The southeast Georgian. (Kingsland, Ga.) 1894-1996, April 10, 1908, Image 7
by . ]■(.,Oll igpr^iking, iiimgness MpHTfoi- talk religion and * teaching them HMFTh a vta commanded * * * Wf am with you alway, said r "The truth” is after ail the .’s and the church’s Neatest Pleasure. «■ The second treasure that he se cured was light and sight together— they were created for each other. 'Again it was not seeing the great rabbi, but seeing himself that proved his great blessing. Self-sight is a thing to be prized and prayed for. Oh. wad some power the giftie gie us; To see ourselves as ithers see us. We believe the light revealed Zac cheus that day to be small, not only in stature, but in character as well. As Achan, with his wedge of gold and Judas with his thirty pieces of silver shrink into men too small to be sol dier and apostle, so Zaccheus is af fected by his wealth. He happily be comes big enough to be willing to give away one-half and to restore as much as necessary. But he is small before the implied methods of its ob taining. The lack of character is not only a want to be deplored, but littleness in this sense is the ground of great evils. A man of small body, small mind, small heart good^buti^MgK must be limitedia his ability to do character Lies of evil is unlin^giMM by if-f^jBjawaaii^aPiOTwwBwIWMiii yet ;unities ol raced ■ by indeed, H–stances ■become Hue. A an ISS les |^W^CnrmDP.vond -L,^**** 1 1 " IWJ and ilio. ai! our I'oncl Yet let us remember tho church is blessed with great wisdom and willingness to use wealth for the good of the race and the glory of God. The wealth of all the world is held largely by the professed followers of Christ. This is as it should be, not because it is by them most deserved, but because it is by them best used. The' wealth of the world may be held largely by Christians, but it belongs tc God. No man is truly a Christian man, unless he is a liberal giver, and even the Christian poor often prove that it more blessed to give than to receive. The "fourth treasure thqt he se cured was salvation. “This day is salvation come to this house,” so said Christ. Does it pay to get right with God and to square up with men? As w r ell ask, Does it pay to buy gold eagles with trade dollars? Salvation is truly the “Pbarl of Great Price” obtain which, it. once Direc foui\d, it is worth all to salvation is ever and always freip- ithout money and without price; indirectly, it is secured by humiliation, restitution, confess ion and liberality^ Salvation is solgreat it musyrfl and so great it cahnot be [hjAH Not ures all can of buy earth's'wealthigH salvatty by redeemed the precious not by s.IadMj3«H fheus was things, bjfiillSgta®: ual YOU NEVER CAN TELL. Ransoip—Never carries. judge a man by the umbrella ne Beckly—No. It may cat be his. St. Louis Times. FITS,St. Vitus'Dance :N ervous Diseases per manently Restorer. cured by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Di. $3 trial bottle and treatise tree. H. E. Kline. Ld.,931 Arch St.. Phila.. Pa ■ ■e China is jumping to the front. For Hk first time she will be represented the next International Telegraph ^Kference. ■ * 5 c. WILL CURE YOUR CORNS Sou invest it in a bottle of abbott’s east ■tan corn paint. It removes hard or soft ■as, bunions or sors, callous spots on'the It, in, warts or indurations of the skin. No [ no cutting, no “eating” of the flesh, "aggist after soreness; quick, sate, sure. At or by mail from The Abbott Co., ivannah, Ga. ! Rival ice men of Sioux City, Iowa, nanage to keep even by dynamiting me another’s ice fields. HIS SKIN TROUBLES CURED. First Had Itching Rash—Threatened Later With Blood-Poison in I,eg— Relied on Cuticura Remedies. ,, “About ,, . twelve , , or fifteen .... years ago tii IJmd a breaking-out., and it itched, and stung no badly that I could not have any peace be cause of it. Three doctors did not help me. Then I used some Cuticura Soap, Cuticura Ointment, and Cuticura Resolvent and be gan to get belter right away. They cured one and I have not been bothered with the Itching since, to amount to anything. ■ bout two years ago I had la grippe and Jneumonia which left me with a pain in Sly side. Treatment ran it into my leg, Inicb then swelled and began to break out. 3?he doctor was afraid it would turn to Wood-poison. I used his medicine but it Sid Remedies no good, then I used the Cuticura fijg-out three times and cured the break §Sj, on mv leg. J. F. Hennen, Milan, May 13, 1907.” man may be dead easy all his life Let die hard. dd Tea cannot but commend itself [desiring Kd, potent a and laxative health-giving. at once simple, It is Kerbs. All drug stores. FOR A FUSSER. ■ —Any time. ^fc-Any jfcay girl.