The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, March 20, 1890, Image 2

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A state convention of the Geor gia Temperance Association has been called to assemble in Atlanta in Slay next. The cause is a no ble one, and the work to be done of jno.H. hodges, Editor and Publisher outlined in the result of that meet- very great importance. The tern- PERRY, THURSDAY, March - 20. "Work on the Macon & Birming ham railroad is being pushed rap idly forward. The old capital in Atlanta has been sold to Mr. Joel Hurt, at pub lic outcry, for §125,500 A territorial government has been provided for Oklahoma by enactment of congress. A MAN who cannot conform to the wishes of the people 'should not seek to serve the people. An elegant hotel will soon be erected at Cordele, where the Joe Brown mansion now stands. Prince BisMabck has resigned the German Chancellorship, and thff'Emperor has accepted the res ignation. . • A jgei: The Blair educational bill will be voted on in the United States Senate to-day. The advocates and opponents of the bill both claim a small majority. Gen. Phil Cook is a candidate for Secretary of State, which office he now fills by appointment—the unexpired term of Col.N. C. Bar nett, deceased. United The congbess of the States costs the people $2,355,000 a year, besides the salaries paid clerks, Sergeant- at arms, door keepers, pages, etc. of The next convention of the Georgia State. Sunday School As sociation will be held at Tliomas- ville on Wednesday April 30th, and Thursday May 1st. The prohibitionists of Pulaski county are jubilant. In the liquor election held there Tuesday the prohibitionists won by a majority of 173—an increase of 75 votes over the vote two years ago. A bill to make. Wyoming terri tory a state has been introduced in the House, of Representatives. It is a republican scheme to gain congressmen for that party. The surplus in the United States treasury is being rapidly decreased. During the first year of President Harrison’s administration -the re duction has been from $110,000,- -000 to less than $40,000,000. mg. A preamble and resolution of political character was adopted, copy sent to the chairman of the democratic executive committee, and one to the chairman of the re publican party. The resolution is entirely cor rect and proper, as follows: “Whereas, We deem it advisable to af ford the people an ample opportunity consider men and measures, and to give them facilities fora full and free expres sion of their preferences, and this, such time, as will in the least interfere with the duties of the farm. Therefore, resolved. That wo most respectfully request the executive committee of the respective po litical parties in Georgia to order or rec ommend that nominations be made by primaries in all counties where nomina tions are to be had, and the same extend to militia district in the counties, and the' day fixed for the nominations members of both houses of the legisla ture and state officers and congressmen be deferred to the latest possible day, not soonor than the 1st of August.” President Livingston was pres ent and concurred in this action. The request made is entirely within the bounds of propriety, and we endorse it fully. Such ac tion could have been taken with good grace by any representative body of citizens, and that it was taken by the official representa tives of a great business organiza tion only adds to its pertinence. In behalf of of the white farmers of Georgia these gentlemen make a very reasonable request, for The Pulton county alliance will urge all the county alliances in the stato to join them in making Georgia Alliance exhibit at the Piedmont Exposition next fall. Much damage to the levees and plantations along the Mississippi river in Louisiana resulted the latter part of last week from an overflow caused by floods higher up the river. Geobgly melon growers antici pate a profitable crop this season as they have assurances that the railroads will serve them more equitably than heretofore, in .the matter of transportation and fre igh charges. Editor Dick Gbubb, of the Da rien .Gazette, who is a political prognosticator of considerable merit, predicts that a “dark horse” will be nominated and elected gov ernor of Georgia. Editor