The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, August 28, 1890, Image 4

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&:■ ■ - 1 •' ■ : safe:";. ir- fEls&ii- mw~. bill’s Point Chronicle. Do yon know tliat in 1850' you owned 85per cent, of the taxable property in the United Slates? Again, do you know that it is now conceded that yon do not own oyer 24 per cent, of the yalne ofthe tax able property? Can yon tell how this vast shrinkage has occurred? Do yon know that had your inter ests increased as fast as protected interests that you ought to be worth $20,000 to the family on the average. Now don’t yon feel and know that there is something car dinally wrong in the republican policy. The greatest good to the great est number is the true, theory of a democracy, and don’t you feel like the odd man in a baker’s dozen? Do yon know that your present congress has fastened upon you overg $100,000,000 for pensions, some $18,000,000 for rivers and harbors and untold millions put in prospective for one thing and an other? Do you know since the war you have paid in taxes, one way and another five times the amount of the national debt, and by republican legerdemain that debt represents'as great value to day as it did at the close of the war. An English woman resident in Syria reports the discovery near Beyroot of a bedstead made of gold and silver and inlaid with precious stones. An inscription upon it in English characters states that it'belonged to Eleanor, Queen of England. The bedstead was discovered in a cave, and is sup posed to have been placed there for security when Edward I. left for the east. Atlanta Unless we can accept the theo ries about the old mill at Newport, E. L, which ascribes its origin to the Norsemen, the oldest house in America is the stone fort erected by John Smith “as a retreat neere a convenient river hard to be as sailed and easie to be defended, but the want of corne occasioned the end of all our worke—it being worke sufficient to provide vict- uall.” The. house stanus near the York Eiver on the Ware creek, in Yirgina- It is immensely strong, being built of hewn stones with thick while. There is subterrane an magazine and port holes for muskets. Popular superstition has peopled it from time to time with ghostly visitors-Pocahontas, Black Beard the nirate, Nathaniel Bacon and his followers. It is a desolate vines and inhabited now only by bats and owls' innumerable. The cost of the proposed Nica ragua Canal is now placed at S65,- 000,000. The distance between the oceans is 169 miles, but only twenty-nine .miles, of .canal will have to be dug.. The San Juan Eiver must be deepened, and some artificial basins constructed in the valleys of other streams. Lake Nicaragua affords fifty miles of free, sailing. The Suez Canal, which was cut out of the soil aid sand for 100 miles, cost $81,000,- 000. A peculiar freak of nature was discovered at Palmyra a few days ago. A farmer’s wife brought in from the poultry yard a' large hen’s egg; On examination it was found to contain a well-developed yolk and white together with a well-formed egg of smaller dimen sions, the size of a guinea’s egg, with a shell as solid as the outer one. An English scientific person has discovered that sitting down is an aquired habit. The majority of mankid do not sit, but simply squat, or,/as it is sometimes said, sit on their heels. This position, the scientific person thinks, is the natural one, while sitting on a chair is an artificial one. A huge catfish was found alive imbedded in a bollow log in a mill dam at Martindale. It swam in a small hole when a little fish and was unable to find its way out and grew in thelog.