The southeast Georgian. (Kingsland, Ga.) 1894-1996, April 10, 1908, Image 5
the ml and Ida and rnafd Brooks spent m with the Misses pfmon. Mr Mr. St.ri and vr-« Mis Tlunr. H n v vVo.dur.i v\ and children attended services iTC Keuhoiua Peulmmn and n n 1 aHendimz spending the 1 he test rest of the Mrs* cloy at Ben Lev is'. M. ,M. Fox and daugliter ® Miss Addio Tompkins I ol , Marys, and hobert of ,..t . r ox Crandall, Fla., spent Sunday at W. S. Casey's. ' moke anon , LANG. With'the return of spring thing in nature seems to over i'n this section. Dogwood trees are iii full bloom of t nus place can boast ot quite a large supply. They are a tree when in bloom or laden ripe red berries, of vjiieh^^J are very fond, tCl t many oUtftffl isi OF OWN. IP .the people kerned by ISkl! favor [i one PI I '! i _ r ' F ’ 11 -", j al of | unis hsM ric aid fctt n- uHiilts ?> . F® While one man, if he be go\.^nor, may cripple and possibly wreck i he prosperity of the state, requires Hie eo-oporation of the peo ple snd the executive to restore conf dence and Upbuild that which has been prostrated. Hence, I should ask earnest co-operation. I confess tfiat. I have none of the arts of the jH'liticiau, and -to great newspaper to ."a. caildidaoy , but j haTe faith ■ .i|„ ^ conclusion, „ , let us unite to prove 1 that Georgia will lit just, to all whose or Investments, are with- j n > her tvorders. Let us unite to re-, store employment, with good wages, those who are now the unmerited I victims eg an unnecessary panic. Let us unifc el> prevent cotton from fall mg to an unprofitable price. Let us j unite to bring prosperity to Georgia. I Ih-spectfuliv. your fellow citizen < ■Joseph M. Brown. "Marietta, Ga., March 18, lQj Stevenson av He used to the smoking iu Rot LEGAL NOTICES SHERIFF’S SALE. STATE OF GEORGIA. Camden County: Will be eold before the Court House door, at St. Camden, Marys. Georgia, firstTuesday in tie County of on the in May, between highest the and legal best hours bidder, of sale, to the for cash,'all of the following real es tate, 10 -wit: Lots B and C and frac tional lots A and D, in block number .21, in the G. town M., of Kingsland, 1606 Dist rict. Camden county, Geor gia. Said lots having been levied on 'to [the satisfy an execution issued from [March Superior court of said county, term, 1903, in favor of vV Ullam Mizel I and against V . H. This 5 i da.yd Sheriff CaWlencounty, Georgia.' 4-10-4t. * CITATION. GEORGIA—(,’amden County: ,f. A. Barratt having made lion to me in due form to be appoint* eel permanent Administrator on the estate of Adels Ba rvatt, late of said county, notice is hereby given, that said application will tie heard ai the regular term of the court, of Ordinary for said county, to be held on the first Monday Witness in May, 1908. my hand and official signa ture, this ROBERT 6 th day of April, 1908: LANG, Ordinary. NOTICE. GEORGIA Camden County: All of the creditors of the estate of Alex Tloyd, late of Camden county, deceased, are hereby notified to rein in their demands to the under signed Indebted according to law, and all per to said estate are re quired to make immediate payment. SOLOMON FLU VO, April 3Mi, 1994. Administrator. 4-10-6L .... lunnrr - - • • - ’.EORG1A Camden County. [ laving Notice demands is hereby against given to Colquitt ail persons G. ■ssell; deceased, t-o present them to properly prescribed mad® --out; within’ the Sfi^haractorandaniount. by law so as to show i jpUSSELL, a payment. Administrator |\M,CJTjlT;r iKlg gE G. RUSSELL. ■.NOTIvE. ~?T- 7 aPhiDKX County. SHBHUid* ■HMkehy given to all per HBg|3––»|T)resei)t against Lathan them to MwmBk' 'Within the i . as to show it. m [ANG t J % ’ My. :T. ■sttiu-nhei.. taPvithin l-o sin u 'Zil-JSp-J- .. ■-’’‘H.aiiJ amnu.v. deceased jfs f » said are hereby required r- make This payment. day loth March, 1994. NAT LANG, Administrator Estate ANGELINA LANG. 1344 CITATION. GEORGIA < a.mdbn County. J» ail whom it may concern: Bernard H. Britton having in prop - offlminisTmtton on tlm^ ( tate of John A. Britton, late of said county, this is to cite singular and all tbe creditors and next of kin of John A. Britton, to he and appear at my «>»CC within the time allowed by law and show cause, if any they can.' why permanent Letters Administration g™5J n n « J®a!B r^SeSaW Witness my hand and official sfg nature this 9th day of March, 1908. ROBERT LANG, Ordinary ( amden Couuty. GEORGIA-Camden County. To the children of son—Kate L e w j ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR STATE TREASURER. 