The Albany tri-weekly news. (Albany, Ga.) 1867-186?, December 21, 1867, Image 2

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|Klt the pres* the pflaple'i vlghtn » I by tear mid nubiibol by giiin,” fM»i*rtrftativc<'•Mainer. ;-..../ tu oecordauqe with (lie Resolution ndop- by tfffiTMiwerVntne tupeiiiig, tlie fol- lHWhig uamcil gentlcrueu ore hereby ap- mU environed Girted at the County Central Committee, ] WIUCn#ce j w j t #Ut: " MB & n on Tin, ^ . - l>a vff n :r W\ Sh'l'k N *i>on Jims Csitxr W. Sn'Ltis, 11. G. DoCks-tt, tCViitrnl ComVniftea. T. H. .Iobnbton, f£ ^-in. O- L. P. D.'Wnmni, I James M.JMerocT. | A quorum is authorized to net, nml the Committee will uptioint sub-Conimittccs lit ' dWt-mil jmrtr of the ( HM.,.Qatigrepble lntslligejloa. front Washington, Jtteinuoud, New Or!esti« mid various oilier poisf*. wilt be found on tlio ItulIrtiit• lionr«l. Tonhenry sad Insipid for this popor. Tke NeWfst noun* •riken all. * OcncraKJTnncofli was probably born to redeem tho cbartfiSM-'uf'yahkcii command* . cn from Infamy, anil tlie Month from tb« thraldom of scalawngaml tir^ro supremacy. Ilii eottrao in the Silt Military District eoni } mends Itself tqovcrv honest mm, and lover of liberty is tin- Republic. When tlm in* forual Reconstruction hills wer'o'passed, vb raw a oh*«ni4 (at a'Ciciar, slid In IWhCoolc think* wo sod tho matt. If he will "light Jt on the line” hojlma chalked, every decent whlto man at theBouth, and the wholo Consorva* tivo oloment st the North will back him, and with inch a power led by a brave, pa triotic commander, radicalism will wilt and withor and slink away before its thrilling in 'flucnce and -irrcaistablo march Three chccrafor Hancock—ho is our choice for the Presidency. Blare writing Us above, wt bars a dlipstob aft- nonnolug further ordats Hlting things right, »od undoin|Mewu's rascally woik. , ‘ * " ' Resolved not to Legislate! Tho only deoent or aonsible thing the Scalawags, at Atlanta, have yet dope, was the adoption of tho report of MoCay’a committee,.postponing indefinitely all ordi* lianro or other matter of ti Legislative cb’*r-‘ r aotor. jihjl dMhuing that, In future, no. ordb nartocs or other matter of andi ft character shall ho entertoinlid by tho Convention.— Were it not that Congress Ims taken the Conrcntioiis in charge, and will probably shape their future action, wc should regard this os a good omen,—at nny rate it appears to be a successful movement of the more conservative whig ol'lhc Convention, and u disaster to tho designs of tho Brndly d wfojgt Hut the most interesting item from the /coiiolavft, is (>. II, Burnett'* resolution, do ctoring that this Jins heau, is, nnd should ' be a white uinn’s government, W« ■ doubt irMicrels a white man in tiio world, wlio - knpws anything about the mattor, that does not, in his private judgment and foe lings, endorse the resolution; lmt lor tho sake of .(toil* and pluuiTcr, thousands in Georgia are ready to ignore tho truth and chango planes with the negro. Alpcorin opposed the resolution, and ' the Convention waa nlYald to voto ou it. Caldwell’s proposition to remove Gov. Jenkins mid appoint liol- look in ids stood closed up tho seventh day's farce. From Akcrmnn'o remarks on this villainous proposition, it appears that a combination lias been iormed to secure tlio uHioet, nml that this movement is tlio -be ginning of the allotment. This is In perfect bnrmopy with, if not the »ei|iifll to Farrow’s olroular,calling on his hlaok-nniMnn bivth- lin to acbd in the mimes of aspirants; and f ip Kenny, says; Pope isat tbe.hottom of tho whole