Newspaper Page Text
Pointed Paragraphs Picked Prhom
Pithy Papers.
1 lawkinsville Dispatch: The man who
knows all about the silver question is still
on deck. Uufortunutely he was not. on
the deck of the Savannah when sin-was
Wilcox County Rainier: Montgomery
county will have a public hanging onSet.
2D. Five negroes will pay the penalty foi
murder. A number of our citizens ex
press a desire to witness the tragedy,and
an excursion will, pcrlmps, be arranged
for the occasion
.VmericuHTimes-Recorder: Homer Willis,
the Terrell county prisoner routined in
the jail here for safe keeping, and w lioat
tempted to escape with other prisoners a
few weeks since, vivid veil a Lit yestciday
from his father. ’Hie cider Willis earn,
all the nay from Texas to see his boy
who is under a fifteen years sentence foi
Atlanta Journal: An Atlanta genius ton
discovered that, the population of tin
world is rapidly decreasing, and this is
hoxv lie figures it out: Every muu if t llir
generation had four grandparents, eight
great grandparents, sixteen great-great
grandparents, etc. Sous you go back
c ich man's family increases, and t lie pop¬
ulation of the world must have been
greater one hundred years ago than it is
Houston Homo Journal: Old man Da
vis, Hie oldest pensioner upon the bounty
of Houston county, died at the pom
house last Sunday night, lie came In re
from Dooly county, where lie wus well
e mnected, about twenty years ago, and
f >r about fifteen years has been a county
pauper, Through a complication of dis
eases, lic has been practically an invalid
since he became a pauper, and for about
four years lie has been absolutely helpless.
Jle was about 00 years old.
Telfair Enterprise: A reward of lit cents
is hereby offered every finilt-fiuder who
will hold ids pence for one twelve month,
and an additional reward of five cents it
8 ich fault-finder will devote his time to
d seovering something to commend in his
own town. Who will be the first to claim
one or both rewards? Send in your mum
that we may know who is in the race, ii
there is a useless character to a town it is
lie who sees everything to condemn and
nothing to commend.
Rill Davie, who has been employed at
Milieu for several years as a porter, and
w ho had been systematically stealing for
some time, was detected in
a pair of overshoes last week, tie was
promptly arrested, his house was search¬
ed, atid.numerous articles were fou nd. lb
was lodged in jail to await his trial, but
with the assistance of some of his friends
he broke jail and rest ole the goods, most
of which were left in t lie court-room adja¬
cent t o tlie jail, and again made his escape.
Mr. H. K. Smith died tit. Albany last
Thursday morning from the effects of n
severe wound accidentally inflicted by
f e - ow n hand while out gunning Wednes¬
day evening. He was shooting doves in
company with Dr. W. !,. Ituvis uud Mr.
E. R. Williams and had just brought
down a dove when tlie gun fell to the
ground uud a full charge of shot entered
his abdomen. Mr. Smith was one of the
best known and most popular men in Al¬
bany and his untimely dentil is a matter
of universal regret.
Augusta News: The little lackey who is
on the stage as ”Socrates"is an Augusta
nd , enjoyed . ... the sobriquet . . , ot Duck- ,
negro a
en” when hesoldpapersand blacked boots
here. He ran away with “the little ty
coon” company lust, season, and later on
was with the “Rluebenrd” company, lie
joined the Mellenry aggregation in New
York (Ids season, and is under contract
c .or tho tour. . .., hickon . | *• regurun , Jiini^ol . ...
as a full-fledged . actor now, and looks
down on “Shine “Knock-em" and the
comjiauions of ids poorer days.
Savannah News: The wasps which have
taken . control of the
squares, an account
' » -'S t 9STr K 5?5r,»
seiiibling the African wasp. They have
three stings and their sting is venomous.
A «'‘>no.ds stung
yesterday, and was thrown into convui
sions. The glass in Johnsons and Rev
nolds square was covered with thousands
of the insects yesterday. Nothing like
them has ever been his si here before,
Their bodies, unike those of the common
.. wi sp are I,,,. hard, and they have remark .
aide strength.
