The Bulloch herald. (Statesboro, Ga.) 1899-1901, November 10, 1899, Image 5
All Over the County. Local Items Condensed for The Herald Headers, READ ’EM IF YOU CARE TO, If Von Don’t See It Here, Chances are ’Tisn’t True. See new tresspass notices in this issue and govern yourselves ac¬ cordingly. Mrs. W, C. Parker is spending several days on a visit to friends in Atlanta. J. W. Fordham is now assistant sawyer at Scarboro & Mitchell’s big mill near Dover. The cottage occupied by Mr. Rabun at McDougald’s still, was burned Sunday night. Mrs. R. E. Talton is off spend¬ ing a week with relatives in Lin¬ coln and Richmond counties. Mrs. Virgil Moore returned Sun¬ day from a visit of several weeks duration with relatives in Atlanta. The burying of seed, cane has been in order for the past week, the slight frosts having hastened the work. Mr. David Strange, of Svvains boro, has been down this week loooking after the interests of the telephone line. Ordinary’s court was well at¬ tended last Monday. Some idea of the new business originating can be gained from our advertis¬ ing columns. The many friends of Joe Ben Martin will be pained to learn that he has been confined to his bed the past week with a severe attack of rheumatism. The famous Zeigler shoes can now be had at Lanier’s. It is said that the “Wizzard Oil” theatrical company, which played a week’s engagement in our town last year, will return again within a few weeks. Heavy frosts for three mornings in succession this week, reminds us that winter is fast approaching. If it is accompanied by the usual amount of fresh pork and turnip greens, let it come. Eld. Riner and family left yes¬ terday morning for Butler, Ga., where they will make their home in future. They made many friends throughout this section who regret their departure. A shooting affray is reported among the negroes at Brannen & Bessenger’s still, near Laston, last Saturday night. No one was killed, but several are said to carry pistol balls about their persous as trophies. Messrs. VV. T. Smith, J. W Olliff, B. B. Sorrier aud R. Lee Moore attended the Fair in Atlanta last week. Mr. Smith took occasion to buy a lot of splendid horses for the Statesboro market while up there. When you have to buy shoes, go where there is a complete stock to select from—at C. A. Lauier’s. Miss Blanche Stephens died at the home of her father, W. D. Stephens, near Groveland yester¬ day evening after a protracted illness with typhoid fever. A casket was sent down from this place for the interment, which occurred today. Messrs. Henry Olliff and Har¬ mon Davis are thinking of forming themselves into an incorporation to corner on the quail market with a view to supplying Dover and Cuyler and other nearby. cities with this delicious meat. They are both expert hunters, and think that if they could sell their game at a fair price (say, f 1.00 to $1.50 per bird) they could make some money—provided ammunition goes no higher. Cotton continues to look up in the Statesboro market, good sta¬ ple selling readily at 13£ cents. So much faith have some of our farmers in the theory that prices will go still higher, that they pro¬ pose to hold their stock on hand until February. The sportsmen are playing havec with the partridges since the first of the month, and inci¬ dentally gome of the sportsmen are having havoc played with them by the farmers on whose lands they have been tresspassing. Look out for posted lands 1 Mr. W. H. Btitch having had his store repaired and refloored, is having transoms put in over the front windows and door, thereby greatly improving the facilities for lighting the house. He has not yet decided definitely, but he may occupy the store himself this winter. Fur a comforable shoe, a stylish shoe and a lasting shoe, try the Zeigler shoes, aud you will be sat¬ isfied. Sold by Lanier. W, W. Smith has been up from Savannah this week in attendance upon county court, in which be is a witness in a criminal case. He is now engaged in carpenter work in the city, though he was recently laid up for several weeks from the effects of a blow received on his head, being struck by a falling timber, which nearly resulted fa¬ tally. Mr. Irving G. Rogers, one of the best known of this county, died at his home near Groveland last Fri¬ day evening at the extreme old age of 85 vears. He died unex pectedly, being suddenly taken with appoplexy or heart disease. The funeral occurred at DeLoach’s church Sunday, and was attended bv an unusually large concourse of friends. The members of Middle Ground church, five miles south-east from here, are making arangements to build a more, commodious house of worship on the hill a few hun¬ dred yards this side of their pres¬ ent one. The church now used is a comparatively new one, but the congregations have outgrown it, which makes the building of a larger house imperative. The negro Joe Sampson, who was given a preliminary trial last Saturday on the charge of mur¬ dering Wilson Walker at the rail¬ road camps at Stilson the first of the week, was committed to jail to await trial at the April term of superior court. The killing ap¬ pears to have been entirely unpro¬ voked, and it is thought that Joe will have occasion to thank his stars if he gets off with a whole neck. , Remember, if it’s a soft shoe or a hard shoe, a cheap shoe or a good shoe, a low shoe or a high shoe—if it’s a shoe!