The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, September 18, 1890, Image 1

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THE HOUSTON HOME JOURNAL. €= —= 1 JOHN H. HODGICS, Proprietor, ‘t ■ •, - DEVOTED TO HOME INTERESTS, PROCRESS AND CULTURE. PKICE: TWO DOLLABSA Year. VOL.. XX. PERRY, HOUSTON COUNTY, GEORGIA, TIIUESDAY, SEPTEMBER IS, 1S90. NO. 38. WILLINGHAM’S WAREHOUSE. B V Y Y t i ir ft S H 1 E S FROM —P— L / ROFF SIMS & BRO., 406 Third Street, Macon, Ga, Editorial Opinion. Tlie Direct Trade Convention. Local Progressiveuess. Bath-Koom Beauty. A Lesson from the Strikes. The Sex are Queer. MACOK, GEORGIA. Good Facilities, CInse Attention to Business, Liberal and Square Dealing. Money Loaned to those who Deal with Me at 8 per cent Per Annum. Send l£e "STcmr OottorL. C. B.WILLINGHAM. IALKCDM, RAY & HINKLER, 450 MULBERRY STREET, MACON, GEORGIA. The young man "who has been sporting a sash is worried now to know what the fad will be this win ter.—Columbus Enquirer-Sun. Savannah News. WHOLSALE DEALERS IN Corn, Oats, Hay, Bran, Meat; Sugar; Coffee, Bagging and Ties, AND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OE CANNED GOODS. Write to us, or call at the store,and we will guarantee satisfaction in every particular. ^__ 0. P.& i. E, If MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALEES IN SASH. SOOHS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS MANTELS.PAINTS, OIL, LIME, The people are begitihfng to speak out'and the election of Gen. Gordon to the Senate is a foregone conclusion.^—Macon Telegraph. A man is known by the compa ny be keeps, and politcal moves are judged by the character of men that rally to their support.—rAmer icas Times. The Alliance has done more to develop in the farmer a thoughtful independence than almost every thing else has been done.—Gor don Press-Appeal. Every woman who 5 lias a hus band to support ■ will be glad to learn that the attempt to keep mar ried women from teaching in the public schools has failed.—Atlan ta Constitution. AND naiiii* WAwmwmsk MACON, - - - - - 1 - GA- GEORGIA—Houston County: J. S. Vinson, administrator, has ap plied for leave to sell the lands belong ing to the estate of- J. W. Bason, of said county, deceased: This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to appear at the October term, 1890, of the Conrt-of Ordinary of said county, and show cause, if any * J have, why said application should not oe SI Witnessmy official signature this Aug. 28,1890. J. H. HOUSER, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Houston County: T V/Eagan, guardian of Mary C. Stewart, has applied for letters of dis mission from his trust: Ang 28,1890. H ‘ ordinary! GEORGIA—Houston County: T O Skellie administrator of the es- tateofMiss J. O. Kellogg, of said coun ty, deceased, has applied .or letters of dismission from his trust: This is therefore to rat® all persons concerned to appear at December term, 1890, of the Court of Ordinary of said county, and show cause, if! any theyNave, why said application should not be Administrator’s Sale. Georgia—Houston County: Under the order of the Court of Or dinary of said county, I will sell before the court house in said county, on the first Tuesday in October next, within the legal hours of sale, all the lands of the late Thomas Hardison, except the wid ow’s dower, being portions of lots Nos. 84 and 109 in the 6th district of said county, containing 115 acres more or less. Sold for distribution. Terms cash. E.S.WELLONS, Adm’r. Thos. Hardison, dec’d. Sept. 4,1890. ^Witness my official signature this August 28, j^'g-QUSER, Ordinary. money loans ~ On Houston farms procured at the low est possible rates of interest As low, if not lower than the lowest. Apply to IV. D. Nottingham, *» Macon. Ga. money to loan. In sums of 8300.00 and upwards, to be secured by first liens on improved farms. WM Nov. 20th, 1889.—tf Perry* Ga. \ IP. BL Me DEWTIST. 28^ Wliitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. SPECIALIST. CB0WHS AND &L* i$lL44msL 9 Attorney at Law, Judge of Houston Count y* Court, Perry, Georgia. Will practice in all the Conrte of this Circuit except the County Court. J. L. Hardeman, W. D. Nottingham.. HASDEHAN £ NOTTINSHAH, Attorneys at Law, Macon, - - - Georgia. Will practice in the State and Federal Ccurts. Office 306 Second Street. The Georgia Alliance UeconJ. A large S-page weekly, devoted to al liance news, agriculture, horticulture, Stock-raising, literary and general news. Send for a sample copy. _ rmD _ Address ALLIANCE RECORD, Montezuma, Ga. The Home Journal and the Alliance record will bo sent to one address one Year for 82.30, strictly in advance. HOUSTON SHERIFFS SALE. I will sell on the first Tuesday in Oc tober next before the the Conrt House door in the. town of Perry between the legal hours’of sale the following prop erty, to-wit: Lots of land Nos. 56, 73, north half of lot No. 72, sixty-eight acres in the north west comer of lot No. 25; also, 136 When some of the present con gressional nominees are elected to congress, it will astonish their rip roaring constituents to see how much they can’t accomplish there i—Dawson News. The Democrats of Georgia should not forget that one McCune, an unscrupulous Republican, with headquarters at Washington, is the man who is the leading the fight against Governor Gordon.