Grubb • may be correct. It is reported that Judge Thomas B. Lawson will 4>e a can didate for congress in the eighth district or Georgia. The present congressman, Capt. H. H. Carlton is quite popular, but in Judge Lawson he will find an opponent “worthy of his steel- The Okeefenokee swamp belong ing to the State of Georgia .was sold, through sealed bids adver- tised for, on last Tuesday for 264 cents per acre, to the Suwanee Ca nal Company, a company incorpo rated by the last legislature. It is acres. The Meriwether county Alli ance recently adopted and publish ed a set of resolutions requesting the county alliances to hold con- - ventions for the purpose of nomi nating candidates for the legisla ture, state officers, governor, aud congressmen. The votes for. state senators and congressman to be consolcdated by districts, and for state officers by a majority vote of U Blown, of the Southern Alli- all the alliances. ' ’ 1 Tiie Chautauqua issue of the Albany Daily News .and Adver tiser, last- Sunday morning,is a pa per of which the publisher and the people of Albany should be proud. It contains twelve pages of seven columns each. The article con cerning the second annual session of the Georgia Chautauqua is full and instructive, giving a complete programme for the entire session, every day of next week. In addi tion it also gives a large amount of loeal and general news attractively which there can be no improper motive. This action clearly indicates that it is not the purpose of the alli ance to assume a political position that is not in accord with the pos itive duty of every citizen of the state. The, alliancemen desire am ple opportunity to consider men ard measures, and facilities for full and free expression of their preferences. These privileges are guaranteed them by our laws, and all men should exercise them fully. It is entirely correct for the al liancemen, as well as other citi zens, to measare candidates by the standard of their own princieles, and to refuse support to those who do not fill the measure. Even should the alliance "decide to go further than this in politics, no one could justly complain though- there are many who would deprecate tInformation of a strict alliance political party. We do not apprehend any such extreme ac tion, for we have too much confi dence ip the judgment of the men who form this organization- that has done so much to enhance tkp agricultural interests of our coun try. The candidate who fears the re sult of an application of the alli ance test, had best bottle his polit ical ambition and voluntarily re main in private life. The alliance- men propose to do only as all voters should do, find out how the candidates stand on matters of public interest, determine the per sonal ability of each candidate, and then vote'for those who are best calculated to fill prcferly the positions to which they aspire. He is not fit for office who is un willing to submit to such a test. It is exactly right 'that the wish es of the farmers should be con sidered in fixing the dates of the nominations to he held. The republican majority in con gress seems intent on perpetua ting their party in power, and all they do is with this purpose fore most in their minds. They -are now attempting to enact a law pro viding for federal management of congressional elections, and a law to prevent any change in the forma tion of congressional districts. Such law's would certainly violate the spirit of the constitution, but for this the republican politicians care nothing. ' The twelfth annual state con vention of the Young Men’s Chris tian Association of Georgia will be held at Augu’sta from ■ April 10th to 13th inclusive. Reduced fares have been arranged, and ail properly authorized delegates will be entertained free while in Au gusta. For specific information address Geo. C. Genner, State sec retary, Augusta, Ga. Col. Livingston and Editor H. ance Farmer, have been invited by Grand Master Workman Powder- ly to meet the Knights of Labor at the assembly' meeting in Cin- cinuati next month. Mr. Brown will attend aud deliver an address in behalf of the Alliauce of Geor gia. It is said Col Livingston can not attend, on account of his many engagements. peranee people throughout the state should see to it that every section of Georgia shall be