thing. ■ “ * ‘ ,1| ‘ Tbe Approaching Leber Crisis. The present year’s contracts ore abont to close by expiration, and tho goncral aspect of the'wliolo question of agricultural in terests is so unaattslnotory that capital re fuses its office, and plantation proprietors aro held in ohoek by the extreme uncertain ly of events, nnd the hopeless prospect of tranquility. Never before wero these lutcr- with so many difficulties, or menaced with such periiouscsuaeqaences. Tlie whole theory.of political economy has ' beau VevtJutionhed by Radical legislation, and agriculture has been inbordiuated to politlos and party spleen: blighted and blast ed under the baleful Influonccofreekless par- tiznn domination, productive industry ia at a stand-still, nnd values are no longer avail able for supplying the ordinary moans of subsistence. Tlie groat moral upas has shod lla poision, and stagnation, deoay and .death aro its tropbloo. Our farm bouses and fance* Rilling Into mins, our fertile fields yielding their boaomt to Mnk weeds and mournful evidoneea of abandonment, pre sents a picture, at pncodiorriblo in reality, and appalling in roanita That the whole country is oil tho verge flf nnivortal bank- rnptoy, min and anaroby, is painfully man ifest to orory ono who takes tbe trouble to survey the Iliad of woes that threaten ns; and the most alarming featnro of the sitna- lioii is tho utter inability of our people to avert tho impending calamity. It ii as if the general end had como. end darkness were to bo tlio burler of the dead. History is without n parallel to our Condition. Tbo proprietary interests of Groeee were foster ed and protected by tho government, and the Helots were controlled by systematic regulations and legal discipline, Russia protects her agricultural in Iliillo- k is hi etriicted choice, and Caldwell was in by hb« to saddle tbo resolution with the mime of tlio • li-li-guto from ltich- mond in orib-rto test (lie scum* of tlio Con vention.' If (ho resolution passes, a flultocl; veil! be tbo irext Gov ornor "ijOcorghl. The action-ot Ohiigrvss mffinnlfiig the -(constructloo nets, so as (o authorise these wdoventibns to cstftbl(ah provisional gov- erouseuts, takettuiin.conmctiou with this doubt but such is tlio ’« object is not so much to reoonstructioi^ •(Hess and hold * of’fmWto, . was Tbad. Steven’s sc delegation from the to seeurc tho in tlio event itione. Such r to tho negro nia Convention, revolutionary ptp: - The Reek Store. L. B. Welch S Co. have opened ihs ptHsr depart aualsf the I'Corner," and lo dij tnaannce 10 ibsfr frisads, sM U.S poblle geaerslly, tkst they taps Aiyasta rsrrfspcadeic*. Drixmbbr, 18th 1867. In Anguata; my degr jVsics, with nCthl left of tho past ten days pilgrimage bntji svery eall, sai|appljr.»t6qr pleasant recoUcotionbffbc cemfortof tray- ' - ‘ 1 —- cling on tho Gulf Road—her comfortable and elegant sleeping cara, indnclog slumber and Inspiring plsosant dreams Then of Savannah; that' glorious old city, resting calmnly and majestically amid her desolation, shaded by (bn same grand old trees, brightenod and glorified by tbe aams blessed .Sunabiue. It is a proud commentary hough bereaved of on her people that friends, chorus of her interests, and prosper! by rigidly enforcing her wise and well defined theories on tho harmony and mutual dependence of capital and labor.