The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, March 27, 1890, Image 1

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- . II. iIODGwh, -Proprietor. DEVOTED TO HOME INTERESTS, PROGRESS AND CULTURE. PRICE: TWO DOEL-VRS A Year. OL. XX. PERKY, HOUSTON COUNTY, GEORGIA,*THURSDAY, MARCH 27,1890. NO. 13. iMI J The “Memo- Jjji rial Yolums” now being pre pare.l by the Rev. J. Wb. Jones,-with the j approval o£ Mrs. Davis, will be authen- j tie, charmingly written, beautifully illus- |t rated and bound—in every way worthy * of the subject. Agents wanted. Complete outfit SI. Satisfaction guaranteed or I mono • rafnnded, Order ' now. First come,"first served. Address 1 B. F. JOHNSON & CO., 1009 Alain Street,Richmond, Va. Georgia—Houston County: Charles L Bateman has applied for letters of guardianship for Lilian Taylor, minor of Kinchen Taylor, of said county, deceased. Tins is therefore to' cite all persons concerned to appear at the April- term, 1899, of the Court of Ordinary of said county, and show cause, if any they Pave, why said application should not ho granted: Witnoss my official signature this March 6th, 1890. J. H. HOUSER, Ordinary. , Georgia—Houston County: Susannah Barnes, widow, has applied for a 12 months support from the estate of March Barnes, deceased, and the re turn of the appraisers having been filed in this office: This is therefore to cite all jiersons concerned to appear at the April term, 1899, of the Court of Ordinary of K anl county, and show cause, if any they have, why said return should not bo re ceived and made the judgment of this court-. Witness! my official signature this March 6, 1890. J.H. HOUSER, lm. Ordinary. County Bailiff’s Sales. Will bo sold before the court house door in the town of Perry, Houston countv, G a., between the legal hours of salo, on the first Tuesday in Ap-il, [ 1890, tho following property, to-wit: . jOne 1-horso wagon. Levied on as the property of H. J. Fountain, to satisfy a distress warrant from Houston County Court iii favor of R. M. Patterson vs. H. J. Fountain. Feb. 27,1890. J. N. TUTTLE, C.B. Germany’s Royal Children. The yonng Emperor of Germa ny, William LL, has five little boys. The eldest is seven years old. He is the Crown Prince and the heir to the throne. He will some day be Emperor of Germany. He is a fine, manly little fellow. Germany is a very military country, and the Emperor William is such a thorough soldier that strict military discipline is the or der of the day in the nurseries of his little people. As soon as pet ticoats are left off, the tiny "boys are dressed in baby uniforms, and the young Crown Prince looks quite like a little soldier. When their father visits them in their own quarters, as I sup pose I ought to call such a milita ry nursery, the Crown Prince commands his military brothers to “fall in.” Then Frederick and Albert, who are scarcely more than babies, “fall in.” Little Prince Albert is such a little mite that he is not able to keep his position for "Will Power. Monroe Advertiser. It is a conceded fact that man’s will is his mainspring of action and the driving wheel to his suc cess on any line and any under taking. It is also an admitted fact that when a person says “I will” at tain a certain end, that end is half attained. When a person says I may, I can, 1 ought to do a certain thing, or accomplish a certain purpose, we regard his declaration lightly, if at all; but when the pow er of the will asserts itself, and he declares “I will,” then it is that ex pectation in us is begotten, and the Alliauce. Political Measure. Jolwi Bull Scoops the Cotton. Old Woll’s Penciled Speech. The Southern Alliance Farmer says candidates for office in Geor gia will be asked the following questions, and by their answers will they judged. No man will be supported by the alliancemen who does not fill the political measure of the order: Our alliance questions are: Will you support the sub-treasury bill now before congress, and in case of its defeat continue to support the principles therein expressed, etnving to put into force some such laAv for the relief of this debt, and monopoly-ridden peo^ pie? Atlanta Constitution. The Farmers’ Grievance. Atlanta Journal. fir trl Se0f „ 8nCCeSSiSgiVeD -. I Will you vote for, and work for j raised > audthe American manu- When the will power asserts its an j ncrease j n the volume of cur- i faefcurers naturally supposed that The Seattle Press says in talk- I The Courier-Journal refers to a. ing about Indians and their native I In the adjustment of affairs, in queer situation in the cotton mar ; eloquence, John Fairfield, the law- the relation