The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, March 20, 1890, Image 3

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lewalk Gleanings. tiOCAX. NEWS, Perry, Thursday, March 20. EADS, NEEL SCO, 'W\ _ KAYE now in store one of the largfe^t and most complete stocks FINE CLOTHING, HATS And Gents' to bo round in any southern store. YOU CAN GET JUST WHAT YOU WANT AT THE RIGHT PRICE. Mr. WALTER F. HOUSER, who has been with us for tho past year, will be . g]a<l to wait on his friends at our place. CLOTHIERS, NHL & ■©©. ANDS FUR- HATTERS NISHERS. 557 CHERRY ST., MACON, GA. the l’Effirt ji’fig co. Will do all kinds of Tin Work in Country or Town. All kinds of Tin Vessels made. All kinds of Tin Vessels repaired. All kinds of Roofing auij Valleys for houses. Stove Pipe, Stove Pans, etc. made on short notice. —If you have any pictures to be framed, send them to J. H. Logue, Fort Valley, Ga. Work done at Macon prices: satisfaction guaran teed. .—Smoke “American Gentleman,” the best5-cent cigar on the market; at S. L. Speight’s. I shall run the Variety "Works every Friday and Saturday. E. J Fuller. —Butterick’s patterns for ladies anil children, for sale by J. H, Logue, Fort Valley, Ga. —Chinese Kites—high flyers— at S. L. Speight’3. HENRY BRAGG. •My tkrouglibred young stallion, Henry Brrgg, will bo in Periy during the first week of Superior court, in April next. Those desiring service will please meet me in Perry. Afterward my horse will fill all engagements made at Perry. Persons wishing service in July will please writo me. Service $10—with‘in surance. John P.Lane, X m. Unadilla, Ga. YO TT CAN SAVE MONEY il In Purchasing OR- AN ORGAN. j For particulars,apply to tlie rditor of THE HOME JOURNAL. . * We have for sale, in any quan tile folio wine standard legal auks: Iron-clad In otes. Mortgages. Landlord’s Liens. nd for Titles. Warrantee Deeds. Administrator’s Deeds.. State Warrant and Mittimus. Summons—County Court. Enforcing Lieu. Forthcoming Bond. .trates’ Summons, sessory Warrants, lagistrates’ Subpoenas. Summons of Garnishment. Complaint on Accounts. : On short notice we will furnish . a ‘ U y other blanks called for, at ‘ the same price for which they can be bought in Macon or Atlanta. 1 ggligiSs ... —- The A ernal equinox will be with us to-morrow. The weather indulged, in regular March “blow-hard” last Sunday. —Judge and Mrs. W. D. Not tingham, of Macon, were in Perry Tuesday. —Mrs. Parks, of Dawson, is in Perry visiting her daughter, Mrs. L. F. Cater. —The recent cold snaps have not materially affected the candi dates in any particular. Judges A. S. Giles and A. C. Riley 1 are attending Crawford Su perior Court at Knoxville. —The usual crop of spring flow ers will be late this season, if not “I entirely cut off to a considerable extent. —The picnic season is near at hand, and the candidate in antici pation is correspondingly on the alert. An excellent programme for Memorial Day will be arranged. The preparatory steps have been taken. —The intensive system of farm ing is gaining in favor with the progressive farmers of Houston county. —A couple of Perry young men are preparing to engage in the business of ponltry raising for profit. —The thermometer stood at 25 for several hours last Sunday morning—the lowest record here this season. The young man in Perry who is most devoted to the Public Li brary should be elected president to-morrow night. —The biennal election of a may or and four alderman te serve Fort Valley will take place on Wednes day, the 2nd day of April next. —A larger number of Houston farmers than usual will this year test the practicability of making a bale of cotton on one acre of land. In the language of a prominent fruit grower of Houston county, “We will all know more about the fruit crop about the first of May.” —We hear of a number of Hous ton farmers who are “hedging’ against the unreliable labor upon which they are now obliged to de pend. —Owing to the extreme cold weather of last Sunday, and Mon day morning, garden vegetables will continue to be backward about coming forward. —The Houston county political campaign will be formally opened on the first Monday in April next The indications are that the candi dates will be ready. The Perry Public Library is worthy of all the attention and support our people can give it The election Friday night should be fully attended. —The many friends of Mr. D. H. Houser, of