The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, May 01, 1890, Image 1

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r;j 11 .'s I I. HOX>Gr KS5, Proprietor. DEVOTED TO HOME INTERESTS, PROGRESS AND CULTURE. PRICE: TWO DOLLARS A Year. VOL. XX. PEREY, HOUSTON COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1890. NO. 18. MTISI3 tlx Edition Now Heady. A book of over 200 pages; giving more information of value to advertisers P than any other nnblica- The Money Mania. Vonroe Advertiser. Bagging from Cotton Stalks. Bank Identification. Two Women and a Telegram paper published, hav ing a circulation rating in tin Inurioan Xosrspapa.- Directory of more than 25,003 copies each isaue, with the cost per line of advertising in them. A list of the -best pa- Mcrd of local oirciilrtlon in every city and town of ‘more than 5,000 population with prices by the inch for one mnnUi. Special lists of dally, coun try. village ami class papers. Bargain offers of value to Kniali a-i vortisers or those wishing to ex periment judiciously with a small amount of mon ey. Shows conclusively "how to get the most service for the money," etc. Sent postpaid to any address for 30 cents,- Address Geo. P. Rowell ,<c c Publishers and General Advertising Agents, 1 i Spruce Street, New York City. j Speoial to the Atlanta Constitution, j - St. Paul Pioneer Press. j Washington Critio. The history of oar government Augusta, Ga., April 2L—Mr.; An honest man was recently re-i One was perhaps 25, the other a points to no time-when the craze ■ William E. Jackson, a young law- i fused payment on a draft drawn on ; little younger. They, were pretty for money held snch universal sway ! yer of this city, to-day finds him- | the Omaha National bank for §800, ' and were stylishly dressed. A car- JEFFEPI Wl The “Memo • rial Volnms" now. being pre pared by the Rev. J. Wm. Jones, with the approval of Mrs. Davis, will be authen tic, charmingly written, bsantifnlly illus trated and bound—in every way worthy of the subject. Agents wanted. Complete outfit SI. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded, Order now. First come, first served. Address B. F. JOHNSON & CO., 1009 .Main Street, Richmond, Va. Administrator’s Sale. Geoegia—Houston County: By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of said county, granted at the March term, 1890,1 will sell before the court house door in said county, on the 1st Tuesday in May next, between tlio legal hours of sale, the entire real es tate belonging to the estate of Mrs. C.M. Felder, late of said county, deceased, consisting of: That two-story store house and lot sit uated in the town of Perry, in said coun ty, on the north side of the public square, known as part of lot No. 2 in block J, fronting 57 feet on Carroll street, and ex tending back 105 feet. That two-story, 7-room framed dwelling bouse and about twelve acres of land, situated also in said town of Perry., at the intersection of th e Perry and Hayneville and Perry and Houston Factory roads, being the family residence of the said Mrs. O. M. Felder in her life-time. Also, that 572J<j acre3, more or less, in said county, lying on the Perry Branch of the Southwestern Railroad, five miles from Perry, Ga., known as the “Felder Plantation,” being lot No. 66, containing 202* acres; 123* acres of the west end of lot-No. 61,123* acres of west end or lot No. 62, and 123* acres of the iwest ond of lot No. 63, in the 9th district of said county; save and except that 15 9-10 acres of. lot No. 61 sold to J. R. Hancock. Terms cask. W. S.FELDER, Adm r. HOUSTON SHERIFF’S SALE. By virtue of a fi-fa issued at the October term, 1S89, of the Superior Court of Houston county, returnable to the April term, 1890, of said court, in favor of the American Freehold Land and Mortgage Co., of London, Limited, vs. R.W. Hart- lov,adm’r of S:un’l Arnold,deed,I will sell before the court house door in Veiny, Ga., between the legal hours of sale on the 1st Tuesday in May next: Che lands ofbjmi- u-1 Arnold, deed, in the hands of It. W. Hartley, adm’r, to be administered, to- wit: The east half of lot No. 65 and the north half of lot No. 67 in.thei 10 th dis trict of said county,and being 202* acres more or less. Levied on as the property of defondont in fi-fa- April 1st, 1890. M. L. COOPER, Sheriff. HOUSTON SHERIFF'S ”SATeT By virtue of a Justice Court fi-fa issued uttlio Justice court hold in and for the 523t!i district G.M. of Houston county, returnable, to the January term 1890 of said court, in favor of Abe Glass vs. Charjoy Jesse, I will sell before the court houso door in Perry, Ga., the following property, to-wit: One townlotin the town of Fort Valley, containing