of the government to ket that has already been fore- yer, said he saw Old Wolf, the the people, the, farmers, it is said shadowed in the Constitution’s Cheyenne chief,' make an effective: have been forgotten, commercial articles—namely, that speech with a lead pencil during a! They have not been forgotten; the American cotton manufactu- visit by Bishop Brundel at Ash- i they have been slighted, passed rers have been caught napping by j land, Mon., about a year ago. Old 1 0Y er, because, from the nature of British buyers and will now have; Wolf took the pencil and drew a j their occupation, they are scatter- to pay dearly for their snooze. straight line, and said: “Cheyenne j e d, unable to act in concert, una- The American cotton manufact urers have waited too long before laying in their supplies, and yet their course has all the justifica tion business wisdom can give it. The cotton crop of last year was the largest that has ever been sway, self-confidence is engender- ed, and effort is put forth, and man progresses right onward to the ac complishment of his purpose. This power stoops not to difficul ties, stumbles not at obstacles, fal ters not at reverses, but overcom ing the one, removing the other, rency, so that the amount in cir- j ' die martlet would take its usual culation shall be equal to the de-; course, and that they would be able Georgia—Houston County: Mi's. M. A. E. Simmons, widow of |W. P Simmons, of said county, deceased, has applied for a 12 months sup port out of tho estate of said do- coasod, and the return of tho appraisers having boen filed in this office: This is theroforo to cite all persons concerned to appear at tho April term, 1891), of tho Court of Ordinary of said county, and show cause if any they have, why said return should not be received and made tho judgment of this court Witness my official signature tins 1 eb. 27, R90; J. H. HOUSER, Ordinary GEORGIA—Houston County- Charles D. Dennard has applied for permanent letters of administration upon tho estato of Patrick Smith, of said coun ty, docoaacd: This'is therefore to cito all persons concerned to appear at tho April term, 1890, of the Court of Ordinary of said county, and show cause, if any they have, why said application shouJd not bo "ranted. • ° Witness my official signature thisFeb. 27, 1S90. p ^ HOUSER, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Houston County: Robert O. Johnson has applied for ponnanont letters of administration upon ■ the ostato of W- P. Simmons, of said oounty, deceased:. This is thorofore to cite all persons concerned to appear at tho April term, 1390, of the Court of Ordinary of said county, anil show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be "ranted. Witness my official signature this Fob. 27, 1890. J.H.HOUSER, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Houston County: E. S. Wellons, administrator of the es tate of John Tharp, of said county, de ceased, has applied for dismission from his trust: This is therefore to cite all persons con- corned to appear at tho May term, 1890,of tho court of Ordinary of said coun ty, and show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. Witness my official signature this February 6,1890. J. H. HOUSER, Ordinary. Gdoegia—Houston County: T. N. White, administrator of the es tate of D A King, has applied for dismis sion from his trust: This is therefore to citeall persons con cerned to' appear at the April Term, 1S90, of the Court of Ordinary of said county, and show cause, if any they have, why said application should notbe granted, . . . ■ Wiuoss my official signature this Jau. 2nd, 1890. JH HOUSER, Ordinary. life and death long, and he soon trots away to his i and turning the third to profitable account, prosecutes its purpose with unrelenting vigor. A man may have the covetous desire to possess what others have attained, and may have the abili ty, but unless he calls into requisi tion the will power that prompts to zealous effort, he will never rise above the covetous level. How often do we hear persons say they wish for certain things, and yet make no apparent effort to obtain the things wished for. Do these persons really mean what they say when they express such a wish? Or do they mean to pub lish the sad fact that they would be glad to have the things-wished for provided they can attain them without effort? Such peisons nev er have, and never can push the car of progress forward. They have suffered their will power to become dormant, and to that ex tent have placed themselves in bondage to indolence. A person may spend the whole of life in wishing for a certain end and