The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, September 11, 1890, Image 2

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Editor and Publisher ' .y, Septeitbee 11. Dfemocratic Ticket. meg For Governor, W. J. NOETHEN, of Hancock. For Secretary of State, PH 11/TP COOK, of Lee. For State Treasurer, B. U. HABDEMAN, of Newton. For Comptroller General.. W. A. WEIGHT, of Richmond. For Attorney General, GEOEGE N. LESTEB, of Cobb. For Commissioner of Agriculture, B. T. NESBITT, of Cobb. For Senator—23rd District, J. M. CTJLPEFPEB, of Houston. For Bepresentatives—Houston County. B. N. HOLTZCLAW, ILF. ETHEBIDGE. For Congress—Third District, CHAS. F. CBISP, of Sumter. Give Us Our Sbaie. Subscribers to the Home Joubnal have not been asked for money for the paper since last winter, and not many of them then. Now, however, we must ask all who owe subscription to pay on or before October 1st, if practicable. A bank note against the editor must be paid early in October, and we call on our patrons to assist ns. The subscription price will be SI. 50 a year to all who pay before or during the October session of Houston Superior Court. Thebe will be four or five county exhibits at the Columbus Exposi tion next month. r) The Macon & Covington railroad has been placed in the hands of a receiver, and will be sold. The Macon Fertilizer Company, which was organized about a month ago, has already sold 2,000 tons of their manipulated guano. Unto date about 160members of the next Georgia general assem bly—house and senate—have been nominated, and fully 120 of them are alliancemen. The New Orleans Cotton Ex change reports that 63,507 bales of new crop cotton had been received up to September 1st, as against 34,456 received for same time last year. The New Orleans Cotton change has just issued a statistical In the seventh district re P or t of the cotton crop of the United States for the year that Speakeb Reed’s re-election to congress from Maine, by an in creased majority, makes him probable candidate for the presi dency in 1892. This is not en couraging to Mr. Blaine. Bev. Sam Jones conducted a great tabernacle meeting at Car- tersville last week, closing Sunday night Large crowds attended each day, and it is said there were 8,000 people present last Sunday. Dobing the mogth of August the wholesale dealers of Macon sold 7,500 gallons of whiskey, and about 20,000 kegs of beer. There are two distilleries in and near Macon that make 200 gallons of whiskey per day. A convention of afternoon daily newspapers was held at Birming ham, Ala., last Monday. The main purpose of the convention was to perfect a plan of securing an effi cient telegraphic news service. The JournaLof Atlanta and the News of Macon were represented. political situation is by no means admirable, there are two candidates for con gress, both claiming to be demo crats. Primarily this is a fact, but secondarily it is untrue. Col. E. W. Everett, the Alliance candidate, has been fairly endorsed by -the democratic people of the district, by means of primary elections in nearly every county in the district. He is no less a democrat because his candidacy originated in alli ance lodges. He has never ex pressed other than democratic views, and his candidacy has been from the first subject to democratic nomination. At first Hon. J. C. Clements was in the race, bnt he withdrew when he saw that certain defeat awaited him. As his reason for withdrawing, he said “It is evi dent the people desire a change.” However, the enemies to the al liance were determined that Mr. Everett should not be elected with out opposition. Claiming that the methods of his endorsement were not democratic, a “Jeffersonian democratic” convention was called, and at Borne last week Dr. Felton was nominated. The supporters of Dr. Felton ate primarily democrats, but seconda rily they are anti-alliancemen, in dependents, democratic disorgan izes. In Floyd county this same ele ment has nominated candidates for the legislature in opposition to the first nominees. This opposition is the same that caused the nomina tion of Dr. Felton. In Cobb county there is a lawyer and an alliance candidate for the legislature, in opposition to each other—both claiming to be demo crats. In the fifth district a strong ef fort is being made to induce Col. Albert H. Cox to become a candi date for congress in opposition to Col. Livingston. In all this there is geart danger to the democratic party, and the al liancemen are not to blame. We may doubt the wisdom of the order entering