The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, March 06, 1890, Image 2

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Jno.H. HODGES, Editor and Publisher Perry, Thursday, March 6. Sfe>s The nest prohibition election in Pulaski county will be held on the 18th inst. It may be that the alliancemen of Georgia will be practically solid when they express ikeir choice for governor in a way that will count. The Georgia Southern and Florida railroad will carry milita ry men, in companies, to and from the Jacksonville drill forgone cent a mile for the round trip. If the people of Georgia fail to get free choice for governor this year it will be their own fault. The list of competent men for the office should be kept open and full. •The Georgia Car Company' has been organized, and a factory will be erected, as soon as practica ble, near Atlanta, where a lot of 30 acres has been purchased for that purpose. It is reported that -Editor Branham, of th6 Brunswick Times, will abandon journalism, and be-> come pitcher for a Chicago base ball team. What a fall, my coun trymen! After the Commercial club ban quet last Friday night, some of the Ohio excursionists became sat isfied that Macon was the “head of navigation” for this section of Georgia. . m-i It is apparent to even the casu al reader that some of the “lead ing’ newspapers, nortn and south, are largely engaged in manufac turing. Some of the manufactured articles are readable, but do not wear well. Hlgft The Brown House at Macon has been purchased by Mr. M. Nuss- baum, a well known wholesale dry goods merchant of that city. He paid §60,000 for the property, and will remodel the house, and make it one of the first hotels in the south. & ■ It is reported that the mer chants of Georgia, especially those of Athens and Americas, will boycott P. M. G. Wannamaker’s clothing business at Philadelphia, on account of his appointment of negro postmasters for the cities named. The cold wave that struck Geor gia last Saturday was general throughout the country. In many Southern states it was the coldest this winter, and from Washington .City it is reported that. Saturday was the coldest first day of March on record. The Macon Evening News says it is possible that the Woolfolk murder case will be hear d by the Supreme court some time this month, though in the same para graph the statement is made that Col. John O. Rutherford, Wool- folk’s attorney, is sick. • Dick Hawes was hung at Bir mingham last Friday, for the mvuv der of his wife and two children. His confession, with a brief histo ry of.his life, will be published in book form, and sold for the bene fit of his son Willie, the only liv ing member of the family. Thebe will be a grand state and interstate military prize- drill at the sub-tropical exposition, Jacksonville, Florida, in April next, beginning on the 7th, and continuing one week. There will be three prizes in the interstate drill: $2,000 first; §650 second: §250 third. Col. J. H. Estill, of the Savan nah News and Macon Telegraph is credited with entertaining guber natorial aspirations. Whether this be true or not, we desire to say that Col. Estill possesses the qual- j ifications necessary to make a most excellent governor, and should the people of Georgia elect him tney will be ably and honestly served. ' In is rumored that Maj. J. F. Hanson will be a candidate for congress from the 6th district. He will doubtless run as a strict pro tectionist, and as such Hon. J as. H. -Blount will defeat him by a large majority. Should Col. Blount decide to enter the race for governor, then some other talented tariff reform democrat will have the pleasure of defeating the brain iest apostle of tariff protection in Georgia. The Macon News Publishiug Compnan y will begin in April next the publication of the Weekly In dustrial News, a paper to be de voted especially to the interests of the Fruit growers, vegetable grow ers and lumberman of the South, e are satisfied the paperwill be a it will fill an unoccupied [newspaper catalouge. Becently Manager Clark Howell sent to the correspondents of the Constitution in all the counties in Georgia a communication request ing that twelve citizens be impar tially selected by each to give their choice for governor. Replies came from 96 counties, covering a total of 122 peints in those counties: The first choice of these 1,312 citizens was expressed as follows: Nortken 