The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, January 23, 1890, Image 1

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. *1OHN H. HODGES, Proprietor, DEVOTED TO HOME INTERESTS, PROCRESS AND CULTURE. * PRICE: TWO DOLLARS A. Year. VOL. XX. -* ; PEKEY: HOUSTON COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY/ JANUARY 23,1890. NO. 4. HOUSTON SHERIFF'S SALE. r will sell before the court house door in the town of Perry, Houston county, Ga., within the legal hours of the first Tuesday in February, 1890, the following described l property, to-wit: Lots of land Nos, 181, 182,197, 198, 293,224* and.the east half of lot No. 240, all in the 13th district of Houston coun ty, and containing 1,300 acres more or less, and known as the late Thaddeus O. Holt plantation. Levied on to satis fy a fi. fa. issued from Houston Superior Court in favor of J. W. Coombs vs. B. H Kingman, administrator of A. F. Holt, deceased, and returnable to the April term, 1889. ' Also, at the same time and place, that certain dwelling house, and the real es tate upon which it is built, of BE Smith, in the 13th district of said county; about 20 yards of store-house of said Smith in the forks of the county line and Snow roads; said lot containing — acres, more or less. Also, one tenement house, and the real estate upon which it is built, of B E Smith, in the 3rd district of Dooly county, on lot No. 47, containing ’ 50 acres, more or less, about 400 yards south of said stdre-house, both forming one tract of land. Levied on as the property of B E Smith to satisfy afi. fa. in favor of Baker & Lawrence, vs. B E Smith. Beturnable to January term, 1890, of Honston County Court. M. L. COOPEB, Sheriff. Jan. 2nd, 1890. The Fallacy of Protection. , farmers do not actually receive I more than- $80,000,000 of the mon- iey spent by the laborers in pro- No logical or consistent argn- tected industries annual! jfor do- Hon. John G. Carlisle in The Forum. GEORGIA—Houston Comm: The return of the commisioners to- set apart a 12 months support for Mrs. Sarah E Means and 4 minor children from tato of M H Means, deceased, having been filed in this office: This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to appear at the February term, 1890, of the Court of Ordinary of said county, and show cause, if any they have, why said return should not be re ceived and made the judgment of this court. Witness my official signature this January 2nd, 1890. J. H. HOUSER, Ordinary. Gdokgia—Houston County: T. N. White, administrator of the es tate of D A King, has applied for dismis sion from his trust: This is therefore to cite all persons con cerned to appear at the April ^Term, 1890, of the Court. of Ordinary county, and show cause, if any they have, why said application should notbo granted, Winess my official signature this Jan. 2nd, 1890 J H HOUSER, Ordinary. Geobgia—Houston County: The returns of the commissioners to set apart a twelve months support for Mrs. Alice L. Bragg and two minor chil dren, frome3tate of JF Bragg, deceased, having been filed in this office: This is therefore to oite all persons concerned to appear at the February term, 1890, of the Court of Ordinary of said county, and show cause if any they have, .. . on fjj eived why said return should not be receiv and made the jndgment of this court. Witness my official signature this Jan. 2nd, 1890. J. H. HOUSEB, Ordinary. GEOBGIA—Houston County: T. M. Means has applied for letters of administration on the estate of M. B. Means, of Baid county, deceased: This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to appear at tho February term, 1390, of the Court of Ordinary of said county, and show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. T' Witness, my official signature this Jan. 2nd, 1890. J.H. HOUSER, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Houston County J W Taylor, guardian for Cora L. Woodard, has applied for dismission from his trust: This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to. appear at the February term, 1890, of the Court of Ordinary of said county, aiid show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. Witness my official signature this Jan. 2nd, 1890. J. H, HOUSEB, Ordinary; MONEY TO LOAN". In sums of 8300.00 and upwards, to be secured by first liens on improved farms. Longtime, low rates and easy payments. Apply to DUNCAN & MILLEB, Nov. 20th, 1889—tf Perry* Ga. MONEY LOANS On Houston farms procured at the low- ost possible rates of interest As low, if not