. tlon to all business oonfldci Liberal advanbes on cotton for sale or shipment. All merchandise promptly forwarded when lo my care. oct 21—Hums. Jno. W. Anderson’s Sons & Co., wroifti GENERAL COMMISSION -AND- Jodimririnfl 8P«rt|aiits, Corner IDraytoii and Bryan at*. SAVANNAH, - GA Jno. W. Anderson, R. H. Anderson, Geo. W. AsorrnOn, jr. A. H. Colk, octl.4 Cm jUdoab l. Gukraeh, Edward L. Holchuur. GUERARD & HOLCOMBE, FACTORS, SHOPPING MEHOHANTB. R. O. IIILTON. * \Y WSAll r W. RAKmi.L, N HILTON & RANDELL WITOI.HSAI.K (1UOCKRS ann i-rurns in ROGERS & PATTCS0N, Machinists and Founders, i ALBANY, GA. n , , | , T | TTAVIKQ M.hll.h.J . FUUN Provisions, wines. Liquors, Iot)acctf ( : .^"io, ,,ol, ‘’ , ‘ ,i,p '*^ 7 ' 1 ,tll\ (IKAIMNtj. (all sizes,) DRY end pre* we ere nowE.N lti;i UA^ STRlfiKT, SAY ANT AH, GrA I NVl’IT. the Hiloulion of Jivnlera to their larj r “ ’ ' ‘ and complete Slock of GROCERIES .Sl tl.lll MILLS .ml KBTTTnjK. IIKIN, S'msr.nmi HfuJRk Flic,NTS. IKON DOOR nml WINDOW SILLS. 1UIACKETH, KAlLINa flit ATIKO, IKON FKNCINO, (fight lifforpnl Mylw.) .ml in ...rvlhlnr In t.4ine»M. Ini lie Wliiuli wo oiler at. t he lowest market rat t ''MAGNOLIA" WHISK! 01,1) IpYH WHISKY, Bowers’ old Bourbon Wliislcy line of bill Machine Shop we ere prepared to do repairs nnd row Work for any and nil kinds of Machinery* 'ri Sep. 28, 1867. 9 8m r f J i\ 1C Hum, r L’OI3ACCO, ■ in, Hriimly, lliliors,&c. A large Finnk of nstaiulv oh hnnd. OkiC A'ii.s is Hilt Till; SAi.M OF HAZARD'S Half Kegs, Quarter Kegs, oct12-8m GUN I'OW I*lift, in Kep and f'as«*<4. t R'OOtimtvN ot Lyucl.tiui'g, Va. Iloyt & Gale, Washington Street. Albany, Ga. NEXT TlfllJI! TO COOPER A CIO. P. MYERS A SONS of Lynchburg, Va., GOODMAN & MYERS, No. ISO BVY STIIEKT, Savannah, Georgia, Dealers in Are prepared to advanoe Uberplly on oonslgnroenls a.*.. nna to ship of Cotton, Produce nnd Merchnndiso, m to the beet housez In New York and Liverpool, Refere to Col. H. J. Bacoq, Mitoholl oo., f’api.J. II. MoQregor, Mitchell co., Dr. E. H. Bacon, Dougherty, Mr. L. P. D. Warren, Albany. On. ROBERTS & TILLMAN. OF IiA V STiVfrr, \ 2,1 OFFICE, NORTH SIDE OF DOOR f VEST OF CITY EXCHANGE, 8AYABI1IAH, - - * GEORGIA, QENERALCOMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS. Special attention given to the eale of Colton in this Market, and auoounlH rendered promptly. We will also forward Cotton to Livsrpool and have it sold for. account of owner in all oases where the owner desires. Liberal cash advanoes will be made by. ft TILLMAN. Hisam Robikts,! D. L. Robirts. j . Of Savannah; On. Josepu Tillman, Madison, Florida. SAHS'A£1 HOUSE Broughton Street. I3AVANNAH, * - - GA RUST. JOHNSTON I CO, Ware-House and Commission ALBANY. GA- W E beg to renew the tender of our services to the Planters of Dougherty and adjacent counties for tbo Storage and Sale of their Cottons th«approaching sea«o«, and pledge our host efforts to promote their Interest. V. G. RUST, | T. II. JOHNSTON, J B. G. LOCKETT August 10, 1867 » ly RIALTO EATING HOUSE NOW OPEN. The undersigned is now prepared to Furnish Meals AT ALL HOURS, From 7 a. m. till 11 p. m. He will constantly keep on hand Oysters, Fish and Game. Also al| Hint Ibis market afford, in the .L.p. of subst.ntl.Ii and luxuries. The Boris .looked with «h. beat BRANDIES, 'VINES, .to., and alao the but brand, of 0I0AB8, „ , THOMAS WALKER. Nov, 8. 