—Bruns wick Times. Col. Livingston, it seems, hasn’t his eyes on the speaker’s chair of the next congress. The imagina tive correspondents seem deter mined to have the colonel’s eyes about everywhere except where they ought to be.—Savannah News. There is no real reform demand ed by the Alliance wbicb is not ad vocated by Southern Democrats. What reason, then, can there be for Alliance ostracism of Demo crats who are not allowed to be Alliancemen?—Sparta Ishmaelite. Something should be done to check the dealing in futures. The speculators have no consideration for the basis of supply and demand when they regulate the prices of the commodities grown on a farm. —Greensboro Herald-Journal. 57; all in the 11th district of Houston county, and levied on as the property of James I. Jones, to satisfy afi, fa- issued from Houston Superior Court, in favor of S. Waxelbaum & Bro. vs. James L Jones. M. L. COOPER, Sheriff-. Perry, Ga., Sept. 2,1890. of lot No-55, and 10iM acres of lot Ne. No better answer to the charge H m jjjjr that the Southern whites and blacks are not getting along well together could be given, than to point to the fact that the South produced last year pretty near sev en and a half millions of Thales of cotton.—Savannah Morning News. A commission to enforce just rates to all points, and to . prevent a competition which forces rail roads to put rates too low at termi nal points and too high at all points along the lines, is what we need. Equal privileges for all, and no special privileges to certain points is the thing.—Southern Al liance Farmer. The unfairness of the present division of the public school fund of Georgia is too patent to need illustration or explanation. The white taxpayers of Georgia have submitted to this imposition as long as they can afford to do so, and they should instruct the mem bers of the next Legislature to this effect—Albany News & Ad vertiser. Geobgia—Houston County: W. D. Day, administrator of the es tate of Sarah Hudson, of said county,' de ceased, has applied for leave to sell the lands of said estate: This is therefore to cite all persons con cerned to appear at the October term, 1890, of the Court of Ordinary of said county, and show cause, if any they hove, why said application should not be granted. . . Witness my official signature this Sept. 4,1890. J. H. HOUSER, Ordinary. Georgia—Houston County: J. O. Sandefur, .administrator of the estate of J. C. Morris, of said county, deceased, has applied for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of said de- This is therefore to cite all persons con cerned to appear at the October term, 1890 of the court of Ordinary of said coun ty, and show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. "Witness my official signature this Sept. 4, 1890. J. H. HOUSER, 4ty. • Ordinary, Now is the time to subscribe ft f The Home Journal. jon w o rnE NK.VCt.V WXECCTl® at this office CONSUMPTION I COUGH OR C0LB BRONCHITIS I Throat Affection SCROFULA I Wasting of Eesh Orany Dioeaso where the Throat and Zunye mre Inflamed, lack of Strength or Kent Power, you can be relieved and Cured by SCOTT’S EMULSION PURE COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosphltes. PALATABLE AS MILK. Aik. for Scott’t EmMon. and Ulna am. ptanation-or anUcitatian induce fM t» accept a aubatUute, Sold by all Druggists, •COTT * BOWXE. Chemists, ».Y. The direct trade convention at Atlanta heard speeches in favor of steamship lines between southern ports and the chief ports of Eu rope, passed' several resolutions looking to the establishment of such lines, and appointed commit tees to gather information and to do other things to advance the di rect trade movement. The con vention did all it could do and all that it was expected to do. Few of the delegates were prepared to take a practical view of the direct trade question. All were ready to take a theoretical view of it, how ever, and all the speeches were of an encouraging character. The Morning News sincerely hopes that the movement started at Atlanta will not be permitted to die for want of further attention. It should be pushed vigorously to a point where it can be clearly de termined whether it is possible for it to be successful or not. The gentlemen who spoke