The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, March 06, 1890, Image 4

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*-; ■ mm m&w&m Quaint anti Carious. There are only three newspapers published in China. A sheet of cork one pound in weight will support the body of a jnan in water. The ether day a bear left one or his paws in a steel trap near Holi- daysburg, Penn. It requires twenty-two volumes to register the different cattle brands in Arizona. Over 2,000,000 quinine* pills, weighing about a ton, have been consumed by the people of Boston in tern days. . The Pleading railroad company has issued an order requiring all its uniformed employes to keep their coats buttoned. The women of Milford, Maine, have presented to the town a hall which they paid for themselves by giving entertainments and fairs. It is said that one of the. Eng lish novelists is ' able to repeat from memory every word he j has written, and he is the author of many books. Francis Christian, of Muskegon, Mich., is 100 years old. His moth er lived to be one hundred and four, and be has a cousin who is now in his one hundredth year. A woman of Ionia, Mich., suffer ed with a pain in her side for twenty years, and the other day a physician removed a needle that is supposed to have caused all the trouble. A butcher of Coblentz, in ' Ger many,-recently discovered in the entrails of a bull he had killed, a gold ring-bearing' the inscription “Napoleon III., Emperor, 1862.”' In the stock yards at Kansas City, Mo., a mule find a horse en gaged in a" kicking match, and the mule was outkickecL The attend ants had to turn, tho hose on the combatants to separate them. SSttSf-V-' - ... Pearls of Thought. No one should so fear being egotistic as to ovoid the society of iheir own conscience. It will make more difference to those who refuse to see the truth, than to the truth itself. Information is the literal form of knowledge; if not derived from experience; it is deceit. .It does not follow that a man should have more authority be cause of his superior knowledge. A man mistakes conceit for wis- dom«when he cannot bear to listen to an idea at variance wetb his own. Progress is derived from hon- essy, while to be a successful de- ceiver, training is absolutely nec essary. The man who mistakes a form for a fact, is also ignorant of the method- by which a success is achieved. The more one knows about the past, and what the future will be, the less they know about the pres ent. mm Farm and Garden Notes. The hen that lays in winter doesjjnot breakfast, dine and sup on cold corn and ice water. It is said that if mice holes are filled with chloride of lime the ro dents will qnit the premises. Be sure that all the animals, es pecially the young, have warm quarters and a good bed to lie on at night. Regularity is a prime virtue in feeding stock, and next in impor tance to well-balanced, full ra tions. The feeding standards should be considered as guides, and not as formulas to be implicitly fol- ' lowed. To insure success put your products into the market in a su perior condition, and have them of a little better quality than others. Not many are aware of it, but a covered barnyard is a paying insti tution—better than spreading ma nure on the snow and ice. Sleepless Nights, inado miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh’s Cure is the Remedy for you. Holtzclaw & Gilbest, Perry, Ga. Don’t Overdo a Good Thing. Work to a Purpose. Moxroe Advertiser. The people who ^fecceed in life are those who work to a purpose. A working along in the world with no fishd purpose in view to attain is like a mariner navigating the ocean without chart or com pass. The result of such mode of pvoceedui'e can but be fruitless and a failure. The individual who, ly cheap. works without any fixed purpose! But this has not