A monstrosity that stands without a
peer in anatomy was born in Atlanta
last Thursday of negro parents and
died immediately after birth, it was a
child , , of , unusual , physique. „ Die infants
corporal make up consisted of one chest,
two-pair arms and two bodies the sts 1 -
ond beginning at the lower ribs. Two of
the arms are in their normal place, and
two come out between the hips and ribs,
The li'gs are larger than normal size,
and glow out from the hips, i'lie head
is large, well formed and covered with
hnir and the facial features are perfect,
ic strangest elements of composition
V'T aud J'K^tive organs,
Willfll a, ftFG „ lOCiltnl Oil l , IlC Ollt Sltlo of tin*
abdominal cavities. This peculiar jmve of
humanity tips the scales ai fifteen pounds.
lim George R. Met all, who had just
closed a protracted meeting at the Rap¬
tmt church at W . adlcy last l-'rida.v, and 1
was preparing to administer baptism to
t liosi- who had joined the chureh diii ing
the meeting, had tlie misfurtnue to lose
his footiug while being assisted bv two of
his member from one end of tlie ‘pool * to
the other, ,, and , fell c „ into ■ . the , pool. , In . „
ing his head struck the side of Hie pool,
knocking bun insensible and he would have
drowned had it not been for tlie timely
assistance of the two assistants who
were thrown in the pool with him, who,
seeing that the doctni- was insensible and
drowning, rushed (<S him. getting him
out of the pool where and laying his him on tin*
bench near by condition was
examined into by Dr. Battle, who ad
ministered to him restorat ives wInch re
lieved him and soon enabled him to be
removed to where he could be properly
cared for Rev. Mr. T. J. Deck of Ten
nille ’administered who had been assisting in the meet
ingj the bubtiem.
A Little Nonsense Non and Then
Is Relished by Hie Rest of Men.
Tram))—Madam, have you an as?
Lady of the House—No.
“Haveyou u Saw?"
■•.No, 1 have no saw.”
“Then give me a lit I le,something' loon i,
I dense.’’
Clergyman—Is it true, Miss Ruth, that
yon saiil my last Sunday's sermon bored
you ?
Miss Ruth (with a little gasp)—,
in! Goodness gracious, no. 1 said Unit
it—er—penetrated my soul. Isn't it queer
how people misconstrue tilings!
Inch' I’pereek—There liaiiit bin a Trout
in that 1 her eriek fur thutty year; now
our new hoarder is pullin’ ein out as fast
is he can drop in.
Mrs. I’pereek—Tlmt’swhnt conies of ad¬
vert Ling our t rout-fishing in t he religious
papers: they can’t lie, nohow.
“is this the bureau of iniorniii I ion ?"
said Mrs. Meddergrass to the clerk at the
world’s fair grounds.
“Yes, ma'am.”
"Then 1 wish you’d tell me where Silas
is. 1 told that old limn of mine he’d get
lost, an" now lie’s gone an’ done it."
'There’s one tiling,” said the new
boardereni]ihatieall.y, “that will have to
lie settled before I make up my mind to
remain with you.”
"And what is that ?" inquired tlie land
I till anxiously. The nesv boarder paid a
high price, and paid it prompt ly.
••’J he coffee," was his response.
lb-r Admei—No, sir, ii is not for the
sake of your daughter's money that 1
lovelier, l! is on account of her sweet
temper and ehariiiing manners.
Father—If it is not for her money you
wish to many, I can let. you have my
deice; she has a much sweeter temper and
no money wha t ever.
Young Wife—Have some of my new
pound eake, dear?
Young husband—X-n-n—ye-ye
“Why do you hesitate?”
“I was tliinking, my dear, of that poor j
imek in the alley who never eat. a
piiH'e of eake from one year's end to the
What’s a pound eake to us?’’
Deacon Deadsliot, Elder Howie
I.rotlier Hludsoc—We’ve come to tell you
out... th.s emu,;
W 11 licv to .shot that gold-bug .\au[> an
to orthodoxy. You hear lls< ! i
"There” said ii broker lust Monday, to‘a
handing a couple of choice cigars
“take a smoke: you have given j '
in' 1 I lie only i)e*1 1 -r I have had today."
