The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, October 30, 1890, Image 4

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TOU CAN SAVE Georgia Thrift, The True Gcutlinau. Dutch Courtship. Americas Daily Times. Kindly feeling, quick sympathies and gentle manners, joined with true self-respect forms the basis of that gentlemanliness which is so naturally admired and coveted.— Vulgarity, which is so much dread ed and so much misunderstood, consists in the absence of one or all of these qualities. It is not vulgar to wear a coarse coat or a cheap gown; but it is essentially so to dress in fine cloth or costly silk at the expense of one’s creditors or one’s peace of mind. It is not vul gar to make a mistake in the laws of etiquette; but it is to sneer at one who makes it, to ridicule ig norance, to be rude to the aged, to scorn honest frugality. A true gen tleman may be either poor or rich, but will be neither a miser nor a squiynderer; he may slenderly or thoroughly educated, but he will be neither envious nor supercilious; he may speak a privincial dialect, but will not use slang; he may be reserved, but will not be cunning; he may be known or unknown to fame, but will be neither obsequi ous nor contemptuous. A cigar factory is soon to be es tablished at Athens. An axe-handle factory is contem plated at Carrollton. Cedartown will shortly have a chair, furniture and coffin factory. A local building and loan asso ciation has been organized in Alba- New York Star. Thackeray explained the preju dice of ladies against tobacco as being due to the superior claims of the latter on the affections of ycuDg men. Yet the great novelist could not have known that in many coun tries tobacco plays a very impor tant part as a preliminary to court-' ships and the closer union of the sexes. In certain parts of Holland when a young man thinks he has found his affinity it is customary for him to ask for a match to light bis ci gar at the door of his loved ones house. This little subterfuge is intended to arouse the parents of the girl to the fact that something isin the wind. If a second call with a similar object is made soon after, no doubt is left of the young man’s'inientions, and the parents proceed to investigate the young man’s character and antecedents, with a view of ascertaining his eligibility as a member of the fam ily- When he calls the third time, always for a match to light his ci gar, they are prepared to give him an answer. If his suit is regarded with favor he is politely requested to step inside for the first time, and is served with a light. If he is not accepted he is refused a light, and the door is shut in his face without further ceremony. But having prepared for this con tingency, the downcast suitor will m all probability light his weed with a match from his own box, and walk away musing on the transitory nature of all earthly ■things. When the accepted suitor is in vited to enter the house he, as a matter of course, informs the pa rents which of their daughters has captivated his fancy. When this is settled the young woman steps forward and they join hands. While the engagement is by no means considered a settled fact even at this important stage, yet it is stated as a truth that when, on the occasion of the young man’s third visit, his inamorata has offer ed him a second cigar,, which he has smoked in the house, the en gagement has never been canceled. A Sumter county man proposes to exhibit the biggest hog on earth at the Alabama State Fair. The hog is twenty-eight months old, a red Jersey, stands three feet nine inches high, is nine feet six and a half inches-long, is seven feet four measures YLAN’OFACTUIiEP.S OF AND DEALERS IX SASH. B90PS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, MANTELS.PAINTS, DIL, LIME. YOU CAN BUY Maco-Made Trunks, Valises, 1 Satchels, Hand-Bag^, \ Pocket-Books, and other leather goods in this line ofj tho very best quality, at j Examine our stock when in the city J. VAN & CO., 410 Third Street, Macon, Ga. lll&MilP MW MACON, - G S5,000 worth of stock has been subscribed for an ice factory in Gainesville. Subscriptions are befog