repre sented by delegates in active sym pathy with the temperance cause. THE OFFICIAL CALL. To the Temperance People of Georgia: A convention of the Georgia Temperance Association is hereby called to meet _ in the city of Atlanta on Thursday, the 8th day of May, next, to continue in session two days or more, at the discretion of the-convention when assembled. The object is to advance tem perance reform in the state in such manner as the convention may determine. All temperance and. prohibition men and women of the state,wheth er belonging to any state or local organization or not, who have -al lied themselves with the temper ance people, were made members of this association at a convention held in 1886, and are most cordial ly invited to participate in send ing delegates without limit, to rep resent lodges, unions or other or ganizations, or counties, and the chairman of each delegation will be expected to give the status of prohibition in his locality. We suggest that public meetings be held at the court house in every county in the" state on the first Tuesday in April, or May, to ap point delegates. Distinguished speakers will be invited to address the convention; and an attractive programme will be contributed to the convention and to the public throughout the session. Let the .members of the execu tive committee of- the several con gressional districts of the state see that this call is published in the papers in their districts, and see that every county is represented. The railroads in the state will be asked to give reduced rates to and from the convention. The papers of tbe state are res pectfully requested to publish this’ call. By order of the executive com mittee. C. R. Pbingle, Pres.' Ga. Tern. Association. G. Whidby, Secretary Ex. Committee. STATE AT LABGE. W. H. Felton, A. E. Buck, J. B. McGehee, W. B. Hill. First district, J. H. Estill; sec ond district, Thomas White; third Geo. P. Woods; fourth district, A. D. Freeman,; fifth district, J. G. Thrower; sixth district, J. X. Hunt; seventh district, L. N. Trammell; eighth district, J. G. Gibson; ninth district, George N. Lester; tenth district, W. L. Kilpatrick. Dennard, usually so noisy, so newsy-and so busy, has furnished but little news for sevelal days. CoL H. Stafford dropped in few minutes to warm last Saturday, and I think I heard Mrs. Stafford say; “it took you a long time to ance, ou Satiuxky, the 5th day of April, next,,at 10 o’clock a. m. Each sub-alliance will prepare to be represented by a full quota of as much that is of vital warm, or they had a mighty poor importance to the order will be fire in that house.” The last I saw of him he seemed to be very busy trying to fit a Ho. 8 shoe to a Ho. 10 foot. The only way to perform that trick, is to trim the foot splice the shoe. Mr. Bob Easom, of Irwinton, spent a few days last week with his sister, Mrs. D. W. Holland, learn that his visit was on matters purely business. Mr. C, A. Redding has a mule that has quite a fondness for chick en’s feet. It is said that whenever a chicken gets in the trough where he is eating, that he catches it and eats np both legs and feet. This is said to have happened several times recently. Mr. R. gets the chickens to eat, and I suppose don’t care for the crippling, but the good lady,' how she smokes and flames. 'Some of your townsmen were here fishing last week. I haven’t heard what success the entire par ty had, but am inclined to think that it was a -case of first • come, first served. I often wonder why Maj. Brun son don’t come fishing. He is said to be a good hand to catch “Suck ers,” and might catch better fish if he would only try. Appoint a day Major, and' come along, I’ll go with yon if I have to draw my mule up in the fence jam and leave him. Snakes are mighty bad, so bring along a little extract, to be used in an emergency only. If reports be true, and the signs are good, I fear Dennard will fur nish work for a grand jury, and maybe for a coroner. A hint to the wise, etc. 1 want to stty something about Dennard, where it is, and what it is, but will wait untill later. Kathleen Gleanings, The second annual session of the Georgia Clrantauqna begins at Albany next Monday, preceded by a special sermon Sunday. Be sides the strictly instructive fea tures of the Chautauqua, including