The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, November 06, 1890, Image 1

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• T ° H N H • HODGES, Proprietor, DEVOTED TO HOME INTERESTS, PROGRESS AND CULTURS ============= 3?Uj;CE: TWO DOI.LAHS A. Year. yol/xx. PEKBY, HOUSTOISi COUNTY,' GEOKGIA- THURSDAY, HOYEMBEE (5,1890. NO. 45. WILLINGHAM’S WAREHOUSE Iff YOUR SHOES FROM HOFF SIMS . & BRO., 406 Third Street, Macon, Ga, C. B. ■W13LLllTG-HiLl£, MACON, GEORGIA. Good Facilities, Clnse Attention to Business, Liberal and Square Dealing. Money Loaned to those who Deal with Me at 8 per cent Por Annum. Send H^Ee "2To-ulx Cotton. C. B. WILLINGHAM. BALKCOM, RAY & DINKIER, The Largest Man Living 450 MULBERRY STREET, MACON, GEORGIA. WHOLSALE DEALERS IN AND COUNTRY PRODUCE, Com, Oats, Hay, Bran, Meat; Sugar; Coffee, Bagging and. Ties, AND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF CANNED GOODS. tST Write to ns, or eall at the store,and we will guarantee satisfaction in every particular. GEORGIA—Houston County: T. O. Skellie administrator of the es tate of Miss J. C. Kellogg, of said coun ty, deceased, has applied for letters of dismission from Ms trust: This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to appear at December term, 1390, of the Court of Ordinary of said county, and show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. Witness my official signature this August 28,1890. J.H. HOUSER, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Houston County: W. M. Edmondson has applied for letters of administration on the estate of John Edmundson, deceased. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned to appear at the December term, 1890 of the Court of Ordinary of said county and show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. Witness my official signature this Oct. 30 1890. J. H. HOUSER, Ordinary, GEORGIA—Houston County: Mrs. M. F. Edmondson has applied for 12 months support from the estate of John Edmundson, deceased. This is therefore to cite allpersonscon- ceraed to appear at the December term, 1890,of the court of Ordinary of said coun ty, and show canse, if any they have, why said application shonld not be granted. Witness my official signature tMa October 30,1890. J. H. HOUSER, Ordinary. EORGIA—Houston County: L Greene, W. fi. Anderson and H. A. athews, executors of the estate of Wm. * -t 3 Rnirn nnnlicd fnv* lging to said estate.: EMs is therefore to cite all persona ), ot me uonru ioi oiuuioy “ county, and show.cause. if any^they granted.. . , . . . Witness mv official signature -Hub Oct, 30, 1890. . - „ .. J. H. HOUSER, Ordinary. Administrator’s Sale.;. By the order of the Ordinary of Hous ton county, there will be sold before the court house door in Perry, Ga., within the legal hours of sale on the first Tues day in December, all of the lands .be longing to the estate of John Moms, late of said county, deceased, said lands be ing 168 aeresof lot of land No. 104 in the 10th distiict of said county, and bound ed northby the lands of JDTharp,. east by the lands of E S Wellons’and O S Bryan, south by the lands of 1 SBrna- dy and Mossey creek, and west by the lands of J W Woolfolk. Said lands sold for distribution and for payment of debts of said deceased. Terms cash. J O Sandepub, Adm’r. ofJ C Morris, deceased. Administrator’s Sale. By virtue of an order from the Court os Ordinary of Monroe county, will be sold before the court house door in Perry, Houston county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in November, 1890, four teen hundred acres, more or less, of land known as the “Slocumb place,” this year rented by L. G. Byrd, and consisting of lots 169,171,172 and 193, and parts of lots 167,168,173 and 194 in the 5th dis trict. and part of lot 193 in the 10th dis trict—all in sai.‘ county of Houston. Will be divided and sold in lots and parts of lots. Terms, one-third cash, and bal ance in one and two years at 8 per cent interest on deferred payments. Sold as the property of J. S. Slocumb, to a debts and for distribution among J. O. H. B. BLOODWOKTH, Oct. 2,1890. ■ Administrator. FAVORABLE LOANS ON REAL ESTATE Negotiated npon most reasonable terms. Interest payable annually at S and 7 per cent. Commissions low. Apply to H. A. MATHEWS, Fort Yalley, Ga. DEIffTIST, 28J| WMtehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. SPECIALIST. CBOWNS AND BEID3BS. MONEY LOANS On Houston farms procured at the low est possible rates of interest. As low, if lower than tho lowest. Apply to W. D. Nottingham, Macon. Ga. not MONEY TO LOAN. In sumsI ol-.:$300,00 and upwards, to be secured by first liens on improved farms. Longtime, low rates and easy payments. Apply to C. C. DUNCAN, Nov. 20th, 1889.