302; DuBignon 108; Blount 93; Black 90; Hardeman' 79; Bacon 72; Livingston 55; Crisp 53; Candler 52; Clements 44; Tur ner 41; Clay 36; Glenn 31; Wooten 25; Walsh 21; Evans 19; scatter ing 191. These scattering votes were di vided between 51 gentlemen.among them Gov. Gordon,- Senator Brown, Judge Bleckley, Judge Simmons, Judge Miller, Gen. Phil Cook, Col. Estill, Gen. Lawton, Dr. Felton, N. J. Hammond, Tete Smith. Bill Arp received one vote. Besides these votes, the secre taries of 37 alliances answered,and the answers were, Northen 19; Liv ingston 11; Crisp 2; Clements 1; Gordon T; either Northen or Liv ingston 3. These answers express opinions as to the sentiments of a majority of the alliancemen. This vote is quite interesting, and its publication is a most com mendable stroke of enterprise on the part of the Constitution. The fact that 061. Northen leads all other candidates is no doubt grati fying to that gentleman and his friends, bur he nor they should al low it to mislead them to accept it as anything near a positive indi cation of what the result will be. There are 42 counties in the state not repreeented in this vote, and 1,312 citizens constitute a very small proportion of the democratic voters of the state. Col. Northen’s vote is about 25 per cent, of the replies,—much toQ small to nomi nate. It is true these straws indi cate that the gubernatorial wind is blowing in his direction, but we would remind Col. Northen and his friends that the wind is pro verbially fickle.. St is not onr purpose to antago nize Col. Northen, but simply to say to onr readers that there is no need of foregoing another choice simply because 25 per cent, of 1,312 citizens now favor Col. Northen for governor; more of that number than favor any other man named. Possibly, enough of the more than one hundred thousand democrats who have not voted may favor some other man. To us it seems that the people will manage the gubernatorial bus iness. Their choice, when made, will he our choice, be he Northen, or any other able Georgian. "What's the Difference? The following from the Macon Telegraph shows clearly the in consistency of. republican politi cians. However, they care noth ing for consistentcy, nor for any thing else but money and political power. “In his recent speech Senator Pasco produced some statistics which the republicans must find very discouraging. . According to his figures, the number of persons over 21 who did not vote at the election in 1880 was 3,3 <3,043. Of these 1,888,243 were from North ern republican states and 1,484,800 from democratic states, or 403,443 more ‘suppressed votes’ North than South. In 1S88 the ‘sup pressed votes’ numbered 4,774,487. Of these 2,920,343 were in repub lican states and 1,854,144 in demo cratic States, showing that the re publican states‘suppressed’ 1,066, 199 more votes than the South ‘suppressed.’ The republicans ex plain that the discrepancy in the South is wholly due to suppressed colored'votes, while the discrepan cy in the North is due to foreign ers who do not naturalize. In oth er words, what in the South is the result of ‘suppression’ in the North is the result of indifference to the voting privilege. Suggestions that the plantation negroes, who do not read and know absolutely nothing public questions, are also indif ferent to politics, they refuse to entertain and continue to insist that every negro would vote if he could! Nevertheless, if the South- w-’n representation is to he reduced because all citizens do not vote, Northern representation should he cut down lor the same reason. It would be an outrage for con gress to place a tax on cotton seed oil, and a bitter fight is being made by southrern congressmen against the bill that proposes the tax. This measure is directly in favor of the.western hog interests, and directly antagonistic to the in terest of the southern cotton grow- As it is a republican meas ure, it will probably pass. News scarce this week. I think all of it was frozen and killed last Saturday and Sunday. Scarcely anything could be seen stirring on Sunday. I don’t think we have had such cold weather this winter as this cold spell has been. We notice that all the wild growth that had budded out has been killed, and all the gardens are killed out right. I guess all the early corn planters will have the pleasure of planting their corn over, though I don’t think corn is hurt where it is not