been dne alto- in view is unstable, is liable to! getker to conditions which can be driftrinto indifference as to.results,:relied on to assure as good a price and to become devoid of aspiration, j for the crop of the present year. Such men, to use a hackneyed ex-1 The season now nearing its close pression, become “Jack of all opened with unusual small stocks Atlanta Journal. The present cotton season has been one of the best the planters of the South have had for years. A remunerative price has been sus tained throughout the season, with little fluctuation, while, the com modities which planters have to buy have mostly been comparative- work” and perfect themselves in none; they never reach the point of ascertaining for what they are fitted. Thousands’of people are. wear ing their lives away at work with out any programme of their efforts, and with no special object; to ac- somplish. They enter upon some vocation as a tempereary arange- nient whereby they hope in some way to gain a living, until per chance some other opening may present itself to them. They do not known whether they are lo cated. or not; areuncertain as to prosecuting the business upon which they may have entered, and therefore have no definite end to work to. The invariable result in such instances is that little or nothing is accomplished. Reader, it matters not what your circumstances and surroundings may be, if you would succeed in life, you must map out a pro gramme to follow, must fix in your mind definitely what vocation yon will pursue, must have a settled purpose to accomplish and work to it. Do not stand in thp field of indefiniteness and. uncertainty as to your future course, waiting for some favorable wind to waft you on to fortune. . If you choose - any profession for your calling, make it your aim and fixed • purpose to go to the top. If von have chosen merchandise, put your mark on a line with the front and press to it if you selected to till the earth never permit your calculation and purpose to fall below the line of complete success, and press for ward with a fixed purpose to at tain it. No matter what others may do, as for yourself, choose yoa a permanent business,-adhere to it. press forward in it, and do not per mit the little disappointments, .re verses and adversities, that occa sionally befall you, to drive you from your course or to change your purpose. To succeed in any calling or business, man must aspire to some thing higher and beyond a -mere subsistence. For, as a rule, none attain to anything beyond that which they determine to reach And if we have no definite, fixed purpose to which we are constant ly reaching out to attain, bat be content simply to drift about with the tide of circumstances, we will accomplish nothing. Therefore every one should have a specific and definite purpose in life, and persevere unceasingly towards its accomplishment. After they had put a tramp in jail in Indiana for being “poor, friendless and without a home,” be invited the sheriff ‘ to dinner, sent ont a $100 bill to buy cham pagne and turkey, and asked him to take charge of $2,600 be had been carrying in bis boot legs. They managed to get that jail door open back to the jamb as he walked out. There can be no reasonable doubt that Virginia is going to make Gen. RabertE. Lee’s birth day a legal holiday.- Georgia’s ex ample in the matter seems to be contagions. Georgia generally takes tkelead in good things.