—Exchange. Here is one of Sam Jones gems: “Take this thing of pensions. I told a gathering ou union soldiers not long ago, that if we rebels had known how many of them we had crippled we would have rallied and come at them again. If they are swearing the truth now they were worse whipped than we were.” Don’t let others spend the mon ey yon earn. Don’t do work unworthj' of you if you can avoid it. 175 ttE lition Zscvr Eeady. A. ?>opi of over -200 pages, giving more information lion ever issued- It givc-s r news paper published, kzr- . iog. a. circulation, nitin: in ilie American Isewsraper than 23.G00 copies each xsane, Trith t l»ne of advertising in them. A list ol pers of local eirculrtion in every city more than 5,000 population with prices by s Iron Works, Manufacturers and Dealers in - B0ILEBS, SAW MILLS, COTTON PRESSES, REDDING & BALDWIN. - • MACON, GA. try, village and , _ valne to small advertisers or those, -wishing to ex- peximenfc judiciously with a smallaxnduht'ofihon- ®pj AND BRASS CASTINGS OF ANY PATTERN. CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS, Be loyal to death to one wno has any-address for 30 cents. Address Geo^ P. Bowele & Cs-.Pnblisliersand General Advertising Agents, 10 Spruce Street, Now York City. befriended you. "When yon assist the needy don’t doit ostentatiously. Silence is the best weapon you can use against a vulgar and spite ful tongue, la ninety-nine cases in a hun dred the man you wish dead out lives you. Don’t introduce the name where you would not the lady. If the young men will not be- spot, overgrown with poisonous, lieve in themselves, no man or wo man can believe in them. Don’t indulge in the luxury of strong Opinion in the presence of your elders and betters. If you haven’t the moral cour age to laugh at sneers, then you are another of nature’s mistakes. Don’t talk about what you are going to do, then if you fail to ac- comdlish it nobody will know. If you. learn that people say spiteful, wicked things about yon, and untrujbfpl things at that, be A correspondent writes to Ameri can Notes and Qnerries: “My un cle having made inquiries concern ing the price of board in a coun try town received this telegram in reply: ‘Board, $20 a week, includ ing washing up the carriage and piano agent, Bobinson.’ He wrote, in answer, that, though both piano agent and carriage required clean ing, he was not accustomed to such charges in a board bill; and soon after learned that the original copy bad run thus: ‘Board $20 a weex, including washing, use of carriage and piano. Agnes Robinson.’ ” Cruelty to children: Seeing them sickly, peevish and cross and failing to give them Dr. Ball’ Worm Destroyers, a pleasant can dy medicine. Mrs. Kendal pays this graceful tribute to Mrs. Cleveland: ‘.‘She is one of the most charming wo men I have ever seen—a combina tion, as it were, of the aristocratic graces of Lady Dudley and the gentle manner of the Princess Wules. of Eczema Cured by S..S. S. Mrs. S. Renault, Waldo, Fla., v,’rites the following under date of Feb. 11, 1890: “I suffered with Eczema for ' about two years About this time I was advised by friends to try your Swift's Spe cific ('S. S. S.) and I am happy to say that after using six bottles I was entirely cured, and I never lose an opportunity of recommend ing it to any one I find suffering from any disease of the blood.” HE Profits by His Priends Experience. “I hav9 been troubled with pim ples and blotches on my face for years, during which time I tried numbers of standard remedies without receiving any benefit. Profiting by the advice and experi ence of a friend I commenced tak ing Swift’s Specific (S. S. S.) and the effect it had on