so enthusi astically in support of it owe it to themselves to^ demonstrate, if they can, that their faith rests upon a firm foundation. * The Morning News has asserted several times since the talk of di- reet trade with Europe began that it did not believe that lines of steamships between southern ports and European ports could made self-sustaining, and it has given reasons for- this belief. In this respect it has differed from some of its contemporaries who have been insisting that direct trade is feasible. It does not however, oppose the direct trade movement. It is ready to do ev erything in its power to encourage it, but it don’t propose to say that steamship lines from southern ports to Europe would pay until it is convinced that it would. If such lines should be established, they would have to depend upon some thing beyond their earnings—at least for a time. The question is who is going to furnish the money to make up the deficiency between their net earnings and the cost of supporting them? The ports that would be bene fited by the lines might contrib ute something, but would they be willing to continue their contribu tions long? The chances are that the people would protest against a tax for such a pnrpose, and the number of public-spirited citizens is too small to depend upon that source for assistance. The fact is that just as soon as direct trade between the south and Europe will pay, steamship lines from southern ports to Eu rope will be established, and shrewd business inen Mill discover when it will pay much sooner than those who deal wholly in theories with respect to this matter. There will, of course, be a good deal of talk of direct trade for some time to come, and fine pictures of the benefits it would confer upon the south will be drawn, but what is wanted are facts showing that di rect trade will pay. They will not be forthcoming. The following from the Monroe Advertiser, though written espe cially concerning Monroe county, will apply with equal force to Houston, and every other county in Georgia: “We are aware that there are some among us, who, being some what inclined to the pessimistic, claim not to see in their prophetic vision anything promising in the future of our country; bnt these do not belong to that large, pushing, energetic, hopeful class whp are putting in opportune licks to-day and leaving to-morrow to take care of itself. These of the pessimistic persuasion seem to have lost all cognizance of the progress that our country is making and has made during the last decade. These prophecies of coming disas trous results were uttered ten years ago, and even farther back when the fever for abandoning the old worn lands in Monroe and seeking fresher fields in the west was al- Yiewitm any light or from any stand point you may, this crusade .... —«-w— upon the lottery while the futures infamy passes unnoticed is a pen ny wise and pound foolish t busi ness; a straining at very small gnats while camels by the dozen are gulped down without a wry face, without a single wink or blink. —Guthbert Liberal-Enterprise. . At the present time there are 270 cotton mills in operation in the Southern States, but there are a large number of them which have been capitalized and will be erect ed during the next twelve months and at once commence the manu- by impure blood.—Will drive Ma- facture of yarns and all kinds of cotton goods. The day is not far distant when the manufacture of cotton fabrics will cease in the New England States, and the South, where the cotton is raised, will become the great manufactur ing section of the country.—Maeon Evening News. our county from that date to the present has not verified those prophecies. During this period much of our land has been im proved until its fertility and pow er of production far exceeds that of former years. Thousands of acres that were then nude and well nigh barren are now rapidly recuperating under waving forest of pine and reacning up to a good state of productiveness. There is a great diversity of produbts. and better crops are being made in pro portion to the labor expended than ever before. Better stock as a gen eral thing is to be found in the hands of farmers, and never in the history of this county has the stock raising industry, which is but just begun, reached the extent it now holds. At no time during these years has there been a greater amount of home products in the county than is to be found now. “Ten years ago Monroe county bad one railroad passing through her territory; now she has four and not one of her citizens can re> main in her limits out in the open air, and get beyond the sound of the railroad whistle. Ten years ago her manufacturing enterprises were restricted to a mere fleeting thought passing through the brain of some well-wisher