M ° f a p. re of land more or loss; bounded on the north by lot of Larkiu James.eastby 2nd street, south by lot of Charlotte Marshall, wost by lot formerly owned by Toney Ca ter. Levied on as the property of defend- ont in fi-fa and turned over to me for sale. This April 1st, 1890. - M. L. COOPER, Sheriff. Georgia—Houston County: Mrs. Lucy A. Wimberly, guardian of Hattie A. Wimborly, minor, has applied for leave to sell the land belonging to said ward. This is therefore to cite all personscon- eerned to appear at the May Term, 1890, of the Court of Ordinary of said county, and show cause, if any they huve, why said application should not be "iVinoss my official signature this April over the people of this country as j self the center of the gaze of every j fc he draft being on Paymaster Wil- 3rd,1890 JH HOUSER, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Houston County: E. S. Wellons, administrator of the es tate of John Tharp, of said county, de ceased, has applied tor dismission from his trust: ,, This is therefore to cite allpersonscon- cernod to appear at the May term, lS90,of the court of Ordinary- of said conn- ty, and show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. - Witness my official signature this February 6,1890. J• H. HOUSER, Ordinary. '' UFEAMDDEATH The first and only one in the field. It is a complete history of the life and death of Mr. Davis, containing 256 pages, and is handsomely illustrated and con tains the funerel services, comments of the press, ete. It will have a big sale. 60 per cent discount to live agents. ' Price, paper cover, 25 cents; cloth bound, S1.00. Mailed to any address on receipt of price. If yon want to be an agent, send 25 cents for Prospectus book and - Circulars, and go to work at once. You can sell 250 copies in your own town. Address J. S. OGILVTE, Publisher, 57 Rose Street, New York.- GOUGH orCOLD Throat Affection SQHSUMPTiOM BRONCHITIS SCROFULA Or any Disease tc7iere the Throat ond Dungs are Inflatncd, Tacit of Strength or Kcrvo Voiccr, yon can ho relieved and Cured by at present. A perfect mania for monej seems to pervade all circles, all classes, all ranks of meD. In deed so widespread has become this madness that the acquisition of money seems to be the chief aim of well nigh all. The time was, in the memory of many of ns, when an American millionaire was an unheard of being. But how is it to-day ? They dot well nigh every large city. Out of this universal grasping after, and greed for, money are forming great money centers, through which masterly fortunes are flowing into the hands of some, while poverty among the working classes is becoming more widespread. This vast accumula tion of money in the hands of a few is creating a thirst for it among all, and hence the mania continues to grow. Not only so but is rapidly passing the legislation of the coun try under money control. So po tent has become this fact that it is openly charged that the American congress is so completely under the money mania as to be ready to nod to the beck and call of tbe mon eyed powers. As evidence of the truth of snch charges, so soon as a bill makes its appearance before our legislative bodies from which can be sifted the most remote pro vision that would restrain the money powers, a swarm of lobby ists pour in upon onr law makers with all the monied influence that is possible to be brought. On tbe other hand when a bill nppears that caters to the interest of the money kings, money is pnt behind it, and it pushed to final passage. Thus it is that the government is falling into the hands of the money powers which have grown to be such from the mania for money that prevails everywhere. In this way a channel of corruption is being dug deep enough and wide enough to destroy the grandest ;overnment that ever flourished in the annals of time. Furthermore, the working peo ple of this country, by permitting themselves to become ' infatuated with this madness for money, are reaping harm instead of benefits thereby. They make the mistake of makiug money their cheif aim and putting forth all their efforts to obtain it. For in this way they fail of those ordinary comforts that tend to make life pleasant and happy. • Nurturing their hopes and ambition for money upon the suc cesses of the few who attain to for tune, they are constantly planing and striving for it, and leaving all things else ont of consideration, forgetting the fact that there is not money enough to make all people rich. So prevalent and deep seated has become this craze for money, that even the little children have become infected with it Every school boy is plotting and mapping ont some plan whereby he can make