The Albany tri-weekly news. (Albany, Ga.) 1867-186?, December 21, 1867, Image 4

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Goods c: XiOTBiiSra, BOOTS AND SHOES. r DRY GOODS. ' Ladles Fancy Goods, Umbrellas, ParaMle, il? fx." ■*• i**’ ^Irsi . bA«b~cha.\ce,. Stamping ->-for—. ; •'•_( Ladies Braiding and Embroidery, oMtftiiftsW S^ng'Ps ilio Kitditutl hrUjoiI oi rosoosietictUia JL pcisrilcet iu. jHv ■ plainly Indhidntestfa>roli«i,vifetT»t]brte.‘ oljFijBlrJV wraith, bat it u< bflhe war, viUfe tRwly- wl and shattered, if the South it not quick- tkt CudStitntfon.” Hare, tlteryl* a distinct .admission that the “Loyal”Fragment. of tlie Union is in dla*o!«Wy uj>Iu the kto oi tlto l'ro- rinotal Fragment, imJ, with- tho <lc>lnie- tion of the our, tbeoYerthrtfW (>tU»» ftllOT; iaiaavitablv involved.' ‘TheTfcSrtWrydoes not say triad any ibt-0£jteOt>MVnci ion- even the laotkery of BWieallaUt—vvill i™*- doe to preaervo the-gmAWnof tt* -nottntry; uu tlto contrary, ho intjsts tiityt the thothml .* now being etigineprefi I* imlbidnl to tho last degree, and tiflbvorsivqof llimucinl, he well: , as politionl order. To resend the meat, then, an naolrout power, (lie South must l)« restored, not aait iiegtp.l’fovinoe or Undies 1 ]>acUhtk£ljn& "mtlTtnl Uio ritfhU <uiJ primltgt* of all., r Stales. ' From this exhlSIti H wilt appear, that poor and despised ns the Smith may seem io ho, sho really and substantially holds, and hat held, for years, Uto keystone, of tho arch that supports the dome of Union tmd I’rospdHty. ’t hit in order tnat them may- CAtL TfIK ATTENTlQN OF THE- CITIZENS OF ALBANV AnE VICINI1 ^ *-.Largeand well selected stoSk of Are now offering their lalge mill extensive' stock of DONE TO ORDER. CLOTHING CCTI.VTHE LATEST STFLE Trnrti, Valises, Carpet-Bags, if*-' . .. brellas and Parasols, sunv aiMiaao *r‘ iuoav nones. Keys of all Descriptions Fitted. AUAMT, - - • OA. OPPOSITE TUEflOCTIIERN JEXFBKBS COMPANY, (sad amitr Its TrMY«kly Nturs Office.) agu Produce token la sashuge. Call and glre ms a trial and jndgs fur yonrstlm. aord-iw-w . ;. . The best pKcfc tp have your Watoh., Impaired,, A11 WoolDfalaina and Alpaooas, »:• .-:t ‘ r\ French Marino—alfoolor*, Silk Poplino, Mohair Cloth, Empress Cloth, , l'’ierich Clonks—a great variety, • ' Gents Clothing and CassimcreB, _ , , ,., Y Hats, Boots and Shoes, AT VERY DQW FRIOIS • Oitf atOckof "Groceries is large, and will 'hff'jjmM.wtew-pJf0p* Tobacco by tlio box, and Whiskey by the barrol^ip ho Bold at Macon prices with tho freight added, \ 109-181. Nov. a.,tsar . v - ; -. V ■ • JLSO Faint.'Oils, .Vartlshsi .tamps, • . Glnv, Sponge*, pniahee, Perfumerr, Kt - A large AnoarnBHT or fancy asd to |Qp Medicine* warranted gonnine arid of. the, best quality. Cuato; plete, compriiibg uiAtjy. articles i41§ impoo*fcle k*re 4o enumorato\ £ Ail Sold Low for NO DANGER as ho warrants hie work and charges VERY LOW. We have on lumd, and arc constantly receiving, a' welt sulectod atootfnf NOW BEADY FOB OASi Are offering ?,t their Store thie. C‘ 1 ' Sold in Albany since 106, SATISFACTION* IN PRICE AND V^UTT GUARANTEED TO A' - - ; BAlGGS' : 8TEI»Si£j Flat**fIt* os a call,. No oriargo for showing.goods. Cotiaiatlng In part of a 3STO. 1 ARTICLE OF