near Myrtle, will be glad to learn that he is steadily gaining strength, and that his re covery is considered sure. Mrs. Camilla King has rented the dwelling house on the corner of Macon and Swift streets, own ed by Brunson '& Houser, and with her family now occupies it —C. F. Cooper & Co., have moved their stock of goods into the elegant new brick store on Car- roll street, recently built by Mr. J. W. Clark, next to the drug store. — Gen. C. D. Anderson requests us to say that he will be in Perry during"the first week of Houston Superior Court, for the purpose of receiving tax returns for the pres ent year. —Fish are beginning to “run” in Big Indian creek. Mr..J. B. Con nell on yesterday morning took from his trap, just below the bridge at Perry, the finest lot we have seen this season. —Dr. L. A. .Felder is in Cuth- bert visiting the family of his fa ther, Rev. H. R. Felder. He was summoned last Thursday, by tele gram, to attend one of his sisters, who was quite sick at that time. —Mr. C. C. Duncan) Jr., left Perry last Monday for Highland Falls, N. V., to attend a training school there, preparatory to his ex amination for the West Point ca detship to which he has been ap pointed. *—Carpenters are now engaged in improving the residence of Mr. E. S. Wellons, at the head of Car- roll street. Three rooms and a veranda will be added to the house, and the paint brush will be freely used. —A movement is on foot to se cure a large attendance of Hous ton ex-conffederates at the general re-union and encampment to be held at Chicamauga in July next. A meeting at Perry during. the first week of Superior court will doubtless be called next week. The reception given at the res idence of Mr. and Mrs. J. . W. Clark on Wednesday night last week, in honor of the fact that their son,. Mr. J. B. - Clark, had reached his majority that day, was decidedly ode of the most elegant and pleasant social events of the season in Perry. With the exception of a few of the immediate neighbors, the guests were young people, associ ates of the young man whose birth day the event celebrated. There was no strict formality bbserved, and the guests enjoyed to the ut most the opportunities for pleas ure accorded them. The front yard was. brilliantly lighted by pine fires on large stands, and the well arranged grounds and seats afforded pleasure to those who felt inclined to indulge in an oat- door promenade. In the house the hall, parlor and dining room were brilliantly illuminated and tastefully decorated—a miniature well with the famed “old oaken bucket” hanging therein attract ed general attention and admira tion. The supper, announced ready just at the proper time, was a mod el of elegance and plenty, very tas tily arranged. Altogether the reception was par excellence. Every one enjoyed the occasion fully, wishing for the host -and hostess, and the citizen in whose honor they had assembled, a long cotinuance of life, happi ness and prosperity. May our young friend never abuse the privileges that come with his majority, and may his genuine pleasures never -be fewer than now. Sunday School Convention. A Sunday School convention of the Rehoboth Association of the Baptist church will be held at Fort Valley this month, beginning on Friday the 28th, and continu ing through Sunday. Delegates will attend from each ehnrch within the association, and the occasion will abound in good work for the Sunday school cause. A most excellent programme has been arranged, and every phase of the good work will be given its full share of attention. The dele gates will be received and enter tained with that whole-souled hos pitality for which the good people of Fort Valley have justly become famous. Others than delegates will find the occasion full of interest, -and many visitors will doubtless at tend. It would not be out of place for special train to be run from Per ry on Sunday, the 30th inst. The delegates appointed from Perry are Messrs. J. D. Martin and J. B. Clark., Mrs. S. E. Bunn, Miss No ra Killen, Master Edgar Brunson. Of course Rev. J. C. Brewton, pas tor of the church here, and other members will attend. Decoration Day is now a legal holiday, and should be observed a3 such. Not for drunken sports, but to bring to our remembrance the gallant satrifices of the mar tyrs of the late civil war. It is not only a sacl, bat sacred and pleasant service to decorate their graves. “We