—tf Perry* Ga. J. B. EDGE, Physician and Surgeon, Pebby, Georgia. Administrator’s Sale. By virtue of an order from the court ot Ordinary of Houston County, Ga., I will sell before the cc nrt housh door in said county, within, the legal houis of sale, on the first Tuesday in December, 1890, the following prescribed lands be longing to the estate of Jacob W. Basin, Office adjoining Perry Hotel. Can be found at office during the day, and at Hotel at nigh^ All calls promptly an swered day or night. & tSmss* Attorney at Law, Office: 510 Mulbeeby Stbbet, MACON, GEORGIA. Special attention given to bnsiness in Houston county. e. m jpifMg Attorney at Law. Pebby, ... Ga Will practice in all the Courts of this cirrcnit. Z. SIMS, dec’d., to-wit- Lot of land No. 175,con- j -pp l^i ^ H** 1 taming 20234 acres more or less, and 75 aeres off of the southern part of lot No. I lGi, making 277)4 acres, more or less, in tho Lower Fifth district of said county, being the i ortion set apart as a dower to the widow of said J.W. Baison. A desir able location, level, good water and well improved. Terms on day of sale. J. S, Vinson. Oct. 16, 1890. Administrator. XMAS GIFTS FREE. >600 IN PRESENTS To he given to the Subscribers of Savannah, Ga. Send for particulars and sample copy. PERRY, GEOBGIA. „ £g~Offioe on Main street, lately occu pied by Dr. W. JLHavis. First-clasc work. Prices moderate Pat ronage solicited. ap!281y Indiana now lays claim to the heaviest man in the world, in the. person of John Hanson Craig, of Danville, Hendricks county.' Mr. Craig was born in Iowa City, Iowa, in 1855. When quite young his parents moved to Ken tucky, where they lived until John was about thirteen years old. 'At birth he weighed eleven pounds. When eleven months old his weight was seventy-seven pounds. From this time on his gain in flesh was phenomenal. At the age of two years his weight was 206 pounds. During 1858 his parents took him to New York city and entered him as a contestant in the baby'show inaugurated by P. T. Barnum, and he was awarded a cash prize of Sl,- 000 as the largest and heaviest child on exhibition. At the age of five years his weight hadincreased to 302 pounds. During the next six years his weight innreased to 405 pounds. The following eight years his weight increased 196 pounds, caus ing him to tip the beam at 601 pounds. At the age of 25 his weight was 725 pounds; at 27 it had increased to 758 pounds. During the next year he gained 34 pounds, making his weight at the age of 28, 792 pounds. . From that time on his weight has been gradually increasing until now he tips the icales at 907 pounds. Mi’. Craig has never been ill a day in his life, is a very delicate eater, is not addicted to the use oE intoxicants, and does not use to bacco in any form. Mr. Craig stands six feet five inches in his stocking feet, and measures eight feet and four inch es around the hips. It requires forty-one yards of cloth to make him a full suit, coat, vest and pants, and it takes three pounds of yarn to make him a- pair of socks. He laughingly .says the cows always smile when they see him going to a shoe shop to leave bis measure for a pair of boots, as it will take a whole side to make him a pair. He wears No. 12„boots. The father of Mr. Craig was a very small man, weighing from 115 to 120 pounds,his mother was a very small womaD, not weighing over 110 or 116 pounds. His great- great-grandfather, on his mother’s side, was the first governor of Ver mont, Governor Crittendon, and was born in Ireland. His grandfa ther^ Dr. Hanson Catlett, was as sistant surgeon-general of the United States for 35 years, and died in the service of the govern ment at East Liberty, Pa. He was a native of England. On his father’s side Mr. Craig’s grandfather was a native of Scot land. His grandmother was a German, having been born in Franklin. Mr - Craig