beginning to come up. Miss Carrie Harrison left last week to take a school at Biehwood, in Dooly county, on the Georgia Southern and Florida railroad. Miss Sallie Daniels, who has been visiting relatives here for several months, left last Wednes day for her home at Cordele. Mr. Newton Etheridge, who runs on the Southwestern railroad, is spending several days with his brother,- Mr. J. H. Etheridge, near Grovania. MARRIAGE. ETHEEIDGE - - GEAVES. The expected marriage we men tioned in 6nr last writing took place here on last Tuesday even ing, 25th inst., the contracting par ties being Mr. J. H. Etheridge, a promising young man, who is man aging the large farm of Mr. J. G. Brown, near Grovania, and Miss Mamie, the oldest daughter of Mr. A- E.JGraves. The ceremony was performed by Bev. T. I. Nease, in a brief bat impressive style. The attendants were Mr. G. T. Brown, of this place, and Miss Dora Pool, of Hickory Grove; Mr. John L. Graves," of Ashburn, and Miss Minnie Graves of Henderson. Only a few relatives and friends were invited. Shortly after they were pronounced man and wife, and the congratulations ceased,they and their invited guests left for their future home, where a magni ficent suppey had been prepared for them. The bride and groom are loved and highly respected by the people of this community, and our best wishes for their future prosperity and happiness go with them. March 8,1890. Henderson Items. BY SOPHY EEELS. The blizzard is onus, March has arrived, and has brought 1 wind and cold weather. We have had the thickest ice and more of it than I have seen before this win ter. The wind has howled as if old “Boreas” was on a regular spree, and fully intended to show the people his power. 1 notice the buds and young leaves on a great many of the trees are killed, and I fear that the oat crop is injured to a serious extent. I have not ex amined the fruit buds, but expect that’ they are nearly all killed. There are several patches of corn that have been planted and is up nicely that I guess will share the common fate, as well as 'vegeta bles in the early gardens. These are the fears I hear commonly !ex pressed, and in which I indulge, but I hope for the best. It may be that the cold will not kill the, oats enough to injure them as much as the flies and other insects which will probably be killed by it; then again, the fruit may also be thin ned to such an extent jis will be advantageous, therebymakingbet ter, firmer fruit than "otherwise, think it is well to recollect that tnere is always two sides to every question, and when it is possible to do’so, to look on the bright side. Onr village is ‘ statu quo” now. We had some hopes of rising by the extension of the A. &. E. road, but the traffic deal with the G. S. & E. leaves ns off. We have been sore ly tried in onf efforts to get a rail road. The C. & M., the A. &. H-, and the A. & E. have all failed us; so yon see we are somewhat down on railroad enterprises. Still our merchants are doing good business. Our carriage shops are crowded with work, and onr people general ly are in a prosperous condition. We failed to get a male teacher to take charge of our academy, but Miss Lizzie Kendrick is teaching a primary school there. The right man could in a short while build up a school of 75 or SO pupils here. We have , the best house in the county, and it is furnished with the latest improved school fixtures. Bev. T. I. Nease preached at the Methodist church here on Satur day and Sunday the congregations were small on account of the ex treme cold.. I notice that Hon. 0. F. Crisp is being spoken of for governor by a great many prominent papers in the state. I intend giving you my views on this subject in my next letter, have already written enough this time; The action of the House judici ary committee in recommending the appointment of a committee to investigate the conduct of the fed eral courts in the South is wise and timely. Such an investigation will be especially gratfying to the people of- Florida, who seem to be afflicted with a set of federal court officials who are utterly unworthy of confidence or respect. President Harrison has made some appoint ments in the South which ought to disgrace fiis administration in the eyes of tfie entire pbnntry.