— Great Britain’s monumental lawa on the re lations of master and servant, landlord and tenant, and eapttol and labor, protect allolassea, subserve all interests, and secure stability lu all branobet of industry. Her, naytlan colonics, it ia true, form an excep tion, but these she abandoned to tha negro, nnd he is left alone in bia glory to watte in idleness, and perish in anarchy. Here alone tha government dlsoriminaUeagahut tho products of a whola people. Here alone the government legislates tor the impover ishment of tha owners of the toll, and here atone that same government ddvotes its vast patronage, power and resourow- to tbe.un holy work and dlsastrona folly of demoral ising'tha laboring element, fomenting die- cord between dlfierent races, subverting institutions, and embarrassing tlio culture of the great 1 staples on whioh it feeds. No oivilixed government on earth waa ever so criminally guilty of scheming for the op pression of its people, and . its own disin tegration. The fable of the gooso and tbo ;oldcn egg aptly illustrates tho folly of onr federal law-given; but the vlhdiatlve and blind partisan insanity that brings them to telf-deitraation.and tbe immolation of con atltutional liberty, ia without a similitude, end precedent baa no lUuatrativo parallel. Tby Idea of March are cloao upon the people of the Sooth, On the first of Jan uary labor contracts will terminate, and the problem for another year’s experiment will force the immediate necessity for its so lution. How it isto beaolved is oertalnly tlie paramount question of the hour, and presents ■ formidable difficulties. It is estimated that more than ono-half tha planters iutho cotton region will ho unable to give employment to more than a fourth tho numbcr.of laborers they engaged’this year, and that the other half will be com pelled to, contract their operation* at least ono-thlrd. Their crippled resources, the oontinned low priebef cotton, the unwi lled condition of political affairs, and the hostility of national legislation to Southern productive intereste, all combine to stifle effort nnd stranglo enterprise. Those causes uionc are sufficient to justify extreme ca'u- ttors and timidity among plantore, .oven If they could command tho means to plant on as largo n scale as hertoforej blit when in su- peradded tho blighting effects of ths irre sponsible, reckless and'nncohstitntionsl as semblages now in session, called .reconstruc tion conventions, and tho uncertain issue of negro supremaoy, no roan feels safe in pro jecting cotton planting to anything like tho extent of former years: thongh tho " called conventions; and their masters at Washington, may put a discriminating tax on lands susceptible and not cultivated the difficulty will sot ho cured i it confis cation and robbery ia to take that form, tho evil will bo onhanoeS, and tha cotton cul ture vrfil bo a thhtg of the past. Tho dHsis ia on» of the deepeat moment to onr people, and the wisest counsels and •steyncst patriotism willhojBeceBsary tolilcct idpipast it successfully. ’^RTo aball ' pursue tbo subject in our next isano. " " political strcntgli, reduced pecuniarily, end “troubled on every side” they aro still bopefbl, cheerful, and tn.the full exercise of that hospitality for which they were ao dis tinguished before tho destroyer came. Onr visit to Laurel Grove was one ot melancholy satisfaction. It is a lovely spot, though not so carefully kept as iu years gone by. Distant friends will be comforted by the thonght that over our sol dior’s graves—which number several hun dreds—* loving watch is kept by gentle women who bold (hem in grateful remem brance. We found tho gallerioa of art quite at tractive. Wilton bat some beautiful pic tures, and employs* Splendid Artist. But Mr. Gustln’s pictures pleated me more than