is a first cou sin to William P. Hepburn, at the present time solicitor for the United States treasury. His wife is a beautifnl woman, about thirty years old, small of statue, and will weigh, perhaps, 130 pounds. Her luxuriant bail- falls in graceful curls, reaching be low her waist. Mr. Craig fell in love with her at their first meet ing, and, as she has never tried to wear the trousers, he still adores her. Mr. Craig is a splendid conver sationalist, and is well posted on the current topics of the day; is a member of the Adherent Lodge, No, 43; Knights of Pythias; Silcox Lodge, No. 123; Independent Or der of Odd Fellows, and Toscaro- ra tribe, No, 49, Independent Or der of Red Men. He takes deep Our Railroad Commission. m m bbittis t , Perry, Georgia. Office on Main Street, King house, SSSs Attorney at Law, Judge of Houston Countt Coubt, A CHANCE TO GET SOMETHING FOB NOTHING. HBllT RAILROAD SCHEDULE Baily, Except Sunday. Leave Perry at 7-50 A. M. Arrive at Fort Yalley 8:40 A. M. Leave Fort Yalley at 11:35 p. M Arrive at Perry at 12:20 A. M. Leave Perry at 3:05 p, m. Arrive at port Yalley 3:50 P. M Leave Fort Yalley at 8:25 P. M Arrive at Perry at 9:10 p. K. , Sunday Train iSSif'S 5 * «a. Arrive Fort Valley 9:15 mju m Arrive Perry 6:15 p m Pebby, Georgia. WiU practice in all the 9? nr *? oI a Circuit except the County Court. societies to which he belongs. He is a jovial man, and his friends are pleased to gather at his pleasant home for an evening’s social chat. Houston, Ten., May 8,1SS9. Messrs. Walter O’Leary & Co., Houston: Gentlemen—I take pleasure in bearing testimony to the efficacy of your Microbe Killer. Some time ance % -was severely - affected with sore throat, accompanied with cokl m the head and chest. 1 conclu ded to i try. »jng of your Microbe Killer which I did, and was aston- ished ’et its results. One or two Java Ft. YaUcy * c J. L. Hardeman, W. D. Nottingham. HABDEUAN & NOTTINGHAM, Attorneys at Law, , . - Georgia. Jiacox ’ ' , UUSCO 6 - , , , i WiU uractiee in tho State and Federal f t]ier nse of it completely cured ol^^ffice 306 Second Street. _ —- - T ~ subscribe advertix IN OJiE JOURNAL * Atlanta Jonrijpl. From time to time we have call ed the attention of the people-of Georgia to the fact that the con sumers and the producers pay the freight rates. We have also re minded them that our State Rail road Commission has no power to fix a freight rate for what crosses in transportation the state line. If, however, the State Railroad Commission were required to study all through freight rates, and to criticise them when unjust, and to go, when necessary, with the At torney-Genera! of Georgia before the National Ralroad Commission for the purpose of fighting, in be half of the state, freight rates, much good could bS occomplished, The next legislature shonld take this subject up, and increase the powers and duties.of the State Rail road Commission, by putting upon them the task of studying through freight rates into and out of Geor gia, and of fighting those that seem excessive. This additional re sponsibility would involve much additional labor. . As the commis- mission is now organized it is com posed of a railroad man, a lawyer and a business msn. *. It would be a wise amendment to our present law to increase the umber of railroad commissioners in Georgia to five, and to put npon them the duty just described of working upon through freight rates. As the mass of the people of the state, out of whom finally the freight comes, belong to the agricultural classes, the amend ment of the law which adds two additional railroad commissioners, should require that one or both of these commissioners shonld be a farmer, actively and exclusively engaged in farming. With the powers of our State Railroad Commission perfected, with our Attorney-Genera! charged with tho duty of representing the people of Georgia as a state before the National Railroad Commission,- then we should look at once to the national cODgress for legislation which would give permission for appearance, by a State Railroad Commission, before the National Commission, to protect the entire state against unjust • freight rates. This would be a tremendous stride toward perfecting control of the great corporations and combina tions now owning the railroads