deck alike their graves to-day, Whether they wore the blue or gray.” It should be observed in every city and town throughout the country, where there is a grave to decorate. The number is increas ing every year, and the old veter ans are passing over to the siient majority. Now. Mi - . Editor, with your per mission, I would like to suggest a plan for its observance in Perry. First, kindly ask for the suspen sion of all business on the after noon of that day. Let a speaker be engaged, and let all the singers of the two churches meet, appoint a leader, and arrange the music for the occasion. Let the general committee have a wreath and bou quet made for each soldier’s grave. Select as many young girls as there are wreaths. Let the Mayor of Perry act as chief marshal. Let- general invitation be made through the Journal for all citi zens and veterans in the county to join in the service. Let a pro cession be formed at 2:30 p. m., sharp, on Coart House Square in the following order: Chief Marshal and two aids. Perry Rifles. Girls dressed in white with wreaths and boaquets. Veterans of the war. Citizens. In this order march to the cem- eterj’, where a wreath-bearer will be stationed at the head of each soldier’s grave. Prayer will then be made by the Chaplain of the Perry Rides. Next a salute will pe fired by the Rifles,duringjwhich the graves will be decorated. The procession will then be re formed and marched to one of the churches, w here the oration will be delivered, opening and closing the exercises with music by the united choirs. Benediction. Flowers should be received by a committee who will make all the wreaths alike. This programme is very simple, but if well carried out, will increase the interest ev ery year. The writer has seen ser vices commenced in this way re sult in thousands of participants every year. The above suggestions are given with the hope that they may be of some use to those having the mat ter in charge. Respectfully, Progress. Ladies’ Memorial Association. The ladies of the Perry Memo rial Association are requested to meet at the residence of Mr. W. H. Norwood at 4 o’clock to-morrow (Friday) afternoon. It is earnest ly desired that all members, and others, who feel interested in the cause/attend, as a programme for Memorial Day will be considered. This call is published by request of an official- member of the asso ciation. —It is with genuine pleasure that we note, and we know that the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Avant will be delighted to learn, that their grandson, Master Frank Gaddy, is now on the road to a rapid and complete recovery. Our readers are all familiar with the details of the distressing acci dent which came so near proving fatal that it seems almost miracu lous that he has so far recover ed. He is no win possession of all his facilities, and it is believed that returning strength will com pletely restore him. —The court house will present much improved appearance when the work now in progress is com pleted. The window blinds paint ed bright green, doors and window frames snd facings dark brown and red, will make a very attract ive combination. Then the in terior walls to the height of five feet will be painted solid stone color. This last will be very pleas ing to those who have secured a a covering of white on their clothes by touching the walls. —^Ve are reliably informed that the alliancamen of Houston coun ty will not be governed in their po litical action by any official orders, but they will attend all political meetings.and exert whatever in fluence their- numbers entitle them to. Such action will be noth ing more nor less than their duty as citizens. —Every friend of the Perry Publie Library should^ attend the election of officers to-morrow (Fri day) night, at Library Hall. -There was no preaching at the churches in Perry last Sunday. ReT. J. C. Brewton, pastor of the Baptist church, filled his regular appointment at Houston Factory Baptist Church, and Rev. N. D. Moorehouse, the Methodist pastor, was at Sandy Run. However, not withstanding the severe cold weather, a very good congregation attended the meeting of the “Numma Hook” Domestic Mis sionary Society, at II o’clock a. m., at the Methodist church. The large and constantly increasing membership is gratifying and en couraging to the workers in tins field, and we congratulate them on their increasing means