—Lanier has got it. J. S. Crumley, of Fly, is one good farmer who says he is per¬ fectly satisfied with his cotton crop this year. On one small patch he made a bale of black seed to an acre and a half, and says if the drouth had not struck it he would have made a bale to the acre, but he made enough as it was. There are many other farmers in that section, and all over the county, who did about as well. The road overseers in some dis¬ tricts report a little trouble with hands who refuse to obey the sum¬ mons to work the roads. Some of them assert that the present sys¬ tem is illegal (though what op¬ portunities to knowing it no one can guess), but a subpoena from the Ordinary to appear before him and “show cause” generally has the effect of hastening the pay¬ ment of the commutation tax without a legal investigation. BUSINESS IN COUNTY COURT. A Two Days’ Session This Week and Justice Rapidly Dispensed. [continued from 8th page.] At the time of going to press witn the outside pages of this paper, at sundown yesterday even¬ ing, the trial of C. A. Wilson for assault and battery was in pro¬ gress. The prosecutor was S. F. Legett, whom it is alleged Mr. Wilson assaulted some months ago and beat him with a buggy whip. Wilson claimed justifica¬ tion in that Legett had used pro¬ fane and abusive language in the presence of his wife and other lady members of her family. He was acquitted. It will be observed from the foregoing that the business of the court for this term consisted en¬ tirely of criminal cates, and it is interesting to n.»te further that of seven cases tried five were found guilty. It was remarked that the jurors seemed to be in a convict¬ ing mood. The case of W. A. Cobh, charg¬ ed with trading mortgaged prop¬ erty, was also to have been tried but was postponed on account of the absence of witnesses.. They were J. R. Williams, John Phil¬ lips and John Martin. Judge Braunen sent the sheriff for them and had them put under bond for their appearance at the next term. EXODUS TO ALABAMA. Many Bulloch County Negroes Being Carried Out There. Two carloads of turpentine ne¬ groes left here this week for Ala¬ bama, where they go to assist in opening up the new country out there which has recently been thrown an the market. The ma jority of the hands will engage with R. M. Williams, who only recently J went, out, ‘there from this place. There were perhaps fifty , or sixty men in the party, and the balance of the tvvu carloads con sisted of women and children. They were carried away from Statesboro in a couple of Centra) passenger coaches, and will carried through to their tion without of cars. Most of these negroes* formerly worked with Williams, Outland & Co. here, and in connection with their departure there was more or less excitement. Many of them were indebted to their former em¬ ployers in various amounts aggre¬ gating about $200, and attach¬ ments were taken out on the ne¬ groes’ furniture to collect these amounts; but the officer was unable to get any considerable amount of the stuff for the reason that when he reached the station from which the furniture was being shipped to make'the levy, it had been all thrown together in one big pile and he could not tell what furniture belonged to the darkies against whom he held the attachments. He had to let it pass with attaching only about enough furniture to defray the costs of the proceedings. At the same time warrants were sworn out by Mr. McDougald, of the firm of Williams, Outland & Co., for V. V , Akins, Z. Iv. Bul¬ lard and Mr. Shaw, who had been instrumental in persuading the negroes to go. These three, how¬ ever, got wind of what was up and evaded the officers, and have gone along with the crowd to make their home in Alabama. FOR SALE. Two houses and lots in desira¬ ble part of Statesboro. Always rent for good interest on the money invested. Terms reasona¬ ble. Apply to W. H, Ellis. Sheriff’s Sales. GEORGIA—BULLOCH COUNTY. Will be sold on the first Tuesday In December next, at the court house In said Bulloch county, within the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash, the follow ng property to wit: One tract of land lying in the 44th District, G M, Bulloch county, Georgia, bounded north by W R Wilktnsou, east by said W R Wilkinson and H B Wilkinson, and south by Canoochee river and west by Robt Hendrix and P A Brewton, containing Two Hundred acres more or less. Said place has a one horse farm to cultivation upon It, and all necessary buildings suitable for running the same. Said land levied upon as the property of W R Wilkiusou to satisfy