any otberstyle of picrurcs. Ilia Bonaventnre i* a magnificent oil painting, but bia geniua discovers itself more in his masterly define atlon oftbe”‘hnmanfaeedevine.” He exe cutes tho moet perfect likenesses in ' various stylos of tbo art. We saw aovoral fine lith ographs, besides pictures in oils, in klaok •nd whito and colored crayon a, and in wa ter colors, which lsstsyleu becoming quite popular, end ia . scouring more attention among Artists than in former yean. It ia to be hoped that a generous support, and appreciation of Bia genius may securo him to Savannah. Bntof Augusta. Notwithstanding the trrmendeotta financial pressure, she is look ing up. - Broadstreet, as weelwayajknew it —Broadway ia tome wifi oall it—and very e ly too—ia brilliantly beautiful: iron have boon multiplied until they ere quite common. The window* aro filled with every thing that can tempt the eye, end lighten the purse for Christmas. Tho street cara ere a novelty end prom. Ise to bo a profitable investment, and e great convenience in this city of large squares,] and “magnebcient distance!.” They will he patronised, if the low rate of fere places the accommodation within tht reach of bualneatmen and persona of mod- crate means, who are generally tbe only ones fatigued or pressed for time. Augusta is just a week behind Savannah with the Church Fairs, and other benevo lent enterprises, and those same little chaps the yellow-laced Jape, have been perform ing here during tbo past week to at large houses as they drew In Savannah the week before. The Richmond Academy, that venerable Institution where our grand parents were -Jills,.so long used for Federal BairackajJf^-nj,,,^ * ‘ *“““ It ia a cruel vast fa thidsputtunls of rtsUonory^ml Jsjislry. A theroa|h examination of this ologint sad n- ItulTO (took fatbits ut to tposk witk candorln fit prtlttj tad vbtn wt dlrtct attention to Ibt mpirb sdrtrtiitotnt la anotbtr pitot, tad auert that It ft bat a motgrt oalline ot Ibe rtrt colfetlloa ot bookt, jewelry, tfiver.pUte, musical inttrumtnts, gold and tllytr wtlcbtt, pooktt cutlUry, bltnb books tad stationery, tebool-botkt, aorelt, augo- itaet,Cbri«tm<u (iftt, tad lbs Iboiituil asd one.other Ibisgt Ikort to bo found, wo oiler (bo truth, «ad lit TtrlSostloa needs only a sltit la propri* prrsoes. Tho very stylo of ths astobllahment is worth a visit, If it bad no foods in it;—Ibe tbolriuf has more Ibe •ppssraneo of a richly polished piece of furniture, while theelegeat show ottos dtstlt nnd obtrm with Ihtlr beauty aad mrsngemsnt. The goods ire of tbs stry best qnalUy, and lbs variety Is certainly sktsesire enough to enable any out to get wbstsrsr may be wanted. Every article Is war- rtattd by kf tsars. Welsh sad Spencer, tad our word for it, men who hare gone to snob tremendous ex. pente to build up a book tad jewelry establishment like this, tre not likely to palm of the spurious for the genuine. They have invested loo much money nnd oharseter for nny such potty trioknry ns tbnt. The snttrprtie of thessgentlemsn deserves the highest praise, nnd wn nineerel/ hops to see them reop tho proper reward for their noble work. Oar Agent. Gol J. L. Knight having consented, in connection with hit other bnsinost, to act &• onr agent, we take pleasure in commending him lo onr friends and patrons. He will very aeon visit the counties of Southwest Goorgia, and we hope those who owe this office will not ovoid him. He knows how to dnnn without producing unpieaaant aen- aations, and oan fill' ont e receipt ea well aa any othar man. The Senth and Rcconstructson. We Ilk* ths