—Princeton place, Ti jf’ront Asthma ediate relief by liiial Troches. a. ‘tion. fished it of St. tjarbor i f stones m $3,000 IT. song about hhftt's it like? •V 1 “Well, the words are gezd, but the air is- bad.”—Columbia - Jes ter. How’s This? .We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Ciiexey – Co., Toledo, O. Cheney We, the for undersigned, have known F. J. the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry Wai.di.yg, out. any obligations Kinnan made Marvin, by his firm. – Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act ingdirectly faces of the upon the blood and mucuous sur Price, 75o. system. Testimonials sent free. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. MARINE SURGERY. Ships That Carried S>a. Themselves to The Empire Shipbuilding Company of Buffalo recently had the contract for preparing three whaleb acks- -'’ steamship trip **1 and threei^aM^K–§U HOW TO APPLY PAINT. Greatest care should be taken when painting buildings or implements fo whieh are exposed to tho weather, have the paint applied properly. No excellence of material can make up for carelessness ot application, any more than care in applying it can make poor paint wear well. The surface to be painted should be dry and scraped and sandpapered hard and smooth. Pure white lead should be mixed with pure linseed oil, fresh for the job, and should be well brushed out, not flowed on thick. When painting is done in this manner with National Lead Company's pure white lead (trade marked with "The Dutch Boy Painter”) there is every chance that the job will be satisfac tory. White lead is capable of abso lute test for purity. National Lead Company, Woodbridge Building, New York, will send a testing outfit free to any one interested. Germany Electric Patents. In 1906 Germany took out 5,000 pat ents for electric devices, more than twice as many as the United States did. TKTTKRIVE—A RELIABLE CURE. Tetterine is a sure, safe and soalp speedy . diseases .. cure for eczema, tetter, x skin , , and , „ an(J ltahl , lg pi [ e9 . Endorsed by physioians; m-aised by thousands who have used it. Fragrant, soothing, mail antiseptlo. 50c. at druggllts or by from J. T. Shuptrink, Dept. A, Savannah, Ga. A new Italian express service makes the trip from Genoa to Buenos Aires in sixteen days. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for Children teething, tion, allays softens pain, thegums, wind reducesinflamma- colic, 25c cures a bottle FIXING PA. Father—“What was that silly fel low saying to you when I entered the parlor? Something idiotic, I sup pose.” Daughter—“Yes, papa, I confess it was.” Father—“Well, what was it?” Daughter—“Oh, he was just remark ing what an awfully lucky girl I was to have such a dandy pa, and to get such a lot of pin money for pretty hats and things!”—Young’s Maga zine. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford’a Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. At druggists. HIS UNFORTUNATE BUSINESS. “Why it is,” asked the fox, “that you always look so gaui .?’ “Oh!” replied the woL, “it’s all due to the business I’m in. I always have to keep away from the door until there’s nothing left in the house to eat."—Catholic Standard and Times. A SCIENTIFIC TREATMENT FOR heclov Whisky, Drugs, Cigarette and Tobacco Habits. Also NEUKn STIIENIA c- NERVE EXHAUSTION. Administered j (uiv 229 by Special!, Woodward The is for Only thirty Ileeley Ave., years. Institute Correspondence ATT . in Georgia. ANTA contidential. GA . d AlLflllia, btt' NUSirM « „ gHa* . « jgk m.te Ad Extremely Palatable Medicine For All KIDNEY A foaI E L™ UBLES TRY A BOTTLE Ask your dealer for It Rheumatism «!' Awake 7 Weeks Until Cured By Millard’s Liniment Minard’s Liniment Mfg. Co. Dear Sirs, — Your Minard’s Liniment received and was used to good advantage, and I wish I had used it sooner, as it would have saved me lots of pain and also lots of money. With the first application I was able to lay out straight in bed — what I had not done in seven weeks — as I had been forced to sit on the side of the bed with my feet resting on the floor. Have used three bottles of your liniment, and it has loosened the cords so that I can sleep nights. bothered I was able to go to work damp this week and the rheumatism has not me any, only on days in the