of her future; to-day her county site has in oper ation several manufacturing estab lishments, flourishing and pros perous. - Never, at any period of the past, have her farmers been better and more thoroughly inj. formed as to their individual and the general interest than they are now. Is there in all these things nothing promising for the future of our county? It may be that we are too much of an optimist, yet we must confess that, to ns, there are strong evidences of local pro gressiveness, and that these evi dences point to a much higher de gree of prosperity for the county in the years to come.” The New York Morning Journal gives this description of Mrs. W K. Vanderbilt’s magnificent bath room: To begin with, the room is in the most advantegeous location in the big mansion at Fifty-first street and Fifth avenue. It is large, cool and with perfect venti lation. Extending around the room is a high marble wainscoting, per- fectly plain, except for a band of onyx ornaments, traced with lines of gold, winch runs along the top. Above the wainscotting the walls J of the room are paneled with small beveled mirrors, separated and beautified with bands of gilt mold ings. Upon this scintillating sur face of glass are painted with ex quisite. truth to life sprays of ap ple blossoms literally laden with blooms. In well-blended color ing of cream and gold the ceil ing is modeled in Henry II. orna ments, for the bath connects with a bed-room arranged alter the style of Henry Ill’s time. No de- most epidemic, but the history of scription of the painter’s work can Passenger to colored porter—I suppose you notice a great change in riding back and forth so many times? Colored porter (sadly)— Yassuh, 1 notice the change, but I doan’ git much of it no mo.’ People ain’t brung up as liberal now-a-days as dey used to be.— New York Herald. An Iowa man named bis boy Twice, so that lightning wouldn’t strike him in the same spot. Texas Siftings. ELECTRIC BITTERS, Thi3 remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have’ used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise.—A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claim ed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Rheam and other affections caused laria from the system and prevent as well as core all Malarial fevers. —For cure of eadaehe, Consti pation and Indi estion try Electric Bitters—Entire satisfaction guar anteed, or money ref anded.—Price 50 cts. and SI.00 per bottle at Holtzclaw & Gilbert’s Drugstore. Neglecting a child troubled with worms may cause it to have epilep tic fits. Horrible! Give it Dr. Bull’s Worm Destoryers at once and save the child-,^ Subscribe for the Home Journal. Of every million people in . the world, eight hundred are blind A Permanent Cure. Eor years I was troubled with the most ; malignant type of Chron ic Blood Trouble. After trying various other remedies, without getting any benefit, I was induced by John Schell, a barber, who has sinced moved to St Louis, and who was cured by Swift’s Specific of a Constitutional Blood Trouble, to take S. S. S. A few bottles cured me permanently. I also consider S. S. S. the best tonic I ever saw. While taking it my weight in creased and my health improved in every way. I have recommend ed S. S. S. to several friends, and in every case they were satiified with the results. S. A. Wright, Midway, Pa- A MASS OF SOBES- I am so grateful for the benefi cial results obtained from nsing S. S. S. that I want to add my testi mony to that already published, for the public good. I was a mass of sores before using, but am now entirely cared. C. M. McCarthy, St. Lonis, Mo. Treatise on Blood and Skin Dis eases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., give an adequate idea of the beau ty of the place, as each small mir ror catches up on its beveled face little refractions of color and light, and echoes them back upon the eye in immeasurable fantastic shapes until the effect bewilders and en chants. Near the center of the apart ment is the bath tub—and . bow poor the English language must seem to Mrs. Vanderbilt when it presents no more aristocratic des ignation for the lovely receptical than the plain, plebian “tub.’