The client accepted the weeds, but ashe
at the next quotation remarked:
“They are rather more expensive than i
usually smoke; so far they have cost me
#12.50 apiece."
“Well, Jnrley, how does your suit with
Miss .lihiviiy progress!"
“t>h, that’s off.”
“Didn't you ask her?”
“Did she say no?"
"Kelcr you to her fijtiiei?"
“No. Referred me to Wilkins.”
“What lias Wilkins to do with it?"
“She’s engaged to him."
#*- ft ■*«
Tl ‘° 1
Sir James Caird, who die I recently in
London, f was born at Stranacr in 1810
anJ ww 0(lu( , lU . a at |v| lr ,burgh. In
aui . iuj , t ho protection controversy
( n England, he published u treatise on
“High Farming as the Rest Substitute
for Protection,” which attracted much
attention, and which went rapidly
l l - ht « lit i 0,w |. i * V ,U '“"
:>f tho Mr. . f Citint, ut tho 4
sumo voar ro
iiuest . of , tx tlie , Lite , oir . Jtohoi .> , ... t l'ool, ,, , visito*.
the S()U ,h of Ireland and made an ad
mirable rejiort on the condition of the
country and I he means to improve it.
DuV !" :; 1S ’' f, 1 1 }* " as
commissioner of the , London , 1 lines, con
,i U( . u .) a „ i U4 niiy into the slate of Eng [mblished in » v.lnme
which was subsequently translated into
thu Pencil, German and «wedisli lan
0(mnt of a visit to the prairies of tho
Mississippi, a translation of which up
peared on the continent of Europe. Mr.
Caird was twice elected to parliament,
and in ISoO was appointed a uietubei of
t,le hshery board. In 180 5 lie became
chairman of the royal commission on
the ^ tishory of United Kingdom,
Professor Huxley and Mr. Shaw Lefevre
being liis colleagues,
In 18iH Mr. Caird, after many years’
perseverance, carried a resolution of the
bouse of commons in favor of the
tion of agricultural statistics, and they
aro I10 w-'published annually. In 1878
_yj,. u.aird was appointed by tho goveni
ment of India to serve on tho commis
sion to inquire into the subject of fam
ines, and ho was created a Knight Coin
mander of the Hath (civil division) in
Mr. Hatch Confident,
An antioption bill will, without ques reported to the house bv the
committee on agriculture, despite all
that i ias been said against such a mens
-l • tlle ii li f ar ? ugs ,.■»« ,25” ii, • I,.
nre ’
wx/urre ' 1 '. ^ ,d , CKal " uau Hatth r '
> m which will here
di ti th . lt lhe h
ported from the committee on agricnl
ture to tlie house will pass by at least a
two-thirds vote. The general lines o!
the bill 1 introduced (H. B. 2,099) will bo
the basis of tho bill reported. It is too
eurl v to *** wlia ‘ chau » c s or ,aodlfica '
li ?Y,' V fin “ 1 NAT , PZ'ed
“The committee lias listened pa- oa
tie ntly mid courteously for two weeks
to representatives of all commercial
bodies and. interests to be affected by
this proposed legislation, and have ac
cumulated much valuable information
that I think will enable it to perfect a
bill effective in its provisions so far as
to control, if not prohibit, the class of
trading now deuc-uueed by the rules of
everv reputable board of trade in the
j n ited States as illegitimate, and also
d the ban of the laws of nearly -.
every state the Luion, and a the
Bme will neither interfere with,
hinder nor legitimate trading
or nonorable coiamercial trausactioas.”
fc<e BUY THE'SKs
Iight Running
JSPj l§r Ife- Air if (D,
-- *
Sond TEM cants to 2& Union Sq., N. Y. f
for our prize game, 44 BH.-d t uc-k,” and
win a f* w Home Sewing >.n chirm.
1 he New Home Sewing Machine Co,
Ilflery! iiiij! i
We call your atte ii m to tbe
fact that our st- ( k of Mi l tic.)
is C'imp'ele in every respect,
rtIU ] at pircC3 that will svi rprisi
('nil and sdf for yourself.