lectures, addresses, special les sons, etc., the programme for pleasure each day is complete. All Georgians who can should attend. Albany is one of the most delight ful cities in Georgia. The following Georgia patents were granted for the week ending March 11,1890, reported expressly for this paper by Joseph H. Hun ter, Solicitor of American and ForeigfT Patents, Washington, D. C.: W. C. and J. A. Aycock, Griffin, blind-stile boring machine; M. Brosius, Atlanta, railway rail; B. F. Short, Buena Yista, wagon body. —It is very gratifying to hear from our readers so frequently that the Home Jotjbnal serves them satisfactorily. This comes direct ly to ns almost every day, and the new subscriptions we receive only add to our determination to make the Home Jotjbnal indispensable to the people of Houston county. The bill introduced in congress by Henry Cabot Lodge, of Massa chusetts, providing for federal su pervision of congressional elec tions, is aimed directly at the Souths with the definite purpose in view of securing republican con gressmen by virtue of returning board decisions. The work of grading the pro jected railroad from Abbeville to The Georgia Press Association will meet in Savannah next Tues day. After the business of the as sociation is attended to, there will be an excursion to Jacksonville, to Tampa aud to Cuba. We regret that the Home Jouenal cannot be represented. Good citizens always consider measures and critically measure the men who are candidates. This is dearly the duty of every citizen. Windy and cold. Hot much news that would in terest one. Nearly everyone are through hauling guano, and through plant ing corn. Oats look sick, but hope they will come out, for ’tis a. crop that would be pretty bad to lose. Kathleen is improving. One of our neighbors came over the other day and seemed to be astonished at the improvements made here since he was in town last. Two new houses, one a dwelling,’ the other a blacksmith shop. Dogs have been depredating on Mr. J. O.’s sheep; they killed four one night last week. We should have a dog law; by all means. If we had I think I could get the most of the eggs my hens laid, and Mr. W. would have more mutton. He has offered a premi um for a dead neighborhood dog Mr. T. B. Chauncey brought to this place last Saturday a wild tur key’s foot that would make a track six inches. It also had' a spur one inch long. This is the largest tur key foot we ever saw, the turkey was killed by Mr. C. Saturday morning. Mr. R. S. Wynn, of Macon, was here Saturday. Mr. J. G. Brown, of Grovania. spent Sunday here. _ .Shoit Parker is now hammering iron in his new - shop. Yours truly, X. I. Appm. The quarterly session of Hon ton County Alliance, for the quar ter ending March 31st, 1890, will beheld with "Oak Grove sub-alli- thfi county to meet- with us at ou: presented for consideration. The Secretary has a package contain ing a variety of grass .and other seeds from the state Agricultural Department for gratuitous distri bution, which he will distribute at that meeting, (if not sooner ap plied for,) to any alliancemen, or other citizens, who will experiment withrthemj and, lor the sake of the needed information to. encourage, promote and develop grass culture in Georgia, report res alts to the State Agricultural Department. Sterling Neil, Pres. Houston Co. Alliance. W. D. Cboom, Secretary. March 15th,. 1890. -1 - — To Houston Voters. Having heard that the impres sion prevails, in some sections of the county, that I would not be a candidate for clerk of the Superior court, at,the next election 1 1 desire in this to correct the same, and say that I will be a candidate for said office, and will announce in the newspapers at the proper time. Respectfully, M. A. Edwards. Mass Meeting The democratic voters of Hons ton county are requested to assem ble in mass meeting at the court house in Perry on Monday the 7th day of April next, at 12 o’clock m. A full attendance is desired, as a new executive committee is to be elected. By order of Jobehh Palmer, Ch’m’n. Dem. Ex. Com. H. C. E. L. Felder, Sec. JTEW.