lower than the lowest. Apply to W. D. Nottingham, tf Macon, Ga. Meqpal valne. Wttxh. locality - - ^Ffr«e, together with oir Urge valuable linaef Household ^*l* the watea. ara free. Ail 1 do U to •how what w# send yon to theaa who call—yonr Hide and neighbors aad thoa# a boat yon—that al way a raaalM hie trade for u*. which hold* foryaara laid. We par all axprcaa, freight, etc After “ n from SS* to NtlaaoB «ffc ment can be framed to show that the policy of protection encourages any industry in this country, ex cept upon the hypothesis that free competition in the sale of the products of that industry would ao redace prices that oar people could not profitably engage in it. If free competition tends to radnee prices, whatever materially inter feres with such competition most tend to increase them. The whole argument admits that the effect of the protective policy is to increase the prices of protect ed articles produced in this coun ty- Mi It is evident that this poliey can be beneficial only to producers of those articles which would be im ported to what the protectionists consider an injurious extent. Un less a commodity can be sold here for a higher price than it can be sold for in the country where it is produced, it will not be brought here; nor will an article be exported from this country for sale abroad unless the price there is higher than it is here. If the farmers of the United States would recognize the truth of these self- evidsnt propositions they would see at once that the protective sys tem cannot possibly increase the prices of the articles they have to sell, because without it they could have no foreign competition in their home markets, and with it they cannot escape the most se vere competition in the foreign markets, where they must sell their surplus. It must not be forgotten that the prices of all the principal agricul tural products, which the farmer sells at home, are fixed in the free markets abroad when he sells his surplus, while the prices of nearly all the things he has to bay are fixed in the protected markets hers, and are largely increased by the to tal or partial exclusion of foreign competition and by reason of the unnecessary taxes imposed upon the materials used in their produc- ion. The products of agriculture con stitute from 75 to 80 per cent, of our exports. Wheat, corn, rye, oats, cotton and tobacco, beef and pork are the great staple agricultural products of this country, exported and sold abroad. If we had that home market which the protectionists have been promising for three-quarters of a century, the balance of trade, which they deplore as a great ca lamity, would be largely against us every year for all time to come, be cause there are many articles of necessity which mast be procured from other countries, and oar man ufactured products cannot be ex ported in sufficient quantities to pay for them. It is certain that a century of protection, in a greater or less de gree, to the owners of mines and manufacturing establishments, has not secured a home market to the farmer, and the question he has now to deoide iB whether he will continue to tax himself for an in definite period in tho future, in order that the impossibility of suc cess may be thoroughly demons strated. Finding himself at the end of a hundred years compelled to export a larger percentage of his products than at the begin ning, it would seem that no argu ment ought to be necessary to con vince him that he has been the vol untary victim of a policy which guarantees a home market and high prices for the .producers of the articles he has to buy, and leaves him to get inch prices as he can in the open markets of the world for the articles he has to sell. Mr. Edward Atkinson arrives at the conclusion that the average an nual expenditure of the working people of the United States for food of all kinds for themselves and their families is $73 per capita. According to this the 3,000,000 wage workers expend $219,000,000 every year for food. The whole annual expenditure for purely ag ricultural products probably does not exceed $100,000,000 as the purchases are made. The importance of the protected manufacturing and mechanical population as purchasers and con sumers of agricultural products, has always been greatly exagger ated by the interested parties, who invented the device to catch the farmer vote. It is entirely safe to say, from calculations made on the mestie agricultural products. This is only a fraction over 2' per cent of the value