— Macon Telegraph, Corn planting is the order of the day in this section. Mr. A. C. Barker lias already worn his fin ger to the quick scratching for that which he planted some time ago. We hope his corn will be up before lie has to scratch again. Mr. J. N. Barker has already put out his barnyard manure for his cotton, and intends to do some planting in a few days if the weath er continues warm. He is keep ing it all to himself, though. Ask Mr. B. H. King how far it is from Judge King’s to the up per edge of the Lower Fifth dis trict. Beinstating the Idyl Wylde Ciub, our good people have deter mined to go into it with renewed interest. Two meetings have re cently been held—one in January and one in February. Only a few attended onr last meeting, but it was an interesting one. Dr. S. D. Smith occupied the chair, and Sec retary J. T. Walker called the roll and read the minutes of the last meeting. A committee was then appointed to examine the house as to what repairs were needed, and uhat it could be done for, and report at the next meet ing. We hope onr old members will all return and unite with ns, and we would be glad to have as many others as will come, who feel aD interest in the good of the so ciety. There is nothing more profitable in a community than a farmers’ club, where we meet once a month to discus's different sub jects, and consequently there is something to be learned at each meeting, and the more we know the md're successful we can be at our business. A man can never learn too much about farming. So, farmers, let us come together and assist each other. There are also other benefits to be derived from this good society. It brings about contests in farming; it causes the farmer who takes any interest in farming at all, to experiment; it causes better cultivation from the man who has any ambition at all, as he wants to make just as much as-he can with as little expense as possible, that he may compete with his neighborg. There is also an other very important question that is being impressed uponjhe minds of onr farmers: to plant less, use more manures on smaller tracts of land, and cultivate better and with less expense. The subject for discussion at our last meeting was that of the culture of corn and melons, which very important subject was ably dis cussed by J. T. Walker, Judge King and N. G. Hunt. We hope the farmers will come out and take an interest in our society, for we feel assured that it will be of great benefit to them. .Mr. >B. G. Watson visited our little town last Saturday. Mr. J. T. Walker made a busi ness visit to the Central City last Monday. • Miss Sarah Walker has been quite sick with cold, but is im proving. Mr. F. M. Walker’s family have been on the sick list* for a few. days, but are now improving. Feb. 26th, 1890. [This letter was received too late for publication last week.] The Dreamers. The Perry Home Journal tells of a young lady of that town who has,through the medium of dreams, found articles that she had from time to time misplaced. When she gets this dream business down fine, there is an Atlanta man who wants to correspond with her with the view of having her solve one for him. Becently he had a dream that nine red-headed girls, each six feet high, and all of them dressed as brides, stood in front of him for him to make a choice of •one of them for a wife. If she can solve this, one she can -have the town.—Atlanta Constitution. The lady in ■ question- says tbe dream business with her is now down to a fine point. The care she- devotes to her hnsband and half a dozen children leaves her very lit tle time to devote to the solution of dreams. It may be that red-headed girls six feet high might be classed as misplaced articles, but we are in clined to the opinion that one of them could not remain nnper- ceived for any great length of-time in the neighborhood of the man. : dreamed that six of them who stood before him dressed as brides. As to his selection, - it could he said to Him: “You pays your money, and you takes your choice.” Col. W. L. Glessneb, of the Americus Recorder, is doing more than any other man in the state to induce immigration to Georgia. An Alliance warehouse will be operated in Hawkinsyille next season. —No cold so stubborn that it will not yield to Brewer’s Lung Restorer. . The following, concerning one of the best citizens and most pros perous farmers of jHouston county, was published in a recent issue of th e Atlanta Constitution. This re cital of facts is au evidence that Houston is one of the very best ag ricultural counties in