— Savannah News. A SOUND DEGAS. OPINION. E. Bainbridge Mnnday, Esq. County Atty., Clay Co., Tex., says: “Have used Electric Bitters with most happy-results. My -brother also was very low with Malarial Fever and Jaundice, but was cured by timely use of this- medicine. Am satisfied Electric Bitters saved Ms life. r. D. I. Wilcoxson, of Horse Cave, Ky.,; adds a- like testimony, saying: He positively believes he would have died, had it not been for Electric Bitters. This great remedy will ward off, as well as cure all < Malarial Dis- on hand at Liverpool and the mills, and no doubt the excellent advice given to planters by the Farmers’ Alliance, not to hurry their cotton to market beyond the requirements of their necessities, also had a good effect in securing fair opening prices. Then there has been a lively and prolonged contest between the “bulls” and the “bears,” the former maintain ing the advantage for most of the season, and- there has been a good and well sustained demand for cot ton goods. All these conditions have work ed together for the benefit of plant ers throughout this season, but they may be materially changed during the next season. The stocks on hand may be larger; the bulls may become bears; the demand for cotton goods may not be so great—to say nothing of possible financial changes that may be prejudicial to most business inter ests. In view of probable contingen cies such as these, the policy of cotton planters would seem to be to continue the plan of marketing judiciously, and not to be lured by the success of this season into planting too large a crop. The needs of the farm for its independ ent support should be the prime object, bearing in mind that tMs is the safe and conserative policy in times of low prices for the money crop and' other unfavorable cir cumstances. Can Scirrhus Cancer be Cured? This is a hard question to an swer. Swift’s Specific has cured thousands of cases of Skin Cancer, and there have been many cases of Scirrhus Cancer reported cured by it. We do say that S. S. S. is worth a trial in any case of cancer. We append a statement from Miss Green, of Tallapoosa, Ga.: In 18841 had a small lump in my left breast, which proved to be a cancer. The first remedy I tried was to have it burned off. This did not cure it, for shortly after wards it broke out again in amneb worse form. I then consulted our druggist, who advised me to try Swift’s Specific (S. S. S.), and af ter taking about one dozen bottles, was completely cured, and my gen eral health was greatly improved. This has been over six years ago, and my cancer has never appear ed since, nor has it troubled me in any way. I can cheerfully recom mend Swift’s Specific (S. S. S.) to any one suffering with cancer. Miss T. E. Gbeen, Tallapoosa, Ga. We will mail our Treatise on the Blood to any one sending us their address. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. The Highbury Strict Baptist church in London admitted to membership without regular im mersion a lady afflicted with de formity, which made it almost im possible for her to undergo the ceremony of immersion. For this the church was expelled from the organization of Strict Baptist churches, and; after a long fight, the congretion and elders have just acknowledged their mistake in “having .been too ready to accept the plea of impossibility,” and the matter Las "been setted by the im-? mersion of the lady seated in a specially constructed chair, and wearing a dress specially design ed for the occasion. Upon this the church has been restored to membership. It is said there is a woman in New York state who 'is so. short she has to stand on a chair to reach the top of her head. Hollow eyed • little children, worms'are gnawing at their vitals. Women are in a moral world ease s> ar| d f° r Kidney, Liver ■ Their pleading looks should make *pi§l I Holtzclaw & Gilbert’s Drugstore. ,’Bull s Worm Destroyers. what flowers are in the phyiscal. Catabuh Cubed, . health and sweet . breach secured, by Shiloh’s Catarrh Rem- Subscribe for the Home Joubnal. Subscribe for the Home Journal. edy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. Holtzclaw & Gilbert, Perv, Ga. They Were So jliselieivoas. New York WcrM Two grizzly