solicited in Albany for the erection of a cot ton factory. R. R. Asbury, of Dahlouega, is organizing a stock company to de velop gold mines. The Dalton Brick Company has been organized at Dalton, and will establish a brick yard. • Electric street railways for Ath ens are in contemplation. John T. Vos3 can give information. A Hughes, of Brunswick,will or ganize a S50,000 stock company to erect a sash, door and blind factory. The Americas Compress Com pany have put in new machinery and doubled the capacity of their compress. S. S. Smith, of Wahoo, has pur chased gold mining property for a stock company, which will proba bly develop it. FINDLAY IRON WORKS C- L). FIN DLAY, Proprietor, itevsiwlMiUf Give the Very Best Returns in MEAL AND FLOUR. Also, successor to A. B. I arquhar & Co., and K. W. Witt & Co., of the late Centra City Iron Works. -—Manufacturer and Dealer in Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Shaftings, Pulleys, sugar Mills, Syrup Kettles Horse Powers, Mill Gearing, Castings and Machinery of every description, Steam, Gas and Water Pipe, and Fittings, Brass goods for water or steam, Steam Gagnes, Hancock Inspirators, Belting, Babbit Metal, ete. Work as Well as Pray. The farmers of Georgia must not forget the important fact that all the ills that befall them cannot be cured in the legislatures. It is wall for them to take an active part in politics. It is indeed their du ty to do so. But they should not lose sight of the fact that there are other matters, too, requiring their thought. Legislation is a good thing, but it cannot evoke good crops out of a soil lacking judi cious cultivation. There are some farmers who would rather howl than work, and they never take in to consideration that depressed ag riculture will talk in vengeance over the -farm that is permitted to grow up in grass and poisonous weeds where clustering corn and waving grain should find their rich fruition.—Americus Times. If the alleged statement of Capt. Tillman that “there will be blood shed in South Carolina if the ne groes attempt to vote the straight- out democratic ticket,’ mm\LkY$ &IN)@W0ei@>- ®©TT©W Table and Pocket Cutlery, L-amps, CHANDEUEFS, OIL STOVES,. TIN WARE, Etc. ARTISTIC POTTERY, HOUSEKEEPERS' NOVELTIES. Sole agents fat Gity of Macon for the Celebrated Buck’s Brilliant Cooking Stoves and Ranges. 363 Second Street, 164 & 166 Gottoir Avenue, PACKS UP OR DOWN. For Kidney, Bladder, LiverT^vTv/. C. The South is the field for profit able investment. JBlood Purifier FINDLAY’S CELEBRATED ulous Sores, Scrofulous Humor and all scrofulous diseases. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Cou- tagcous Blood Poison, Ulcerous Sores, diseases of the Scalp, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Pustules, Pimp les, Itch,Tetter, Ring-worms, Scald-Head, Eczema, Rheumatism, Constitutional Blood Poison, Mer curial Rheumatism, Diseases of the Bones, Gen eral Debility and all diseases arisingfrom impure Blood or Hereditary Taint. Sold by retail drug- “Weakly Females use only W. W. C. There are only six editors in the state who can’t set type, and they married rich. ttfgjtlo FULLY WARRANTED. HOME PHOBWOTION. iit&iis ml MACHINERY AND CASTINGS OF E. CROCKETT, and male your self rich and the boys happy. / : E. CROCKETT, Macon, «a. A willingness to divide with his captor lias protected more thieves than the law has protected honest men. REPAIRS A SPECIALTY, P IANOS $25 CASH If^RGANS |W$10CASH [ and THE BALANCE next December 15th, , WHEN CROPS ARE SOLD. Steam Engines of all makes, Boilers, Separators, and all kinds of Machinery repaired. Our wisest thought is the one which we always lack words to ex press. Foolish thought finds easy expression. be true, the bellicose captain should be soaked in the river as a common scold un til he cooled off somewlnjt. Incit ing l iot is not a proper occupation for one who aspires to execute the laws. As. the accusation comes from republican papers, however, it should be taken with several grains of allowance.