for doing good. —Mr. J. N. Tattle has tendered to Judge. Riley his resignation of the office of bailiff of the Houston County Court, to take effect on the first day of April next. Of the rea son upon which this action is based we know nothing; bat we are informed that there are three tfr- gent applicants for the. office Mr. Tuttle resigns—one at Ferry, one at Fort Valley and one at Byron. Mr. Tuttle has been in office near ly seven years, and in that time has made 800 arrests, has never al lowed a prisoner to escape from him, and if there has ever been a complaint against him as an offi cer, it has never reached our ears. —The next quarterly session of Honston County Alliance will be held with Oak Grove Alliance on Saturday, the 5th day. .of . April next See official notice in anoth er column. This session will be full of interest to the order, and a full attendance is officially re quested. —"We are informed that the buds on oak trees, and the ends of the limbs, have been killed by the re cent freezes, and it is anticipated that there will be no forest foliage for several weeks after the usual time for the leaves to appear. —Miss Lizzie LaGoire, who has been visiting the family of Dr. R. L. Cater, of LaFayette, Alabama, returned home last Saturday morn ings —Moldings for picture frames, for sale by J. H. Logue, Fort Val ley, Ga. REPORTED BY JOSHUA LAWRENCE. Dr*. King, a young physician of Wilkinson couuty, is here with a view of locating. He is bourding with Mi - . A. H. Daniels for the present. "We trust that his pros pectus outlook will prove satisfac tory, and that he will decide to lo cate in Hayneville permanently. While our little town and com munity is termed a healthy point, we would rather have a good phys ician, and no doubt the right man can make a success here in his pro fession. Mrs, Lizzie Tignor, a most ex cellent lady of Columbus, is here on an extended visit to her sister, Mrs. E. EL Wimberly, We failed to mention in our last writing that Mrs. Jim Harrison had gone to Atlanta for surgical treatment, and we are now glad to note that she is getting on all right. Mr. A. E. Graves' was dreaming last Monday night, just between midnight and day, that he was on his way to a moonlight picnic, and in the midst of his dreams he awoke and fonnd the room he was occu pying all illuminated by a blaze of fire coming from a chair where his children had thrown their wearing apparel of that day. The gar ments had burned into ashes, and the chair was also nearly con sumed. This was caused by fire popping out into the chair. It "was certainly a narrow escape, and should be a well learned lesson to his, as well as all other children. Not as much corn was killed by the cold weather as was antici pated, though some had to plant over. The first cold snap has given the writer some experience in re gard to coyn, and I am satisfied that it takes a very severe cold spell to kill it, or to prevent it from coming up. Tbe larks and mice, I find, have injured the first corn planting more than the cold weath er. I am an advocate of planting corn early and cotton late—say corn about the loth' of February, and cotton about the 15th of April. Grovania is truly on a boom. A very handsome residence has jnst been completed, and is now ready for the occupants, Mrs. Jim Har rison and family, who will move in very soon. Brick have been pur chased and placed on the ground where Mr. William H. Harrison will erect a large store house, and will at onc& engage in the mercan tile business. We are informed that other lots have been pur chased, and that buildings will be erected on them later on. About 700 tons of guario have been sold at Grovania, and Mr. O. E. Houser, representing the firm of Rodgers, Worsham & Co., has sold 400 tons of the amount men. tioned. March 17th, 1890. Oar town is resting serenely, as usual, and our merchants all sdem to be of good cheer. The farmers of this section all have the bines, because of the damage done to their grain crops, gardens, etc., by the cold weather daring this month. It has been reported that some few have al ready replanted corn, and doubt less a great many more will have to replant should these cold snaps continue. • Jt is now rnmored that Byron will be represented in the next po litical campaign*of this county, and will be backed up by the alliance. We have been informed that the railroad officials intend moving