? But, however, the tub is cut out of a solid block of marble, decorated along its upper edge with a carved molding of scallop shells. The water flows into the tub through faucets made in the form of swans’ beads, with beaks of solid silver. Looking down into the tub, with a suggestion Of anxiety upon her fea tures as if she already felt the first chill of the purifying waters, stands a Greek maiden, sculptured in a niche in the wall, her tunic uplifted modestly as if she were to step down in a moment for a frolic with old Groton. This figure is by one of the Coysevox brothers, sculptors in the days of Louis XIV, the original of which is in the Louvre. There is not a piece of movable furniture in the room, the only resting place being a marble slab, supported by fabled creatures, also of the pure stone. The bath room as it is to-day is said to have cost quite a few gold eagles over $20,000 Wm. Radam’s Microbe Killer Co., Dear Sir—I cheerfully add mine to your now numerous • testimoni als of the Microbe Killer, having used same for indigestion and a sever throat trouble. After using five gallons I find myself entirely, cured. Yours truly, B. F. Albebton. For sale by Hoitzclaw & Gilbert sole agents. ‘Jiboose” is tha newest addition to the vocabulary of politics, and bids fair to supersede “Mug wump.” The word is thus defined by the New York Sun: “Jiboose, is a professed Democrat who is better and purer than his party in his own estimation, and is loaded with a set of prize package princi ples which can never be put into practice.” Are there any jibooses in Georgia? Atlanta, Ga. cure. Tlie Use of Quinine. There is no questioning the fact that quinine is a valuable medicine as a tonic, anti-periodic and anti pyretic, and that its discovery has greatly helped the cause of medi cine. Still in a majority of cases its use is not altogether satisfacto ry as it frequently deranges the system, producing headache, dizzy feelings, convulsions and some times even paralysis. It was the endeavor of the eminent Dr. John Bull, of Louisville, Ky.. to invent a substitute for quinine, some thing tbat would have all the good qualities of quinine, and yet be en tirely free from its evil tendencies. How admirably he succeeded is evidenced by the estimation in which his remedy Smith’s Tonic SjTup is held by the people; where it is best known everybody uses it in place of quinine and it never fails to give the very best satisfac tion. In cases of chills and fever it is absolutely a safe and certain the rights of organized labor. The brick boycott likewise involves the question of the rights of organized labor. The boycott was ordered by the anions because non-union men were employed in the brick yard. The question of wages or horns of labor was far in the back ground. These three battles between or ganized capital and organized la bor, therefore, possess, apart from the immense interests involved, more than ordinary significance. It is quite possible that these strikes will result in the enact ment of- laws in different states regulating the relations to each other of employers and employes. It would certainly be more bene ficial to labor, capital and to so ciety if arbitration coaid be made obligatory instead of optional. This would be protection for both sides in case of a misunderstand ing. It would stop lock-outs on the part of corporations and pre vent labor organizations from rush ing headlong into rninous strikes. The public, which stands between the corporations and their work ingmen, are beginning to realize that they have certain rights, which both sides should be bound to respect. -There were four passengers of us who got off at a country junc tion to wait two hours for the train on the other line—two men and two women, None of ns had ever seen each other before. The sta tion was little better than a barn, with no house nearer than a quar ter of a mile. The two women gave each other a loon and entered the waiting room, where they sat down'as far apart as possible, re- Savannah Sows, It is a notable fact that in all the recent strikes the main question at issue was not one of increased wages or shorter hours, but that of the authority of the trades unions. The cloakmakers’ strike in New York was a blow struck by the la bor organizations to prevent the employment of non-union men. The strike was a success. The manufacturers were obliged to yield every point to the strikers, ^ ates New York Sun: and the non-union men were dis- “Well, old boy,” remarked the charged. The issue in the Knights s b?ange man to me, “have a of Labor strike on the New York smoke?” Central railroad was the claim the “Yon bet!” knights made to have the cause of And in five minutes we were the discharged members cf their well acquainted, and playing eu- order inquired into by their lead- ehre under the shadow of a box ers, or by a committee of which car. He didn’t take me for a thief, their leaders should be members, and I never suspected him of mur- or by the state board of arbitra- der, aud the two hours went by in tion. In other words, the knights a "hurry. denied the right of the railroad to Not so in the depot, however, discharge any of its employes who For the first half hour the two wo- were knights summarily and arbi- men glared at each other. Neither trarily. The railroad hud dis- would speak first. Each was charged