of our agricultural products on the farms in 1880, and considerably less than I2.psr cent of the value of such products ex ported abroad and sold during that year. In orfiar to protect ths steel rail industry the people hays been tax ed $188,514,004 in twelve years: out of which the government has received for public purposes $29 201,788, and the manufacturers of steel rails received fox their private use the sum of $150,312;216. This is a typical case of the working of protection. The farmers are more interested than any other class of people in the cheap construction and opera tion of railroads, for they greatly outnumber any other class, and furnish much the largest amount of freight to be carried. The whole cost of transportation is de ducted from the price of their products, whether Bold at home or abroad; and besides, they are fre quently compelled by county taxa tion to aid in the construction of the roads. The cost of the rail roads constructed and repaired in this country daring a period of twel ve .years: only was , increased $188,514,004 by reason of. the pro tective tariff on steel rails, and it has been increased many millions of dollars by the same policy in other periods. This was not only an unjust and oppressive tax in the beginning, but it constitutes a permanent charge upon the peo ple, beoause the farmers and oth ers who travel and ship freight on these roads must continue to pay interest upon their bonds and de clare dividends to their stookhold- The American farmer,. although he cultivates the most fortile soil in the world, and oaght to be the most prosperous member of the community, is constantly engaged in a hard struggle to secure a com fortable support for his family and a moderate education for his chil dren, and to pay his taxes and keep out of debt. This is all he can reasonably hope to accomplish, and in a large majority of cases he fails even to do this, and sooner or later is compelled to sell or mort gage his land, and 'redace his ex penditures to the lowest possible figures. He has a paternal gov ernment which has determined that certain classes of industry ought to be maintained at the public expense, and for thirty years he has been taxed for their support; and now after these fa vored industries have become rich and powerful they combine and confederate under the names of trusts, syndicates and pools, and dictate the terms upon which the people may procure the necessa- saries of life and carry on their business. Under our system of taxation the farmer is almost with out the semblance of power to pro tect his own interests. He cannot control qhe prices of the produets he sells in the markets of his own country, beoause the demand is not equal to the supply, and be must take what he can get; and he cannot control the priees of the ar ticles he buys here, but must pay whatever is asked. The manufacturers can foresee with almost absolute certainty what the quantity of their product will be upon the employment of any given number of -hands, and, therefore, they can combine when ever they choose to limit the pro duction and increase prices; but the farmer’s crop depends almost entirely upon the character of the season he may have, and be can not deeide in advance how much he must plant in order to furnish a supply that will not be in excess of the demand. If they had been exempt from this heavy taxation and permitted to expend the money in the improvement of their own property and the education of their children, there would be fewer mortgages upon their lands, and a greater degree'of prosperity and comfort among the farmers and the country people. v ! r? Bncklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Colds, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Bheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give He Sat Down. York Tribuna. A Blaelc Optimist. Artesian There is a sound , of the voice, common, I believe, to all the lan guages or people of the world, which cannot be spelled, so far as I know. It msans an inquiry, it means an assent, it means astonish ment, it means anything and ev erything. .It is not a guttural sound like the “ugh!” of the sav ages, nor is it “umph!” but it sounds more like uh than any thing else, yet that phoneticism; so to phrase it, does not convey the full articulation. There was a gentleman, Judge “Jack” Wright, of Indiana, well known in Washington several years ago, who Used that sound with a rising inflection at the end of each sentence he uttered- He was