of the country. But the time must come when, upon, the National Railroad Commission, there will be a member from each . state in the union, so vast are the interests of the people in the question of transportation. - It is understood that Governor Gordon and Governor Northern are each favorable to the suggested legislation, and we would not be surprised to see something in one of- the messages on the subject. A Word to Young People. So surely as the years roll around that home in which, you now dwell will be gone, the property will be tnrned over into others’ possession, Lowering The Standard. **H.” in Nashville Bautist and Bcflector. Yes, lowering the standard of fe male pnrity. That is what the ed-1 itorial column of the Ladies’Home The Loco AVeed. you yourself will be in other rela-j Journal pleads for in the Septem- tiquships, and that home which on-; her number. Begs that women lya year ago was full of congratn- j who have been guilty of one or two tions will be extinguished. When j breaches of chastity shall not b: that period comes yon will look j excluded frpm social recognition baeje to see what you did or what j We were shocked. The plea seems you neglected to do, iu the way of j to he that men are not so treated, -making home happy. If you did [ Alas! that it is so. If women de- not smooth the paths ol yonr pa-1 ma.nded as high social purity in rents towards the tomb, if j’ou did J men as men do women, we not make their last days bright and “Hau wants bat little here be low,” is certainly the motto of some natives iu India. A man of forty beiug recently examined before a magistrate at Bangalore,stated t hat he earned daily about a quarter of an anna (about two and one-half cents).by bottling ginger beer, and was quite satisfied with his wages and "position. How to Gain in Fiesli. It is not what one eats that makes one fat, but the food that is properly digested and. assimilated, that, increases the flesh! The food that lies and ferments in the stom ach o.r passes undigested iuio the viscera, does the system mnch rnterfest in the secret Avork of the harm, as they say, it makes a man thin to carry so much effete matter around with him. In order that there be a full, and,thorough diges tion and assimilation of food, the stomach", the liver, and the kid neys must be kept in , the -finest condition. These great organs of life frequently need the aid of va rious herbal juices. It in to them what oil is to machinery. It ena bles them to do their work with less friction. It is this friction ery as well as the machinery’ of life Now science has discovered the herbs that naturally aid the movement of the stomach, liver, „„ ve me instant relief, and kidneys and bowels. They are con- tto O !• ' L ..n.nlnf-nlT- /innal in pfflnpnn-in- — nmndn jj ]yL Jones & Go.. Houston. If you are in a statu of generalliil ’'-gw cnlp bv Holtzelaw& Gilbert, : health give it a trial and see how sole agents, Berry, Ga. 1 much better you will feel. Leon E- Levinson, taiued iu that efficacious remedy known as Dr. Bairs; Sarsaparilla. FOR th i; si happy, if yon allowed your youn: er brother to go out into the world unhallowed by sisterly and chris ti8n influences, if you allowed the younger sisters of your family to come up without feeling that there had been a Christian example set them on your part, there will be nothing but bitterness- of lamenta tion. That bitterness will be increased by all the surroundings of that home; by every chair, by every picture, by the old time mantel or naments, by everything yon can think of as connected with that home. All those things will rouse up agonizing memories. Youn: women, have you anything to do in the way of making yonr father’s house happy? Now is the time to attend to it, or leave it forever un done. Time is flying very quickly away I suppose yon notice the wrinkles are gathering and accumulating » those kindly faces that have so Ion, looked upon you; there is frost in the locks; the foot is not as firm ns it used to be; and they will soon be gone. The heaviest cloud that ev er falls on a parent’s coffin lid is the memory of an ungrateful daughter. Make their last days bright and beautiful. Do not act as though you were iu the way. Ask counsel, seek their prayers, and, after long years have pa5secl, and