politics as it has done, yet no man can honestly say that any political right has been abused, or that any democratic principle or usage has been ignored or dis placed. It simply has been that the alliancemen Jiave used the nu merical power in their hands. The real cause of all the trouble is the leaders of the alliance and of their opponents, lia^ been wo- fully lacking in conservative action and speech. Neither have been willing to admit that opposition was inspired by honest difference of opinion. The great trouble that may re sult is not so much the disintegra tion of the democratic party, for all the, candidates named will be democrats in the legislative halls state or national. But the antago nism of the classes, commercial and professional against agricultural and industrial, will work sore dam age to the material interests of our state, if the contest continues. It does not seem likely that a halt will be called in the seventh, but we sincerely hope active disaf fection will hot extend'further. The alliancemen who have been nominated have a perfect right to the track free of democratic obsta cles, and every democrat who has at heart the best interests of his party, his county, his district and his state will support these nomi nees. Elect the nominees, and the in cipient political disaffection will be cured. the year closed August 31st, 1890. This report not only gives the number of bales of cotton produced in the United States last year, but shows to what points the cotton was shipped, and how much was consumed by mills in this country, north, east and south. The report is a most important one, and as the greatest care was used in securing detailed informa tion and in tabulating it in sec tions, it is entirely reliable. The crop of 1889 up to August 31st amounted to 7,311,332 bales, exceeding the largest crop ever be fore grown by 265,489 bales. It was 373,032 bales greater than the crop of the previous year. ■ At the close of August there were.61,396 bales at the United States ports, against 56,416 at the close of August, 1889. Of the entire crop 4,900,000 bales were exported, and of these 2,817,706 went to Great Britain. The mills in the United States used 2,376,152, of which southern mills used 546,894 bales, an in crease of 67,113 bales in amount consumed by southern mills over the previous year. In the south there are 231 cot ton mills in operation, with 15 in course of construction, In Georgia there are 53 mills in operation, 10 idle, and 3 in course of construction Last year the 53 mills in opera tion used 146,385 bales, an aggre gate of 68,994,616 pounds of cot ton. From the actual figures reported by the mills, it is shown that of the southern states Georgia is sec ond in number of mills operated, first in the number of spindles, second in the number of looms, and first in the amount of cotton man ufactured. Georgia is certainly making things hum in her cotton facto ries. In the Maine election last Mon day the republican candidates for congress were re-elected, though the democrats gained several mem hers of the legislature. It is claimed that the republicans used money freely to buy votes, espe cially in Speaker Seed’s district. The seat occupied in the House of Bepresentatives by Mr. Breck- onridge, of Arkansas, was declared vacant last week, by a strict party vote. It will be remembered that Clayton, the republican candidate, was assassinated a short while af ter the election two years ago. Though Mr. Beckenridge is added to. the list of democratic victims to republican love of power and hate of the South, he will be re- elented to serve the remainder of this term, and to the next congress. Mb. John Temple Gbaves has resigned the editorial management of the Borne Tribune. A majority of the stock holders of the paper desire the election of Dr. Felfon to congress from the seventh* dis trict, while Mr. Graves cannot con scientiously oppose Mr. Everett, the democratic nominee. The res ignation i3 the result of this differ ence of political opinion. Mr. Graves is one of the most brilliant editorial writers in Georgia, and one of our staunchest democrats. He will soon be editip paper The National republican party is in an exceedingly bad way. Mathew S. Quay, Senator from Pennsylvania, and chairman of the republican nalionnl committee stands charged with crime,, politi cal and moral. He has not only been charged with political dishon esty, bribery, and ol accepting bribes, but he is also charged with embezzlement. In addition to the charges made