Mseon Telegraph an glad to ao4 that tbsra is at laat ona Southern Bepnbiroan paper thet It honest enough lo do jutlioo to our people In tho mattor of Rsooustniotion, and it la worthy of nolo that tlio editor la a Northern man, whilst thost who misrepresent our motivss and alander our cause arc dishonored sooa of tho *oll. Tho eroeption referr ed to Is the Sivnnnnh Bepuhlloan, whioh ts doing sorrlso In the canto of truth. From a lending srti- dt lu that Jounal of Thursday wa aolcolaa follotsa: ‘•No asnatblo Southern man attempts to deny that Reconstruction cannot be defected, nor do thoy de- alre'to dofoat It, presided they oan eieapa the ter- rtble punishment and fresh disgrace that TUaddeut Slavics and Wandell Philips nro struggling to help upoo them It. does not follow that stably hsciuie a Otorgisn, In his native State, will not humbly bow to tho Qosler oap of Universal Suffrage, that lit necessarily atrlvtng or aulious to defeat Reooustruo, lion. Nor oan wo asllove It is right or just that tha Intelligent oltiisn of MaiuchuieUs, who insists upon restricting the privilege of suffrage by a fair educational test, should he branded aa a traitor or aconao-1 ofbeing opposed to Reconstruction, We claim that both oonoluilona aro unwarranted, and admit of no argument. Ths Southern people, — ho hues will as ths rsjpsotsbls Northern men who have set tied iu ths South for honorable purposes, and with tha inf antion of beoomtng good, law-abiding oitlfsnS. pupils, ao long uaed tor r oacrat isarrxcrs tins at last, been given up to the Trustees, The fine building!, end. ’beautiful ground*, laya the advertisement, have been thorough ly renovated, and the Institution organised by the Board of Trustees, on the principle of affording faollltles for a complete educa tion. commencing at tho earliest years. Tho text books, generally will bo thoBe recommended at tbe Convention of the Teacher* of thin State. The mathematleal course that ot West l’olnt. Tho Superin tendents and Professors art ell graduates of West Point, and with auoh a corpa thia Institution bids fair to rival the beat in the land. We cau hut bid thia home entarpnse God speed. Au Rbvoib, Four Ceaefy Paper. We oHp'the following very tenolble article from ths arssSvills Enttrpriit, and commend It lo tho attention of tho oitlion'a of Wilks County. •By alt moans, support yuor Connlynspsr. Bs •port, wo do not merely .moan subscribing hr If, l you should atsoadvsrtUs In It. Andlhtn.too there Is a moral support which you ihoutd give It,’ Und without which It cannot thrive. Newspapers art ■now a part of life and of ocoUly cud the more'roe- poolahfo and important you make your home Jonr- nil, tha more iln youoontributo lo build oplha in- lomt that roach lo your very arestde. U 1s said of tha good and, grot Judge O Nealt, that whenever he tied a tiiBUer hafore him which he thought well, we arc glad to know, aland ahouldcr to about ", fit poss l lufrlng . ■acred rlghta-vauehaafed t, tha Sovereign States of cur Union by tho Constitution—n ffsgrani violation of tbo pledge'made, under tho apple tree at Appo- mattex by Ulysses 8. Grant, and atOraanahoro by Wn. Teonmssn Sherman. • It la u compact that waa not ‘uomluotod lu fits bond,' and wo will fight Us snforosmeol in our adopted State ns vigorously ts wt should fstl Justified in doing H in onr native Stata of Mauaehuioili, did C tigress or tho Presi dent seek to trample under foot in tho same merci less manner tha Inherent right! of tha peopla of tka ••Old Bay Stata. 