me overshad owed all expectations. After tax ing two bottles the pimples and blotches entirely disappeared, and my skin is clear and without a blemish.” J. B. Flemming, Jr.., Fairfield, 111. Treatise on Blood nnd Skin Dis eases mailed free. The Swift Specific Go., Atlanta, Gn., According to the Detroit Free Press, a Chinaman who won’t raise ducks is looked upon as an enemy to the Empire. What the hen to America the duck is to China, only a great deal more so. Duck basted, fried, boiled and baked, ducks’ eggs fried, boiled and scram bled, are found on every China man’s table at almost every meal. A well-known traveling agent for a Philadelphia carriage paper has carried off the honors for eat ing, in this city, says the Cincin nati Enquirer. At a recent meal for himself he consumed two whole chickens, fried Maryland style, five pounds; one extra porterhouse steak, ten ears of corn, cfhe dozen tomatoes Bliced with onions, one quart stewed potatoes, one dozen corn cakes and three quarts of beer. H^was the only man who partook of the meal, and- he did not fall into ashes when he finish ed. The tract distributor who hand- ed-a tract on the sin of dancing to a soldier who had lost both legs has a rival. To a'fruit peddler who is without hands a New Haven distributor gave a tract bearing waring against card playing, says the Palladium of that city. The tract rested on the basket hanging from the vender’s neck and, by at tracting attention, materially in creased bis sales. BEOIABEABLE BESCVE. Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plainfield, HL, makes the statement that she caught, which settled on her lungs;! she was treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse. He told her she was a hopeless victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King’s New Discovery for Con sumption-; she bbught a bottle and to her delight found herself bene- fitted from the first dose. She con tinued its use and after taking ten bottles, found nerself * sound and well, now does her own housework and is as well as she ’ ever was. Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at Holtzelaw <fc Gilbert’s* Drug Store, large bottles 50c. and $1.00. silent. It is not a very nice thing for a young man to smile in a superior way at ignorance Don’t be afraid to go near your enemy. The nearer you get to a kicking mule the better. Never let a day pass without thinking seriously of death, if only agminate. It will rob it of more than half its terrors. Treat all men and women con siderately, and you 11411 be sur prised at the dividends that will come to you daily and yearly. The man who does a generous act and lets the world into the se cret, shows the world a peach after rubbing the bloom from it. Cultivate a cheerful frame of mind, andthejnind will mould the face and voice into something ir resistible. | A Specialty of Shafting, Pulleys and Mill Gearing, Iron Pipe Fittings, Brass Yalves, Lubricators, Packing Jet Pnmps, and a full line of Machinists’ Supplies. Manufacturer’s agent for THE CELEBRATED HANCOCK INSPIRATOR. POE 300 Fine Parlor and Church Organs From Standard Makers, to be closed out at SPOT CASS PRICES, with year pay in. NEW PLAN OF SALE- Itented until paid for— S3 to S3 monthly. GreatestiBargains In onr 20 years trade. Sole limited. Send quick tor Bargain Sheet and SPECIAL GOLB OFFER. Every Organ 17111 go inside of GO Bays. DON’T MISS THE CHANCE! If you ever want an Organ, buyit now. LUDDEN ^s BATES SAVANNAH, QA. t WORD ABOUT PIANOS It is a fact that wo have the inside- track on Pianos, and actually SAVIB purchasers FIFTY DOHABS ON FACS PIANO. Our S225 Piano is sold regularly by largest dealers nt $275, aud