yon go out to the grave where they sleep, you will find growing all over the mound some thing lovelier than cypress, some thing sweeter than the rose, some thing chaster than the lily—the bright and beautifnl memories of filial kindness performed ere the dying hands dropped on you a benediction, and you closed the lids over the weary eyes of a worn out pilgrim. should see a different state of soci ety. But no. Most people have consented that men may be as im pure as they choose and suffer not a whit in socinl circles. And it is wrong. Young ladies who would have themselves thought to be so pure mi tided its never to know unholy thought, will knowingly al low young men of gross social vices, not only share their social favors,but almost monopolize them. No need to say they don’t know, they do kuow, or they can know full well if they care enough to as certain. No, a thousand times no. Do not lower the standard for women. Raise it for men. Let as chaste purity be required of him as of her. No need to say it cannot be. It can be when the women want it so. Let a man be disgraced who is guilty of unchastity. He is not fit for decent society, whitewash him, or dose him as vou may.' But just there is the rub. _ The people of more heroic morality have con sented that others shall take the control in what they choose to call society. And because a young man. may be able to dress well, and offer many luxurious indulgences, the society girl” and her mother pre fer to gratify their vanity to sus taining her purity of thought and accompaniments. We coufess we look with dismay upon .the tendency of social re quirements. We have a thousand times been forced to recall a line we read from Mrs. Southworth when a boy. She said: “Women like men with a speck of the devil in them anyhow.” And we have been forced by degrees to the con clusion that she kuew whereof she affirmed. to Do Pou Know How it Feels? If a mat smokes his cigar only to keep it lighted, and relishes tak ing out of his month to watch the curl of the smoke in the air, set him down as an easy-going man. Beware of the man who never re leases his grip on the cigar, and: is indifferent whether it burns or not; he is cool, calculating and exacting, the man that smokes a bit-, rests a bit, and fumbles the cigar more or less, is easily affected by circum stances. If tbs cigar goes out fre quently, the smoker has a whole- souled disposition, is a “hail"fellbw well met,’-’ with a lively brain, glib tongue, and generally fond of cap ital anecdotes. A nervous man who fumbles his cigar a great deal is a sort of popinjay among men. Hold ing the cigar constantly between his teeth, chewing - it occa'sionally, and not caring if it be lighted at all, are the characteristics of men who have the tenacity of brili dogs. The fop stands his cigar on end, and an experienced smoker points it straight ahead, or almost at right angles .with his course. Many a mind fairly sparkle with' gems of thought that- never see the light, all because the possessor is wanting in self-confidence. On the other hand many a man passes for more than his worth, all because of his excessive brass.—Marietta Journal. T-lis First Step. Perhaps you are run down, can,t eat, can’t sleep, can’t think, can’t do. anything to yonr satisfaction, and you wonder what ails yon, you should heed the warning, yon are taking the first step to nervous prostration. You need a nerve ton ic, and in Electric Bitters you that wears out mechanical ruschin- will find the exact remedy for re- . IT .... , - ^ .. storing your nervous system to its normal healthy condition. Sur prising results follow the use of the great Nerve Tonic ana Altera tive. Your appetite is returned, good digestion is restored, and the liver and kidneys resume healthy action. Try a bottle. Price 50 cents, at Hollzclaw & Gilberts’ Drug Store. Rheumatism. Every one has heard the word. “How’s yonr mother?” “Oh, she’s well except her rheumatism.” How carelessly the answer is given. Do yon know how it feels to. have rheumatism? Oh? it’s terrible, the swelling and the excruciating pain of ankle, knee, elbow and shoulder, just as if each point was a bundle of irri tated nerves, each one seemingly bent on giving more pain than the other. Laying awake all night longing for daylight, aching