two mortgage fi fas issued from the superior court of said county in favor of Sallie E Aycock aud John F Brannen against said W R Wilkinson and said laud. Legal notice given W R Wilkinson defendant in fi fa aud to possession. This 6th day of November, 1899* J. H. DONALDSON, Sheriff, B. C. GEORGIA—Bulloch county. Will be sold before the court house door of saio county on the FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER, 1890, within the legal hours of sale, to toe highest bidder for cash, the following described property to-wlt: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being Ip the state and county aforesaid, and In the 45th Dis¬ trict, G M, thereof, containing One Hundred and Niuety-Eight acres, more or less, aud bounded as follows: Oa the north by lands of Andy Parrish, on the east by lands of Jasper Brown, on the south by waters of Canoochee river, and on the west by lands of T H Waters. Said land levied on as the property of Sabra Bird to satisfy a superior court fl fa Issuing from the superior court of said county In favor of Charles E Wheeler agaiust the said Sabra Bird. Written notice given tue defendant In possession. This Nov. 8th, 1899. J. H. DONALDSON. Sheriff, B. C. GEORGIA-BtlAoeu COUNTY. Will be sold before the court house door of said county on the FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER, 1899, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder or cash, the fol.owlng described property to-wlt. All that tract or parcel of land lying and being to the state and county af( resaid, and in the 4(ith District, G M, thereof, containing Forty acres, more or loss, and bounded as fellows: On the north by lands of G A Roberts, ou tbe east by lands of G L Lane, on the south by Ian’s of Isabelle Martin, and on the west by lands of W F Martin. Said land leviud on as tbe property of Louisla L Cobb to satisfy a superior court fl fa Issueing from the superior court of said county In favor of W H Blltch against the said I ouisa L Cobb aud W A Cobb. This Nov. 6th, 18.9. J. H. D( NALDSON, Sheriff B. C. GEORGIA—bclloch county. Will be sold before he court house door of said county on the FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER. 1899, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property to-wlt: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being In the state and county aforesaid, and lu the 1820th District, G M, thereof, containing Three Hundred j ! north acres, by more lands or less, of Wayne and bounded Turner as »nd follows: W M Cowart, .On the I on the east by lands of Z T D<*Loach and John CUXU)U ’ 011 the south by laDds o{ Berrlea €obb ’ * nd said laud levied on as the property of Horace W DeLoM!il t0 satLsfy a supeiior court n fa issuing from the superior ccurt of said county In favor of l Mary EMcG&mi against the said Horace W DeLoaCh i ! Written notice required bv tbe law. defenda Property “ t ’ pointed H °™ e out w DeLoach, as b* the Plaintiff. tms nov. 6th, laua. j. h. donaldson, sheriff b. c. GEORGIA—Bulloch county, Will be sold before the court house door of said county on the FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER, 1899, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being to the state aud county aforesaid, and In the 1840th District, G M, thereof, containing Two Hundred and Thirty acres, more or less, and bounded as follows: On the north by lands of Chas W Zetterower, on the east by lands of J C Denmark, on tbe south by lands of Geo E Wilsou, and on the west by lauds of C A Wilson. Said land levied on as the property of John C Dickerson to satisfy a superior court fl fa Issuing from the superior court of said county to favor of Mrs Susan Hull against the said John C Dickerson. Written notice given the defendant, John C Dicker sou, as required by law. Property pointed out by the plaintiff. This Nov. 6th, 1899. J. H, DONALDSON, Sheriff B. C. Bulloch county. Will be sold before the court house door of said county on the FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER, 1899, within toe legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property towit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being In the state and county aforesaid, and lu the 48th District, G M, thereof, containing Twenty-Five acres, more or less, and bounded as follows: On the north by lands of D & S R R Co, on the east by lands of Jasper Wilson’s estate, on the south by lands of Geo P Curry or Inman lands, and on toe west by lands of Minder Britton. Said land levied on as the property of nannah Polk to satisfy a superior court mortgage tl fa issuing from the superior court of said county in favor of R Simmons against the said Hannah Polk. Written notice given the defendant, Hannah Polk, as re¬ quired by law. This Nov. 6th, )899. J. H. DONALDSON, Sheriff B. C. GEORGIA— Bulloch county. Will be sold before too court house door of said county on the FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER. 