by newspapers, Mr. Kennedy, of Illinois, denounced him on the floor of the House of Bepresentatives last week as a branded criminal, and character- ized him as the Judas Iscariot of the republican party. To all these charges he says not a word. The republican party will stand brand ed with the crimes charged against Quay, unless he is forced to ex- honerate himself, if he can, or de posed from the leadership of the party. The republican party has protected Quay to the extent of keepiug Kennedy’s denunciation out of the Congressional Record. t In South Carolina it is claimed that the alliancemen, with Tillman, candidate for governor, as their methods, and have not acted in ac cord with democratic principles. This has caused a split in the par ty, and the anti-Tillman leaders declare emphatically that they will either nominate another ticket or refuse to vote for the Tillman tick- Then and Now. WBITTEN BY PHELYX. A. Me. D. King has been sick Bonaire Items. BEPOBTED BY THE BOSS for the past week with larynxgetis. Mrs. Walter Leverett is very sick at this writing. Mr. James Watson is reported to be very sick. The many relatives and friends of Mr. Jackson Pattishall will be pained to learn of his sudden death. He was taken last Friday after noon, 5th inst., with neuralgia of the chest, and died at 7 a. m., Sat urday, the 6th inst. He leaves a wife and seven grown children, and many relatives and friends -to mourn his death. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family. His three sons, Mesi Elisha, Glenn and Stephen, of Unadilla, came at a summons by telegraph to witness the burial, which took place at the Shiloh Church burial ground Sunday af ternoon. Miss Alma King, of Feagin, is visiting relatives here, this week. Miss Lizzie King returned home from Feagin last Sunday. She had been visiting relatives there the past week. Dr. Lee Eider, of Bibb- county, was doing some dental work in this section last week. The weather is wet and bad for farmers to gather their cotton. It had been so dry that the beefsteak had become tough. We hope it will be better since the rain has Too busy to look up news tLis week. Plenty of cotton open, and no body to pick. We are having plenty of rain at present, and the farmers are wish ing for fair weather, just as they are always wishing for something. The poor farmer has a hard time, they say. I don’t know, myself; I have always had an easy time, my self, and can’t help feeling sorry for the poor farmers. Bonaire is still booming. It is one of the best places to its size in the county. B. G. W. was a little cross last Saturday afternoon. He took job he couldn’t finish by dinner, and had to work in the evening. About a dozen gentlemen rode up to Mr. J. N. Barker’s residence last Sunday morning. Mr. B. stuck his head out of a window a d shouted, “There’s nobody at home. The party took the hint and rode Mr. James Leverett is troubled to know what to do with the corn he has made this year. He says that he has more old corn of his last year’s crop than he knows what to do with, aLd that he *has made more corn this year than he did last. As he is an old bachelor, I would suggest his marrying a widow with a large family of or phans, and they will soon consume his pile of corn. Sept. 8, 1890. Walunt Grove Gleanings. BY CLODHOPPEB. Yes, there have been changes. In those days young men who had nothing else to do, made things hum. Many of them were wreck ed early, and others acquired a steadier pace. Youngsters of the present -.time who have nothing else to do, smoke cigarettes, and loiter about the so da fountains. These fountains are more attractive certainlj, because the summer girls in dainty gowns visit them frequently, bnt the boys are interested particularly in the water itself. A case of affinity per haps. But is the subtle charm of congeniality in the fizz of it, or the flat of it? The summer is passing away, and the soda fountains will be dismantled soon—what then will the little fellows do? Doubtless they read somewhat, as do other men, and remember what interests them most. They seem not to be impressed at all with matters that interest other people, but the latest fads and affectations fairly trans port them. They aspire to nothing but • proficiency in affectation. Their conversation is the mere re cital of the phrases that are popu lar in society. These phrases re late to nothing, bnt they are harm less. People who have nothing to say find them convenient. Some times these soda water chappies smile faintly, but they do not