&OOn.S ARRIVING. Mr. L. F. Cater will arrive to morrow from Hew York, where he has just purchased a very select stock of Dry Goods and Hotions, invoices of which are being ceived by every mail. It consists of a large lot of the latest styles of .Ginghams, Challies, solid and fan cy, wool, and cotton from 6 to 25 cents; Henriettas, latest shades' 25 to 50 cents; Surah Silk, all col ors at 50 cents per yard; Calicoes from 5 to 7 cents, Sateens, Percale, Penang, white and black, Checked Muslins from 6 to 25 cents, Lawns and Batiste, white black and all colors from 5 to 25 cents, large lot of Linen towels from 12 cents np, Bleached Red Table Damask from 25 cents to. $1.00, 4 Bleached Sea- island Domestic from 5 to 12 cents, Bleached Pillow Casing 5-412 to 16§ cents, 10-4 Sheeting bleached and unbleached, a large lot of Cas- simer for men and boys suits from 30 c^ts to $3.50 per yard. All of the above mentioned, and various other goods, will be in by the middle of next week. Coine ev erybody and get the firstpick. It is the earnest desire oE the County Medical Society of Hous ton for every regular physician in .t. tom white. next reglar meeting, in the town of Perry, on Wednesday after the 1st j Monday in April, at 12:30 sharp. Dr. J. B. Edge, Ch’m’-n. Dr. L. A. Felder, Sea pro tern. RENFR0E & WHITE, . Macon, G-a. 310 Second Street, - RETAIL DEALERS IH Good. Board at Seasonable Rates* Alth . . tH .BOOTS AND SHOES At the coming session of Hons- '—' • Superior Court, jurors, witnesses, NeW Goods! G(X)d Goods! JLiOW Prices! and others, who desire to obtain board at a reasonable rate, car be B@-Uive ns a trial, and you will be sure to come again. Polite and accommodated at my residence, P rom Pt attention, and orders by mail attended to wifli the greatest next to the store of W. D. Day. 1 des P a toh possible. Yery convenient to court house. Rates, one dollar a day—single I meals 25 cents. D. D. Bateman, Perry, Ga. M. C. BALKCOM. REN. T. RAY. official notice. BALKCOM & RAY, AH ORDINANCE. DEALERSIH On motion ordered: Tha^ from and I after this day, all persons doing a ware house business in the town of Perry shall pay a license of Fifty Dollars ner an num, and all persons are prohi ! ited from buying or storing cotton in the incorpo rate limits, except in warehouses; and any one violating this ordinance shall be. fined Five Dollais for each offense. Done by the Mayor and Aldermen in| council assembled. W. C. DAVIS, Mayor. FRED, M. HOUSER, Cl’k. C. C. Perry, Ga, March 3rd, 1890. Groceries, Flantation Supplies, and General lerdiandise, - 453 MULBERRY STREET, MACOH, GEORGIA. Handling Country Produce a Specialty. OouncHi Chamber, Perry, Ga., March 10,1890. On motion ordered: That all persons encroaching upon the streets of Perry are notified to remove slid encroach ments at once. By order of council. W C. DAVIS, Mayor. Fred. M. Houser: Oi’k C. O. customers outside the city we will furnish anything ordered, at lowest market price. CKAS. II. H.U.L, j r . GOME TO SEE ME! I have a GOOD WAGON TAItD. which I tender I my 'friends FREE. Good Stables, and Good Sleeping Houses. Four houses from the Macon & Western Railroad. Well located, on Houston side. RORiT II. SMITH, Late of Smith & Mallory. SMITH & HALL' ALACOWr, - ’ - GEORGIA, DEALERS IN CZE3IX ZB 23 “2% STEAM ENGINES, Boilers, Saw Mills, Grist Mills, G-ins, Presses, Mowers, Hay Rakes; ^Machinery Supplies. Office at Price’s Warehouse. I have in stock a good supply of ^ u-.v, u (jUUU Ul I A —^ _ _ Liquors and Groceries, UiliUuDiti and at prices that defy competition. aud you will be MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN WILL WAGNON. MACOH, GA.- If You Have | SASH. BOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, MANTELS, PAINTS, OIL, LIME, AND CONSUMPTION I GOUGH OR COLO BRONCHITIS {Throat Affection SCROFULA I Wasting of Hesh Or any Disease where the Throat and Dungs are Inflamed, Zaeh of Strength or Nerve Power, you can be relieved and Cured by MACON, GA- |SCOTT’S | EMULSION V. E. WALTON. 