The Albany tri-weekly news. (Albany, Ga.) 1867-186?, December 21, 1867, Image 1

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For Mv Country—Right or Wrong. NUMBER 128. ROGERS & PATtlSON, Machinists and Founders, ALBANY, OX. GEORGIA. DEC. 21. 1867 ALBANY tVM. KAXDTLI., X. V Savannah Advertisements. Law Cards, j HILTON & RANDELL WHOLESALE f GROCERS ASD IHIAUU M , Yl", ;Provisions, Wines, Liquors, Tobacco, g ; 103 UAY STKEffl’, * ; sa.-vaista.h» | irftsgBP !• U. MOBQ.VT. A. 1. UAWM». MORGAN & HAWES, ATTORNEYS AT I.AW ALBAA-y, as. Xtr ILL PRACTICE IN THE SOUTHWESTERN W and Panola Circuit."' and nlao atttnd lo business in the Ciroult Courli of the United Stale, for the District of Georgia, and will attend to Com* missions In Bankruptcy. Albany. Nor. IP, 180,. a. u. sioan, c. w, onoorna. Homo, Go. Brooks Co, Ga. ,\ r. sTi'ans, A.r. mai; terras, .Moron, Gar Thotnaatllle, G«. SLOAN, GROOVER & GO., (£©®®©N i!A€®©ft0 and Commission Merchants, 4 8TODDAIIDS LOWER RANGE, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH/ GEORGIA. I LIBERAL ADVANCES ON COTTON consigned to our correspondents In New York aud Liverpool, oot. 21—3 mos O.J.WMGHT. L. P. D. WARREN. WRIGHT & WARREN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ALBANY, GA. W ILL pracllco in tho* several Court* of Lawtnd Equity in thin State and the Circuit Courts of the United Staten for the State of Georgia. Alio attention given lo COMMISSION in BANK RUPTCY. Albany, Nov. 18,1865.—3 *1 TO SUIT THE TIMES UtoloWenipiarket nU Whirl, we often at A7o;McRA3S, AT'HIS WELL KNOWN STAND ON OLD RYE WHISKY, ~ D. H. POPE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, A 1,15 A MV, GA, W ILL give prompt attention to any buaineea entrusted to him, in all theCoum of Dough erty nd surrounding counties. BROAD STKEET, ALBANY. GA. ^ lo VIS®E •n S.treot, Albanyi 6a. kiTp. OOOPKIt A CO. Savannah, Georgia. 3 TILL continues a strictly oommllsion business, j No interest in the pmeltsie of Cotton. Con- ignraents soliotod* Prompt end personal alien* N E Hum, (Sin, Brandy, Bittw.iVo, „ Prompt end personal atten tion to all business confided to iny care. Liberal advances on cotton for sale or shipment, All merchandise promptly forwarded when to my oare. oct 24—8raos. Rankrunt Petitions, coiptatUy bn hand. haa juaf receive.!, r- T is now offering at [aZARD'S Having received the RUL.G5 and OBDER9 together with Forma and Proceed! u a« in Bankruptcy, as promulgated by 8UFI1EME COURT of the United Staten, we aro ready to file case*, Ac* - HINES & HOBBS, July27-79. Attorney* at Law. Juo. W. Anderson's Sons & do.. wwi* GENERAL COMMISSION —AND— $oiiintriring llfrt&ants, Corner IDrnylon and Bryan tla. SAVANNAH, - OA Jxa. W. AtturtuoK, R. H. Amdcbson. Geo. W. Asnessox, jit. A H. Con:, 00124 Am A a- ootSDMAK ■ 'Sj J, uttetttouMpSB A large and well ielecteU I'oc'r ol Medical Cards, N*. 180 BAY STREET, V* »/*| v , l L*u / ionfinrH^lAfv^ Drs. Jennings & DeWitt TTAYE associated themselves in the practice of p~j medicine. OFFICE—t'p si aira over Hihraan A Ball’a Drug Store. |gF* Dr. DeWilt will givo special attentiou to SURGICAL case*. Albany, July 2d, 1807. 