laugh. They do not refrain them selves because laughter is vulgar, but because it is violent. They es pecially desire never to do any. thing that appears masculine. Sabdonix. The following concerning the management of one of the most popular hotels in Georgia, is clip ped from the Macon Evening News: “The report that Manager Sangster, of the Broun House, will take charge of the Hotel La nier, is not correct. Manager Crawford has no idea of giving up the Hotel Lauier. His lease does not expire until October, 1891, and after that he has the privilege of leasing it five years more. Under Crawford’s management the Hotel Lanier 1 is popular and prosper ous.” The political situation in the Seventh congressional district of Georgia is passing strange. The creator of Independentism in this state, Dr. W. H. Felton, is the chosen leader of the “Jeffersonian” democrats. Col. Everett is the democratic nominee# and no fanci ful claim as to name or position can hide the fact that those who seek to defeat his election nrebolt- ers, independents. We are informed that Mr. F. leader, have practiced improper g_ Caterj f orme rly 0 f Perry, will soon remove from LaFayette, Ala., to Macon, Ga. On the 15th inst. he will enter business with Messrs. Burden, Smith & Ellis, of that city. Diarrhoea cured easily with La- mar’B Diarrhoea Mixture. As it has been some time since I have seen a letter from the Grove, and for fear some may think we have died out, I will try to recruit us up a little, and give a few of the passing dots. We are having very unsettled weather, much to the discontent of our farmers. All the 6elds are white with the fleecy staple, and they are wishing for sunshine in which to gather it. There are a few cases of sickness in our hitherto healthy neighbor- hood. . Among the number is Mrs L. B. Holleman, who has been sick a long time, but we hope to learn soon that she is better. Mr. Wiley Stafford, one of our boys, but now a Maconite, is at his fath er’s, quite sick. Miss Clifford Holleman, one of our most charming young ladies, returned home last Wednesday, af ter spending three weeks with her friend, Miss Della Thomson,, at Eula, Ga. Misses Aultman’s and Northen’s smiling faces were seen on our streets Wednesday. Come again, girls, we are always glad to see you. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Holleman are at Indian Springs for the bene fit of their health. We hope the water may prove beneficial, as both were in poor health when they left. What has become of all our little towns? It seems that the corres pondents have all about played out Cheer up, and let us hear from you again. Autumn has come in with a ven geance, giving fair warning as to what winter is more than likely to be. Mr. Willie Aultman is now Macon, keeping books for Solo mon, Biley & Butler. Sept. 8, 1890. How Can It Be Done? Another Great Offer to the musical. “He who makes two pianos sound, where only one sounded be fore, is a benefactor of his kind.’ Ludden & Bates' Southern Music House of Savannah, Ga., is still in the lead in this good work, and is on hand with another of its great Summer Sales. (Sec advertising columns.) They offer to sell any of their celebrated Pianos or Or gans at the spot cash price during the months of September or Octo ber. Only a small payment down and the remainder when crops are sold. No interest charged. Write them for particulars. • Fifty cents is too much to pay for a Diarrhoea Medicine when you can buy Lamar’s Diarrhoea Mixture (the best) at Twenty-Five Cents. The farmers in this section would’ like to hire about a dozen cooks, because cooks make the best cotton pickers. Bill and Charles and Lon are quite sad since the girls left Charles said to Bill, “the-the-girls is gone horn “Do what?” said Bill. “When did they go?” “They went-wen-went last-last- Friday. Now, Pm sorry, that’s sure. Bill, les3-less-less go down there next-next-uext Saturday.” Well, I reckon I can go, Charles. Don’t you think it would be better to send them a postal script right now?” “Yes-yes-yess,I sp-spe-spec it would. Bill, you write it, as you can beat me composin’ a-a-a let ter.” “Well, all right; I can fix it up right now. Well, I’ll just start off this way: ‘Dear girls. I seat my self this beautiful hot evening to let you know that me an’ Charles is cornin’ to your house Saturday evening. 1 never was so shocked as when Charles told me you was gone home. You are our daily study and our nightly dream.’ Well, I reckon this is enough, read it, Charles. “By granny, Bill, that’s all-all- all right-right. HereLon comes. “Hello, Charles!” ‘Hell-hell-hello, Lon! Less call on the girls this evening, boys?” “Charles says the girls have gone home, Lon.” “The old Nick! When did they go?” “Friday.” “Well, well; I’m gwine down there in short order, if Mng and the buggy lives.” Well, me and Charles is going down Saturday, and we wrote them we were cornin’. You want to send any word.” “Good enough! Just tell them that when they see you and Charles coming, to look right behind you, and they will see me coming, too. Miss Carrie Owens is visiting relatives in our community. Misses Beulah, Yiola and Frank Cofield returned to their home at Hawkinsville last Friday, after lengthy visit to relatives iu this section. Mis9 Annie Allen and Miss Ada Perdue are visiting relatives in this section. Sept. 8,1890. —Malaria produces Weakness, General Debility, Loss of Appe tite, Indigestion and Constipation. Gbove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic is a perfect Antidote for Malaria and removes the cause which pro duces these troubles. Bemoves Billionsness without purging, as large as any Dollor Tonic, and retails for 50c. Is as pleasant as Lemon Syrup. Try it, and you will be .delighted. Tnere are many im itations. To get the genuine, ask for Gbove’s. Never fnils to cure Chills. Sold by Holtzclaw & Gil bert, Perry, Ga FOR SALE OR RENT. The house and one acre lot in Ferry, south east of and near depot, owned by Mrs. Lizzie A. Hemmingwsy and Mrs. Ludie G.Hemmingway.' For terms &o. address Wilson Hemmingway, Findlay, Ga. Plantation For Sale. I am offering my valuable plantation for sale, which is situated on toe Byron and York road, four miles from Fork and six miles from Byron. It contains 202k" acres, 100 acres of which is cleared, anc the other 102J4 acres embraces fine ton bered lands. Good dwelling-house o- six rooms, and good tenant houses and all conveniences. Good water, school, church and mail facilities. Desire to sell by October I5to. For further par ticulars apply to L B. or M. F. Etheridge, Sept. 1L Hattie, Houston county, Ga. MONEY LOANS —We have just received a nice lot of Jeans. C. F. Coopeb <fc Co. —Go to C. F. Cooper & Co. for a Hat On Houston farms procured at the low. est possible rates of interest. As low, if not lower than the lowest. Apply to W. D. Nottixghaii, tf Macon. Ga. THE NEW Your Life Sized Picture FREE OF CHARgJ If Framed at ' J Corner of Carroll and Ball streets, PERRY, GEORGIA. PURE DRUGS, PAT EXT MEDICIXES. TOILET ARTICLES. Fine Perfumes a Specialty. Kerosene and Lubricating Oils. PBESCBIPTIONS -CA2EFULL7 COM POUNDED by one of the best druggists in toe state. A choice line of Cigars and Tobacco Always'on hand. Open on Snnday from 8 to 10 a. m., and from 3:30 p. m. to 6 p. m. A share of public patronage is respect- A snare of pnl fully solicited. L. A. FELDEE, M. D., Proprietor. Stylish Millinery. New G-oods. Latest Styles. HATS, BONNETS, TOQUES. RIBBONS, FLOWERS, TIPS, PLUiVIES, LACES, SCARFS, laatf H ATS AND BONNETS trimmed to or der, according to too latest fashion plates. CHOICE HOODS. SATISFACTORY WORE. LOW PRICES. Call and see my new goods. Mrs. M. C. HOOK, Carroll Street, Perry, Ga The Georgia Alliance Record. A large 8-page weekly, devoted to al liance news, agriculture, horticulture, stock-raising, literary and general news. Send for a sample copy. Address ALLIANCE KECOBD, Montezuma, Ga. The Home Journal and the Alliance Pecordwillbe sent to one address one year for 82.30, strictly in advance. Roy’s /Blood Purifier Corel Bolls, Old Sores, Scrofulous Ulcers, Scrof ulous Sores, Scrofulous Humor and aU scrofulous diseases. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Con- tsgeous Blood Poison, Ulcerous Sores, diseases of curial Rheumatism, Diseases of the Bones, Gen eral Debility and all diseases arising from impure Blood or Hereditary Taint. Sold by retail drug gists. 