1 ’ A Criminal and Perilous Cariosity. Tha AMoan leopard catches and destroys tho aa talopo through aa appeal to thia animal 'a curiosity. ConcealinghltnMlf In tho long grass or among tbs loavesofgrtin branches Ikllan or trailing on the ground, ha awaltS’the approoih of hla Intended vietlm. He knows that curiosity Is o weakness of ths antslopa t and when tha graceful creature cornea naar tha ouanlng fca ha stirs the green revering, whioh attracts ths closer inspection or the In another moment tho lofipasd springs Incautious visitor, und lays the bleeding i Us fret. We ere reminded almost dally of thia artfnl destroyer by tbs folly and ruin of a wicked and dangerous curiosity umcUg men. Ths dovtl la tha buay and sucosufttAleopara of souls- Bshlr ths curtain ortho theatre, the bar, tha sUructl' counter of skeptical and corrupt literature, and the door pf fallen virtue, ha lurks, and whispers to ths young, "Only ones," to see wheUi there. A glass la pleeeenfrlendija volants os two — ’ rellgl might he of interest or of utility to the people, ho _a|) of these and many taor«'dlsghlasshlisC eon wrote it out immeitieleiy, and sent it for pubhoe- aSalsdtlt, fkntts orihesoul'e enemy, until the sin lion—where, do you suppose ? No. To his ovu County leura both el< novel to while ew.ey Uis _ . ... -vtik on the Sobbath "to tho works oC nature —oU of those and many more disguises hora: con- coaled ths hags or the soul’o enemy, until the e|n- ner haebrea taken captive by Salon at his will; ts taste the bitterness of the -second death." Chria- tlana have need'to To the city paper! his ova County psper, with his own nemo epelt out in full, including nil middle name. It made no difference If. whether, that psjier lied a i',iiT«d of”Madame Gh! waa the reeoluto restraint of tho cariosity—lta eap- llvlty to Christ. In nothing perhaps, Is there lei reeling or re.poo.tbiltly among professedly rollgl hoUl out people, if we may'Judgv by the manner of- lire. Even the preached gospel becomes powerlesaheoause of a vain and oeored rellgioas curiosity in tho ample of God. The ain of Eve in Eden la " formation where It ought to hove gone, with hit own of him andhU name, and which should bs Imitalsd »rlss and go-abod acliT*nM* ¥W 7'^SSa#jHlai - 4. i published! lo b for if you see' u Journal with meagre udvorllalng columns, you will .doulj " find thtthualnus there I . none of thet enterprlso and go-ahead aettvoness exlellng whioh gtvel life Its charm t but llilleeaneet and inactivity hold the people In nhalna- And It la Just to. In reference to the Intelligence of a commu nity. If in newepaptr has no efimmUaloatloas, nothing from tho readers, it evinooi a- deficiency in the Imparling and exchanging of ideas whl?h sure ly rollow intelligence, and which newspapers should be the medium- Some men reside tu aomanmltiw for years who brer ths reputation of wall Vead and thinking oten, aad yut they nsvar deign re pul (hulk pifiretloui upon paper, toha jour- nil, that ethare may read and bu predtod. .Jo ta- part lutsltlgaues, la its Un real, and bo..wha tenches ethers Is best taught himself: auderudltlon that Is sealed up and pulaway, dwiadlre lulu loth* ingness.- , - . •‘Commuulcattooa wo the Ufr of a uowspatr, bhuw how It la appnolatad-aod valusfi, »d a short POPx’fi . JUBT ALABAMA.— By Telegraph. Tenths Mbuity ftf-Wd^ly Nsws. V * - ft 6ESERAL SRIVSe | JPmilapblpuia, D«o. 20^-Klcphsnl Romo klUod bis keeper^ San Fbaxoiooo, Dec. 20.—DemocruUo Csutus ■ominoled Eugeue Tsspsrly Bcuulor. Wambikatom, Deo. 20—Trimble is seste^. Job a Touug Brawn, and M»J. Young sent back. Tlio Commit too on elect loadoteruiBod much If chagrin ihs ritrameists, not lo Mat ailaorlly odtUstUnia New Oilmans, Deo, 20.