70-tf Tin Ware, . I*i r T'jjjrhama V / Crockery Tobacco i CulKtaiilly uu Unit tb« chnlsest ■ ilgheat market price for Hides and B yaak, Cto.tlW$;**kf'v iua tolfjs hf all JStjifes anb Qualities OFFICE—Lfhinan's Corner, Opposite Livery Stable. BESIDE*'CL A t S. P. BHIXSON'S. FeblS-nll-lfl . ALBANY, QA. Opposite Depot. ■ r B rnnirT i'iiiiij^ltiSSi^ ~»R8. CROMWELLS COKNALLV have removed \J their office over the store of Rich, GolenikyA in rear of Dr. Alexander, the Dentist. In our absence, leave your message on the Slate octlfi 8m, HOUSE has been I. _ , ... .V • I refitted and rcpafrtxIL and NEATEST HOTELS -in the. 81 eonv6nientiirihi» city. The H every thing the mnrketa effort!. Mncon, 8ep,24, 1807 ... lO4d0ut, ,A|WAND HEAVY QOODS, It.- V. CALLOWAY. C. M. ,rora. Drs. Callaway & Pope, PALMYRA, GA. March 30th, 1807 [80-ly] DRS. SIMS L AIcAIILLAN E AVE associated ihewBolvia together in the practice of medicine, and hereby tender their , 7BUUp?S/MBWEANS, and Clothing for laboring Men tl»u. /..Yiwaomoii. In addition to this immense Stock, ho has oil hand, and is constnntly rtceiring choice selections of Groceries, Pro !■*,. H '/T*'** *, •" r. i*. ‘J* Hiram Roorrt*,) services to the oiiisens of Albany and vieinity. OFFICE—At the Drug Store of Gilbert & Bro. on Washington street. May 2d, 1867 f 4 *$tf] D. L. Roberts. / Of Navaunsli; Ga Joskpu TillmAr, Madison, Florida, and Family Supplies, DR, W. A. LOVE, ALBANY, GA. Ice (until further notioo) et hi« Residence y opposite the tpsidnnoe or Captain John A. May 8th, 1807 40-ly Broughton Street, SAVANNAH.. •_ - - Business Cards, j'. and Glass YVare,.. Ipiiwik/1 k, . ote., etc. . '® n d in fact every 1& i 'ijL'.-H V \ '-vV ! v* ntoMyAOTiid ld th^ two departments of • /e«j^|pS.' A^t); DRY OOODS. UST. JOHNSTON k CO Waie^HousB and Commission Tof.tlinrlit", of our .,rri«o, to UjT »nd 18 PlAf t'lo", Hot.l li.nitron romndeled all.I Howl, trot'iil ni-lio.l „.i,l ]Hlt in jH'i't'oct order throughout.' - The IruYolllii* publlo mi, rett ed the, will 8u'd comfotjabl, umMupa j HoiIm. ' • ■ • * • ,. A. B. tUOfr Proprietor. igietMu, and pledge oth.r H.Mb,oxKtMh'ftj c .gl. KAYTON’S ll^&GlC AN KGVMIAK, Rgiun>li | For the euro of Sadden Coughs and' niA, Acid Stomaob, 8pro. Throat, Ree SlohneHs, Cholera, Diarrhea, Pains auc the Btomaoo. Sent by oerprads for fl, Steam, Grist and Arowowju^tporatiot lour al tbo rat, of till NOW OPEN. The underolgntd I. jiow pr'op.irod to FurflishMeals r^XjUAHOUBB, •• From? a. m. till 11 p.m. ^^S»t>IIY««)itaaU, hup on hunt .At-uUdIdji Lumbor, tmhlug Coon, Wlnt Moulding^ Gin Goan, and all other.wort In Uno. . . - , . , . The Albany ;Wool«?i Facte lo inking, and hw nowon hand for tala a. 1 t, of Woolen Cloth, which look, and wean ‘•Coonir, made ” Cloth, ranging in prtoefrom: Are a sure and r'Uaa&ni core ret StkwbsifiTn lions Disorders, f-— ilirhirjfffti In the Lirer, l i lomsoh anl.Bowfii./ nqik wit»n U regularly will rleaiiuJthe flood. an greatest «hlMliBnn,’rttle>rr,T,l<S'a>b.r»r. PnWto. : HE • Sent by mall for SB cent.vpcr' !;oi. Tl,0 above medloinee aw prepirqd ktid aoia.t paor/H. J^AWON, Td.whom nil ordere hiiould be Agente, A. A. B0L0JJ0N9 4 CO., Wholesale pi Promptly Carded into Roils or Bate. COTTON CARDED INTO ROLLS OR BATS For Mhtfroeaei or Quilts. ( ' > We bay Wool for Cash-or Cotton, ptthoaarkeYAdo.-v. ■ ulil loeeted jm Front ” to'-offer, the mdst ieibi *rispeci FINEST OF WOSTfiNHQI,.WNS AND L A liberal Far sal. I a. generally. Patterson. Office nt Bridge We solicit custom undTi • * - ' . ■•,24 It Oso mites abjT,