—Savannah News. Lung Troubles, Rheumatism,etc. Frequently a person is supposed to have consumption when it is some other disease altogether that is reducing his flesh and making him look pale and thin. J. W. Yates, Tullahoma, Tenn., writes: “It does me good to praise Botanic Blood Balm. It cured me SPOT CASH Prices. Specially Reduced, and the LOWEST known on stand ard instruments. V. E. WALTON. WALTON&MTEMAN The different parts of the “SWOBD” machine made and kept in stock at manu facturer's prices. TIME AND FREIGHT SAVED BY ORDERING FROM ME. Barrow and Truck Wheels especially designed for Brick Makers, constantly on hand. All the patterns of the late “Central City Iron Works,” including the patterns of the Earqnhar Engines, are owned and used solely by me. Corres pond or call when you wish anything in the way of castings, machinery or re pairs. exempt of mineral poisons, bad odors and taste, acting on the liver, kidneys and system, curing Headache, Rheumatism, Bladder -and Liver troubles, is the nonpareil of all home prescriptions. BYRON, -DEALERS IN- inches around the girth, two feet eleven inches across, the back, and eleven inches between the hock and ankle. His" weight is somewhere between 1,200 and 1,- 500 pounds. The hog handles him self very nicely, and is not consid ered very fat. — ■—^.++ r A- young woman of Rochester, Ont., astonishes strangers by the I THIS OFFER COOD for August, September, or I October, I8S0. | Any Piano, any Organ, any Style or Price. | NO EXCEPTION. OUR ENTIRE STOCK. SEND YOUR ORDERS TO Gents’ Furnishings, Staple and Fancy- Articles. BEST GRADES OF GUANO A SPECIALTY Cherry Street, MACON, GEORGIA, FINDLAY’S IRON WORKS, Macon, Ga. g@L,Send for Price Lists and tlircnlars. Write far Circular— Summer Offer1890. wealth and luxuriance of her hair. She is only five feet two inches high, but her tresses are seven feet six inches long. She says her hair gives her no trouble, and she dosn’t know what headache is. IS CONSUMPTION INCUKAJBI.E! Read the following: Air. 0. H. Morris, Newark, Ark., says: “Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends and physicians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King’s New Dis covery for Consumption, am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the.finest medicine ever made.” Jessie Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, says: “Had it not been for Dr. King’s New Discovery for Con sumption I would have died of Lung Troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in best of health. Try it. Sample bottles free at Holtzclaw & Gilbert’s Drug store. The idea generally current that death, following on disease, most frequently occurs during the early hours of the morning, has been proven by a recent investigation to be erroneous, announces the Chi cago Herald. Dr. Burns, of the Charity Hospital, New York City, has made observations iu some 15,000 cases, extending over twelve years, with tha result of finding that no particular hour or period of the day is specially fatal. Bucklou's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Colds, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Price 25-cents per box For sale by Holtzclaw & Gilbert. HIDDEN & BATES, Southern Music House, SAVANNAH. CA. " WAREHOUSE Blue Grass Rye, Hume Bourbon, Hellwood Rye, Finch’s Golden Wedding Rye, S. W. Private Stock North Caro lina Corn and Apple Brandy. Ga. Hand-Made Peach Brandy. The best goods for the money in Georgia. * Give me a call when in the city, or send me your orders. POPLAR STREET, MACON, GA. Cotton Received, Stored and Handled at Lowest Prices. Insurance Low. Weights Fair.! KILLER. • Corx? nsVi2a:. a; i as. , Dec. 1-. L--b. rABTS JUtolCIXE CO.,l*aris; TYnn.'; . Please send me three dozen of \ cur Grove *r iT^i Cltill Toilld. -1 ves Dickie >ilR thl h.t lr... vuu last rammer. The people -wi re delurhfed *-ix. it. Jgava y*»tfr CbilL'Ptmic tfl'idiu* chiSdr.-n wa >’ 8 ^ hy £ nd e">«iated, h*rh.g ha. - three weeks after beginning w!U = W. W. STINSON. M. D. 