an Indian agent for several years, and now lives quietly in cottage at Berkley Springs, on the meager savings from the salary and perquisites of that office. In ante bellnm days Judge Wright sat on the bench in Indiana, and on one occasion there came before him the late Chief Justice Cartter, who had a peculiar habit of stam mering at the middle of of a word. He did not stutter at the begin ning of it, but stammered in the middle. Well, Mr. Cartter—that was his title then—said something in the course of an argument be fore the judge which the latter took umbrage at. Then the fol lowing colloquy ensued: “Mr. Cartter, sit down, sir, uh?’ said Judge Wright. “I’l no-o-o-t do it sir,” was the reply. “Sit down, Mr. Cartter, or I’ll put you in prison for contempt, uh?” said the judge. “You ca-a-a-n’t do it,” was the rejoinder; there isn,t a' ja-a-a-il in all; your juris-is-i-dic-tion.,’ “Mr. Sheriff," said the judge, “take Mr. Cartter down to the river, take a pair of handcuffs with you, take him on to that little island over there, d’ye see, uh?” Make him hug the tree, and put the handcuffs on his wrists, so that he’ll have to keep on hugging it, uh?” “I’ll si-i-i-t down, your honor,” remarked Mr. Cartter. “I thought yon would, uh?” re marked the judge. In after years these gentlemen became great friends, and it is doubtful which one of them took the greater satisfaction in telling the foregoing tale. Possibilities In Geor- Atlanta Constitution. { Eev. J. C. Price, an intelligent 1 negro of Salisbury, North Caroli-j The artesian possibilities of this na, recently delivered a very re-! section have never been sounded, markable address. - j There is ho telling'what might be Parson Price opposes the em i_ accomplished by folly experiment- Heury W. Grady. The Ghirch and State now mourn Their Grady dead; The air with dirges tom Proclaim our friend and hero laid Within the silent tomb. Increasing the Wind Supply. According to the New York World, a close observer might see the nostrils of some of the foot ball athletes a curious wire frame, which expands those important parts of "the breathing apparatus, that a much greater than the nor mal percentage of oxygen may be received into the lungs. Just be fore the Yale-Harvard boat race it was* rumored that several Yale men had come to town to have ad ditional “breathing holes” bored through the Cartilages of their noses. The fact was that they did come probably to have these wire “spreads” inserted to secure a greater wind supply. More oxy gen of coarse means more strength and more endurance. These wire frames or spreads are about a third an inch in diameter, shaped like parallelogram, with a rounded end, and about au inch lpng. They are variations of a new implement of An exchange says: “With corn selling at 18 cents a bushel and oats for still less in the West, Gov ernor Larrabee, of Iowa,.remarks complacently to a newspaper inter viewer: ‘We are not talking tariff great deal to the farmers just now.”’ ' Hera is away to tell how fast you are traveling in a railway car: Every time the car passes over a rail joint there is a distinct click. Count the number of these clicks twenty seconds and you haye the number of miles the train is going per hour. This is a simple matter of arithmetic, as the length of the rail is uniform. gration of Ms race. He says- that it is not the black man’s color that is against him—it is his condition. This condition, he is confident, may be greatly improved, and a few hardships and a few acts of lawlessness do not discourage him. He says: “What thongh-a man be killed now and then? He who would try to crush us deserves the pity—not the crashed! Though a hundred men fall around me, I will stand firm on the rook of my faith with an unshaken hope. “The negro 4s an imitative crea ture, and this is a sign of much hope. The-Indian always does the opposite of what he sees the wMte man do. Hence he has gone down. It is just the reverse with the ne- ing in that field. The News and Advertiser, not long since, called attention to the fact that as a mo tive power an artesian well could be made to supplant steam engines, and the more, costly and tractable water powers obtained by dam ming up the currents of streams. There can be no question but start ling^ and valuable discoveries await the man who will send his drill far below the depth to which our flowing wells have been sunk. Who knows but that natural gas is held in some of the great subter ranean reservoirs of this section. The coal fields