old girls got into a Brooklyn street car the other day and chatted playfully from oppo site: sides of the' car. They -were so artless and cunning, even at their advanced age, and made the time pass pleasantly. “Our mutual friend—you know who I mean—was down to see me the other evening,” said . one, as she giggled in a very amusing manner. “I saw him out on tne sidewalk. Of course I knew he wanted to come in, bathe is so boyish and I am so full o'f mischief that I just let him stay out in the cold a good long time. Then I went to. the window and he picked up courage to come in. I never saw any one so smitten as he is. Isn’t it ridiculous?” The other girl giggled through tis recital.and then entertained ns with her. romance: “You would have laughed fit to kill yourself could you have seeD George the night of our church fair. It was just too comical the way he huDg around me. I introduced him to every pretty girl at the fair, but the silly goose had eyes for no one but poor me. He bought a lead pencil, a necktie and a collar-but ton at my table and would have bought a lot of other thinSs, bat just told him he shouldn’t do it. I knew he didn’t need them one bit ana was just doing it for me. I try to make myself look as hideous as ever I can whenever I think I’m going to meet him, for really and truly I don’t care the SDap of my fingers for him. • I tolerate him ont of mischief and nothing else." And thus these two “little mis chiefs,” each about forty-five, help us to beguile the weary moments. Buck lev's Arnica Salve. Tee Best Salve in the world for Colds, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction or-money re funded. Price 25 cents per box For sale by Holtzclaw & Gilbert. JFFFEM DAVIS, MRS. JEFFERSON DAYIS. SOLD BY. SUBSCRIPTION. ONLY. The prospectus and complete outfit for canvassing will be ready immediate ly: 33f Agents wishing desirable territo ry on this great work will please address, as soon as possible, the publishers, BEDFORD COMPANY, 18-22 East ISth Street. New York. ■■■nasann \ HOW? “Can the world know a man has a good thing unless he advertises the possession of it."—Vanderbilt. ★ ★ ★ WRITE US wherever you live, and we will ship you a fine instrument on 15 Days’ Test Trial in your own home. . * ★ * NO CASH REQUIRED iroved. Our freight to please in either «u V . uuis the risk, yours only l test, and buy if fully pleased. 40,000 Southern Homes Supplied by us sinee 1870 on this TEST TRIAL PLAN, first introduced in the South by us. Fair est method of sale possible, and a great benefit to those at a distance who cannot visit our ware-rooms ALL RISK SAVED By this trial plan, and purchasers absolutely sured perfect instruments at the very lowest possible cost. Selling only the best instru ments made, that will stand the most severe and comprehensive tests, we do not fear to send them out on trial and let them stand solely on their merits. All we ask is the privilege of shipping on ap proval. No suit, no pay. Our freights if we fall. EASY TO BUY From us by correspondence. No matterVhether you live cither ten or a thousand miles from us. We ship to all Southern States. Our system is perfect. Prices in plain print and alike to all. One price only. No more, no less. Large Discoants from makers prices. All compe tition met. Complete outfits free. All freight paid. . Easy installments. Every inducement that any fair dealing house can offer. LIFE GROVE’S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC! -AND- ZLXQTTOSBS- 314 Third Street, MACON, GA. fY FRIENDS in old Houston L will find me at the above-named stand, where I will beglad to serve them if they need anything in my line. Besides a stock of Fresh Groceries 1 keep an assortment of the leading brands of W2USKT, Such as Hume six-year old, Nelson County Rye, Gibson’s XXXX. Pure Old North Carolina Qom, and