1U-18S. r e. ' : . FINEST OF WOSTENHOLME’S AJID • ROGERS’ OXT Virginia Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO Stov Duslnra in- Iv’t’P C'Uisfuntly on hand the chuisost Drnud, pny tin’ liighp-l nrivkot price fnrllidcs nnd Beeswax * Savannah, On. N»v. 20tli. 118 210. BiU)WN S HOTEL. Opposite Depot HAt'OIV, GA. K. K. BROWN ft SON, Proprietors. rpHIS WELL-KNOWN HOUSE has been I refuted and repairod, mid is now one of the MJATKST HOTELS in tliu Stale, and the most convenient in ihe city. The Hotel is supplied with every thinp Hie markets nfford. Macon, Scp.24, 1867 lUl.Din o^k. i i.Auiionx. av. r, iir.nui.Mn. a. m. jackson. Olaghorn, Herring & Oo., Chiton’ 1' actors ami Commission Morelia Merchants, aukxts run tiik n rciiahk and ralr or Cotton Yarns, Shootings. Shirtings, &o No. 120 t'licsnut * | No. 7 Warren Blook, rlillinl<ilpliln,Pii. I Anffii.ln, Oa. Cunsignnients of COTTON, WHEAT, a other pruduco solicited. Have ninjilonnd exoelltl CLOSE STOUAUK and will make reasonable OAIP advances o’i (Joiisiguiiieiits wlieu desired. Ageitf for tho sale cf AUGUSTA FACTORY GOODS li Philadelphia, nnd will furnish them in Augusta a Factory Fries,. Also, Agents in Philadelphia and Augusta for Athena, High Shoals, Roe*. Hioadreao, Coviugion. mi'l other Fmiihern Factories. augl— 6m Tin Wnre, Cast Iron Piping Brilnnia Ware, Crockery and Glass.L&mpa AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS of every dcaoriptiou. 'Vo liavo ou hnnd a fine lot of Cookins Stoves uf nil sises, nnd the best patterns, nml nre prepared to put tbom up aud FTT PIPES. ETC. \\ e nlso linvo a lot of the AMERICAN I’HMKHGfcD Perfect, simpio. and durablo pump over invented, ami peculiarly suite! to this section. Wo are prepared to do nil kinds of Tin, Sheet Iron aid Copper Wark at tie shortest Notice and beat style. The attention of jjlnntors is especially eulle.1 to onr establishment, »N «. 'takeJoU * ’ ‘ ‘ A. in till! country, and work with dispatch Albany,Ga,, Nov, 0,1807. U1-U7, ng Saloon. AFFLICTED, DEAD THIS: C0HDELL& CO/. Washington Street, KAVTOH'S OLEUM VITA, rrijra rrrul ilmnTii Liniment!, aimlmiml liiral. I Cl... Hold lino been rMtbdetsd sail sod “h ‘ n.sjy*}«funilsh.d and Cut.In perfect order throughout. Tho travailing publto majr rail i/vrlll Bud oomfortable accommodailons at UUi Hoczo. , j oot34 A. p. LUpB, Proprlddor, Hide cure for Whoimmtism, Nmintltriiij Knouniatic J^iiiiH' in the I Link, llfcnal, * .Si»lt‘N or-JoiutH. Tootlmulu*, Nervous IIonducHc, Itluraelie, Spmtns, ' Ur it i ses, S wel I i ngn, Cuts, Insect Hites, • ' ’ * Burns, tto., d&c. Thin great remedy should be in overy house.— For Uorsas thiu remedyIt an no equal. Tbe Albany Steam, Grist and FLOUR MILLS Are now in opwatioh, making Uit beat Meal and Floor at the rate of three hundred buBhelk per day, Tbe Albany Variety Works, ■ Are planing Lumber, making Doors; Windows, Mouldings, (Tin Gears, snifkll other work in that - , Tbe Albany Woolen Factory inglag In prior. line. ^Country fasdo^Otolb, rsngiag la prior, from 26 to Promptly Ciirde4,in(o Rolls or Bats. /-COTTON CARDED- INTO ROLL'S OR BATS For Mattrp*ocs«v Quilts. , We b ^y ^oorfor Cash or Cottoh, *ftilS{«'^Ii.£m.uis sra rdcstfd on Frobt MmL Albany, between tb. Bridge and the- Iron FIAIE Millions of every deserlplMa. CIDER AND KAYTON’S MAGIC CUBE ' AN - EG YWI AN REMEDY - ) For Hie cure of Sliddcn CqugliH and Colda, Aa{k- .. JtddeftJDoi ma. Acid Stomach, Sor^!'TJirjjat, Heartburn, Sea Siekncae^olei-ai Diatrhofi, Paihiand Cramps ] u tbe Stouiae'i. Sent by express for $1. Kay ton’s Dispeptic Pills Are a sure anil pleasant cure for Dysp llous pis orders, ComdipaVidn, and all disorders of tho Liver, Stomueh aijd Bowels, anr * 1 ' . 7 -,_ —when taken regularly hIU,c lhu blood. Those sr'o lb. greatest anti-Dilions Pills cv.r placed before the 8.«t by m.ll for 30 otstl. per box. . Tlio-abovo medicines ar« prepared sad Mid by • Pnov.n.a.KATTON, ■ > Bavaonabr Ca., I To whouwail-oideT. should bo nddrereM* n to th» SfaseaBaSIsfe&s* • A UbreatMUMoaS^” A-LB^ISTY, iGKA.. GOM, MEDAL SHERRY PORTAND MADEIRA HARVSffrBOUltBoir, WHEAT NUT OLD HOMl rye, Bf'PliCIALLY DKH0BED. ? /-V * FOR FAMILY .AMO' MBDZOAZi Q^R, (a .Original pMk.ges, and In ordsr io .Insure to cus* foutorePureLKtuorstu . cp^pW^^Z; T"» PJWW*' **t«rp(UKafMilkirS« iliit.W.utd preoJad. ^tiifr-V'f. tasfif^ with WonnMaiatika. geueret appreotsUou and gratifying .Kfii'BMO. ;tho slanJard a. regard, quality^ aloe ta lb. ooo4dre«a»iX OB'ifir »9 UbM»Uy bMowW ■'RiNiNQEfe too.