1899, within toe legal hours of sale, to toe highest bidder for cash, toe following described property to-wlt: Qoe huge bay hors* about ten yean old. One new open buggy, Haydock make, having pink bedy with red wheels. Said property levied on as toe property of Daniel Alderman to satisfy a superior court fl fa issuing from the superior court of said county in favor of Joseph SCone against the said Daniel Alderman. Levy made by W H DeLoach, deputy sheriff, aud turned over to me tor advertisement and sale. This Nov. 10th, 1899. J. H. DONALDSON, 8heriff B. C. GEORGIA -ftutLOCH COUNTY. Will be sold before the court bouse door of said county on the FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER, 1899, with the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being to the state and county aforesaid, and to the 46th District, G M, thereof, containing Fifty acres, more or less, and bounded as follows: On the north by lands of Ebenezer Lee, on the south by lands of M E Cannon, on the east by lands of George Lee, and on the west by lands of Jesse Lee. Said land levied on as the property of Isaac Williams, colored, to satisfy two Justice court U fat Issuing from the Justice court of the 46th District G M, of said county in favor of D C Finch against the s«id Isaac. Williams. Written notice given the defendant, Isaac Williams, as required by law. This Nov. 6tb, 1899. J. H. DONALDSON, Sheriff B. C. GEORGIA— Bulloch county. Will be sold before the Court House door of said county, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER, A 1899, within the legal hours of sale to toe highest bidder for cash, toe following described property to-wlt: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being to the state and county aforesaid, and to toe 1290th District D. M. thereof, containing Two Hundred and Twenty-four acres, more or less, and bounded as follows: On the north and west by lands of toe estate of WlUlam Jones, on the east by lands of Merida Hendrix, and on toe south by lands of Mrs. Jane Cartee. Said land levied on as the property of H. 8. Jones to satisfy a city court fl. fa. Issueing from the city court of Atlanta, Ga., In favor of J. A. Jones against toe said H. S. Jones. Written notice given dlfendant, H. 8. Jones, as required by law. This November 10th, 1899, J. H. DONALDSON, Sheriff, B. C. Tax Collector’s Appointments. I will meet the taxpayers of Bulloch county at the following times and places for the reception of taxes: Saturday, 11th—D C Finch 8 am, Blltch’s store 10 a m, Olito 12 m, Zoar 2 pm, 8 A Richardson's 5 pm. Monday, 18th—Sharpe’s still 8 am, Dutton’s store 10 a m, McKinnon’s still 12 m, Kendrick’s store 2 pm, Knight Bro.’s store 5 pm. Then will be at home two days, Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday, 18—J W Wright 9 am, Harley Wilson 11 a m, Kirby’s store 2 pm, Duke's still 4 pm, Carter’s store 6 pm. Friday, 17—Proctor’s still8am, J W Bennett 10 a m, HarvUle 12 m, McElveen Bro’s store 4 p ra, and all next day. I will spend only an hour at toe above appoint¬ ments; tberelore the taxpayers will please meet me promptly. P. R. MCELVEEN, Collector. TAX BOOKS OPJEN.; Town taxes for the year 1899 are now due, and the books for the collection of same will close Nov. 15th. Bay up pror ptly and save the expense of an execution. W. H. Fllib, Recorder. NOTICE, TKESSPA3SERS. All parties will please take notice that the under¬ signed strictly forbid hunting or tresspassing upon their lands under penalty of prosecution. Madison Warren, 1)L Kennedy, H E Parrish, W III aud, W J Brown, A irapnell. Mctter, Ga., Nov. 9, 1899. All parties are hereby forewarned not to hunt or otherwise trespass up the premises of the under¬ signed under penalty of prosecution. This is no "bluff,” but applies to one and all. W M FOY, M M HOLLAND, E B SIMMONS. F R BRANNEN, J 8 MIKELL, HT MIKELL, J L MIKELL. This Nov. 1st, 1S99. All parties are hereby forewarned not to hunt or otherwise trespass upon the lands of T A WATERS, C A WATERS, T ( WATERS, H W WATERS. 8 F OLLIFF, W E GOULD, MRS PENNY PELOTE. Statesboro, Ga., Nov. 1st, 1899. OBELISK FLOUR. In order to more exten¬ sively advertise their Hour, the Ballard & Ballard Co., of Louisville, Ky., makers of the Obelisk Flour, are put¬ ting in every sack and bar¬ rel tickets good for 10c to $1, according to the size of the package. These tickets will be accepted by them as part payment on all Musical Instruments, Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Guns Pistols, Books, Saddles and Bridles, Toilet Sets, In fact the premium list, which will be found in every package, covers nearly all things you need. Obelisk Flour is univer¬ sally known as the best that is made. We have handled this flour for a long time, and can recommend it to be one of the finest to be had. PARKER & SMITH. G R Trapnell, P A Trapnell, J T Trapnell, J G Trapnell, I.J rrapnell, B R Trapnell, R F LESTER. JOS ZETTEROWEB, J W WILSON, M G BRANNEN, W M MIKELL, L G MIKELL,