FLOUR, Coffee, Tea, Sip, Bacon, Fine Liquors, k, k, . And in fact everything uanally kept In the GROCERY LINE. , —ALSO— f CLOTHl%flAT^^^SHOESy^^and StME GOODS. All of which we are offering to the Retail Knd Jobbing Trade, inent, thereof, that'the - prodnctiVo power of the Bouthcrn States should bo rcetored as rapidly aa posslhla,’’ When did tho financial minister of» great government ovortflakiso hnmtlinting a oonfeision as to tho infiuenoo and potenoy ot a aubjugated territory? -When' did the vanqulsuea aver feel so miserable as our people must leol when reading this oon- detonation of their’ avarico mid wtint ol sag acity ?. -Here, then, wo have an explicit ac knowledgement that wo have helped save She universal Yagkeo nadop from bnnk- xuptoy,during throe awfql ycara; and thus performing the part of u mluomer of our " THE LARGEST AS30RTJ1ENT OF Fii*e Arms ■.,vT* iff'»’■* and Ammunition kept at' Straas’. Wholesale Dria INVITE THE ATTENTION OFJDEALERS IN : . te"; V' ‘ • To their eatensive stock ©rugs ani> illciiieinfsT Ipuiulsi WESTERN GEOIW Toilet Articles and Peifbme “That” \01d Virginia Smoking Tobacco. The only hope for the South is to become S E LJF SU S T A ININ G.. Aa long Ofi we continue tdi buy. Corn, Bacon, Mac^irtflry, Glothing, elc., and in fact nine-tdnths of our mcrcantilo Commoditiea from the North and irOABH 1 " 011,7 k.Ortfgia who bay this eslebielsc) Tobsoco i.T tt« Cash orders for all goods Inept Res respectfully solid H., S \ MASS! Mseoa, Oa.. Novtiabor litb. ' lli 161 WM. HONE. Established in 1850. IHrORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER Mcnufteu daoed td the desperate need of thesp unhnp ■ pydays. Had they lived Within them- I aetvas,.diversified their crops, or resisted > the temptation of tne ooltcri fever in a mod erate degree—tho reaction thatnpw spreads over the land whuld have come a twelve month sooner, or, in the wreuk of the shod- i dy ship of State, consequent upon n refusal ' to fhrnish exports, they -would have had premiums offered for tho cultivation ofoot- Vm and not the imposition of outrageous Now, since the Secretary of tho Treasury hss (elt it hie duty to warn Congress tlint ia. restoration of the South, “iciW. all Me Hghtt and priviltga of other States” is nccqs sary to the preservation of tlto “national oredlt;“ that suob a restoration falling, the Government itself must go into bankruptoy —will'our peoplo be guilty of the tolly of the throe pasty ears; will they coutiuno u cotton culture that buvvs the financial life ol a people who have slain our children aud parents in uuholy warfare, and now design the introduction of Haytien .anarchy to pol lute and ravage the little tlmt war has lofty Never did a people exhibit an oh bnBo. in gratitude to those that Bla’vo for them, ns the people of theNorth 1 Never did slaves over iofl and swoat so thanklessly tor their UtlnuMta driver, as the peoplo of tho Noutli! S a report is true—nud he reeled so torriblo a so led by the exigoncea of t la our powor a,ny time •ee years, by refusing to te terms anil uot euppU- Mtathesu Thu opportunity 1ms uot yet pAsaeriaway. We still possess tho means ot ropmall, Ifeurpfaaters will sow small a^nia and attend to their gardens-.if our sons will abandon their foolish bird banting and lake hold of tho plow li.