11 per bottle. Roy Remedy Co., Atlanta, Ga. YOUR MERCHANT FOR PRIDE OF PERRY SHEETIITG-, THE BEST AND bHEAPEST HOMESPUN. PRACTICAL HINTS To Those Contemplating ihe Purchase OF A PIANO, You can buy a Piano from §150 upward, us know how much you care to invest, aud we give the full value of your money. The best instruments are anporior in all ret *cts, and if desired must he paid for. There b no alternative. What are yon willing to pay? " a following to aid you: We would suggest the f WEBEK PIAJNOS. The favorite Piano of the world’s great singers Patti and Nilsson. Positive evenness of scale, bus ceptibflity of action, freedom from metallic tone and extraordinary durability, characterizes this world famous piano. EVERETT PIANOS. leet piano at er words, a strictly first-class piano within the reach of those of moderate means. The Everett Piano took the highest award at the ftet action, and elegance in design and HARVARD PIANOS. and Gr*nd;8ize. ALL HONOR AND GLORY TO GEORGIA! The first of the southern states to invent and man* ufacture a Plano! And greater the honor and dis tinction when is can he shown that the GEORGIA MADE PIANO has improvements which no other piano has or can use. A PJ3UFJSCT SOFT PEDAL. So constructed that it can be applied and held in position for any length of time wittemt continued * ' ' “ this ’wonderful Soft Now is the time to subscribe for The Home Joubnal. arrangement the tone of the Piano i*«o 1 ready reduced that a person practicing can scarcely be heard outside of the room. Worth it* weight in gold to persons of nervous temperament. BUPLEX TOUCH. A. simple Improvement which enables the per former to change the action from light to heavy; the object of which is to strengthen weak fingers and wrists. Some persons can never become good performers on account of weak, fingers and wrists. The Cooper Plano (the Georgia Piano] has solved toe problem in its duplex touch. 2»o other piano possesses these great improvements. In tone the Cooper is grand, every note being clear as a bell. We handle in our business pianos of nine differ ent makes, aud organs of five different makes. Write for catalogues of different manufacturers. Call on or address. GEORGIA MUSIC HOUSE, 558 Mulberry Htreet, Macon, Ga. N. B.—Our Pianos took all premiums at the State Fair of 1889. Pianos represented by other firms took not a single premium. Merit will tell! csla-s. o. . ART STORES -HEADQUABTEBS FOR- Pictures and Picture Frames-ail Styles, HATE YOUE PICTURES TAKEN AT HULT’S GALLERY, SL50 to 85.00 PEE DOZEN. BSP Send in your Pictures and take advantage of the Hife-SinJ Picture offer. CHAS.- C. HOLT, Macon, Ga. Central Georgia Alliance WAREHOUSE, POPLAR STREET,' MACON, GA. Cotton Received, Stored ar-d Handled at Lowest Prices Insurance Low. Weisrhts Fair. OUR MOTTO: “We Price our Own Cotton” R. W. BONNER, Manager. ALLARD BARNWELL, Salesman. THIS BIG- FUEX.TURE STOW COBNER CHERRY AND SECOND STREETS, MACON, GEOBGLY. PAYNE & WILLINGHAM. REDDING & BALDWIN, MACON, GA. CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. FULL STOCK OF SUiTS FOR -A-3ST3D BOYS A LARGE LINE OF Hats and. Underwear, Sliirts and Neck-wear Umbrellas, Rubber Goods and Overcoats. Call on them, and yt f goods and prices to snit yon. BEDDIXG & BALDWIN, 368 Second Street, Macon Ga. it BATO* COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANT, 451 Mulberry Street, : : : MACON, GA Strict personal attention to all business. SrA AMPLE ARRANGEMENTS FOB HANDLING COTTON. LIBERAL ADVANCER AT LO VYEST BATE! PROMPTNESS AND POLITENESS ARP. MY MOTTO. I solicit your patronage and. guarantee full satisfaction. G-EOEO-E IE?_A_TTIj. PEBBY, GEORGIA, FTJH2JITT7BE, FOR GASH OR ON INSTALLMENT. Parlor Suits, Chamber Suits, Bedsteads, Chairs, Tabl< Safes, Mattresses, Bureaus, etc. of all descriptions. Complete Undertaking Department. raw uvmiY it %n* We have in store on Carroll Street, a choice stock of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Svectacles, Table and Poi Cutzery, Sslverware and Sewing Machine Attachments Ftp§l=@Ba§§ deads at Lowest Prices, iZS'Repair work on Watches, Jewelry, etc., done promptly and well. NELSON & JOBSON, Perry, Ga. Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic It is as pleasant to the taste as lenu syrup. The smallest infant will take it ai never know it is medicine. Children ay for it Chills once broken will not return. Cost yoa only half the price of otlu fTnii) Tonics. No^ninine^needed. No purgatr .— Contains no poison.* It purifies the blood and removes malarial poison from the system. It is as large as any dollar tonic ai RETAILS FOR 50 CENTS. IW3 Lf.ISSo. ^ COEXZESVILLE. Jllg PABis Mmctt* Co., Paris. Teu— . , Kei***end pc three dozen of year Craves 1P leys Chill Tonic. J iru plcas-a with the lo: fr»a '*Yst rammer. The people were d your Chill Tor r * •»- send swarthy i ihi chronic chills for f. having had year, and within three weeks after with the Chill Tonic they were toile and hearty, with rwi and rosy cheeks, It acted like a^harm. W. W. STINSON. 31. D- MANUFACTURED BY PARIS MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUIS, MO _ —, - FORMERLY OF PARIS, TENN. FOR S7£LG BY HOLTZCLAW & ■H