money, instead of applying his mental powers to the acquisi tion of that knowledge that will be of benefit to him in after years. This universal craze for money and hasty riches is working harm to all classes. It is not only work ing corruption in legislation, but it is producing an increase crop of absconding cashiers, and flooding the country with defaulting ac countants, bankrupts and- thieves. And unless a remedy be applied what will the end be? Now if we, as a people will divest ourselves of this money mania, and apply our minds and efforts to the acquisition of the ordinary com forts of life, and learn therewith to be content, the needed money will come to us as a natural sequence. This proposition, however, it' is difficult to impress those who have and will have nothing but money on the brain. But there are some men here and there who are dem onstrating its truth and they are tbe happiest and most contented class in this country. OF PURE COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosphites. PALATABLE AS MILK. -Is7; for Scott’s Emulsion, and let no jpUntation or solicitation induce you tb accept a substitute. Sold by all JDvugglsts. SCOTT A BOWHE,Chemists, N.Yc A lady said she had hard work to get her druggist to keep Dr. Bull’s Worm Destroyers, as he was anxious to sell another kind. But she made him get them for her. Go mother and do likewise. Do not wait for extraordinary ( opportunities for good actions, but make use of common situations. cotton planter in the union. He has solved the cotton bagging problem that has been a sore con tention with the southern cotton planter. Mr.- Jackson will furnish a covering for cotton made from the cotton stalk, thus verifying the prediction of Edward Atkinson that every part of the cotton plant would be used. The cotton plant ers have been so bitter against the jute bagging trust that they have been sending their cotton to mar ket covered with burlaps and sheet ing at a net loss of about a dollar a bale. The alliance men are jubilant. By the making of bagging of the cotton stalk it is estimated that about three million dollars are pnt in the planters’ pockets, and the gross savings to the country are about three million dollars. The stalks have been a nuisance in the field, and much labor is required to remove them. Now the planter will receive about two dollars and a half a ton for them delivered at the depots. The annn&l cotton crop produces stalks enough to bale three yearly crops. Mr. Jackson has been working for months with the idea of discov ering a fibre that for bagging would compare with the jute article. This, by treatment in his machine, he discovered most appropriately in the stalk of the cotton plant. The stalk is cut and housed when ma ture. It is run through corruga ted rollers under heavy pressure, with an eccentric attachment. Water is all the while carrying off the foul residue of gum, pulp. and skin. Carding machines then pre pare the yarn for the weaving ma chine, and Mr. Jackson, keeping his labors a secret, worked until he had a sufficient quantity, and then went north to experiment on tbe looms at the jute bagging factory of J. C. Todd, in Trenton, N. J. That gentleman assisted him and for three days they worked. The result is a roll of bagging that it puzzles experts to detect among the jute rolls. One of the mem bers of the exporting cotton house of Doughty & Co. says it would not be pronounced other than jute bagging by one man in hundreds. It is proven to be uninflammable. Mr. Todd, an expert in bagging, says it is all the southern planter could desire in bagging. The jnte people have eyed askance the new candidate. It is a shade darker, but will not stain cotton. It runs about two and one-quarter pounds to the yard, but can be made light er. Seven and eight yards are re quired for a bale. Mr. Jackson was not satisfied to trnst to senti ment in giving his product to the market. Only when he had dem onstrated that he could make bag ging at seven and one-half cents a yard, less than which jnte people lose money, would lie go into the enterprise. This he can do. He will make Augusta his general headquarters for the offices and factories of the new company, though each state will have a fac tory, with fibre machines scattered about to produce and bale the crude material. Bucklev** Arnica. Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Colds, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Price 25 cents per box For sale by Holtzclaw & Gilbert. The estimated value of the total display of diamonds at the Paris exposition was about $40,000,000. The wonder of the display was a model of the Eiffel tower, three and one-half feet high, composed en tirely of diamonds. Bull's Sarsaparilla has entirely cured . me of rheumatism, from which I suffered for three long years. I have now been free from pain for several months, and have no doubt that the cure is perma nent—Isham Bridges, Uniontown, Kentucky. son. It was only with a great deal of difficulty and personal inconve nience to the man that he secured the necessary identification and got his money. This circumstance re calls' another which recently oc curred in one of the St. Paul banks. A man entered with the check of a well known wholesale ‘ firm for §50. “Yon will be obliged to get some one to identify yon,” said the cash ier. “Who shall I get?” inquired the man. “Any one whom yon know.” “1 must get somebody whom you know and who knows me at the same time?” “Yes, that’s it exactly.” “Well, who do you know?” “Me? Oh, I know several hun dred people in the city.” “Do they know me?” “How should I know?” “Well, then, how should I know whom you know? That’s a fair question.’, “Well, I have got no time to waste. The rules of the bank are that yon must be identified before you can cash your check.” “Why so?” “For the bank’s protection.” “Yes, but what protection have I got?” “What do you mean?” “I am the rightful owner of this check. It is endorsed by the party from whom I received it. It is my property, and it calls for your hands which you refuse to give me because you do not move in my circle of society, aud have never enjoyed the honor and pleas ure of my acquaintance. Yery good; I retire without my money, and in the course of the day lose my check. It is found by some one whom you do know; he presents it, drawB my §50 and skips. Is that fail ? What protection does your confounded red tape rule af ford the honest customer of your bank? None at all. This check may be presented by a thief, but if you are personally acquainted with him you are obliged to give him my money. I think at the next national convention of bank ers you would do well to bring this question up, and secure some kind of equitable legislation to protect the holders of checks as well as the banks.’' The man went out directly fol lowing this phillippic, and return ed in ten minutes with a man high financial circles. Thereupon the check was cashed. riage stood at the Fourteenth street entrance of Willard’s hotel awaiting their pleasure. It could not-be supposed that they were in very distressing financial straits. They sat at a table in the recep tion room of Willard’s, devising, concocting, and instituting a tele- egraphic message to some friend. The elder one did the writing and scratching and rewriting, which used np six or seven Western Un ion blanks. The youDger one leaned closely over the scrivener and furnished suggestions at jnst the right time to make the scriven er tear up the blanks. “We will be there to-morrow.” That is what they wanted to say. And that is what they did say in the very first writing. “But,” said the younger, “if we say we are coming home, we shall both have to sign it.” “Carrie and I will be there to morrow.” That was the result of much mental effort spent in composing, and much physical exertion spent in erasing. “I guess that will do,” said the younger, and the two seemed to breathe with that freedom which tells of great responsibilities un shouldered. “Hold on,” said the other at the door. “What?” asked the other. “Carrie and I will be there to morrow. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven—only seven words.” “Well.” “Why, we have to pay as much for seven words as we do for ten.” Here was more difficulty. It would never do to pay for ten words, and send only seven. That would be a reckless and a wicked waste. They proposed many ways to lengthen it, but each time they talked off a new message on their fingers, they found that they had either too few or too many words. “Pshaw!” said the younger one, “why didn’t I think of it before. I have it.” “Have you? Have you?” “Why, of course. -Leave it just as it is and add, ‘Yours, very truly.’” If the young lady had had an inspiration she could not have looked prouder of it; and as for the older one, she simply looked on the sweet face before her as that of a wonderful being. “Carrie and I will be there to morrow. Yours, very truly,” was the message that went through some operator’s hands yesterday afternoon. ; Kcnnnler’s Approaching- Fate. Savannah News, William Kemmler, who is prison at Auburn, N. Y., was con victed of murder on May 14th last, government and the prosperity of; and was sentenced to be executed a country. ! by electricity. We have seen in the United j the rounds of all the courts, and States that this is a mistaken idea. The small farmers, as a rule, have Safety in .Small Farms. Atalanta Constitution. Under the feudal system it was held that large estates in laud were essential to the security of a PRACTICAL HINTS To Those Contemplating ihe Purchase OF A PIANO, give the full value of your money. the governor has refused to par-1 peek? and ur’teSSjhnMt £!