—AnoUor fira at .Vloks- burg at midnight last night, whioh dastroyed ftftjr sareo thoussnd dollars worth of property, In sured $35,00D. 4 This is Ihraa incendiary fires In that city in throe succenl?o nights, Atlakta, Deo. 20 —Tha Contention passed ap onllsMoa to-day to Uvj aad collect a fas of dais sixteenth of one per cent. It also reqnlraa tha State Treasurer to advance forty thouaand dollars to tho disbursing officer of tha Convention. TI1E MARKETS* ALBANY. Binoe our last there has been no improvement ia cotton. Buyers are willing, but holden no disposition to sell. Very little has Reeeipis eontinue fair.. Wa quota nomi nally 7®9—as extreme. About 8J is tha ataraga for tha little telling. Our merchants still complain of dullness, but as the holidays approach, we notioe more activity, aad some improvements in the retail trade. Markets by Telegraph. Domestic Markets. Ntw York, l)tc. 20.—Arrived Fairbanks. Stocks aetive and improving; sterling 10®10}f .meaty 7; Gold 1840184}; bonds, old 8}; new ft Fleur doll and drooping; Wheat dull heavy; oorn shade easier; Bye scarco and firm; Oati dull and unchagcd; pork ■teady; Lard dull; whisky nominal. Cottoa.qalat bat steady at 16| quiet; middlings 14}, Baltimore, tote. 20—Cotton steady. Nsw York, Dao 20.—Cotton sailor; islet l(800f Savannah, Deo 20—Cotton dull; salt 600. Avgusta, Deo 20—Fair demand; but prlaea lower; •alee 667 18f Char It ton, Deo. 20—Cotton active, prices un changed middlings 15. New Orltaus, Dec 2 0—Cotton aotive; Orleans 16} Salta 6600; reoeipts 9,712; exports 028; weak 82, 600; ieoaipti week 84,088. Foreign Markets. Parti, tote, 20—Bullion increased nine million Francs. London, tote. 20—noon—Console 929-16; bonds 72. Liverpool, Dte. 20—noon—Cotton quiet aad un changed; isles 8,000 bales. Week 68,000; whereof export 10,000; speculation ' 2,000; stook 460,000; whereof AmetUan 82,000 Breadstuff! end others unchanged. LJ.YELCH&CO. BOOKSELLERS A.-NTP. ' JEWELERS, Sign of the Gold Eagle. NEW STORMEW GOODS KTe-ww fine Gold and Silver Watches, Elegant and Hioh Jewelry, GOLD CHAINS aud CIIALCIIA1N8, BKAUTIEUI. GARNET 8»T3 JEWEI.RY, ETRUSCAN and PEARL SETSJei aad coni Isweliy ^Bq^Wfffilta'ihi mQSSfUQ find U25J3, RINGS, COARMB, BUTTONS, ETC. ETC. SOLID SILVER FORES, Spoou, Cups, Napkin Rings, Csksand Plskntsee, ALL WARRANTED PURE AND AS REP. RESENTED. Silver Plated Ware, Wo have u great vaviaty, and nsw daitgnij Rsfinre and Bmtth's auks, known tabs tha bsst.wuntaafi fall watght of plat* an genalne Albata. ‘ n . -1- ' . V Repairing done in the beet and Warranted. London, tote 20 p m—Consols 02 ll-10r, Liverpool, ton 20-p m—Corn 4C; tallow 48044. Special Report. Livtrpd'ol, Dte. 20 11 a m—Cotton quiet; sal 8,000 bales—7|. Mobile, Dte. 20.—Cotton sales 1,200 bales; close New QVbocrtisenuntB. A Card, The undersigned would respeotfdlly call tha at* tentian of his mends, end the public generally to his extensive stock of DRY GOODS. and various ether articles which ha proporaa to sell Strictly for cash from this Rate. Grateful for past patronage, ‘ he eeke a liberal share of the eeme in the future, nt his old sbtnd, where he will tell goods at as lo Varices as any In town. JOHN TALBOTT. ^ Albany, Gs.,Dscemker 10th,1867. if Summer Residence for Sale. WfLL be eetd by virtue of an order fromt he Court of Ordinary, of tbo Ctfbhtjrof Spalding , an the first Tuesday tn Jenusry next, before tkeCovrt *. 