never attain it, but the man that wills determines at once with in himself to use the power and means at command, and in using these, goes forward to the consum mation of his purpose. How many people are to-day homeless, how many thousands are thriftless in a comparative sense, simply for the reason that they do not assert their will power and reach out after those things that, to them, are possible of attain ment. Too many of ns have per mitted our will power to fall asleep, and are contenting ourselves with what the tide brings to us, and with living on a level that gives birth to no profitable results. This is one grand reason why so many of the human family fail to have the desired comforts of life, and that so few ever accomplished the good results that are within their possible reach. A man may have every other in gredient needful to success, but without will power he is, in point of progress, a stationery machine. Hence if we would succeed in any calling, in any profession, in any undertaking, we must first will to do it. JEFFERSON DAVIS. Tho first and only one in the field. It is a complete history of the life and death of Mr. Davis, containing 2o6 pages, and is handsomely illustrated and con- . tauis the fnnerel services, comments of tho press, etc. It will have a big .sale. GO per cent discount to live agents. Price, paper cover, 25cents; cloth bound, 81.00. Mailed to any address on receipt of price. If yon want to be an agent, , send 25 cents for Prospectus book and Circulars, and go to work at once. You can sell250 copies in your own town. Address J. S. OGILVIE, Publisher, o7 Roso Street, New Fork. gf You Have 83MSUMPTI0N j G0U0H OR COLD BROfaCH1TIS Throat Affection SCROFULA I Wasting of Flesh Or an y Disease where the Throat and lungs am Inflamed, Zach of Strength or Sens Power, you can he relieved and Cured by OF 3 U'RE COB LIVER OIL Yith. Hypophosphltes. STABLE AS MILK. f Ash'for Scott's Emulsion, and let 910 eav plandtion' of solicitation. induce you to accept a substitute* ■ Sold by all Druggists. 8C0TT & BOWNE,Chemists, N.Y* nurses side. But the Crown Prince and Prince Frederick stand stiff and starched like real sol- diers till tbeir father returns their salute in proper fashion. When the little Crown Prince was six years .old he was given a bedroom to himself, instead of sleeping in the nursery with the others. He was very much pleased, and said: “Oh, that is nice; now I need not be with the children any more. In the summer of 1888 all five boys had a charming holiday with their mother at the beautiful cas tle of Oberhof, in the forest of Thuringia. Their father was away. A little fort was built for them in the corner of the garden, with a tent and two small cannon. The three eldest, dressed in offi cers’ uniforms^ paraded in front of the fort. Then while the Crown Prince beat the drum, an old sol dier showed the other two how to attack and defend the fort. Little Prince Augustus William, who was only a year and a half old, was dressed in white and-wore a tiny helmet. He looked on and clap ped his hands. In Germany every boy, whether he is the son of the Emperor or of a peasant, has some day to be a soldier. The Emperor is very fond of his five boys. Almost his first question is, when he returns home, “How are the boys?” A New York newspaper asked a number of public men what, in their opinion, was the chief cause of poverty in this country. Edward Atkinson said ignorance and inca pacity; Channcey M. Depew and Henry Clews said rum. Dr. Wil liam A. Hammond’s ideas are in teresting enough to quote entire. He said: “In my opinion the chief cause of poverty at the present time is civilization. Poverty nev er exists among utter barbarians. But with refinement and educa tion differentation begins, and then poverty makes its appearance. At first it is physical force that makes one richer than his neigh bor. He takes what he finds vi et armis, but as he becomes more re fined he uses intellect to obtain his objects, and skill, tact, cun ning and knowledge bring him to the front. As iong as men have more brains and more muscle than other men, poverty will exist. To get rid of it we should have to re turn to that period of the world’s history when man bagahto emerge from a lower form.” In New York a life insurance company has lent §120,000 to a church, andjthe church has had the lives of a number of its mem bers insured in favor of itself. The life insurance company agrees that every time one of the members who is thus insured dies, it will re duce the debt of the church by the amount of his policy. Every time the church has a funeral of one of these it tops