£?a°‘ r fo“ *rh«o don him. Next week, his sentence, “ whJta^ pm willing to pay? it is expected, will be carried into _ Wc ||g *«ei****» taring aa yon: effect. The electrical machine is in j WEBER PIANOS. readiness, and will be operated by ThefavoriUiPiMioor tbe world 1 * great rinB;r«, nr TT 1 1 T> i . . j Patti and Nilsson. Positive evenness of scale, sus- Mr. HaralcI .Brown, an electrical ceptflfility of action, freedom from metallic tone, , tt y , , . ."l *nd extraordinary durability, characterizes this expert. He has made several tests | world famous piano, upon dumb animals, and in each instance death was produced . in- EVERETT PIANOS. steadily prospered, while it has been found necessary in the south to cut up and parcel out the great plantations. In Europe the question has been again revived by the will of the late Count Andrassy, the Hnnaa- instance death was produced in-1 “Au honestpiuio at .n hone.tpri»e." or in oia- 11 _ „„ ■ 1 er words, m strictly first-class pisno within the rian premier. The count devised stantaneously. He has no doubt • I . rue tvcreK Piano toot the highest mweid at the his but that Kemmler Will not suffer f e « n ‘Georgia State F*lrf„r superior tone, per- I feet action, and elegance in design and finish, the least pain. Thc Victory was complete, though the Everett mi J ,, J , - came in competition with molt of the best in own The death-dealing machine con- ftauosorthe world. sists of a Westiughonse dynamo HARVARD PIANOS. and an ingeniously constructed ap- I* 1 ' «r superiority in a low price ptano. , , ° . ,, , . , n * e great parlor favorite on account of its not paratus for passing the electrical bring high-priced and shoddy, but low-nriccd and , ,, , ,, reliable. Full Cabinet and Grand Size. current through the victim s body A J fc HONOR AND GLORY TO GEORGIA! ±116 appai&LUS IS marie np of I The hnt of tho southern stales to invent and man- heavy brogan shoes with metal un?SiS 0 i , c^ n dSS‘TOttattoe n0r “ d plates in the soles, and a close-1 Georgia mare piano /».i* £ ,» , j . J has improvements which no other piano has or fittirg cap for the head, m the cen- can use. ter of which there is a small metal I a perfect soft pedal. i . ttt. a*. , I So constructed that it can be applied and held in plate. Wires, Winch pass out I position for any length of time without continued through the heels of the shoes, are SSSZZSSnZftJ-SS? Lung Troubles,Rheumatism,Etc. The authorities of New York have returned to the use of gas in lighting the streets of that great city. Frequently a person is supposed to have consumption when it is some other disease altogether that is reducing his flesh and making him look pale and thin. J. W. Yates, Tullahoma, Tenn., writes: “It does me good to praise Botanic Blood Balm. It cured me of an abscess on the longs and asthma that troubled me for two years, and that other remedies fail ed to benefit” So you see it is sometimes well to try constitutional treatment No remedy is so good as B. B. B. (Bot anic Blood Balm) for rebuilding wasted tissue, and giving health to every portion of the system reach ed by that great circulating stream of life, the human blood. Again, it is often supposed that colds and exposure are the only causes of sciatica, rheumatism, etc. Such is not always tho case. It is fre quently caused by impurities in the blood. William Price, Lnttsville, Mo., writes; “I was afflicted with sciati ca, and had lost the nse of one arm and one leg for nine years. I went to Hot Springs, and also tried dif ferent doctors, but found no cure until I tried Botanic Blood Balm. It made me sound and well. I am weU known in this community.” Observe even when the renown ed Hot Springs failed B. B. B. brought relief. Remember, no matter what blood remedy you may have tried or intend to try, B. B. B. is the only one that will give you complete satisfaction. !l YOUti MACK AC UKS Sick Headache and * r IOC alUomont, reallygood for nothing ! separable. Try it. it i-: general debility. Try ; ————— . .. TsiOMFXKS XBOX BITTERS. An artesian well on Charles Smith’s farm, near Anaheim, Cat, is constantly throwing out small fish. Smith ha3 built a number of ponds that he will stock with the fish supplied from natuiv’s labora- Extensive floods have done great damage to New South Wales and Queensland. A large part of Brisbane was inundated, the wharves submerged, the