other brands FILLING JUGS A SPECIALTY. All orders promptly attended to. j. s. toson. TO cure Bnioumess, Sick Headache, Consti pation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, take the sale and certain remedy, SMITH'S BILE BEANS HTse the SMALL Size (40 little Beans to the bottle). They aee the most convenient. Snltable log ■n.'ix ^ges< Price of either size, 8Se. per Bottle. KISSING''" 7 - 17 - 70 ’™” UllvUS In nfl Mailed for 4 eta. (coppers or stamps). —Smoke the J. F. L. A., the best 5 cent cigar in the world, at S. L. Speight’s. an equaled, and to In traduce otu superior goods we vrill sendraxx to ONE pzesos la each locality, as above. Only those who .write to us at once can make sore of tho chance-All you have to do In return is to show ont roods to those who call—your neighbors and those around you. Thtbe- ■ canning of this advertisement s,suss*. W shows the small end of the tele- Thn following tot tiros lh« sppesisnM of It ttdnerito l 1 afirtu oart of its bulk. It is a grand, doobltrixetsle- PASSENGER SCHEDULE Write for Valuable Information Catalogues, Circulars, Special Fall Offers—1889. Copy of new Paper-“Sharps and Flats ALL FREE. Address I OMEN & BATES, L SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE, SAVANNAH, CA. ~l^Yl50N~ “■Deal .with the men who advertise. Yo will never lose by it.”—Ben. Franklin. <83* Write L. & B. S. M. H, about it. *0)1 % and you will leave your orders. SUBSCRIBE FOR. ADVERTISE IN A short abseence quickens love, a long abseence kills it. That Hacking Cough can be so quick ly cured by Shiloh’s Cure. We guaran tee it. Holtzclaw & Gilbert, Perry, Ga. THE HOME.TOTTTe.1V A r. HeadquartersforHouston news. MACON CHINA STORE, ' TRIANGULAR BLOCK, MACON, GA. THE OMiY EXCLUSIVE CHEKA AXD GLASSWARE HOUSE IS THE C BPS I?e import our goods, and buy from first hands, saving the middle man’s profits. We can show you more China and Glassware than all the other stocks in Macon added together. We ape Acknowledged Headquarters fox- Goods inOurLine. - Wo liavo nowin store the most varied s^iek ever exhibited in any southern city. When in the city call and see the great est attraction to be seen in Macon. ° Very Respectfully, mm mm AND FREIGHT SERVICE In effect Feb. 9th, 1890, via the Georgia Southern and Florida RAILROAD. SUWANNEE RIVER ROUTE TO FLORIDA Standard time same as Macon city time. GOING SOUTH. No. 1 No. 3 No. 11. g Lv. Macon 10:35 a. m. 7:00 p-m 6:00 a. m Lv.Cordele 1:30 p.m. 9:44 pm 1:45 pm Ar. Tifton 2:58 pm 11:00 p m 6:20 p m (No.13) Lv.Tifton 2:58 p m 6:30 a m Ar. Valdosta' 4:48 pm 1:01 a. m. 10:50 p m Ar. Jasper 5:55 pm 2;llam 3:00 pm Ar. Lake City 7:05 p m 3:22 a m 5:15 p m Air. Jacksonville 9:45 pm 8:55 am GOINC NORTH. No. 2. No..4. No. 12 Lv. Jacosonville 7:00 am 7:59 p m Lv. Lake City 10:00am 10:40 pm 7:00 am Ar Jasper 11:05 am 11:51pm 9:35 am Ar. Valdosta 12:13 pm 1:01am 12:01m Ar. Tifton 1:48pm 2150am. 5:40pm No. 34 Lv Tifton 2:08 nm 2;50am 7:00 am Lv. Cordele 3:24pin 4:23am 12:23 pm Ar. Macon 5:45p m 7:10am 7:50p m. Trains 1, 2, 3and 4 arrive and depart from Union depot . Way freight and ac commodation trains 11 and 12 arrive and depart from Macon junction. Freight received and delivered at de pot comer Fifth and Pine streets,Macon. Freight for Americus, Albany, Bruns wick, Savannah, Charleston, Florida points and all other places on or reached via this road will be handled with prompt ness and dispatch. « U. B. WILBUBX, J. T. HOGE, Gen’l Freight Agt. Gou’l Pass. Agt A. C. KNAPP, Traffic Manager. LIQUID REFRESHMENS, I have just opened the elegant ‘SUWANNEE RIVER BAR’ Where only the best Liquors will be sold. Como to see me when in Macon. Will fill jugs promptly, and at low fig ures for cash. My liquors are guaran teed to be the best in the market. Bespeetfnlly, WILL WAUNON. 