it is well worth it, too. No other House in America selling Hlgli Grade Pianos at I*ow Grade Prices. No cheap, inferior Pianos sold. Our cheapest are perfect and durable. Guaranteed from ground up. Write us. We will SAVE YOU MONEYS Never listen complacently to in judicious or extravagant praise, nor to funny stories at the expense of women. "Woi’ils of Wisdom. “I will,” is a miracle worker. A man without faults has friends. Onr heaviest burdens are we borrow. those will The man who won’t bend some day have to break. Genius may be suift, but per severence has the surest feet. The man who dyes bis’ whiskers never fools but one person. The purchasing power of money is confined to this earth. The man who never looks ahead will always be behindhand. Tombstones are more charitable than a.good many living.people. The most expensive thing that can happen to you is to be wrong. No rich man was ever happy un less he used his money to make others so. It makes the best of. us mad all over to be told the truth about ourselves. The hog, eating corn, thinks he has a nice time, but the. butcher knows better. Athens is to have a factory for the manufacture of edge tools. Weakly Females use only W.W. C. Some persons have plenty of genuine diamond ornaments, but only glass- bead principles. Sick Headache and W.W. C- are in separable. Try it. Bears are causing considerable excitement in the wojds near Quit- man. “In the spring-time” comes W.W. C- as a tonic and a boon. You may suspect those persons who boast of some special virtue of having secretly the opposite vice. To enre-Biliousness, Sick Headache, Consti pation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, take the safe and certain remedy, SMITH’S BILE BEANS Use the SMAIiTi Size (40 little Beans to the bottle). THEY ARE THE MOST CONVENIENT. Suitable for all Ages. Price of either size, 25c. per Bottle. 8® lW vff B HS <6n Mailed ford eta. (coppers or stamps). J.F«SMlTH&G0tHakcij8of"BILEBEANS,"ST.LOUIS M0. PASSENGER SCHEDULE ; AND FKEIGHT SEWICE In ofleet March ..6th, 1890, via the i Southern and Fiori' KAILIiOAD. SUWANNEE RIVER ROUTE TO FLORIDA Standard time same as Macon city time. GOING SOUTH Lv. Macon Lv.Cordele Ar. Tifton No. 1 10:35 a 1:30 p.m. 9:44 pi 2:58 pm 11:18 pin No. 3 i:00 p.i Lv. Tifton Ar. Valdosta Ar. Jasper Ar. Late City Ar. Jacksonville Ar.Eampton, Ar. Palatka, 2:58 a m 4:42 p m 5:50 p m 7:00 p m 9:45 p m 8:52 p m 10:45 p m No. 11. G:00a.i 1:45 pi 6:20 pi (No.13) 10:50 pi 3:30 pj 4:50p j Ar, St. Augustine, GOINC NOJJTH. No. 2. Lv. St. Augustina, Lv Palatka, 7:00 a ni-' Ar. Hampton 8:26 am Lv Jacksonville, 7 :o0 a m Lv. Lake City 10:00a m Ar Jasper 11:05 a in Ar. Valdosta » 12:12 pm Ar. Tifton 1:48 pm No. 12 llifSpr 1:01 a.u 2;11 a m 3:22 am 6:35 a m 4:55 a m 6:20 a m 1.0;25am No. 4. 3:b0pm 7:30 bm 1:00 8:52pm 3:19 7:50 p m 10:40 pm 7:00 11:51pm 9:29 am 1:01am 11:10 2i39a m. 5:55p m No. 12 2;50am 7:00 am 4:23 am 12:23 p 7:50 p Lv Tifton 2:08 Dm Lv.Cordele 3:24 pm Ar. Macon 5:45 pm New and elegant Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars, on Nos. 3 and 4. Trams 1, 2, 3 and 4 arrive and depart from Union depot. Way freight and ac commodation trains 11 and 12 arrive and depart from Macon junction. Freight received and delivered at de pot corner Fifth and Pine streets,Macon. Freight for Americns, Albany, Bruns wick, Savannah, .Charleston, Florida points and all other places on or reached via this road will be handled with prompt- ess and dispatch. C. B. WILBBBN, I. T. EOGE, GenT Freight Agt. GenT Pass. A. C. KNAPP, Traffic Manager. FULL STOCK OF SUITS A LARGE LINE OF g^Our facilities for Boiler Building are unexaelled. xl. 8 SCHOFIELD & SON, MACON, GEORGIA. BOBIT H. SMITH, Late of Smith & Mallory. C1US. B. HAbb, Jr. SMITH fe BIA-ILL, MACON, ' - - GEORGIA, DEALERS TIT Hivd: C ZEE 12T IE IK ■ST, STEAM ENGINES, Boilers, Saw Mills. Grist Mills, Gins, Presses, Mowers, Hay Rakes; [achinery Supplies. Office at Coleman & Bay’sWarehouse. 