gas sup ply cut off, and railroad traffic stopped. Hundreds of families are homeless, and many fatalities were reported. Grafton, Single- ton, West Maitland and other towns were flooded. Mail commu nication was cut off throughout many districts. Many losses of life and great destruction of prop erty are reported from interior points. At last accoants the floods were subsiding and communication was being restored. A Brazilian decree requires that foreign corporations doing busi ness there bring two-thirds of their entire capital into the coun try. TIyc Verdict Unanimotts. W. D. Salt, Druggist, Bippus, Ind., testifies: “1 can recommened Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle sold has given relief in every ease. One man took six bottles, and was cured of Bheumatism of 10 years’ stand ing.” Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellville, Ohio, affirms: “The best selling medicine I have ever hand led in my 20 years’ experience, is Electric Bitters.” Thousands of others have added their testimony so that the verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitters do cure all diseases of the Liver, Kidneys and Blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at oltzckw & Gilbert’s Drug store. his vast estates in entail to sons, declaring that snch a dispo sition of landed property was es sential to the safety and prosperi ty of the country. This is a step backward. Wise men like Lord Beacon and Black- stone long ago said that it was in judicious to cut off the great body of the people from all hope of ob- toining.a freehold. But the sin gle example of France should be enough. When the feudal system prevailed the French peasantry were ignorant and brutal, and ready at any time for a revolution. With the breaking up of the great estates the-conntry people became imbued with new life, energy and intelligence. Small farms have been the salvation of France. Her common people have risen in the social scale. They sustained the wars of the Napoleonic era, and when the last empire fell went down into their pockets and paid off a burden of debt that would have crushed almost any other na tion. In no country did the own ers of large tracts of land ever con tribute much money for the public welfare as came from the savings of these small farmers of France. The smaller the farms the more industriously and scientifically they are cultivated. Such an en vironment and such conditions make a farmer pnt brains into his work. The civilized world will never go back to Coant Andrassy’s theo ry that the land belongs to the privileged few, and must be tilled almost without the hope of reward by swarms of tenants little above the grade of serfdom. The ten dency henceforth will be to divide plantations into farms, and farms into gardens. The rule will be to put all the intelligent work into the soil that the soil will bear. Only in this way can we provide for the dense population of the fu ture. . T JBjm room. Worth its soles, and ft copper wire, spiral ; n weight in goWto arsons ornsn-oastempersmont. L 1 7 1 f UUPI.FY 'PATTrn shape and fitting the head, BUFLEX TOUCH. A simple improvement which enables the per- • v (it ■» • i former to change the action from light to heavy; Side Ol tuG C&P) and IS attacnecl to j the object of which is to strengthen weak fingers the metal plate in the cap. The wire attached to tbe metal in the soles of the shoes and the wire in | c^r S ^^df^“?S^ 1 “rie.r I ii abrii^* “ i our business pianos of nine differ 1 organs of five different makos. Write for catalogues of difierent manufacturers. Call on or address. namo. When tho time arrives for Kemmler’s execution, he will be GEORGIA MUSIC HOUSE, 558 Mulberry street, Macon, Ga. N. B.—Onr Pianos took an premiums at the State MONEY TO LOAN. Iu sums of §300.00 and upwards, to be “—- 1 -=—* ' proved farm! isy payments >UNCAN, Ferry* Ga. barber’s chair, and his legs, arms I and body will be fastened to it. [ The cap and shoes will be put on him and connected with the dyna- SSST mo. He will then be ready for the ^ong time, low rates and easy payments, death-dealing current. Nov^Otb, 1889,-tf' I> IWG a When the current is tnrned on the only perceptible effect will be, says the expert, “a little stiffening of the body and a little quivering of the limbs.” Life will flatter for a bare second, and then Kemmler will have ceased to be among the living. The European powers having declined to mediate between Eng land and Portugal, the latter coun try submits to the British pre mier’s demands upon it under pro test. “In the spring-time” comes W.W. Pet dogs that are said to die of grief almost simultaneously with their owners, should have