SI I>(ri 0. (J 4 \l r I LilJv/i.1 I Uf L\I
ILL I »> ’« . s • ill •
rS2£ $ Ijfjfa S££2^ «^»jgaMj£i1 P if®
Wgk fel HM &J5 V§ ^
H£gf f *
W3 G-s ?
pS&i Iw^Bwsssfii&tsasssf
if patenuible phsto.,wia,dose™ tree sit
J*ion. We advise, cr not,
# U A'h; M A Cta ? J
J cost of same the V. S. and foreign countnei
{qISaIS/A J W» «• OBS W WW QQ \
t- r
sou raukels l'Lon:.
Rought to sell—-not to keep. Cotton
shipments carefully handled.
107 Rav Street. Savannah, (la.
R. E. HALL 3
207 Congress St.
Sip'ijUUffll, (\C0HgUp
Dealer in country produce of all
kinds. Highest market
paid, chickens aspecialty
jfZT* Eggs and
,{, P. VI ^ I [iid A JiN ii i
(jCIt.' n p • • \§ < .
I 1)111:111^101! Ml'l i’llfllHS,
Naval ,*n «
. Bay Street.
No. 120
Remova 9?
< i
"17 ho CARRIAGE and
WiO now be found al their
New Repository,
ssim mi mm sm
(Formerly occupied by M. Holey a Son.)
Larger Quarters.- — As usual,
8ettrr Location.- - we shall carry
Lower Prices.-- the largest and
New Styles.-- most complete stock
in the South, of--
Speclalt’os—» Auburn Steel Axle Wagons,
Georgia Made Oak Tanned Harness,
----Cork Faced Cedars,
--“Nancy Hacks” Buggies.
' M IX HOIllNsON, See. A Tre»«.
Largssl Vehicle ar.d Harness Dealers Scutb
!’ 1
Fill Sffi
2500.00 Worth Of Dry Goods,
Notion.-;, lltiis, Slices and Clotning AT A SACRIFICE.
to dote oat wh itH )0D i I h .VJ left from the (ire aud will sell id}
-dire eti ck of goods at and below cost c ylr a r
R. F. Donaldson.
fDEALER i m*
Sv.YX ASs N A I I, G A.
M iiinSlein 1 )i vision.
lagiiii — i ii ■ i Mi*-'
II. 31. ( Kooeivrr.
Read down. Schedule in Lti’eet August 27, 1S;,”.] Read up.
No. 7. I Nod!, j [No. J 2. [No. I 4. |No. -"V.Sm! 8.
' ■ S llll ly. I daily. I ' daily. daily
0 7 00 p' H '■> to IT pj p] U 7 otl .'.I a|Lv.................Duyton.................o a'Lv...............Savannah...............\r| <5 50 10 pi pj 4 ti 00 5o u. n| Soda 0 05
ssi*.dsS:Frrr^ 0-» pj iUS! a
5 r=r , ;,a; 1 %:
TF-tAC z==dSS==: ?S 5K3,|gi........... 9
iD251J ............. JJZ :::::::::::::::: ................ D^iT^
oi lordo,,
............$ ......| j - a| :| | j ] () p’.\r................. |,« .................M.iton................. Tl.-mlji................Lv| fl 1 45 a? 1 d I 00 |A............ p|...........
7_ ; I0 -I do A Savannah «_00«J
Sleeping ear.- on all night passenger trains between and
^^MiihMpwiA im!! Eaion.m^hlmhDake Nm'l’uHtover.
Passengers (cr 'I iiomaston, Carrollton, I’err.v, Fort Raines, Talbotton, Buena
Vista, Rlaliely mid Clayton should take train No. schedule, 7 to Milieu passing Dover apply 10:42.
For furl her IN formation relative to tii-ket rale, routes, etc., to
J. L. Matiii;. s. Agt.. (It. R.. Dover. Tiieo. D., Ren. Supt.
W. F. SiiKi.i.Mxv, Traiiie Manager. J. ('. IIaii.k, Ren. Fuss. Agent.
Savannah, <!a.