0. P, & 8, |, Hats and-TTnderwear, Shirts and Neck-i^ Umbre'lf??* Rubber Goods and Overcoats Call on them, and yc •• goods and prices to suit yon. REDDING & BALDWIN 368 Second Street, Maconfi, WOOD .SsIBOICTID, = C HEAPEST: Furniture and Carpet House Tjh.e Sta/teJ of G-eorgla. MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN Call and See ns and get Prices, and Look the Finest Display in Georgia. NEXT TO HOTEL LANIER MACON, Gj SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS MANTELS, PAINTS, OIL, LIME, -AND MACON, GA* V. E. WALTON. O. L. BATEMAN. BYRON, Ga. WALTON & BATEMAN, DEALERS IN Dry goods, Groceries, Farm Supplies, Gents’ Furnishings, Staple and Fancy Articles. BEST GRADES.OF GUANO A SPECIALTY JPJUJEt E, "5ZT FMBB¥» ZE3ZOTIE1 Xj (MmmmAz POLITE ATTENTION GIVEN ALL GUESTS. COMFORTABLE ROOMS. TABLE SUPPLIED WITH THE BEST EDIBLES THE MARKET AFFORDS. w pi ' v® Mil !%«§!%! ttkVlIf, RATE8: $2-00 PEJR DAY. Liberal reduction by tho week, or by the month. !□ JOB WORK! We Haye a Complete Stock and Full Assortment of Commercial Stationery, and duplicate Macon or Atlanta prices it this class of work. Satisfaction guaranteed. CUE US A 1RIAL ORDER -Jen-traJ. BETWEEN MACON, FORT VALLEY, PERRY AND COLUMBUS. (Southwestern Division.) Schedule went into effect March 30th, 1890. —This is the best time . of the [Standard Time, 90th Meridian.) No. 3. No 1. 1 | No. 2. | No. 4. 3.15 a. m. 3.29 “ 3.35 “ 3.42 “ 3.53 “ 4.07 “ 4.25 a. m. 1.50 p. m. 2.05 “ 3.10 “ 2.17 “ 2.34 “ 2.43 “ 3.00 a. m Leave Macon. Arrive Arrive Wise, Arrive Arrive Butland Arrive Arrive Walden Arrive Arrive Byron Arrive Arrive Powersville Arrive Arrive Fort Valley Leave 10.25 a. m 10.08 •• 10.03 “ 9.58 “ 9.42 “ 9.45 “ 9.20 n. m 11 0 p. m. 11.25 11.20 11.15 “ 10.59 “ 10.50 “ 10.35 p. m. BETWEEN FORT VALLEY AND PERRY. ’it-' 8.15 p. m. 9.00 p. m. 11.35 a. m. 12.20 a. m. Leave Fort Valley Arrive Arrive Perry • Leave 9.00 a. m. 8.10 a. m. 3.50 p. m. 3.05 p. m. 4.25 a. m. 4.38 “ 4.50 “ 5:05 “ 5-14 “ 5.25 “ 5.37 “ 48 “ 56 “• -02 “ 15 >“ • 35 “ 7.05 a. m. 3.05 p. m. 3.23 “ 3.39 “ 4.00 “ 4.12 p. m. 4.25 “ 4.37 “ 4.50 •< 5.00 “ 5.08 “ 5.23 “ 5.43 “ 6.10 p. m. Leave Fort Valley Arrive Arr Everett’s Arrive Arrive Keynolds Arrive Arrive Butler Arrive Arrive Scott’s Arrive Arrive Howard Arrive Arrive Bostick Arrive Arrive Geneva Arrive Arrive Juniper Arrive Arrive Box Springs Arrive Arrive Upatoie Arrive Airive Schatulga Arrive Arrive Columbus Leave 9.20 a. m. 9.03 “ 8.50 8.32 “ 820 “ 8.08 “ 7.57 “ 7.30 «• 7.20 “ 7.12 “ 6.56 “ 6.35 “ 6.05 p. m. 10.35 p. m B 1020 “ 10.07 9.50 9.40 920 9.19 9.09 9.00 “ 824 “ &42 « 822* “ 725 p. m. AND THE LOCAL NEWS THEREOF SUBSCRIBE1ESATONCE FOR THE HOUSTON HOME JOURNAL PUBLISHED AT NOW IN ITS TWENTIETH VOLUME' Subscribe for the Home Journal. faYi g orat ipg- W. W. C. . . - • j- - ... ■ j, . i , For further particulars relative to ticket rates, schedules, best routes, eta, writ* A sure Diver medicine, strengthenings ypnr in subscribe for the HOME: to or call upon E. M. FULLEB, Agent, Perry; J. C. McKENZIE, Snpt. Macon JOURNAL. E.T. CHARLTON, Gen'l^ak Agen^ SUBSCRIPTION; PRICE, $2 A YEAR- Jisro. 0. HoDGes, Publisher. • . YOUR At Low Prices for the first-class grade. We have a full line 01 -hoes, with a special run on Ladies’ n’s $2.50 Shoes, that we guarantee. Straw and Felt Hats we are Leaders in, and if you will send us one >r, we will save you Money.