of North Georgia and Alabama are not very far from us, and the gas which under high pressure works its way be tween impervious strata like wa- A common grief is ours. Cries out the weeping crowd; Bnt what to ns ofloss has come, To him we mourn is gain—now gone Away to God and home. For God and men he fought— His own, their every foe; His life to him was naught, And victories won for them he brought ’Ere death had laid him low. O’erNorth and South his fame had spread And distant lands he loved Will know his name—his praise By them and ns be snug As ages roll along. Onr nation great, will greater be Since Grady lived and loved; The lessons of his lips—with pen The nation’s mind and heart have stirred To nnion, love and liberty. We mourn the great man gone From Church and State and mortals; But bless the Hand that gave him, And the love and blood that won Our friend immortal. . ,,, . , ter may fill the cavernous depths gro. A white man gets a house . . , , * of some great underground cave that only need to be tapped to’fui- nish a supply as inexhaustible as paintsd white, with green blinds; the negro does the same. The white man rides in a baggy; the negro gets one too. The white man drives a horse; the negro buys Mm a horse. The white man buys a house; the negro does the same. It may be built on the gothic or der, with rafters in view, but it’s a house. This promises well. Borne imitated Greece; England imitated Borne; America imitated England. It is a help every time, and the negro is following right on in the white man’s steps.” The parson is a pMlosopher as well as an optimist. He is a bright, sensible fellow, and it goes with out saying that he will never have cause to complain of Ms wMte neighbors. Th# negroes who mind their own business and try to live on terms of peace and good will with the whites never figure in an outrage case. It is always some ruffian who has made himself a ter ror to the weak and helpless. Price has given Mb people good advice. If they follow it they will do a sensible thing. Another 'Wonderful Dog. the air itself. Or, the theory, this section having once been the bot tom of the sea, which is fully sus tained by the wasMngs of artesian wells, suggests that underlying the earth’s surface may be immense deposits of salt, which if found would prove a veritable , mine. The salt deposits of the Northwest ara found thousands of feet below the surface, a^d they are mined most nniquely. A stream of water is pumped down into the solid rock salt, and becomes saturated with the salt and boils ont at the top, to be evaporated, and leave the pure whte, salt of commerce. Our people may live all their lives at the very door of a natural store house of great treasure, and never find a key with which to unlock it, unless they use a little money in experimenting. Let us form a company and sink an artesian well two or three thousand feet and see what we shall see. Sleep, thou loved Grady, sleep, Georgia’s own and noblest son; Best from thy toils now take, Grand work in love, well done, For God and our loved State. POSIT IYE BARGAINS. J. H. HERTZ, Reliable Clothfer and Furnisher, MACON. GA- Will give his customers better goods, low er prices, and a larger assort ment to select from. CLOTHING. HATS, "Crrk<3.ei:-wea,r- To fit a toy three years old,ortho largest sized man. j. ec. miedti, 574 and 576 Cherry Street, MACON, GA. Live, hero of onr day, now live No more to toil and die; Beyond the stars and clonds now go To God; and in His knowledge grow More great and blest forevermore. W. L. Wooten. Madison, Georgia, January 6th, 1890. Corralled tUe Bride. Law in tlie Family. Atlanta Constitution. A man who drives a pretzel wagon around town has a great curiosity and patent advertisement in the shape of a yellow dog. This dog is a sort of a Scotch terrier, and he is wonderful hecause he does not sit in the seat with the driver, like ordinary dogs, but he jumps on the horse’s back, runs up to the shoulders, and, with feet oh the horse’s collar, he rides along the streets as though perfectly at home in his strange position. The horse trots along with a lumber ing gait, which must be most un comfortable to his canine passen ger, but the dog holds his “seat,” sometimes on three legs, sometimes on two, and seldom on all four. He seems to like it, too, and appears to enjoy the wondering stares and amused glances of the people who see Mm in Ms great feat for the first time. The driver appears un conscious of the sensation his pet making, but all the same he en joys it as much as the dog does.