(Official (Oraait •>
1 i -of-:
c- Bullocb County.
A.C. Turner &So \ IN, r
r 1C»-- cr n Ciaan ReniacratiK Journal, ReprESEnting
the Entire Enuntg and Riving the News
of nur Cnunty, Elate and Nation,
(Subscribe fur the 'l imes 9
Only $1.00 Per Year.
II VI /ill (lours to be the besta dvei >
tising .Medium in this Section, a-s
it Circulates IJrerijicherc.
Advertising Hates Seasonable.
Job .Printing
Of All Kinds
Give T V a Trial.
Plain & : Fancy ’job Printing,*;
At and Jielotc Savannah Prices.
Oar Facilities hare never been /h/aalled in this County.
Bulloch Times,
Statesboro, Georgia,
s— Dli ESSED^s—
Owe much to the House that supplies them. \Ye like to see People well and hecom
iuglv dressed, and no house can better aid them than we can. lb' me the largest
and leading ifealers in line clothing for men, boys and children, in t.i-oigia, and out
prices arc alwuvs the lowest. We ship C. O. 1). to any expressi office, with {uivt ege
or examination before paying. Suits for Clergymen, Railroad men, and all otto is
reiiuiring special styles or designs. Write for rules for measurement and latulogut. *
K mis.G apsSFurnilinings. Spring&SummErStjiles.
15 . 11 . LEVY & I 5 Ii(>.,
1 r>9 ( 'oiicirss St.. .Savannah, Oa.
S. (Jr. LANfi, Pt'opi'., Sander.-sville, Ra,
Steam Eugities aid Boilers, Saw Mills, Cotton Oias and Ik esses,
Caae Mrim, Evaporators, ftyruj, Uruiu S.-paratoia, Mowing
Ai actii'itjf*, Ibutijjurs and HoiMu Hakes,
Grist Mills for Corn ami Wheat. improved Plows, Cultivators, etc.
Steam and Water Valves, Pipes, Shaftings and Pulleys, and Mi l Sup
plies of all. Jgi'iC Machinery ot ad kinds rep tire.i on short notice at
reasonable prices, and guaranteed tirst-class work.
AII Machinery Sold by me Guaranteed to lie First t’ki-is mi 1 ns. Represented.
You will save money by calling on, or writing me lor description and prtc -s ot
any machinery you may need, or any old machines repaired.
!>( >-1 y S. l». LA Mi. Samlpi’MVillo, Ua.
Jlppel 4’’ Sehmil,
The Strictly Reliable One-Price
<mmmm T
Desire to call the attention of the public generally in this vicinty, that
they are open and in full blast with one of the largest and most com¬
plete liues of Bummer Clothing for men, boys and children, ever
Bi<-S'»nre EASiihited Era S5t5,> K«»cs:Ii<’i'«s i ity,
And nt a price guaranteed towerthau any other house in the South
Kvety article in onr House marked in perfectly plain figures, one
ice toad and that price the very lowest.
u |i„ e of «ents fm-itishisi" mi iiimii.i s w»ihi!> -omls
Suits cannot surpassed any J
IvltDrP, » » ^ v ^ Slf n- 4 ** ■' 51 fill sf ’ J vl^ a «_'*
sole agents for the cMebr tto.I Dr. Joagor’s sanitary goods.
Hcammauded by every leading 1 uysiciau til tbe world.—Catalogs
mailed on application. C () D orders are solicited with privilege of
examination aud returning if UOt satisfactory.
One price Clothiers and Haberdashers, 159 Broughton Street
the strictly reliable one price clothiers in Savannah.
£&5“ Hptieg and Summer Illustrated Catalogue ready on application.
FLORIDA TRCN'K 1 .BN i ■’ SjJjMi'f LI X15 TO TAMPA. Timk c.iuo iv kspbct iieui. 10.
(ini ni is on’ll -lii’^Din )w n. (H) j N1 i N o Iti'—ill! A1) 14’
( ’allahaji J ' 5 > CS
C ^ Dailv. Is tin* INmit U\ Daily. | Daily.
