The southeast Georgian. (Kingsland, Ga.) 1894-1996, April 10, 1908, Image 4
THE SOUTHEAST A WEEKLY PA to:It PUBLISHER EVERY FRIDAY IS IXTKP'EST Of CAMDEN COUNTY, subscription's : $i.oo i*Eii year. A. Z. Wesley, Editor and Mgr IL Frohock. R. Bachlott, Trcasurer (.'HAS. S. AUNOW' Secretary 1)1 rectors: J. H. Banks. 1). !\ Rose N. L. Stafford A. K. Sv.ift R. II. Frohock .!. R. Bachlott ('has. S. A mow ' Entered Nov. 21, \W}2, at the postofiic* in St. Marys, «a„ as Hoconyl class mail matter Act of Congress of March 3,1871). official organ of the county Artvtrtlsiug Rates Furnished on Application' ST. MARYS. FRIDAY , Ai-Kii. i«. »»«»<»• CAMDEN S DIKht I OK\. representative T. M. Godley, Kingsiaud SUPERIOR COURT ■ JUDGE T A. Parker, BuxIp.y solicitor John W. Rcmiel t. Waycross CLERK SUPERIOR COURT J. It. Riidulph, sr. Marys COUNTY COURT. Judge R. II, Frohock Solicitor I). P. Rose Clerk J. 11. Rudulph ORDINARY Robert Lang. Wa verier THEAST HER J. R. Bachlott, St. Marys SHERIFF David Bailey. Sat ilia Bluff TAX RECEIVER lb E. LiUlefield, Woodbine TAX COLLECTOR George Gowan. K inlaw BOARD OF EDUCATION J. S. N. Davies. Jr,, Woodbine Marion McKendree. - A. J. Liles, White Oak N. H. LRtJefleld. - St. Waver Marys ley IV. H. Muffin. SCIR !<)L Co MMISSION E R J. o. Mangham, St. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Dr. B. Atkinson, Chairman. Waveriy W. B. Godley, - <’has. F. Cole. - - Ooleshuiy Ferry J.O. Dvak - - Owens D. C. Sterling. - - st. Marys St. Marys and Extension. v The people of Camden (jo. are talking slate road exten sion to the coast. V hy itot_ have the bill brought up at the nexl meeting of the lature. \\ e are ploa^erl to le^irn that Governor Smith favors extension, and sorry that <lid not come to St. Marys while lie was in South gia. Admiral Evans is rheumatism, and it is sup posed that i i ftghtillg Bob will knock it out. About 0,000 will be sent out this week to be dis iribated in every county tluLstntc to iL-msioners. . Good Words. The Coffee County News, Douglas. Georgia’s leading paper,Thus V speaks of us: “ThtySomlmaRt Georgian, published at Wood bine, has been bought by a company and moved to St. Marys’, with Mr. A lfred 2 _ Wesley as the editor and manager. 1 he promoters of the Southeast Georgian are dofet proceeding under the beljlT that the state road will eveptuallv be extended to the sea, and we hope they are right. We extend the right hand of fellowship to the Georgian.’’ President John 8k 1 lton Williams; of the S. A. la. railway, believes that tin; ? tock of any railroad ought to he owned by the territory through which it passes, ill tnat ease the money made by |he roade would go back to the men who reside in the territory that makes (lie mon ev for the roads. He and Other officials are ° new Florida and Georgia railway now being built from Augusta and completed to Nashville, Ga. Tho Popullitt convention*at ht , Ij0ms . Mo l»aven , - ’ ” O ted Thomas Watson for Prcsi dent. -----------—~ --- We call the attention of our readers to the notice of Dr, Patten in another column Many thanks to Miss Wesley, the editor’s sister, in St. John, N. [> _ )' 1>r home papers. ... M Jno , Mnrui and r , wife and - - ( apt. James Norris, of Fernan <lin .. ,,,, I hursday , here. *b s P p ? l < , Mr. ami Mrs. P. II. Hopper and children and Mrs. D. P. Rose, visited Jacksonville- this week. Mr. Robert Chase, of Guildhall, Verinput, who together with son, Mr, 0. 1). Chase, have been “pending some Tipu* in Fernan visited,our city yesterday, . to see ns. Mr. Chase is much impressed with St. Marys. Tn the announcement column will lie found thut.of Mr. Win. J. Speer for Stale Treasurer. Mr. Speer served the Assist ant Treasurer under the lamented R. A. Hardeman, and after his treasurer, and .was con sideved a very efficient- officer. Dr. Bullock's brother, Mr. J. II. Bullock, and Mr. Jacob *Vogt, both from Atlanta, have been the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Bullock for the pnsl , voe k. They have LOCALS AND PERSONALS Mr. J. H. Bessent went to Fer nnndina Tuesday. Mrs. L,. Johnson has returned to her home in Waycross. Hon. J. R Bachlott went to Fernandina on Monday last. Go]. David b. Atkinson was in town this week attending court, Col., A. H. Crovatt of Bruns wick attended court here this week. Mrs. J. IT. Rogers and children :m ’ visiting her brother Mr. W. S. Norman. Capt. -Goodbread is making an addition to Ins handsome house on’Osborne street. Prof. Casev has recently bought a lot at the west end, and is con tomplating building. Mr. McGowan of Waycross is moving his fumiljghere, having leased the Orange hall. Judge Russell came back from Tompkins last Sim day where lie hful 1,1,011 Mending a few days. J M. Duncan of Jacksonville, With the Montieolio, ^W Tuesday. 