off a slice of the debt; in other words, members and debt disappear together. mands of production and of legiti mate commerce? Will you support the policy of the National Alliance for the con trol of railways and the enforce ment of just and equitable rrtes, for the protection of the people? In your state govermeni,wil lyou work for the interests of the peo ple, supporting and strengthening your railroad commission, and de manding of them protection against discrimination in favor of large cities and competitive points while the small towns and rural districts are crushed out and killed? Will yoa give to the rural dis tricts better schools and for longer terms? Will you endeavor to legislate for the whole people and not for the few? If you want to be governor, will yon see that this kind of legisla tion is recommended? Have you the grit to veto bad laws? When legislatures meet and throw away time at the state’s ex pense,''Vill yoa tell them either to do what they were elected to do, or quit and go home? If a railroad commissioner has to be appointed, will that one be chosen for you by the people, the cities, or the railroads? If a commission fails to do its duty, will you see that they do | it, or are impeached? These questions must be an swered, and candidates may as well be preparing for it. to procure their supplies at a sea son when money was easy and the price of cotton lower. That season has not yet arrived, and there is now no likelihood that it will. Great Britain lias been buying heavily of American cotton, and as a result prices have been gradually advancing. The stock in Liverpool amounts to 1,075,000 bales, 316,000 more bales than for the same period last year. The figures show that there is not enough cotton iu this country to supply the demands of the American mills, and the probabil ity is that they will have to buy their supplies in Great Britain and have them shipped back here. It is a cold day when John Bull outwits Jonathan, but it will be re membered that we have been hav ing some peculiar weather lately. Not Mixing’. Shrewdly Gone. A book gotten up in imitation of Burke’s Peerage, and giving all the attainable facts and figures about American girls who have married foreigners, is having a very large and rapid sale in New York. A sequel describing the in sults, snubs and general unhappi ness, would be more fitting and useful. uaddsiAvuo saunpoj possoia pus^ABOi-apsxi rrq aintraeo -amoq rod am II <!»=( *»I»P IIY ■jipnannuoaai snspiBiqj •wajJia’noflt «*a VI63gJBA<r HOJ -Subscribe for the Home Joubxal. s Thinkers Will Heed This. Not one physician in a thousand, has ever sncceeded in relieving a person suffering from weak and wasting or consumptive kidneys, yet they continue to experiment, and after the death of the patient ask for their fee. The kidney is a delicate organ, and yet good health in a large measure depends upon its proper action. Let the kidneys become sore or inactive, and uric acid is eliminated from the effete matter that passes too slowly out of the system. From this cause arises many mysterious pains in the back, side, shoulder, joints and limbs. A feeling of ennui comes over the victim. The world seems dark and gloomy. The nerves shattered; suicide is contemplated, and one’s condition is most pitia- Here is a bit of clever work that was accomplished over-night by a smart Pennsylvania housebuilder. A dispatch from Wilkesbarre, Pa, says: “A singular exploit was per formed at Pleasant Talley, a small town near Pittston, Saturday in the secret removal of a dwelling house from one lot to another without disturbing the slumbers of the inmates. John McLaughlin had the house built a year ago by Andrew Frolinger, a Scranton con tractor. He gave Mr. Frolinger to understand that the lot was his, and that he would pay him for the house as soon as finished. When the building was done, McLaughlin refused to pay, and Frolinger discovered that he didn’t own the lot, and never had owned it. He was unable, there fore, to legally seize the building, but went about it in another way. He bought a vacant lot next door, and Saturday evening came to Pleasant Talley with a force of twenty-five men. The house was a frame, and they jacked it up, put rollers .under it and moved it to Frolinger’s lot, a distance of twen ty-five feet, without waking the family inside. The house was oc cupied by a man named Canfield and his family, to whom McLaugh lin had rented. Having got the house on his lot, Frolinger noti fied Canfield to pay the rent to him or vacate. He has decided to va cate. There are lew general plans of work but what are open to more or less