the depot at this place, on the op posite side of the road, because of the platform being so near the main line that it endangers the lives of passengers in getting on and off the trains, especially when in motion. We are satisfied it will meet with the approval of the citi zens of the town. It has been reported that a mar riage is likely to take place in our village in the- near future, bat it is a little difficult to guess who the parties arej as suspicion runs high with two or more couples. The Byron High School' still holds its own, and has now in at tendance 90 or more pupils." This is the sixth year that it has been under the special management of the well known instructor, Prof. E. H. Ezell, and the citizens of Byron feel proud of its record for the last five years, and are satis fied that they have the best school in the county. The stockholders will most assuredly look well to the interests of this institution,and do all in their power to sustain its- present reputation. Mr. W.'H. Peavy, one of By ron’s oldest and best citizens is now, and has been iD ill health for sometime, and we are sorry to say he is not improving. Mr. Y. E. Walton, of this place left last Saturday evening for Augustine, Fla., on a pleasure trip. He will go by way of the G. S. & F. road, and join a party at Una- clilla, Ga. We wish them a pleas ant time. Miss Mamie Dinkens, of Wal den, is the guest of Laura Walton. Dr. M. D. Hood, of Golnmbus, Ga., is visiting Dr. J. H. Crawford and family. ABSOLUTELY PURE Since writing the foregoing let ter, I have examined my corn crop. It was up to a right good stand, with two or three leaves, and I find it is perfectly dead to the ground—looks just like oats do when killed. Now, whether this corn will ever come out again, is yet to be learned. It was damaged by the other cold sped, and if it is not kiiled this time, I will say corn cannot be killed unless it is jointed. March 18th, 1890. —We were in error last week when we said Mr. E. L. Dennard had Sntered suit against the Geor gia Southern and Florida railroad company for 82,500 for killing his Red Wilkes mare. Hr.- J)ennard had refused an offer of that amount for the mare a short time before she was killed. He will sue for 85,000, and men who know the Wilkes fam ily of horses, say Mr. Dennard’s mare was worth every cent of the stun he is sueing for. —The first quarterly conferenco of the Methodist churches of the Perry circuit will be held at Perry next Saturday, 22nd inst. Presid ing Elder Clark will attend and preside, and as it is usual for £ sermon to be preached pn confer- ence day, it is presumed he will fill the pulpit at 11 o’clock that morn ing. He will preach Sunday. —In order that the Perry Ri fles may be in. first-class trim for the state encampment at Augusta next June, Capt. Davis has order- three extra drills for each week. The boys will certainly make a fine showing. —We are under obligation to Mr. W-D. Croom, of Powersville, for a package of .Peek’s Premium Corn, the com with. which Hon. W. L. Peek last year surpassed the. highest known recorq of corn production in Georgia. Well try it. —If you have any pictures to be framed, send them to J. H. Logue. Fort Yalley, Ga. Work done at Macon prices; satisfaction guaran teed. Sick Headache and W.W, ( =eparable. Try it. :—In Houston County Court last Monday and Tuesday four common law coses andone criminal case were tried. The civil suits in volved about 8257, besides costs’ and attorneys’ fees. The criminal case was between negroes, assault and battery being the charge Judgment of 820, or 6 months, was rendered against the defend ant. In addition to these cases, several civil suits were passed for settlement, and others continued for legal cause. Court adjourned until Friday morning, at 9 o’clock, when the case of the alleged negro riot at Elko will be called for trial, There are two negroes under bond in this case, and one has so far eluded the officers. In this con nection it has been said that Jlhe community around Elko has re cently been very much annoyed by the reckless shooting of pistolB by negroes. —The young men of Fort Val ley have organized a home min strel entertainment, to be render ed at an early date for the benefit of Grady Institute. With such men as A. B. Greene, S. T. Neil, and D. Burns in the lead, it is sure to be a success. Perry’s . citizens will he cordially invited to go over