fifty or sixty of the knights afraid of the other. One looked without assigning any cause for ont into a turnip field and the oth- doiug so, and declined to have its er into a swamp. Now and then right for doing so questioned. It one or the other mustered up conr- declined to have its action in- age to approach the door and look quired into. The knights asserted out, bat always to immediately re- that the employes in question were turn to her seat again. Only one discharged because they were had a watch. She consulted it 8V* knights. This assertion the rail- ery five minutes, but the other road denied, and declared that the dared notask her what time it was, knights were discharged for cause. As an offset, however, a wooden pail Nothing was said about wages or half full of warm water stood near hours of work, but volumes about her, and though the other lady was Sir Charles Tupper, high com missioner for Canada, is interested in a scheme of railway and steam ship service which is expected to carry a passenger from Chicago to London in seven days. The Cause of Pain. An ache or a pain is not of itself a disease, it is bnt a symptom and warns the sufferer that there is something the matter with his physical organization. Weak kid neys, bad blood, and nervousness are frequently the source or cause of the many mysterious aching sensations that afflict the bodv. You Can remove the cause of such distress by using B. B. B. (Botan ic Blood Balm). C. H. Robercs, Atlanta, Ga., writes: “My kidneys were disor dered and gave me excruciating pain. A single bottle of B. B. B. helped me wonderfully.” Win. N. Nelson, McDonough, Ga., writes: “B.B. B. has bene fited my daughter very much. She was afflicted with severe nervous ness. I think it the best family medicine.” W. R. Ellis, Brunswick, Ga., writes: “I have tried B. B. B., and it is a great thing for the blood. It also cured me of rheu matic pains.” dying for a drink, she dared not go over to the pail One had a novel, and the other had a bundle of shells and curiosities, and they could have chatted and read and visited, and had a good time. But they dared not. They bad not been introduced. What an awful, awful thing, if they had spoken and acted civilly, and then one had. found ont that the other was only a hired girl! Samuel Slater first spun cotton by power machinery in this coun try one hundred years ago at Paw tucket, B. I. A celebration will be held there on Sept. 29th. My wife had been so long afflict ed with chills that her health be came very bad. Quinine did not agree with her, and I concluded to give her Smith’s Tonic Svrup, and to my astonishment two bottles muisiaciioi made her perfectly well.-P. C.J funded. Price 25 cents Lee, Rigbee Valley, Miss. For sale by Holtzclaw & Gilbert Witin ii the Jjaw. “I want to be posted indelaw,” said a colored woman who called at the Gratiot avenne station the oth er day, says the Detroit Free Press. “Well?” replied the sergeant. “I’ve got a gal.” ‘•Yes.” “An’ she’s gota beau.” “Very likely.” “I can’t abear him, a’ I doan’ want him’round de house. What ca’se shall I take?” “Have you ever given him a hint? “Land, sah! bnt I jes’ tole him to cl ar oufe, or I’d bnsfc him to smash! reckon dat’s a bint.” “But he didn’t go?” “No, sah. Now, den, I want to know how far 1 can go an’ keep widin’ de law. I’ve talked to him, Lowed water on him, hit him wid a club, called him names, made de dog bite him, an’ p’inted a pistol at him, biit be won’t stay away. How much fnrder kin I go an’ not break de law?. Could Idim stan’ in de yard an’ mow him across de legs wid an old scythe when he come in de da k? Could de pistil go off ac cidentally?” When advised to try peaceful measures, she indignantly respond ed: “Dat’s what I dun did in de very go-off. I took Mm by de collar an’ frowed him ober de gate!” The statement was recently pub lished m the New York Sun that “every known relative of the Presi dent and Mrs. Harrison, except •John Scott Harrison, the presi dent’s half-brother, who is a dem ocrat, has been appointed to office by the president. 5 ' And now a cor- respondent writes to the Sun that John Scott Harrison also holds a lucrative position in one of the ter ritories; so that every known rela tive of the president and his wife m now living on the government. Evidently the president thinks pol itics is mighty uncertain, and that he had better be getting all he can oat of the government for him- self and his relatives while he can. • AV? r ? vv ^ arQe gie’s free library in Edinburg has been open only two months, and t wen tv-one thou sand readers’ tickets nave already been issued. Cucklen The Best for Colds, Bruises, Salt Rheum, Fevei Chapped Hands, Ch and all Skin Erupt.„„ = , „ tively cures Piles or no quired. It is guaranteed perfect satisfaction or