673 Forth Street, Corner of Pine, MACON, GA. FOB rajILY! - Inf Errnra or Expels Bain QldOrYouag. Itabcit. Hoble gAKHOOD fully Bwlored. Ho. toLfriOTW 8ir(.n£thenWttjlE, UNDEVELOPED OntlANtiftPARTS OF BODT. Absolutely ooWllnr 1IOHK XBEl’ Hen tootlty from £0 States and Foreign Cotmtrieo. Write tlunl. PEBBY RAILROAD SCHEDULE Daily, Except Sunday. Leave Perry at 5:40 A. it. Arrive at Fort Valley 6:25 A. IT. Leave Fort Valley at 11:30 P. ir. Arrive at Perry at 12:15 a. if. Leave Perry at 3:05 P. if. Arrive at Fort Valley 3:50 p. it 'LeaveFort Valley at 8:15 p. if Arrive at Perry at 9:00 p. if. WOOD tgsZBOikTID, zCHEAPESTz Furniture and Carpet House in THe State of Greorgla. Call and See ns and get Prices, and Look at the Finest Display in Georgia. NEXT TO HOTEL LANIER, MACON, GA. OerLtral Railroad, of G-eorg'Ia BETWEEN MACON, POET VALLEY, PERBY AND COLUMBUS. (Southwestern Division.) Schedule went into effect February 4th, 1890. (Standard Time, 90th Meridian.) • It is as pleasant to the taste as lemon syrup. The smallest infant will take it and never know it is medicine. Children cry for it. Sever fads to sure. Chills once broken will not return. Cost you only half the price of other Chill Tonics. " No Quinine needed. No purgative needed. Contains no poison. Cheaper than Quinine. It purifies the blood and removes all ma larial poison from the system. It is as large as any dollar tonic and retails for 50 cents. Cossssstzux, Mm., Doc. 12,1SS8. Path MxxucniK Co., Paris, Tens. Please send me three do*, of your Grove's Tastolss Chin Tonic. I was pleased with the lot from yoa last summer. The people were delighted with It. I garo yonr Chill Tonic to *>ms children who were pale and swarthy and emaciated, haviag had chronic chills for months past, one of them for a year, as.1 within three weeks after beginning with the Chill Tonic the/ were hale and hearty, with red and rosy cheeks. It acted Uko a charm. . W, W, Sxvmom, li, Ik FOR SALE BY HOLTZCLAW & GILBERT, Perry, Ga. MWill ^.11 ■A.’bO’ULt AND THE LOCAL NEWS THEREOF, SUBSCRIBE AT ONCE FOR THE HOUSTON HOME JOURNAL, PUBLISHED lw? f tav§i«y Btoiio§ f -AT- No. 3. No 1. 1 | No. 2. | No. 4. 32.5 a. m 3.00 p. m. Leave Macon. Arrive 10.37 a. m 11.10 p. m. 3.39 “ 3.15 “ Arrive Wise, Arrive 10.29 •« 10.57 “ 3.44 “ 3.21 “ Arrive Rutland Arrive 10.15 « 11.02 “ 3.52 “ 3.28 “ Arrive Walden Arrive 10.08 “ 10.55 “ 4.07 “ 3.45 “ Arrive Byron Arrive 10.05 « 10.40. “ 4.17 S 3.55 “ Arrive Powersville Arrive 9.45 10.31 “ 4.35 a. m. 410 a. m Arrive FortYaUey Leave 9.45 a. m 10.15 p. m.. BETWEEN POET VALLEY AND PEBBY. ^ 8.15 p. m. 11.30 a. m. Leave FortYaUey Arrive 6.25 a. m. 3.50 p. m. 9.00 p. m. 12.15 a. m. Arrive Perry Leave 5.40 a. m. 3.05 p. m. v 435 a. m. 3.10 p. m. Leave FortYaUey Arrive 9.42 a. m. 10.05 p. m. \ 4.55 “ 3.25 « Arr Everett’s Arrive 9.26 “ 9.50 “ 1 5.08 3.40 “ Arrive -Beynolds Arrive 9.13 “ 9.38 - 5.19 « 3.58 “ Arrive Butler Arrive 8.56 “ 9.20 - 5.30 “ 410 p. m. . Arrive Scott’s Arrive 8.45 “ 9.10 l 5.43 “ 422 “ Arrive Howard Arrive 8.34 « 8.59 k 5.56 “ 433 “ Arrive Bostick Arrive 8.22 “ 8.48 , 6.0S “ 445 « Arrive Geneva Arrive 7£5 8.37 22 « 457 “ Arrive’ Juniper Arrive 7.43 “ 8.26 “ 0.32 « 5.06 “ Arrive Box Springs Arrive 7.35 “ 8.19 “ 6.40 “ 5.24 “ Arrive Upatoie Arrive 7.20 “ 7.03 “ 7.17'j 5.48 “ Arrive Schatulga Arrive 7.00 “ 7.43 “ • 7.45 a. m. 6.15 p. m. 1 Arrive Columbus Leave J>.35 p. m. 7.20 p. m. NOW IN ITS TWENTIETH-VOLUME’ SUBSCRIPTION PRICE ,JJ2 A YEAR. For further particulars relative to ticket rates,-schedules, best routes, et&, write to or call upon E. M. FULLEK, Agent, Perry; W. W. STABR, Snpt. Macon CLYDE BOSTICK,T. Pi Agent, E. T. CHARLTON, Gen’LPas. Agent, Savannah, Ga. Savannah, Ga. Our lines of SHOES AND HATS are on the market at Living Prices, and if you want ”1 HONESTHONEST CALL ON US, CARHART & CO., 365 Second Street and Triangular Block, Macon, Geor