too se verely to sleep, applying liniment every half hour to temporarily re lieve the agony. Praying, enrsing, turning, twisting, but no ease, no comfort. What "is it that causes rheumatism? Ab, there are a thousand causes. What is it that cures rhenmatism? Thans God, there is at least one care. It is called B. B. B., or Botanic Blood Balm. It has cured more cases of rheumatism than any other known remedy. Try it. Do not suffer longer. J. H. Laing, Dawson,Ga..writes: “I suffered with rheumatism in my shoulders, and general debility. Five bottles B. B. B. improved my health, and the rhenmatism left Excli&ngc. The loco weed of the western plains is to vegetation what the rattlesnake is to animal life. This name comes from the Spanish and signifies insanity. It is a dusky green and grows in small bunches or haudfnlls and scatters itself in a sparse and meager way about the country. It is insert a vege table nomad and travels about Dot a little. Localities where it this season flourishes in abundance may not see any of it next year, indeed for a number of years come. The prime property of the loco is to induce insanity in men or animals who partake of it. An mals—mules, horses, sheep and cattle—avoid it naturally and nn der ordinary circumstances never touch it. But iu the winter, when an inch or two of snow have cover ed the grass, these green bnnehes of loco standing clear and above the snow are tempting baits to an imals who are going about half starved at the best. Even then it is not common for them to eat it. Still, some do and it at once ere ates an appetite in the victim sim ilar in its intense force to the alco hol habit in mankind. Once start- the doward path of loco a mule will abandon all other forms of food and look for it. In a short time its effects become perfectly apparent. Yon will see a locold mule standiug out on the shadow less plains with not a living mov ing thing in his vicinity. His head is drooping and his eyes half closed. On the instant he will kick and thrush oat biS heels the most warlike way. Under the influence of loco he sees himself surrounded by multitudes of threatening ghosts and is repell ing them. The mind of the ani mal is eompletelj gone. He can not be driven or. worked because of his utter lack of reason. He will go right or left or turn aronnd in spite of bits or whip, or will fail to start or stop, and all in a vacant idiotic way devoid of malice. The victim becomes as thin, physically as menially, and after retrograding four or five months at last dies, the most complete wreck on rec ord. Many gruesome tales are furnished of cruel Spanish and Mexican ladies who, in a jealous fit, have locoed their American ad mirers through the medium of loco tea. Two or three cases in kind are reported in the Texas lu natic asylum. A Pair of Honest Men. Somebody has been trying his hand on the word “habit,” *and he works it out thus: “Habit is hard to overcome. If yon take off the first letter it does not change ‘a bit,’ if you take off another letter yon still have a ‘bit’ left. If yon tak* off still another the whole of ‘it’ remains. Yon take off anoth er, it is uot ‘t’ totally used np. All of which goes to show that if you wish to get rid of a habit yon must throw it off altogether, and all at once, it cannot be done apart at a time.” Arkansas Traveler. Old Abraham Dillinger. sued Bill Hilliard for calling him a liar. He thought that his character had been damaged to the extent of $15, end for that amount brought suit before a justice of the peace. Just before court met Hilliard ap proached Dillinger and said: ’ “Look here, Abe, you know yonr character ain’t been hurt $15 wnth.” ''“Yaas, blamed ef it hain’t” “Now, Abe, I b’lieve that $5 will kiver np all damages, fur, Abe, you know well enough that you air a liar.” Yes, I know all that Bill, but it’s one o’ them sorter truths that I despise.” “I don’t want no lawyer er pick in’ at me, Abe. Tell you what I’ll do. I’ll give you $5.” “Tain’t enough, Bill.” “Wall now, I want to do whnt’s right. We are both honest men an’ good citizens. I'll give you the $15 if you’ll go before court, say that you was a liar an’ withdraw the suit” Give me $20, Billie, an’ blamed ef I don't do it” “I’m your man.” The money was paid, and after the court had been called