Georgia, and that progressive energy,intelligent ly applied, will win handsome monetary profits through farming. ‘Capt. John A. Coffee, of Hous- ton!eounty,was desperately wound- edat the battle of Chicamauga, andffrom that wound he still suf fers. At the close of the war he got home weak and empty-handed, with his left foot paralyzed. In spite of the discouraging circum stances he went to work on his farm, and to-day owns 1,500 acres of the best land in Houston, six teen mules, several horses, a herd of fine cattle, and a large drove of fat hogs. Colonel John O. Waddell, of the agricultural department, went to Capt. Coffee’s place from the Haw- kinsville agricultural convention and stayed over night. The two were comrades in arms,. and had formed that kind of attachment whiqh none but soldiers know. Colonel Waddell had not seen his friend in fourteen veal's, and was delighted to find his friehd so prosperous. He came back full of enthusiasm about a smoke-house with 13,000 pounds of bacon, 1,100 pounds of lard; cribs with 4,000 bushels of corn, besides, oats, cane, syrup, peas, fodder and other prov ender. What Capt. Coffee’s. wounded and enfeebled body could be made to do at farming under the force of his unconquerable will, an intelli gent young man ought to do with the full strength of manhood, and yet they say farming doesn’t pay. A great deal of Capt. Coffee’s success is due to his inestimable wife, a true helpmeet, who entered into all his plans, and supplement ed his strength with her sympathy, tact and housewife’s skill.” I take this method of thanking you for your patronage. My receipts this season have ex ceeded my fondest expectations, and I am now ready to return your kindness by making a reduction of 50 cents per bale in handling your cotton the coming season. From this time forward my price to rich and poor, white and black, will be 50 cents per bale. I do exclusively a cotton busi ness, I do not handle provisions, etc., and I most respectfully ask a continuance of your patronage. Bemember 50 cents per bale to one and all. Beference, any planter in your county. Most Bespectfully, ■ ' Willis F. Pbice, Cotton Factor, Macon, Ga. Alliance Candidates. Tuesday morning the Americus Daily Times contained the follow ing special: “Washington, March 3.—[Spe cial to the Times.]—Letters have been received here to the -'effect that Col. Livingston has a scheme on foot to bring out an Alliance candidate for Congress in each of the ten Congressional districts of Georgia. In other words, the letters say Livingston is preparing to bring out a full Alliance ticket with him self at the head for governor. None of the present Georgia del egation, it is said, vrall be on the slate.” La G-rippe. On account of the “Grippe” and a coiitractto saw lumber, I shall close up the Variety Works for a short time. I shall make a number of need ed repairs while closed, and when I open again shall he better prepared to attend to my customers than ever be fore. I will ask the patrons of the grist mill to * wait pa tiently for a short time. E. J. Fuller, Lessee. A.SIK YOUR MERCHANT • FOE- PRIDE OF PERRY SHBBTI1TG. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST HOMESPUN. GRIST MILLS -AT- If this be true, paign in Georgia v ingly lively. olitical cam- be exceed- ,y, who has been sinessfor four returned-to ths ago, his fa- —Mr. W. A. in the mercantile years, at Summ: Houston about and is now engage ther, Mr. J. D. Gray, 1 sery and fruit business, do some farming, and being pos sessed of a large share of-energy and intelligence, we are sure he will succeed. A Lady’s Perfect Companion. Our new book by Dr. JohnH. Dye, one of New York’s moet skillful physicians, shows that pain is not necessary in child birth, but re3 ilts from causes easily un derstood and^ overcome. It clearly proves that any woman may become a mother without suffering any pain what ever. It also tells how to overcome and prevent morning sickness and the many "other evils attending pregnancy. It is highly endorsed by physicians every where as the wife’s true private compan ion. Cut this ont; it will save yon great pain, and possibly your life. Send two cent stamp for discriptive circulars, tes timonials and confidential letter in seal ed envelope. Address Frank Thomas & Co., Publishers, Baltimore, Md. HENRY BRAGG. My throughbred young stallion, Henry Brrgg, will be in Perry during the first weelj of Superior court, in April next. Those desiring service will please meet me in Perry. Afterward my horse will fill all engagements made at Perry. Persons wishing service in July will please write me.’ Service $10—with •in surance. John F. Lane, 1 m. . Unadilla, Ga. Geobgia—Houston County:" Susannah Barnes, widow, has applied for a 12 months support from the estate of March Barnes, deceased, and the re turn of the appraisers having been filed in this office: This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to appear at the April term, 1S90, of the Court of Ordinary of said county, and show cause, if any they have, why said return should not be re ceived and made the judgment of this court. "Witness my official signature this MarchG, 1890. J.H.HOUSEE, 3m. Ordinary. Geoegia—Houston County: Charles L Bateman has applied for letters of guardianship for Lilian Taylor, minor of Kinchen Taylor, of said county, deceased. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to appear at the April term, 1890, of the Court of Ordinary of said county, apd show bausej if any they have, why said application should not be granted: - . Witness - mv official signature this March 6th, 1890. J. H. HOUSEB, Ordinary. Give the Yery Best Beturns in MEAL AND FLOUR. m 'Em Wmt TO BOLD A HOUSE Easy Terms, Sec-cure FIRSTiCLASS INVESTMENT THE INSTALLMENT PLAN, TAKE STOCK THE INTERSTATE Building and Loan ASSOCIATION. For particulars, apply to JOEKE. E0DG-E8, Agt. Perry, Georgia. CONSUMPTION [COUGH or COLD BRONCHITIS Throat Affection SCROFULA J Wasting cf Flesh Or any Disea u tcharc the Xliroat and Lunge are Inflamed, Lack cf Strength, or h’ervo Tower, you can bo relieved and Cured by SCOTT’S EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosphltes, PALATABLE AS milk. Ask for Scott*s Emulsion, and let no w- planation' or solicitation induct yoA to accept a substitutes ' Sold by all Druggists. SCOTT * BOWNE,Chemists, N.Y. Home Oflice, Atlanta, Georgria. AUTH0SI2ED CAPITAL, $5,000,000. STOCK TAKSN TO DATS, $1,500,000. ^“Subscriptions to stock can be paid in small monthly installments. Money will be loaned at a low rate of interest, payment made on the installment plan, but these loans are made to stockholders only. FARMERS MAY BECOME MEMBERS, and secure the benefits of loans at a low rate of interest. -A.S an Investment, -there is nothing in the financial world to oqual it IjfYoix VV ant "to Build a Home, this association will build it for you on easier terms than paying rent. -A. Branch Association has been organized in Penv. See the Local Agent at once and take stock. Borrowers are treated, -‘First come, first served.” So it is to the interest of those who contemplate borrowing to subscribe at once. D. D. BATEMAN, Local Agent, Perry, Ga. 0. P.& S. E. WILLINGHAM & 00, MANUFACTUEEBS OF AND DEALERS IN SASH. DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, MANTELS, PAINTS, OIL, LIME, AND MACON, - - - - - - GA , V. E. WALTON. C. L. BATEMAN. WALTON & BATEMAN, BYRON, Ga. -DEALERS IN- Dry Goods, Groceries, Farm Supplies Gents’ Furnishings, Staple and Fancy Articles. BEST GRADES OF GUANO A SPECIALTY. COTTON EACT0RS, i % $ - Money Loaned to Planters at Lowest Bank Bates. 1= @g . Hal«@ mi ItaW* Jan. 2nd, 1890—3m. VICK’S FLORAL GUIDE FOR 1890, the Pioneer Seed Catalogue of America, contains complete list of Vegctriks, s and all Worthy Novelties. Same shape and style as pr* ly new and elegant illustrations, handsome r«! _>iece. Special Cash Prizes $xoco.oo; sec FI „ » . -3 owns a foot of land or cultivates a plant should • a copy. Mailed on receipt of jo cents, which amount may be deducted from order. ABRIDGED CATALOGUE FREE. JAMES VICK, SEEDSMAN, Rochester, K, 1 menu oi specialties ana au wortny. so satisfactory last year. Many ne plate 8xxoj£ inches, and front Ispiece, Guide. Every person who owns a REDDING & BALDWIN’S, MACON, GA. FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, FULL STOCK OF SUITS ^023 IL/dllEZfcT -^.nSTZD' BOTS- A LARGE LINE OF Hats and Underwear, Shirts and Neck-war, Umbrellas, Rubber Goods and Overcoats. Call on them, and yon will find, goods and prices to suit you. REDDING & BALDWIN, 3.68 Second. Street, Macon Ga- PERRY HOTBIjJ PS Geoegw* POLITE ATTENTION GIYEN ALL GUESTS. COFORTABU BOOMS. TABLE SUPPLIED WITH THE BEST EDIBLES THE MARKET AFFORDS. %-<* T *. \ i - - ,' -O RATES: $2.00PEE DAY. Liberal reduction by tha week, or by the month. ' Mi ■■ ■