objection, or that if better in one locality, or under certain con ditions, may not always prove so in different surroundings. This accounts iu a large degree for the difference in plans of management. To a considerable extent one of the best plans of managing the farm manure is to haul direct from the stables or sheds in feed lots to the fields, scattering as fast as it is hauled. It saves loss in several ways, and the per cent, of waste can, with good management, be made very scarce. The necessary work of prepar ing the aoil and seeding or plant ing, is to work well into the soil. One of the advantages in thor- ougly rotting the manure before hauling out and applying, is, with a little care that from the different kinds of stock can all be mixed to gether, while if hauled di.iect from the stables it will to a considera ble extent, at least, be applied sep arate. The quality of the manure can be improved, to some extent, by mixing that from the horse stables, the cow and sheep-sheds, and the hog-pens all together; and then applying. Each possesses el ements in a large proportion that may be much smaller in others, and by combining together a bet ter proportion of all is secured. This, with the fact that by rotting it-can be more easily used and can he more thoroughly incorporated with'the soil, and be more readily taken up and used by the growing plants, are the- principal advan tages in piling up the manure and rotting it thoroughly before apply ing. hi some localities and under cer tain conditions there is no ques tion but that this plan will prove | the best. Bnt in a great many cases there is not enough of gain to pay for the extra work; and a question of this kind can easily be answered correctly by each farmer for himself, and in many cases if determined correctly, a careful trial should be made..—Prairie Farmer. straight.” Then he drew another straight line, and' said: “Black robe straight,” meaning the Indian had nothing to say against the Catholic missionaries. Then a third straight line was drawn, and Old Wolf said: “White house straight.” By this he did not mean the executive 'man sion, but the little white school conducted by the sisters of chari ty, which was known far and near among the Indians as the “white house.” Next a straight line was drawn part way across the page, and from one end he made a number of very crooked lines, so that the diagram looked like a cat-o’-nine-tails. This was explained by the chief as “Washington straight, bat all things coming from Washington very crooked.” Then a line was drawn straight part of the way, then crooked, then straight, and so on across the page. “Indian agent straight, crooked, straight, crooked, straight, crook ed,” was the laconic explanation. “Crow fly round, round, round,” was the sarcastic way he illustrated the characteristics of the Crow In dians by a series of loops across the page. But the climax of thi3 speech was reached when Old Wolf drew across the paper a very crooked line and remarked with manifest contempt: . “Sioux crooked, always crook ed.” of Of the individuals, firms and corporations rated by Bradstreet’s agency in the United States and Canada in 1889,1.27 per cent., or 13,337, failed,and it is'worth noting that 91 per cent., of these failures represented concerns with a capital of less than S20,000 each. The great est number of failures occurred among firms having less than 85,- 000 capital each. Only a fraction more than 4 per cent, of the total failures were of firms having from §20,000 to §50,000 capital each, and only one-ninth of 1 per cent, among those having a capital of §1,000,000 or more each. The agen cy is now directing its attention to determining the number of fail ures resulting from incompetence, inexperience, undue competition, unfavorable circumstances, fraud ulent disposition, etc. ble even to learn what those their own class are suffering or do ing, and equally nnable to ascer tain what great wrong lies at the bottom of their distress. This ig norance has been encouraged by politicians and monopolists, who have found it profitable to them selves that the farmers should know little, and bear their wrongs without murmuring. Laterly, however, the fanners have made themselves a power in the laud. They have forced poli ticians and that part of the public press that has ignored them, to give them and their wrongs a fall, if not cordial, recognition. Lead ing papers of the country have suddenly taken up the cause of the farmer with “a late remorse of love” that may suggest a desire to cenciliate rather than to aid in solving the vast agrarian problem of the age. The New York Globe says that the distress of the farmers is due to “the rninous taxation upon the farm and farmer, and his clear in ability, under present arrange ments, to reimburse himself in the prices of his on n commodities.’ The whole system of American tax ation, federal and state, it goes so far to say, “has been devised to plunder farms and farmers,” and relief must be had. The St. Paul Pioneer thinks that the whole agricultural interest is distressed, and that the “best we can do is to relieve the struggling farmer of some of the weights by which he is handicapped,” and again points oat the fact that be cause of the miserable policy of protection the farmer is forced to sell in the cheapest market and buy in the highest. With the press and politicians alive to the wrongs of the farmers, and the eight million farmers press ing their own claims for^ justice, something may be accomplished to relieve the distress of one-half the nation. SECOND ANNUAL SESSION Georgia Chatauqua! AT ALBANY, GA. A PERMANENT CHATAUQUA. Mareh 10-31. Special Musical, Physical and Com. mercial Scnools, reepectively under Dr. H. R- Palmer, Dr. W. M. 6. Anderson, and Prof. C. R. West, all from Parent Chautauqua. March 23 ... Annual Sermon. March 24, • - Opening of Second Assembly. March 26, ..... aih«hpa Day, Marsh 27, ..... National Day March 28, Governor's Day Mar’ll 29, - . - - - - Children’s Day. March 30, . Sermon and Grady Memorial Day. Postmaster-General Wanamaker, though a high protectionist, has several times brought suit against the government for the recovery of duties paid by his house on goods imported. He beat the gov ernment, a year ago, in a notable suit for the recovery of duties paid on ribbons. Bat the treasury de partment has jnst overruled his appeal for a remission of duty, at the rate of 35 per cent ad valorem, on certain linen imported by him at Philadelphia and rewarehonsed at New York. In both these cases, no doubt, the duty had been added in fixing the price at which the goods were sold, and the pur chasers from Wanamaker thus paid the duty. The biggest sugar manufactur ing project ever proposed in Kan sas has originated at Newton. The Kansas Central Sugar Company been organized there. It is pro posed to build four sugar mills in the county, each to cost §1000,000. It is stated that W. W. Dudley and Assistant Postmaster General Clarkson have agreed that Presi dent Harrison must not be renom- .. . -r, 1,, c. -n inated in 1892, and that they are ble. Dr. Ball s Sarsaparilla con- . ’ ,, v trying to work up an Alger boom, tarns such herbal j cnees. as weak>| T / 0 f_ A1 u & kidneys demand. It has relieved and cured many cases that doctors gave up as hopeless. It checks decay, and aids the kidneys in the performance of their natural func tion. The income of the As tor family is $100,000 per month. They can afford to take rooms at a first-class modern hotel. If Gen. Alger is nominated, it is pretty safe to say that Dudley will have plenty of money with which to practice his “blocks-of-five” methods. T have used Dr. Bull’s Sarsapa rilla in my family with excellent satisfactionior rheumatism, asth ma, weak kidneys, and general de bility. I know of others who have used it for consumption with good results.—Thos. H. Bentley, Ross- ville, HI. Tlieir Business Booming. Probably no one thing has caused such a revival in trade at the drng store of Holtzclaw & Gilbert as giv ing to their customers so many free trial bottles of Dr. King’s New Discovery.' Their trade is simply enormous in this very val uable article from the fact that it always cures and never disaap- points. Coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, croup, and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. You can test it before buying by getting a trial bottle free,, large size, SI. Every bottle warrant ed. It required an act of the Italian Parliament to psrmit the burial of the poet Browning beside his wife id Florence. A Georgia negro, Henry Snffold, of Greene county, draws a pension of §25 a month from the national goverment. Henry went into the army as the servant of a union sol dier, and contracted a disease which incapacitates him for work. The application for a pension was Rooked after by Congressman Carl ton, who, after two years’ Work, off and on, succeeded in getting it granted. “In the spring-time” comes W. W. C- as a tonic and a boon. The old maids of Elberton, and they are remarkably few, are to give a quilting party, the quilt to be presented to the first yong man who addresses any of their number. Neuralgic Parsons And those troubled with nervousness resulting rorkwill Ve relieved