— Chicago World. People are always glad to shift responsibility and shirk any un pleasant duties. The growth of the state has dwarfed the very foundation of the state—the family. In the good old times when the average Amer ican considered himself an all round man, able to take care of himself and lick anything in sight, fiMttr I ~ those The macadamizing of a piece of road in OMo increased the value of the adjoining farms $4.50 per acre, while the cost was less than an acre. Several instances of this enhancement of the. value of land by good roads was noticed by the Georgians who made a trip through OMo last fall, and the re gret was general that the import ance of good roads in Georgia was not more folly appreciated. There are many of our roads that are simply an abomination, and though the matter is frequently mentioned and commented upon, there seems to be no very decided improve ment as the years go by.—Colum bus Enquirer-Sun. every family had a head. In days the head of the family made himself felt. He taught his young sters morals and manners at the fireside, and kept his eyes wide open. Now it is different The nominal head of the family looks tp the state to keep his boys from carrying pistols, playing cards, buying cigarettes and wMsky, and he expects them to get their morals and deportment from chnrches and public schools. The new system is not working well. The state, the church and the pablic school cannot entirely take the place of the old-fashioned daddy who held himself responsi ble for his children, taught them what was right, and wore them out when they went wrong. What is wanted is not so much outside law, but more law and or der in the family. Men are made or marred at the fireside. No ar tificial daddy with a parcel of stat utes, formal flubdub and text books, can take the place of the nat ural daddy with his love and com mon sense, and big Mckory. "When a man makes the right kind of laws for his own family, and executes them, Le need not bother himself about state laws and courts. His boys will never need the legisla ture, a bench of judges,and a sher iff’s posse to keep them straight. The Philadelphia Press. “Plot3 for stories have not all been used, as some people assert,” remarked W. A. Jennings, of Wyoming, in the Col- lonade, the other evening. “A friend of mine,” he continued, “who lives ont in the cattle country of the Big Horn basin, was a witneas in 1885, to one of the most remarkable weddings of which I have ever heard. At that time a few; settlers had gathered in and formed the .nnclens of what is now a most prosperous farm ing region, bnt the cowboy had undis puted sway,. The first wedding in that section-on Owl Creek was that of Big Charlie and Meetutse Nance, a native sagebrush-belle. The bride and groom oame seventy-five miles on horse-back to the squire, and in exactly the same fash ion. When within a few miles of the squire’s home they met that official, sur rounded by half a dozen cowboys. Then the bride got restive and nervous, de claring that she wouldn’t marry any man on earth. Bnt the judge, the cow boys and the groom were equal to the oc casion. At a short distance stood corral. '“Take her over to the corral, boys, and put her in,” said his honor. “As Metutse Nance heard this order, she made a wild break for the hills; bnt her days of freedom were over. She was quickly run down, and amid a volley of feminine sagebrush eloquence,*the boys, started on a lope for the corrall. Beach ing this, Nance leaped from her bronks and started like a scared deer for some adjacent brash, but it was no go. Nev ertheless, she fought vigorously, and his honor ordered: ‘Put a hobbla on her, boys. The boys were in ecstacies. A pair of rawhide hobbles were stripped from a cayuse’s neck, and their twist adjusted about the sturdy ankles of the strag gling bride. She was taken into the corral, and hi3 honor, mounting the fence, bade the groom'take his place by her side, and catch on to her hand. This done, his honor assumed the look of dig nified importance called for by the occa sion, and said: ‘Big Charlie and Meetutse Nance, yon came into this corrall single. I now pronounce yon a couple. Big Charlie unhobble your wife.” •But this Big Charlie found it difficult to do, and it was not until one of the cowboys had gracefully cast his lariat over the shoulders of the newly-made wife that the husband could turn the la dy loose. Then the j ustice called the hoys together, and, saying, ‘come