'ICINE CO.; ST. LOUIS, MO V <§33S5Y/ The Greatest Discovery of the Age. OLD IN THEORY, BUT THE REMEDY RECENTLY DISCOVERED. OUR MOTTO: “We Price our Own Cotton ” R. W.'BONNER, Manager. ALLARD BARNWELL, Salesman. CURES WITHOUT FAIL CATARRH, CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, HAY FEVER, BRONCHITIS, RHEUMATISM, DYSPEPSIA, ' CANCER, SCROFULA, DIABETES, BRIGHTS DISEASE, MALARIAL FEVER, DIPTHERIA AND CHILLS. In short, all forms el Organic and Functional Disease. Tho cores effected by'this Medicine ore in many cases MIRACLES! Sold only in Jugs containing One Gallon. Price Three Dollars—a small investment when Health and Life can be obtained. “History of the Microbe Killer” Tree. ■ ' HOLTZCLAW; & GILBERT, Perry, Ga, ;^&ii±paa. of^eorg’ia^ BETWEEN MACON, FORT VALLEY, PERRY AND O LUMBUS. (Southwestern DiviSon.) Schedule wept into effect August 24th, l-i'Jf). . ■ (Standard Time, 90th. Meridian.) writes: “I was afflicted with sciat ica and had lost the use of one arm and one leg for nine years. I went to Hot Springs and also tried dif ferent doctors, but found no cure until I tried Botanic Blood Balm. It made me sound aud well. I am well known in this vicinity.” Observe when the.renowned Hot Spring failed, B. B. B, brought re lief. Remember, no matter what blood remedy you have tried or in tend to try, B. B. B. is the only one that will give you complete “Gathering the myTtle with Mary,” No, but a balm for Mary, Nellie, George and all who.suffer with the daclie, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, and all W. W. C. is a purely vegetable compound, made out of native roots and herbs lie South; it contains no mercury or mineral poisons, whatever. *1:55 ,lr:42 10*36 MOO 30:1:* ibio7; '902 30,-42 10:49 30:53 31:1.9 11:18 i 11:35 •'r. \Viso. .Ar Rutland. Ar Walden. Ar Byron Ar Pdvvrsvi-!, CALL ON OR ADDRESS HOLTZCLAW & GILBERT, Parry,J G&.fl SCQT?3§ CONSUMPTION now scnnrui A -- ■ ‘ y SCROFULA EMULSION CURES Wasting Diseases Wonderful Flesh Producer. Many have gained one pound per day by its use. Scott’s Emulsion is not a secret remedy. It contains the stimulat ing properties of the Hypophos- plntes and pnre Norwegian Cod Inver Oil, the potency of both being largely increased. It is used by Physicians all over the world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold by all Druggists. ■ SCpTT & SOW HZ., Chemists, N.Y, , . BETWEEN;TORT TALLEY AMD. PERRY. m 'l a ' m ’ j Leave Fort Valiev At rive | 8.3J m.i 12.20 «. m. '' »„ " t 1 „ Leave Fort Talley Arrive To cure'Biliousness, Sick Headache, Consti pation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, taka the sale and certain remedy, ”8.54 :•“■ 9.07; “ • 9.23' “ ' 9.33 a. rn. 9.47 “ 10.00 “ 10.11 10.20 •• 10.27 “• 10.40 “ ; 11.02-.“ 11.30 a. m. Arc Eyereti’s. Arrive Arrivo Leynolcls Arrive Arrive. ’Butler Arrive .Arrive ..fvoftV Arrivo Arrive ' Howard Arrive . Arrive' 'Bostick'- -Arrive' Arrive Geneva -Arrive ■ Arrive Jturipor" Arrive Arrive Box Springs Arrive Arrive,- Upntoie Arrive • Airive Schatrrlga Arrivt- ‘ Arrive Columbus ’ Leave W. ?. e c^th^t^CS^&A^icMk^ r e: GCOrge E - Clark ' Mr.J.S. Garrttt, Seetyand Treat. W. IT. C. Co., Oclumiut, Ga.—VXAX Sra:—I have been a • great sufferer from nervous, sick headache all my life, and it affords me great pleasure to say | one bottle of your W. W. C. (Wooldridge’s 'Wonderful Cure) has gi-ren me great relief, and I ; unhesitatingly recommend its use to any- and aU who suffer from this common complaint as the , best and quickest relief I have ever found. Yours truly, ; 7Tynnton, Ga., Ocloltr 10,1883. GEO. Ii. CLAltE. ' • W. W. C. for sale by all druggists. Manufactured by Wooldridge’s Wonderful Care Co., Columbus, Ga. bottle). They aub the host convenient. Suitable lor .mVT A j^on Price of either size, 25c. per Bottle. sassiHaaiuj^s For further particulars relative 'to tic routes,etc, write ■IE, Supt. Macon Savannah, Go. to or call upon E. M.’FTJLLER, Agent,'Perry! 1 ‘ ... E.TvG.HABLTOX.'g At Low Prices for tlie first-class grade. We have afull line oi Shoes, with a special run on Ladies’ $2.00, c and Men’s $2.50 Shoes, that we g uarantee. Straw and Felt Hats we are Leaders in, and if you will send us one or-J % dor, we will save you Money. 1 t' \ * 'it ^ W. 1. CARHART & 10*. MACON. GA, 365 SECOND Street. "THERE ARE MANY iMiYAf IONS., 0 GET-THEGENUINEASKrGRGROVE'5. No. 13 No. 3- I L 7 " 0 1 f No. 6. p.m. a. m. | •.a.m.- !• • • | p.m.