'■£ $ : ( liangH (loingSoutli.;
1 -t-ojNa. A O'iam i>v....SnvanuuU... Ar 8 1(2pm 12 0uu a ^
T ARipm D ROn in Ov.... Callahan......Vr 2 -JOpm 7 Mum ^ ^
s topiM U u, L\ V r -■ t)lpm 0 20am 3* S
! 2 20n’li l J 2 .*»7 {>iij Ar... ij.r.viTiornp ...hv 1 1 A.lam 2 41am 3
70 2 05pin Ar.Silvt r Spring.Lv..............................; ' - ^ ^
2 05am 2 Illpm Ar........Ocala.......Lv I0*17 .imi 12 5iium; ^ 3* 3*
:t -A 2am *» 15pm Ar.. . Wildwood ....Lv 0 doom 11 dapm; ^
^ 5 1 21 pm Ar....Lapoor}if'(‘.. .Lv i 8 22am; n 11 pin; >7
r ^ : 5 20am AdTpm Ar.....Dado Cit y ...Lv; 7 17am 9 10pm S ^ <> C8
<> 52am 5 A2pm Ar ... Plant City.... I,v <i 5p.aiu 8 0(>pm; 5 ^
: 7 55am (i 25pm Ar......T ampa.......Lv 6 00am' 1 7 00 pm! ^
J &*| i OOum • 125pm Lv....Wildwood....Ar D 2Uam 11 /Opm ^ ^ N 5: ^ Jr
: <; 20am ! 17j*m Ar......Tuvaror.....Lv S 25am D -15pm
•S .s 9 00am 5 10pm Ar.......\poplm......Lv 7 ddaia 8 :i5pm ^ f
. 0 15am 5 15pm Ar.....Orl.-tiida......Lv 7 00am' 7 50pm § ^
' f
-C Cc V %^. | x ' 1 *it'lu‘4*.....\r..... U u,
. .........
^ 7 - sain 9 25pm'Ar...Sutherland....LvpTT.' H)pm'^.v ...., ...........: 7 7, 111 ^ ? S fi
^ ; 8 15am 9 ."2*.. < (ITU / St
^ ’J 0:i2am 10-loimi A i .S( t’ett-rslHira. l.\ 5 ..8pm liapin; '< ^ ^
^ ^ ^5 27am s 5 05pm Ar....lhjnia'Hon.... Lv, "s 50am *4 Zj ^
^ ^ *<; d.'pm Ar...Homos.osa...Lv *7 10am..............■ ^ ^ ^
V s " ^ J ............... 1 2(>]>ia Ar... <laim-svilh*.... I\»*y...Kv j,v 10 45am .......... ^ ft T O ^
........ 5 05pm Ar...( imDu- 0 !5am ...............
8 00am 5 55ain ( Lv.....Savanah......\r 8 ;52pm 12 :?5u't
10 .‘>5 a m -I 14pm j Ar..F.erimii<linn.. Lv s 20a in I dOpm
•Daily except Sunday. fMrals. jSundays only.
Solid 1 ruins Callahan to Tam]m and Orlanda. Clone connihdiotii al Tampa. withSo. Fla
It. L. for I’ort Tampa. Key West ami Havana. Close* connection at Owenboro willi So. 1'la.
j>. ip for Lakelaml and Bartow. Close connection at Savaucs with J.. '1'. ami K. W.H y. for
Sanford ami Titusville. l’ullruHii Imt'ftd Sleeping (’sirs on night Indus. Through short line
Jacksonville to New Orlenim, Jsieksonvill toThonmsviih*. LakeCity, Macon, Atlanta. Chat^
t auoo^’ji. Nashville. St Louis. Chieago, etc. Ticket s sohl ami ha^’iip*cheeked 1 hrou^h to all
points in the Cnited Slates. Cnnmht and Mexico. Send for best map of Florida published,