mornings, but will soon work that off. Am a long shoreman, mended Minard’s loading Liniment^ and unloading foreign ships, an d have recom- A SURGICAL OPERATION TO: it III I iv ’ I 7; iPllT Oi H lM !U t If there is any one thing that a woman dreads more than another it is a surgical operation. We can state without fear of a contradiction that there are hun dreds, performed yes, thousands, of operations upon women in our hos pitals which are entirely unneces sary and many have been avoided by a VP*3 A s~ Saa nitiiiru IPN(\iEF%sVS J–M’C 2D H VEGETABLE ® GOMPQUND For proof of this statement read the following letters. Mrs. Barbara Base, of Kingman, Kansas, writes to Mrs. Pinkham : “ For eight years I suffered from the most severe form of female troubles and was told that an operation was my only hope of recovery. I wrote Mrs. Pinkham for advice, and took Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, and it has saved my life and made me a well woman.” Mrs. Arthur R. House, of Church Road, Moorestown. N. J., writes: “I feel it is my duty to let people know what Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table suffered Compound has done for me. I from female troubles, and last March my physician decided that .id operation was necessary. My husband objected, Pinkham’s and urged me to try Lydia E. Vegetable Compound, and to-day I am well and strong.” FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound, made from standard roots and herbs, for has been the and has remedy female ills, of positively cured thousands with women who have been troubled displacements, tion, fibroid inflammation, irregularities, ulcera periodic tumors, and pains, backache. Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided . , , thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. (At15-'Q8) Avery – Company SUCCESSORS TO avery – mcmillan, 51-Bl) South Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga, —ALL KINDS OF— MACHINERY Reliable Frick Engines. Boilers, all Sizes. Wheat Separators. BEST 1MPR0VED ^ MILL 0N KARTH. Large Engines and Boilers supplied p por "P t| y- shin 9'« m»i», com mih*. Circular Saws,Saw Teeth,Patent Dogs, Steam Governors. Full line Engines – Mill Supplies. Send for free Catalogues \ DOVE-IAILED PUTTY LOCK SASH No builder can afford to use the old kind when he can get the Putty Lock Sash just as cheap. For sale by Randall Bros, TSfek oors -V The Penalty The PENALTY tor using Qui nine runs all rcward y for°uslr.g il JOHNS§N > '3 C 'lDNIc"is s^so* perbone. It will drive out every trace an<* taint of Malaria and Grip temperature pe Poispn from 106 to blood and reduce the normal in 24 hours. Agents wanted everywhere. Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic Co,, Savannah, 6*. SULPHOZONE CATARRH BALM, Til© Great Antiseptic Catarrh Ruined?* A healina reliable antiseptic for the mombranec. A chronic reinedy nasal catarrh. for ail complications ariela^ from Relieves the healing congestion of the nasal passages, and is BOO thing, Guarantee and Bond effective in its results. A signed if it does Absolutely to refuiid harmless, the price. 81 oen germ-killing , remedy not satisfy. for the bni a cure of catarrh. ARk your dealer or send us 50 cente. Mailed postpaid. The Hightower Drug Co.. - Dalton, Ga, V- Dropsy CURED Gives Quick Relief, Removes all swelling in S to 20 days ; effects a permanent cure i in 30 to 60 days. Nothingcaa Trial treatment be fairer fesagiven free. Dr. H. H. Green's Write Specialists, Box b Atlanta, 0?; Local DEPUTY Wanted GREATEST Protective and Beneficial Order ever started. Over 50,000 merq hers. Both men and women. Helps gat EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES with other people. HIGHER WAGES, I,ESS TOIL and IBrnoVISD CONDITION* general ly. NO RACE DISCRIMINATION. $100 at death; $25 to each male member at wife’s death; $10 at child's; MANY OTHER BENEFITS. Membership open to all honorable people alike. LEADING HACK MEN AND WOMEN DEPU TIES WANTED IN EACH LOCALITY. Work after hours. LIBERAL PAY AND PLEASANT WORK. Write at once for full particulars, enclosing 10e for postage. The I-L-U GRAND LODGE. 178 I-L-U BLDG., DAYTON, OHIO, TOILET ANTISEPTIC Keeps the breath, teeth, mouth and body antisepticaliy clean and free from un healthy germ-life and disagreeable odors, which water, soap and tooth preparations alone cannot do. A germicidal, disin fecting and deodor izing toilet requisite feTrfj .'ViVri-f 7 -tv of exceptional ex cellence and econ- I omy. Invaluable |