to order, Abraham stated that as he “mout” have told a lie, he would withdraw the suit. “Well,” said he, after making the acknowledgement, “b’lieve I’ll be goin’, as it’s gettin’ ’long toward the shank o’ the even in’. Goin’ out my way, Bill?” ‘Not right now, Abe. Say, hold on a minute. Jedge, I want this man tuck up for false arrest. He has acknowledged that he is a liar.” “Let me see yoa a minute, Bill,” called Abe. Bill went out and Abe said: “Look here, what’s the matter with you?” “Nothin’, only I’m goin’ to have the clamps put on von.” I’ll give you S10 to wipe the thing out.” Now, Abe, I want to be far’ an’ squar’. Gimme §30 an’ out she goes. I ken send yon to the pen for this, Abe, an’ consider $30 mighty cheap.” “I’ll give you $25.” ‘Thirty, Abe.” Yon must be a fool.” ‘AH right, Abe.” ‘Say!” Well!” ‘Here’s your money. I’m get- tin’ tired o’ this blamed law busi ness, fnr thar ain’t no honesty in Settle her np an’ let’s be trav- Tbe old method of training a pet lamb at the honse and then turning it into the flock is still practiced by some^ flock masters. It is well known that-sheep will fol low a leader, and if the petted lamb has been tangbt to come at a call or peculiar sound the whole flock will be governed by following the particular one that has been trained. J. P. Davis, Atlanta, Ga., (West End) writes: “I consider that B. B. B. has permanently cured roe of rhenmatism and sciatica.” Jacob F.Spsucier,.Newman, Ga., writes: “B. B. B. entirely cured me of rheumatism in my shoulders. I ussd six bottles.” The census of the state of Neva da shows a falling off of about 17,- 000 in the last ten years. The state now lias a population of only about 44,000. That is less, avers the New York News, than the pop ulation of any one of forty coun ties in the state of New York. I was in poor health and losing stomach all seemed deranged, began a nse of Dr. Ball’s Sarsapa rilla. which has made me fee! like a nt-M man and increased mv weight.—S. R. Newton, Columbus, Ohio. .v.• .6 ■fessarSe-‘F-w-.-vt.r jgwdsW-., No. 29 South Claibobxe St., New Orleans, La, Nov. 8,1889 Wm. Raclain, New Orleans, Li.: Dear Sir—I wish to thank yon for the jug of Microbe Killer you kindly sent me for the use of the Home, and take this means of certifying to the many benefits to be derived from its use. I have one patient here that I feel confi dent it would have-cured had he known of yonr valuable remedy earlier. As it is, he is very much benentted by its use, and I fee! as sured before the jug is emptied many of the inmates of the Home will be able to speak of the bene fits derived from taking the " Mi crobe Killer. Again thanking yoa, I am, dear sir, yours respectfc - AM Im it elin’. I wouldn’t be a lawyer fnr nothin’ ish of Iu a recent number of the Brit- Medical Journal Dr. Hart gives a very interesting account of his investigations into the habit of ether drinking in Ireland. He says that it is chiefly practiced in the southern portion of the county Derry, and that the anrosthetic drunk by both sexes, and by the young as well as the old. “Ac cording to the best authorities the habit is increasing, although tho clergy are doing all in their power to put it down. Iu the Cohestown district, Tyrone alone, two tons are used yearly. Those addicted to the habit say that ether intoxica tion may be indulged in several times a day, as the effects pass away quickly. But none the less, insanity is the certain end to hich these unfortunates are hastening.” At that rate hilarity comes high.—Savannah News. The following method of mak ing paper transparent for copy ing drawings has bhen found very Pl-mao serviceable: Place a blank sheet of paper over the drawing and rub it lightly with pure benzine. The tracing can then be readily and the benzine, upon evaporati leaves the paper as opaque as fore. The raising of sisal hemp in the Bahamas promises to be one the chieE industries of those islands. Buckleii s Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world For sale by sole i Colds, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, oait Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, C [ - v - and all Skin Eruptions, and ] tively cures Piles or no j wit Gilbert, quired. ’ It is guarante ' erfeet satisfaction or Corn 8 Subscrir 25 cents j> aw & Gf