on, boys, we hain’t got no business here now,’ led them away. One of the boys looked back, and the happy ample were busy unpaeking their camping outfit, and the honeymoon had evidently begun.” IF YOU WANT FIKST-CLASS GROCERIES, Domestic Dry Goods, Hats, Shoes, CONFECTIONERIES, Fruits in Season, Ci gars, Tobacco, Etc. Examine my stock before purchasing. Besides a foil stock of STANDARD GOODS, T YfilTalways have on-hand some Specialties, at remarkably low figures. tST"Lookout for changes in this ad vertisement. S.L. SPEIGHT, . PERRY, GA. J. H. BENNER, Some remarkable caves have been discoveredin West Austra- Two of them would afford accomodations for 300,000 men each. This country never had a presi dent who cared less for the people, or for whom the people cared less, than it has now, and the situation recalls the remark of the showman, when the movement of the panora ma brought to the front' the pic ture of “Daniel in the lion’s den.” “Daniel,” said the showman, “didn’t give a for the lions, and the lions didn’t give a for DanieL”—National Democrat. According to “Howard,” of the f^ew York Sun, there is not : a dai ly paper in that city edited by a native New Yorker. One is edit ed by a Welshman, one by an English-Irishman and two by Hungarian Jews, the others by na tives ot other States. teed to be the best in the market." Respectfully, WILL WAGfNON. 673 Forth Street, Corner of Pine, MACON, GA The town of Hanover, Oxford county, is the banner town in the state of Maine. She has neither doctor, lawyer, minister or panper, and last year had money enough, in the treasury, to run the town without assessing the inhabitants for poll taxes. . Gov. McKinney, of Virginia, is not a saint, but, according to a "Vir gin newspaper, he comes pretty near being one. He is probably one of the most abstemious and temperate men inYirginia, and it is said that he has never uttered a profane word, nor smoked or chew ed tobacco. . If the straw was returned to wheat land it would not become exhausted so soon. - . .. . ... Xemralgic Pertont perfect satisfaction or money re-j and tho** troubi*a wits. n«rrouEn«M r«uitin* funded. Price 25 cents per box.- ta ^* 6T, T r< S RSJ ,T * dl>jUkine basis of the last census, that the For sale by Holtzclaw & Gilbert -. Dw* JMtfsrs, ctemin. When a limb is cut from a tree, it should be as close to the body as possible. The ent should be a smooth one, without bruising the bark, and the cut surface should be covered with some kind of eheap paint mixed in oil. - THE NEW DISCOVJSKy. You have heardyonr friends and neighbors talking about it You may yourself be one of the many who know from personal experience just how good a thing it is. If you have ever tried it you are one of its staunch friends, hecause the wonderful thing about is, that when once given atrial,Dr. King’s New Discovery ever after holds a place in the house. If you have never used it and should be afflicted with a cough, cold or any Throat, Lung or Chest trouble, secure a- bottle at once and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed ererytime, or money refunded. Trial bottles free at Holtzclaw <fc Gilbert’s Drugstore- Some idea of the extent of the CahfoiMa cattle ranches may be gleaned from the report that a re cent count of the-stock on a ranch at Los Angeles showed 35,000 cat tle, 5,000 horses, 4,000 sheep and 2,000 hogs. According to “Howard,” of the New York Sun, there is not a daily paper in that city edited by a na tive New Yorker. One is edited by a Welchman, one by an Eng- lish-Irishman, two by Hungarian Jews, and the others by-natives of other states. I tad BROWN’S IRON BITTERS. I] It cures quick./. For sale by ell dealer, in meuiciar. Get the genuine. Nowis the best time to pay your subscription—$1.50 in advance. ; Opposite Hotel Lanier, Macon, Ga. Meals at all Honrs. Open Day and Night. Sleeping Accommodations in Con nections; 25 Cents a Bed. Elegant Barber Shops Attached. LIQUID I have just opened tho elegant SUWANNEE RIVER BAR’ Where only tho best Liquors will be sola. Come to see me when in Macon. Will fill jugs promptly, and at low fig ures for cash. My liquors are guaran- l the ma ' Kennesaw Bar. 519 FOURTH ST., MACON, GA. Open Day and Night at All Honrs. The Best Stock of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Accompanied by all the Delieacres of the Season. TXT THE RESTAURANT DEPARTMENT, Polite Clerks and Attentive Waiters al. ways on hand. GIVKMEA CALL. J. VALENTINO, Agent. IE WANT —-ANY KIND OF GIVE TUP. f- ■ - : 1