their deaths assigned in many cases to a-different cause. They die be cause they caught the disease of the patients. Dogs and birds are frequently infected this way. The sun, shining forth at even ing, tnrns the clouds that have, hidden him by day into braided whiteness or refulgent gold. He Wants to Add His Name. Permit me to add mine to yonr many other certificates in com mendation of the great curative properties contained in Swift’s Specific (S. S. S.) It is certainly one of the best tonics I have ever used. John W. Daniels, AndersoD, S. C. PIIHPJLBS AND BLOTCHES. Having for the past four or five years been troubled with pimples and blotches on my face and body, and finding no relief in any of the chemically prepared soaps and medicines prescribed for me by physicians, I concluded to try your S. S. S. remedy, and have found great relief in the same, four bot tles olearing my skin entirely. I cheerfully recommend your medi cine to all who are in the position that I have been in. You can use this letter and my name as a testi monial to the merits of the S. S. S remedy. Alfbed P. Bobjnson, 320 Sansom St. San Francisco. Treatise on Blood and Skin Dis eases mailed free. Swift Specific Cq„ Atlanta, Ga. Conduct is the great profession;' behavior is perpectnally revealing ns; what a man does tells ns what he is. roll TIIE BLOOD, wefttnes?, iWarlu, Indijo-tina zzZ Blllou-iits. t-tie BKOWKSS IBCS BETTERS. It cures quiet.,-, for r il - t.v nil dorier! During a thunder-storm a few nights ago a large oak tree in the Masonic graveyard in Salem, Va., was struck by lightning and rent from top to bottom. While look ing at the ruin the next morning, Matthew Turner, who has charge of the cemetery, spied an object which had fallen from the cloven trunk. Picking it np and cutting away the mass of moss, fongns and earth with which it was coated over, he found that it was a large old-fashioned teapot of solid sil ver. Opening it, he fonnd that it contained the sknll of an infant a few days old, and further investi gation showed the teapot to bear the inscription: “From D. T. to B. L.” Not long ago Moses Short, of Woodstock,N.J.,while working in a’ saw-mill, was thrown against the saw, and a part of his shoulder was sawed off. Becently his daughter fell from the hay-mow while hunting eggs, and broke her leg. Theniis wife fell down cel lar and broke her arm and sus tained other serious injuries. Finally, a few days ago, old Mr. Short went to the hay mow him self to hunt eggs, when he fell to the barn floor and broke two ribs. Verily, if that family is not more careful, some of them will be hurt. Tbe trunk of a rose-tree growing at Ventura, Cal., is said to be three feet in circumference, and the first branch it throws ont is twen ty-one inches in circumference. It runs over a lattice-work, and though more than a wagon-load of boughs have been removed, it covers a space of about 1,200 square feet. It yields thousands of flowers, and is fourteen years old. According to the laws of Italy fathers are responsible for their sous return when they leave the country, and, should they not re turn to do the military duty re quired of them, are put in prison. A young Italion who had been living in Waldoboro, Me., return ed to his native land last week to save his father from a term of im prisonment. Gov. Campbell, of Ohio, is fond of waltziisg. APurely Vegetable Bemody, exempt of mineral poisons, bad odors and taste, acting on the liver, kidneys and system, curing Headache, Rheumatism, Bladder and Liver troubles, is the nonpareil of all home prescriptions. Sffi!S^S?c£ »&“ stk MONEY LOANS On Houston farms procured at the low est possible rates of interest. As low, if not lower than the lowest. Apply to W. D. NomKOHAir, tf Macon, Ga. Attorney at Law, Pebby, - - - Ga. 'Will practice in all the Courts of this eirreuit Attorney at Law, Judge of Houston County Coubt, Perry, Georgia. Will igacticein all the Courts of this Circuit except the County Court. J. L. Hardeman, W. D. Nottingham. HABDEHAN k N0TTINGHAH, Attorneys at Law, Macon, - - - Georgia. Will practice in the State and Federal Courts. Office 306 Second Street. Z. SIMS, DEN TIST, FERRY, GEORGIA. EP”Office on Main street, lately occu pied by Dr. W. M. Havis. First-class work. Prices moderate. Pat ronage solicited. ap!281y DENTIST , Perry, Georgia. Office on Main Street, King house. IF YOU WANT FIRST-GLASS GROCERIES, Domestic Dry Goods, Hats, Shoes, CONFECTIONERIES,: % Fruits in Season, Ci gars, Tobacco, Etc. Examine my stock before purchasing. Besides a full stock of STANDARD GOODS, I will always have on hand some Specialties, at remarkably low figures. ^“Lookout for changes in this a<V vertisement.