1 am a candidate for Treasurer of this State, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic party at its next primary. In making this announcement I confidently refer to mv long service in that depart ment of the Stato Government, bath as Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer, covering a period of ! more than twenty years, looking after the financial interests Of the State and the interests of thV de pp si tors in the various banks nf the Stato, ns sufficient guarantee that the duties pertaining to this important trust will be it again placed in my charge well and faithfully ly performed. 1 earnest solicit vour support. WILLIAM ,1. SI’LL If. fOR SOLICITOR GENERAL OF THE BRUNS WICK JUDICIAL CIRCUIT : To the Voters of Camden County and the Brunswick Circuit: I hereby announce myself a! candidate for the office of thr General of the Brunswick ju- j Circuit., subject to tiny Democratic prima ry . I solicit the support and influence of tin ;< ’ ters of ^ circ « lt - aud lf J" m ." | mated . and elected to said , office, 5 ; pledge a faithful discharge of the duties thereof, without four, favor‘ ' ' ' '* • Yours obediently, E. LAWTON WALKER, for solicitor-( iENEUAi,. Brunswick t'ir c. U it: the i beg to Democratic announce my candidacy in next primary ' Solid for nom j.nation for The office of ur General pf the Brunswick Judicial ( 'hcuit. On account of the illness of the ror the past ilu-ee je.vs, and iIhtc fore am familiar with its dutiea. I solicit your active support. and promise, of it elected, to discharge the duties the office honestly and 1 o tlie best of my ability. A. 1). GALE. FOR IIKPRHSKNT A H\K. By the request of many triends, I unnounco mysrdf for and if l am elected I will servo the peoplfi thanking to"’dum best of my ability. and jay friends find fe 1 - lowi-citizens for past favors, I am yours t ) serve, TIB >Bi Respect.fuliv, M i It IDLE Y. " FOK FvtI%'SKXT.ATIVE > V ' At the request of many Voters, 1 announce myself as a candidate for" the? office of Representative from this county. If elected will serve the peo ple faithfully. Will publish my plat form later on.. Respectfully, D. 11. LANG FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. Clerk l hereby announce myself for Superior Court of Camden Democrat* 1 ninary. 1 solicit the support of *ny trioncU and follow citizens. Very truly vour?. J 1 n uimyut K1 UL Lil1 pm ’ FOR COUNTY TREASURER. I hereby announce myself for County Treasurer of Camden County, subject to the Democra tic Primary. I solicit the sup- ' _A r^i,.r ■ ■:u^:ililllliJllii:ii l l,’:ialil)I.Um;a. .i-'i 9 oo Drops For Infants and Children. mm 481* . AVtgctable Prepatalionfor As Always Bough! similating llic Food undBowds and Rctjula ■ Bears the ting tt\c Stomachs of IM AN IS /( HIL 1)KEN Signature Promolcs Digestion,Cheei fub •s * ness fimlResUConlaiiis ueillitT 19 of Opium,Morphine Nahcotic nor Mineral. Not . m /a TveafGtd Dr SAMUEL PiTQtt–tt Umpfeai Mx.Stnrui * /tocAs/D Salts - : sdtwtirfarti t i % ■ ffSrm xieaJ-- 1 limiiud x9u,yar Ji–tiry/x–i rtovar. A petite Remedy I I■ lion, Sour I Stomach,Diarrhoea forConslipa Worms ness and .Convulsions LOSS OF .Feverish- SLEEP. » For Over 'FT ' Fac Simile Signature o? Atb NEW inonlhs YORK. old M ■ Thirty Years ; i unit ® OSt s r C 1 IN m EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. V, 1 - THE OoNTAOR «OK.*ANV, NEW YORK CITY. A A i St. Marys – Kingsland R. R. I,. JOHNSON, President and Gen. Manager a. m. t*. M Train* leave St. Marys 1.1:4") 7:00 Trains leave Kingsland 10; Jo 0:1 5 Stopping at all Stations and Flag Stations. AIR LINE R’Y Schedule effective January loos. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS AT KINGSLAND r l I All daily ... trains i Girf" yf ! AM®** e. * H:3A. ...AS,___ z. all Florida poTHTS :10 au-si. | For Brunswick Savannah. Riehmond :00 p. k- I NewYorrkWd all Eastern points These arrivals and departures published only as infor mation arid are not guaranteed. For further information, reservation, rates, etc., see your newest Seaboard Ticket Agent, or write, Charles F. Stewart, A.G.P.A., Savannah, Ga. ■The Farmer’s Eveiy-Oiher-Day Newspaper THE TRI - WEEKLY CONSTITUTION $ 1.00 A YEAR I i 1 ii' A'C chb-.u neves On. her