by taiing Iron Bitters. Genuine : sad crosses rod 1 ines on rt rapper. ' X; Hind Words of Cheer. When a proprietor knows he has a grand and good remedy for the many ills that flesh and blood are heir to, it pleases him exceedingly to receive such evidences of appre ciation as follows: W. F. Miles, Milesville, N. C., writes: “I have used Botanic Blood Balm and find it to be all that it is recommended to be.” D. C. Blanton, Thomasville, Ga-, writes: “I have used Botanic Blood Balm in my family as a tonic and blood purifier with highest satis factory results.” F. O. Hoffman, editor Times, Rocky Mount, Va., writes: “I am pleased to say that Botanic Blood Balm is the best appetizer and tonic for delicate people I ever saw. It acted like a charm in my case.” F. H. Hickey, 1,208 Main street, Lynchburg, Va., writes: “I was broke out all over with sores, and my hair was falling out. After using a few bottles of Botanic Blood Balm my hair quit falling out and the sores got well.” JnliaE. Johnson, Stafford’s P. O., S. C., writes: “I had suffered 13 years with eczema and was at times confined to my bed. The itching was terrible. My son-in- law got me one-half dozen bottles of Botanic Blood Balm, which en tirely cured me, and I ask you to publish this for the benefit of oth ers suffering in like manner.” Augusta A. Klages, 810 St. Charles street, Baltimore, McL, writes: “From my youth I suf fered from a poisonous taint in my blood. My face and body was con tinually affected with eruptions and sores. I am now 42 years of age and had been treated both in .Germany and America, but no remedy overcame the trouble until I nsed Botanic Blood Balm. I have used about j twenty bottles, and now my skin is clear, smooth and healty, and T consider the poi. son permanently driven from my blood. I as tho best blood remedy.” Door fastenings have knobby decorations. A sure Liver medicine, sfri lengthening Special Trains on S. W. B. It, as follows; Lv. Fort Valley 6 a. m., Ar. Albany, 9:15 a. m. Lv. Albany 4:50 p. m., Ar.Fort Valley, 8:15 p. m. Trains ran from 26th to 29th inclusive, at half fare. W. A. DTJNOAK. ) A, E. DUNNING, / Sup'ts of Instruction. . NELSON TIFT, Pres. J. S. DAVIS, Ass’t. Sup't. of Ins. J. D. WESTON, Sec’y and Sup’t. MONEY TO LOAN. In sums of $300.00 and upwards, to be secured by first liens on improved farms. Longtime, low-rates and easy payments. Apply to C.C, DUNCAN, Nov. 20th, 1889.—tf Peny‘ Ga. MONEY LOANS On Houston farms procured at the low est possible rates of interest. As low, if not lower than the lowest. Apply to W. D. NOTTXKGHAJf, tf Macon. Ga. m. i wm&mim, Attorn eyjat Law, Pebey, Ga. ■Will practice in all the Courts of this cirrcuit. If e. IiT&mp. Attorney at Law, Judge of.Houston County Couet, Pebby, Geobgia. WiU practice in all the Courts of this Circuit except the .County Court. J. L. Hardeman, W.D. Nottingham, HAEDEHAN & NOTTINGHAM, Attor neys at Law, Macon, ... Ceokcjia. WiU practice in the State and Federal Courts. Office 306 Second Street. Z. SIMS, DENTIST, PERRY, GEORGIA. i3?“Office on Main street, lately occu pied by Dr. W. M. Havis. Fust-class work. Prices moderate. Pat ronage solicited. apl281y Wn M mwMM 9 DE1TTIST „ Perry, Georgia. Office on Main Street, King house. giving more ir of value to advertisers | than any other publics- , tloneveriasned. It gives 1 the name of every i paper published, ing a circulation r with the coat per * une oi advertising in tnem. A list of the best pa> pere of local dreurtion in every city and town of more than 5,000 population with prices by the inch, for one month. Special lists 'of daily, conn* try, village and class papers. Bargain offers of value to .small advertisers or. those wishing to ex periment judiciously with a small amount of mon ey. Shows conclusively “how to get the most service for the money,” etc. Sent postpaid to any address for 30 cents. Address Geo. P. Rowell & Oo., Publishers and General Advertising Agent?, 1J Sprn'Ce Street, New York-City. *Esffl£r,i££S2SB e*. The«o samples, u wsU ire free. All the work yoa need dob to show what we Mad yon to these who call—your . friends and naljhboia and those about you—that always results In valuable trade fertu. which holds foryear* when once started, IF YOU WANT FIRST-CLASS GROCERIES, 11 Hats, Shoes, CONFECTIONERIES, Fruits in Season, Ci gars, Tobacco, Etc.. Examine my stock before purchasing. Besides a full stock of STANDARD GOODS, I will always have on hand some Specialties, at remarkably low figures. 2f?“Lbokout for changes in this ad vertisement. S.L. SPEIGHT, PERRY, GA. m : - j —This is the best time of the year to subscribe for the] /vttoxt.l.