0. L. BATEMAN. OF PURE„COD LIVER OIL With. Hypophosphltes. PALATABLE AS MILK, Ash for Scott’s Emulsion, and let no ex- planation* or • solicitation induce you to accept a subgtUutc. ' Sold by all Druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE,Chemists, N.Y. RYROH, WALTON & BATEMAN, Ga. -DEALERS IN- Dry Goods, Groceries, Farm Supplies, Gents’ Furnishings, Staple and Fancy .Chickens, Turkeys and Eggs Wanted. Card of Thanks. Editor Home Journal: Please allow us space in your valuable paper to return thanks to the good people of Houston and Bibb coun ties for their liberal contributions, so freely given, to rebuild'the home of Mr. Golumbus- Self, the poor afflicted Confederate soldier, which was destroyed by fire on .the night of March 1st. We are glad to note that Mr. Self’s house is about completed, and he has com fortable quarters again. The lib eral merchants of Perry, have pni us under obligations for goods and money contributed *to this poor familo. A. McD. King, J. T. Walker, Charley Mathis, Isaac Watson, Soliciting Committee. . Hearly all the patent Cough Medicines of the day contain Mor- Waycross is now steadily progress-1 phine and are dangerous. Brewer’s I LuDg Restorer contains none. ling. A Lady’s Perfect Companion. Our new book by Dr. JohnH. Dye, one of Now York’s most skillfnl physicians, shows that pain is not necessary in child- birth, but res alts from causes easily un derstood and overcome.- It clearly proves that any woman may become a mother without suffering any pain what ever. It- also tells how to overcome and prevent morning sickness and the many other'evils attending pregnancy. It is highly endorsed by physicians every where as the wife’s trne private compan ion. (Jut this ont; it will save you great pain, and possibly your life. Send two cent stamp for discriptive circulars., tes timonials and confidential letter in seal ed envelope. Address Frank Thomas i- Co., Publishers, Baltimore, Md. A sqre Liver medicine, strengthening,- invigorating. v57 wTc: I will pay the highest market price for 100 chickens, a dozen or more turkey gobblers,, and an in numerable number of eggs, deliv ered at the Perry Hotel on or be fore the-1st Monday in April next. J. H. Tuttle, —Bntterick’s patterns for ladies and children, for sale by J. H. Logue, Fort Valley, Ga. Day Grady. Service from my thoroughbred Jersey bull, Day Grady, can be se cured at my lot, at any time. Will not serve elsewhere except by spe cial contract. * Terms of service—$2.50 in ad vance. J. G. Davis, Perry, Ga. A Purely Veget able Remedy, exempt of mineral poisons, bad odors and taste, acting on the liver, kidneys and system, curing Headache, Rheumatism, Bladder and Liver troubles, W. W. C. is the nonpareil of all home prescriptions. THE Articles. GRIST MILLS BEST GRADES OF GUANO A SPECIALTY. -AT- HOUSTON FACTORY Give the Yery Best Returns in MEAL AND FLOUR. COTTON FACTORS, \ Money Loaned to-Planters at Lowest Back Eates.«j§8f Jan. 2nd, 1890—3m. TO BUILD A HOUSE REDDING 1 BALDWIN. ’ t MAC ON, GA. Easy Terms, Secure IRSTiCLASS I1VESIMEHT CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. FOLL STOCK OF SUITS |poe. boys. THE INSTALLMENT PLAN, 175th Edition How Heady. A book of over 200 pages, giving moro information of value to advertisers than any" other .publica tion ever issued. It gives the name of every news paper published, hay ing a circulation rating in the American Xewspaper Directory of more than 25,000 .copies each isaue, with the cost per line of advertising in them. A list of the best pa pers of local eirculrtion in every city and town of more Qian 5,000 population with prices by the inch for one month. Special lists of dally, coun try, village ana class -papers. Bargain offers of value to small advoi tisers or those wishing to ex periment judiciously with a small amount of mon ey. Shows couclnsively “how to get the most service for tLe money/’ etc. Sent postpaid to any address fur 30 cents. Address Gf.o. P. Howell Co., Publishers and General Advertising Agents, 1J Spruce Street, New York City. sST***"*' “In the spring-Kme” comes W. W. Cl as a tonic and a boon. —The Southern Farm and the Home Journal will be furnished together oue year for $2.30. The Farm is the agricultural paper es tablished at Atlanta by Henry Grady. The price for it alone is $1 stock Mu A LARGE LINE OF | Hats and Underwear, Skirts and Neck-war. Umbrellas, Rubber Goods and Overcoats. Call on them, and you will find goods and prices to suit you. REDDING & BALDWIN, 368 Second^Street, Macon Ga. ZHZOTIE For 'particulars, apply to\ POLITE ATTENTION GIVEN ALL GUESTS. COMFORTA! JOHF Jf. HODGES, Agt\ Ferry: Georgia. JOB W Q Ti TV NEATLY —AT THIS OFFICE— -t. .. ROOMS. TABLE SUPPLIED WITH THE BI EDIBLES THE MARKET AFFORDS. RATES fiST 1 Liberal reduction by tho week, or by the monl