-mdlo, if our daughters and wives will perform some household duties and wear homespun; if,in a.word, wo give the Yankee nation fair ohanoO to settle their fiuaneial and political tnaddle at homo and by themselves—our wordlobit, thedoysof 18li$ will witnoss an uprising in tlto North little dreamed of by the fanatics of Congress—an uprising IG.rSON. * HARRIS, • MERCER & SMITH, CORNER BROAD AND W ASHINGTON STS. 'flats on ^mU^^«i?ureoiM*5lani'ly\-ecolvin|f ’’ A GOOD STOCK OF GOODS. CoOslitlng io psrtol BacoaFlour, - . Sugar, Coffee, . fish, Cleese, ‘ ■ r; 'Trisb rutat/io., ■ ■'.'.'■'d ' •;.■ ‘Tebseco, Negara, • *>fck»e v: . aZ..a »»*._-V. OUSUWA6tx.trA, l joportHii. ittri' DeaUvfj in 140 Bay Street, SaTasaab, <Si. HENRY’S Draper & Robert’s, Albany, Ga, mn 'hit»k’er>y ' /’ UP STAIRS, --x-i ! '«r Sens oj.i) IJACKSOlfSTRAJl^ ... Near Host & Johnvtoxi’* OLD WARBHOTORr -; r, « . if. « ■ - a. .^HERE t tasks slid ksep fitr stle ell kinds or Cabinet Fumitoo. Matrasses, On which enn be wove*, by ANY ONE, every FABRIC you wear ’V?- Oaths sataow'arp. can bev.-ovea ■ PLAIN CLOTH, SATINETT, BLANKET-TWILL, FENCINU-TWILL OF ALL KINDS. It also weaves Blankets, Balmoral Skirts,- Woolen, Lihen and Horop Carpets. It Is Impoielble to gel the Loom oot of Order; sad a fealty can yearly tats Its oo»l, while a plants ■ ro. ^mdroteteu .lute, the aaramt (fa. Crockery AssnleU porohiiwrf. * v . or ropael Fowrior, Shot, Load, I>rcussion Gaps, Holloware, Iron, Nails, Flow*Stfcl, Trace-chains, Ho«s, Plow- Boots, Shoes, Brooms, Tubs, BueKcts, S^ycs, &o B&u Tho highest warltefc i: |jpIcopoitl fonoli kind of produce. -»• ^ . Jd24 8m UENBT AVSTULTa TIIOMAS X DURBAR, (IIS HOUSE has'. . refuted.: end IF YOU WISH TO BUY A uoi ' SILVER WATCH OR An| Pure Jeweli ? ''Cjaxl on. S'ippHed.wm Ok Jtfsrketfriii ignore, Flo^tl ptid^o proitj Gaiiib iiEALs'F.1 IVjrn C e, is. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS lit CABINET WORK, , MATRASSES,'-' REPAIRING FURNITURE, RE-OANIbG CHAIRS. UPHOLSTERING eed- i. I Sf- - RE-CANING SOFAS, Tele a Tele Easy and RocVIng Chiiirt, Fro'BpHy'sad fsftlifully doue such prices io fait WINE8, the times. \ I will engage to make ETC., IN THE. SOUTH, AJID FOR SALE AT FeS snoe Wormwood; KtscriooTepperiuint; ’ UP; .^Jabo* - B^nrhori . >• 5 - ‘ Monongahel% Whlskyj »•. Old, X, XX and XXX- v din Cocktail; «\ .Whisky Cooiall; : /« Brnniiv CooVjtait; J, ♦- « Old Brandy. 1820,.|MI* , Witf V, Old Holland (Jin; ' »'r «l -T-Bchoidiin} Behnappet .«** $ Sherry Wina; *♦ v €urra*quedo Bherry; •V Ifarmoav Hiicrr^ * ,f v ’ Old Goldeu Shervyi ; -y-w > - / 7^1d Palo Rherry; . ^Mrort Wins; ** JBufgUBdy port; V fine ateortment of HAtank B**Are. m bftfrala KetUukw Bourbon Whisky; Old Fort Juicoj * ’ Madeira Wioe;' Ginger Wine; Currant,Wines*. Bl&olib’erry Wines' StmTia ysuryide^aad I *111 $ Satis ■ ^Wormwood Cord 1 Noyc .u Cordial; - Ars-itJk Pundlu Wkiekyr PunjSj’* Brandy Pnnoh; Si ought on Bluer*; Bitter*-, TABIES. » W4SHSSTNDS, ETC, oiie to ortler. Humeiu* ut,r if llify.prcfor »that' tjic i>roj»br rLow Grade Wliisky.And a Mpltndld; • linger. Wfirranfced « »urc prcvff»Ur©of,< a anti eLhrtr dUeasea inoidooml to war loo. ' v -• *'-*. pure Holland Gin. Also Smith's Alo