0 f paid County, within thet usual hours House dooi of legal til rite, all - tha Collier, late ofsaid Cou&ly deceased. The residence lot will contain from fl ly to aif- enty-ftva acres of land, including gardth and flow er garden, orchard*of due peaches, apples, peart, Wherries, etc., etc., under new plank- feaee, and a body of wood ‘ i has six r real estate of Hrs. O-.C ^ -plank' sonsiilurahls My or wood Und. ' Tho kous, has ,U rooms i .fsnr twenty-four feot square, nnd tbs'oih.V too fiReen by twsnty aBB-sicita: »?*»•»»»«» . .. »pls kitchen has four rontne, the barn 1# house, well, Ao., ko„ in good order. ■ ‘ This property U familiarly known u. the' Cnrill Uwi. plreo, on Ihs Clijffin plonk read, ono slllt, from tho Grinin depot. Tho torms of Iht.sslo, will bs ons-lhlrd essh, ons tklrd lnlweltomhnlhs, sad ons thirdjin slfihtren ' ,-brnrlng lnwful Interest from dais, I giving wacH'smtiiSr Pianos, Violins, Flates, B: Violin i Trimming*,''etc. Anj old or n«w Music ordered for Customers .. j Blank Bookstand Stationery, r 3000 qmlre* Blank Books, ■ —;00GBfiiVi,Hy'ai, Vj , 10G Breton of Barer AND A COMPLETE STOCK OV PLAIN AND FANCY STATIONERY* SCHOOL. ^BOOKS, A-larga Stook, from Infant* primtru th Wakstsc’a Unakvldgad. - . - ro: ; mews mm. All tha popular MoiithliMi and Fidt-; j lie* on sale. Subscriptions for any Mngazin* or paper taken. Particolar attention; paid to this department. To Readers and loiers of good books. On, ahalvre now sksw a good stook of Slandwt mlKeUsssona works. Wo akafi respire Iks pqp»^ mw Books WMiTimxs, 3 SSW Cutlsry, tic, sto. (DIHIlI^SS"(51lIFm A spliodM rtook.»alselt(l etfrenly for ihoNott- . h d, T0T8 1 roa TOT BOOKS for the Jllllp folks. - ■ l. N.'WEfcC8*Ca_ \ - Wii and plaoe, gi TnWnivro Bsvnioaas —Ths Bosloa Post jay* "Crimo Is iwrihly prewlsnt In Najr England. Bvsry few days ouV Maid otUaa and qnlot, tswao are startled by soma deed of blood. «*>* wvolallon of i.i • si 1 i ntso or of ratooUiyv Oavjpytkyv*kre^ire,| KDBB DiSRXQABDXD IK ,—Judge Butteed, District Judgo ia Alabama, refuses to rocognixa • Popo’a Jary order, and direct* 'hia jaran drawn from plain, folks in accordance with- the law# Of Alabama. -Tim* 'puses away tha tolly oft fool—may the fool toon (follow. Ifyoowlih la make . Christmas prssvnt fro* Un soils to tvs hundred dollars,-you oaoaot MI Is gat anltfid al l* Waltb k Co’o. OB' Aa nsoal, Welch has aa tmmsao* stook of fits pookat kaivta aadraxorx.If you waat ansstre good onrt go to WsToh’aCornsr. j A Wa«nino to tb* South.—An 1 intor- oottngand forcible artiole, thufilioadcd, wifi bo found on tho first l>*«e of tbi» paper.— Road it. ’■" ■ Par# Jewelry tobaliad wary obcap at# Strfina’ on Broifil Street. . months,.besrtng in wfni Interest from dais, I giving bonds for lilies aniltamodlata paoooasIsR. - N. J. nAUHOND, [Ailsnla Oa.,1 Amd r.O. t A. orc. a .Collta. * Deeember, ?tth ’IBd7 ’At TOB -.-V. ^ LOWEST MARKET isssa •nly : 600 iiika FIOOR, of tfygrxd'^ *0^ 8HOtJU>K|UB, 25 bales UBAVY OUNNt BAGGptG, two _ (They talk. Tkooost. (til other to 1 ^ -yk tore* swathe older sstd,^ I uia'ttani yen make malkre it* , irtt lo offer, dear, 9RT Savannah, Ga. *- ^mir© xteduo I HB undersigned, proprl.tort ef lh* _ Hense Omnlbna. line, have, frew^klsdam,. rodoood the fsre to the following rat..: To and from Railreade and Bteamhr lo Mare Home 60 centi. Savaaaah, Oot. fi, 1857. ■ » A, DUT*NBOPIB,OA. , ^ A.M.W. I An ©OTSHTOFEia dk'CO- Oottoii Factors o-' e or W Commission’Stif No. 74 Bay Street, dOpsoksfOS Vktl a’kt BIO and JAVA COFFEE; ■ *"«. . 76 bbta Crulhsd.Bk.O (7, Bfc ABTJOAR 100 bos 150 reeks 1 tOOOlki. Ext «,r WANS, .u SHOES, SMOKING 1 land! StWOTASK Wi-M InislUgWOO.'; **•* ■sastgfli Jtlbmv,’ ' .**• t I' 1 - H --.*