and enjoy themselves when the date is announced. —There seems to be no doubt that'oats planted last fall were se riously injured, if not killed out right, by the recent freezes, though it is generally believed that oats planted . since Christmas are not materially injured. Library Election. The annual election for officers of the Perry Public Library will take on Friday evening, 21st inst., at 8 o’clock, at tbe Library hall. All the members, and friends who would like to become members are reqeusted to be present. The secretary will be on hand to receive dues for the coming year. B. C. Holtzclaw, Pres. —Moldings for picture frames, for sale by J. H. Logue, Fort Val ley, Ga. For Kidney, Liver, W.W. C. —Every person who desires to keep posted on Houston county affairs should subscribe for the Howe Journal- This year will be especially lively in politics, and onr subscribers will get all tbe news. Subscribe now—only 81.50 a year when paid strictly in ad vance. 20,000 pounds of well cured meat for sale, for money or cotton. To good parties I will give 1J lbs. of meat for 1 lb. of cotton delivered Oct. 1st, 1890. Large lot of Dixie, Haiman and Ferguson Plow Stocks, and all castings and other parts to same. Bark Collars, Hames, Swingletrees, Traces, heavy and light Back-bands, and a full lot of plows of every description. A choice stock of Dry Goods, Notions,Shoes, Hats, Clothing and .Groceries, cheap for cash, or on time. NICE LOT OF GEORGIA CANE SYRUP. Landreth’s Fresh Garden Seeds. 'jgf’ I bum all old seeds at the end of eaoh year, and so have nothing hut fresh seeds. CALL AND GET PRICES. I_u IF 1 . CATEE, PEKBY, GEORGIA. “Gathering tho myrtle with Mary,” No, but a balm for Mary, Nellie, George and all who suffer with the Headache, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism! and all Blood Diseases. W. W. C. is a purely vegetable compound, made out of native roots and herbs of the South; it contains no mercury or mineral poisons whatever. The weR known and prosperous farmer of Muscogee County. Mr. George E. Clark, says W.W. C. is tho best thing hohascverfonndforNervousSickHeaaachc. J Mr. J. R. Barrett, Serf y and Treat. TV. TV. C. Co., Colum&ut, Ga.—Dzut sib:—I have been a great sufferer from, nervous, sick headache all my life, and it affords me great pleasure to say one bottle of your W. W. C. (Wooldridge’s Wonderful Cure) has given mo great relief, and I unhesitatingly recommend its use to any and all who suffer from this common complaint as the Best and qiuckest relief I have ever found. Toara truly Wynnton, Ga, October 10,1880. GEO. It. CLABK. W. - W. C. for sale by all druggists. Manufactured by IFooIllrldire’S "Wonderful Cure Co., Columbus, Ga.' ' • THE SOUTHERN MUTUAL Building and Loan Association. • Home Ofliee, Atlanta., Georgia. . AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $5,000,000. STOCK TAKEN TO DATS, $1,500,000. Unsubscriptions to stock can be paid in small monthly installments- SF) Money will be loaned at a low rate of interest, payment made on the installment plan, but these loans are made to stockholders only. FARMERS MAY BECOME MEMBERS, and secure the benefits of loans at a low rate of interest. As an Investment, there is nothing in the financial world to equal it IfYon W ant to Build a Home, this association will build it for yon on easier terms than paying rent A Branch Association has been organized in Peny. See the Local Agent at once and take stock. Borrowers are treated, •‘First come, first served.” So it is to the interest of those who contemplate borrowing to subscribe at once* D. D. BATEMAN, Local Agent, Perry, Ha., ^HOLTZCLAW &- GILBERT,t*> PERRY, - • - - - - GEORGIA. -DEALERS IN- DRUGS, MEDICINES, Oils, GKLa,ss a,n.a. :F\a.tt3r STATIONEKY AND PEEFUMERY, Lamps, Lamp 0-oood.s, ZEItc. PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. • o jZS-Special attention given to PACKAGE.OBDEBS, and PBICES GUAEAN TEED. Give ns a trial. HOLTZCLAW & GILBERT. GEORGE PERRY, . . TJ GEORGIA, -DEALER IN- PITRlTITirEE FOR SASH OR ON INSTALLMENT. Parlor Suits, Chamber Suits, Bedsteads, Chairs, Tables Safes, Mattresses, Bureaus, *etc. of all descriptions. Dec89 Complete Undertaking Department. JOB WORK! Weakly Females use only W.W. C. We Have a Complete Stock and Assortment Commercial Stationery, and duplicate Macon or Atlanta prices in this class of work. Satisfaction guaranteed. GIVE US J 2RIAL ORDER