'h-ug company, was in town Dr. Bullock has just received a fine line of drugs. Parties need ing anything in that line can now be accommodated. hovti, , ' "P*', took;) 1 '“ ry ' party "'"f " out r n drum ,’° “Wi’ fish ing)0gl . Tuesday, and they had an immense catch. Mr. W. S 1 F. (‘lark’s announce ment as a candidate for Tax Col lector, will lie found under the usual heading today. Sheriff Bailey was in town this .week attending court. He called and renewed his subscription to the Southeast Georgian. Correspondence from Kingsland Alma, Waynesville. Burnt Fort, and other towns, arrived too late for publication this week. Col. Lee Crawley of in on Wednesday to attend court, and we tli-ink' will open an office here rfv the near future. Mr. Harrison, n prominent (ur pentineand lumberman, ofGhart ton county, has rented a houre «md has brought his family hern, Faster Embroideries, La«es, Braids, and all kinds of notions. New goods coming in every week. 4-3-2t Rudolph duos. Mrs. Richard Shea and nfother, who have been spending sometime here, the guests of Mr. J. R. Bach lott, returned north last Monday. Under the announcement head ing this, week will be found three new ones, all for sheriff, David Bailey, S. T. Hanks, and Joe Chaney. Rev. J. W. Simmons will preach at St. Marys on the first and third Snndays m each month, and in Kingplnnd on the second and r LANG CORRESPONDENCE. [Continued from page 5.] ami each generation which draw: our attention to 4 he fact that would like to sec better sekoohj this county. Wo want -ourjM and girls well educated useful® Jj can make good and This section is very dot® pro=cnt., but we hope to cm new life and \ igor progress as some otlieM South Georgia. All w,« make i he start, Wo h;X and climate, and 1 I® bi'ain and talent to' n» '•.>unty the garden spot ft. gia. <>ur people are sh^H b<® their rights and have number of years, and it® to wake up and bestir and as vegetation is puttiiff® green foliage and beautiful b^H let us follow her example strive to put new life and one® in our business, also affairs of ■ terest to our county and inhfl tants. Fist, to encourage an®S Bist those who are struggle^® make better public highway® raising a fine and more pro® stock, also improved f® methods and a greater v«» crops; better equipped M houses and longer school® last, hut of not -less nnpofl more and better attended I schools and churches. ® 1 think we should end® : educate our young pei® children who are in oi® against inl.'-mpe ranee, home is the place to hihilion. as the twij®. M- . the tree will grow•. - youth ot our land ® temperance. Wij® mi the temptation We :••• l.oi® inio tempt,-ii .m : I ■• pu! ill i *jf n:.d -:. i lie I *'*£< rngii \ t ora ■ fo iff u Kdi X lor Soutlieust killed Mr. Mr. editor:—Thei^JH|^H Kirkland, the. sect^Wli master, at Kmgsland a few weeks ago is quietly resting in jail, Brunswick. Wo arc paying his board there. Hia- perapn is valuable to be kept in a jail as we have in Camden. Such a prisoner as that might .get out. of our common old antediluvian jail. That is tile way We people in Cam den have,to do. Whenever we are in ueed of sometlyng valuable wo have to go spmewhere etaa to.gpt it. Whenever we neetfa bank.wo have to go to Glenju, Charlton or' Wayne epunty. If we want a teacher we have to go up in Gcof gia and get ailch as they have loft, and are not going to use. Their best teacher s are getting from laS8§®l ®» 8i KttB a »w*M h.^j 11 1 are not fernANDI^S^ X MANh SA SEERS Dealers in Haitdwarel® V-> Elarfi^ware, P Glassware, Mw. < ) w Stoves and Ranges, Crockery and Notions AGENTS FOR VICTOR li.KiNG MACHINES AND FERRO GASOLINE ENGINES ELECTRIC LIGHT "WIRING. 310 CENTYR STREET, FERNANDINA, FLA. 4 Per cent COMPOUND INTEREST • . Is what your money will earn if deposited with the , SAVINGS DEPARTMENT —OF— tonal Bank of Brunswick, lSWICK, GEORGIA. •