and for anv iuforfatiou desired to
D. 10. MAXWELL, (i. M. A. 0. MAC DOXELL, (J. 1*. A.. Jaeksonville.
v.mnoss shout—timecah w
5 [ 15 T 27 j 2: t I__ roit. to xi-iiii, 30,1893. ) Li j" 78 I | (>
“STOpTTSOii 4~02ii.! 6 iOn 1 Lv...........Savannah............Ar "12 OOp K 82p| 8 20a
1(120), ; 8 50p 5 88a! 8 ....a;Ar.............. 15a|................Wayerqw.... Jcsnp ..Lv 10 24a 20a (i 5 25pj 15)i 4 48a
12 55a; 5 ltlji (5 40a; 10a 11 i) IOn 1 ...............Brunswick.. ....... 9 7 SOti ...........i 7 1 Hip ...a
I(i4(iu 7 ltip 1! OOp! ....... 15p|
1 10a: 2 2 ....p:.................. ..............Jacksonville Albany ... .................. 1 4 45p
7 55a 4 05p OOOu 12 ii ii ........... 7 00a 2 OOp b 20)1
1 40)i 2 05a 1 1 40p 4 -Dip 1 ..................Sanford ft 5a 7 55a! A 2 50p
... ...........
(j 5 20pj OOp! 8 0 80iv 55a! (i 5 OOp! 20pj 8 9 40;)'...............Port 5op|.................. Tampa Tampa.... ... 8 7 OOp........ 2<lp........ 1 5 K 00a 45a
,8 15ii!...........)....,...... ...........'.................Live Oak....... 5 50p
1 ) loa ’...........ill ........... 2 :i5pi a’ll 2 85p'.................Gainesville..... 28«i..................Valdosta....,,. ..... 1 8 ....a 4 OOp
4 25a!...........j 2 . 80 02pj 28 1 02 p...............Thomnsville.... ..... 1 4 2 07pi 58)ij 9 7 24p 25|>
9 25a:...........' 1 .....
9 8 25|»| 8 25p.................Uouticvllo...... ............ I 1 45a 5&p ! 4 409
8 50a ...........! 2 2!)a 1 ........................Chattanooga...... 2 :18p................Baiuliridge. ............ 12 5 10p
11 59 a...................... 4 OOp
4 45a ................................ ..................Mdcou............ 10 05p
........... ...........!.......... 10 85nI...........j..........................Columbus......... 1 Atlanta......... ; (i 50a
7 45 :i 1 ! 7 OOp
........... .................
. 7 g5o| 8-Kip 05a! 8 4tip...............Montgomery.............. 05a,...................Mobile.............................. 7 30p 12 ....a
...: 2 OOp a 4 20a: j...........
...j 7 20p| 7 35a! 7 85s .............New Orleans.......................... 7 50p) |...........
N o. 19 leaves Savannah daily except Sunday -’! 55 p. m.. arrives Jesup 7 20 p. m.
No. 74 leaves Jesup daily except Sunday 4 Savannah 25 p. in., ariives .b. Savannah 8 40 a. m.
Tliese trains stop at all stations tietween aud s a|).
Trains 5 and 15 connect at Jesup for Macon. Atlanta and the west. Train 15 eon neat a
ai Wuveross for Montgomery. New Orleans. Nashville. Cincinnati and St. Louis. Through
Pullman riVepri' Waycros-s to St . Louis. Train 2:1 roiniects with Alabama Midland rail way
f or Montgomery aud the Southwest it Tickets sohl to all points an i Sleeping Par berths
secured at Passenger stations. It. <>. FLEMING, Superiuteudeut,
\\. M. DAVIDS.'N, Gen. l<as. Agt.. Savannah, Qa.
a:ul & SasEii 'AV
soeciaily aaa-itcd and unexcelloJ for V-YjYPy A _,.,r CAM
affording Beet Power for Least Money.
070? 4 A O O n Succ933ful bid Operation.
i. t our Trt“* I’KinvUlft nn-1 h i ih on v »ur
JAMES LEPFEL & GO. R- ^ -e-^i
SFBINCFiti.3, OHiS, or iiO Liberty St. N ew York City.---- ----- .
For prices of above Engines, or further iufornjation desired, apply
to WM. PA l HICK, tSale Agout, Woodcliff, Screven Co., GU.