The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, November 13, 1890, Image 4

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A citizen who stands pretty well in his own estimation, and, for that matter, in the estimation of the public, also, says the Detroit Free Press, went abroad for a period of two years. When he returned to Detroit the first man he met was an old friend, who was about to pass him with a cool bow. “What’s the matter?” asked the returned traveler. “Ain't you go ' iDg to speak to a fellow- after such an absence?” “Absence? Been out of town?” “Out of town! Why, man alive, I’ve been two years in .Europe.” “No? Can’t be possible. Why I never missed you,” said his friend. The other turned away m anger and buttonholed an old chum, to whom he said: “Well, Pve got back.” “Been over to N’York?” asked the chum. “Thunder, man, I’ve been to the old world!” exclaimed the disgrun tied voyager. “You-don’t-say-so?” was the amazed retort of the solemn look ing chum. □The next acquaintance remark ed, as he stopped a moment, “I haven’t seen you for a week or two. Had haj fever?” That broke the combination, The returned traveler got on his dignity and declined to notice any more of his townsmen till they seat a brass band around to serenade him, and be learned that it was a put up job to take him down a lit tle. It is so hard to persuade the average mortal that he never will be missed. Gold In tlie Georgia Rivers. One of the most promising Schemes by which a fortune was not made was that of an inventor of much mechanical genius, who got up a plan for getting the gold out of the Georgia rivers. Most of the streams which flow from the gold districts of Georgia have“col- or” in their sands, but not always in paying quantities. This man, says the Globe-Democrat, of St. Louis, proposed to build a boat 150 feet long, and Have a sluice running all the way round it, thus giving a sluice length of 300 feet. Then, by a steam-shovel arrange ment, he intended to scrape up the sand out of the bottom of the river and drop it in the sluice, through which a stream of water would al - ways be running. The gold would collect in the bottom as in any other sluice, and at intervals there would be “cleaning up,” which he expected would be highly profitable. As soon as one locality was exhausted the boat would move on to another, and, to use a common expression, he thought there were millions in it. The scheme was never tried, for before he was ready to put it into operation he found an opening in Colorado and went out there, but a great many people in Georgia believed it to be perfectly practi cable, and regretted that the ex periment was not made. Pills Won’t Cure Dyspepsia. Dyspeptics are ever hopeless. They seek relief from their distress of stomach and of liver, and find if- not. Indigestion, heartburn, verti go, extreme lassitude, loss of ener gy! peeAishness, etc., is the bane of their existence, and mars the com placent feelings of others around the family fireside. Why won’t dyspeptics come and be cured. It can be done. There is one sure way of strengthing the digestive organs and removing every symp tom of general debility caused thereby. But this cannot be done by the taking of pills and other ca thartic mixtures. Such treat ment, while seeming to give temporary relief at first, in the end aggra vates the disease and increases the suffering, for it is like whipping a tired horse, it irritates and urges but. the strength to move at last gives out entirely; Thousands of former dyspeptics are now happy in health and strength of stomach, brought about by use of the finest of strengthening and healing tonic alteratives, known- as Dr. John Bull’s Sarsaparilla, the condensed virtue of many excellent herbs. It is the biggest and the best Sarsa parilla sold. The Falls of iX iagara carry down 10,000,000 cubic feet per minute, equal to 3,000,000 horse-power. roil TI1E 151.000, utr-v Weakness, Malaria, Indigestion and Biliousness, tnkc BROWN'S IRON HITTERS. It cures »iuick...\ For Wlo by alt dealers i:» meuicinc. Get the eeuuf .c. The young man starting out in life asks himself over and over again, “what shall I do?” While much may depend on the judicious decision of what trade or avocation shall be made his life’s pursuit, it matters less after all what he does, than how he does it; The old axiom, “there is no road to fortune,” has proved bitterly and sadly true to many a dreamer. No matter whether a man starts out to labor with hand or braio, he must put vim and energy into his work, or he will -fail utterly. If he does no higher work than to handle a pick or shovel, he must put into it the thought, “how shall I make each stroke count for the most, in results?” As there is no trade that will give a man success without ef fort, so there is no locality that will prove an* idler’s paradise, or a lazy man’s elisium. The man who has no capital, no brain and no en ergy, is neither needed or wanted anywhere; least of all in a bustling new town. The man who has no original ideas, who cannot think for himself, who is dependent on others for plans, and for guidance in the execution of plans after they have been thought out by other brains, would better stay- where he is, for he will find business condi tions about the same everywhere. The man who never hangs his hands by his side, saying, “I can’t fiud anything to do,” is the man who wins. What he cannot find he makes. If there is no path he hews one. If there is no business for him he creates business. He puts all the strength of his hand and the vigor of his brain into the duty of to-day, and reaches out for broader opportunities for to-mor row. Even though to-morrow is golden with promises he labors faithfully for to-day’s smaller rec ompense. Against hindrances he presses bravely forward; obstacles he hurls aside; difficulties ht sur mounts, and wins many glorious triumphs. For such men there are places everywhere. The world is calling for them, and success will follow them wherever they may go. A suit has been filed in the United States Circuit Court of New York to test the validity of the McKinley bill, on the ground that the bill is not a law, as it was pass ed through the lower house of con gress when there was not a quorum present. The suit is in the name of a large importing firm, which is backed by all the importers of New York, who will, in the event of the failure of the present suit, make a fight on the bill, because the tobac co clause was omitted from the original bill signed by the Presi dent, and was restored in the pres ent law by the conference commit tee, which, it is claimed, invalidates the whole bill. Dou’t be a grumbler. This world is a very fine world —a beautiful world—with a great many cares and troubles, it’s true, but a far better world, all around, up one side and down the other, than the grumbler will ever see. Don’t be a grumbler! Take things as they come. Put on a bright face and try to make them better^ Encourage the good in life; take hold of your brother’s hand with a firm grasp that meaus “I’m with you.” Quit croaking, quit grumbling. In other words, be a man, with a man’s am bition—not a stumbling block in every progressive man’s way. The late Justice Miller, on one occasion said, from his high posi tion on the supreme bench, “To lay with one hand the power of the government on the property of the citizen, and with the other to be stow it upon favorite individuals to aid private enterprise, is none the less a robbery, because it is under the forms of lav/ and is called leg islation. This is not legislation. It is a decree under legislative forms. Nor is it taxation * * ■* There can be no lawful tax which is not laid for a public purpose.” A Sale investment. Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or in case-of failure a return pur chase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our advertised Drug gist a bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption: It is guaranteed So bring relief in every case, when used for any affection of Throat, Lungs or Chest, such as Consumption, Inflammation of Lungs, Brochitis, Asthama,. Whooping Cough, Croup, etc,, can always be depended upon. Trial bottles Lee at Holtzclaw & Gilbert’s Drugstore. as despair. The lion that we fear On the way will be chained. - Many, if not most, of the troub les of life are imaginary. Brooding oyer that which is un available is a waste of time and en ergy. Life is sweet, and can be made sweeter, by making the best of cir cumstances. Difficulties may seem to be in surmountable, but there is always away out of them. Mountains of trouble may be seen in the dim distance, but as we approach them they vanish. Never draw a dark picture for yourself or any one else. Always look on the bright side of things. The blind, as a rule, are more chesrful than those who see. The reason is that they obey the max im, “Never grieve over spilled milk” FACTORY, REHOUSE POPLAR STEEET, MACON, GA. Words of Wisdom. Danger and security are close neighbors. A little world always makes a little man. Head love never sheds any of it’s own blood. A poor lock is a good friend to the burglar. To seek the truth is betten than to dig for gold. We cannot own anything that we do not enjoy. Love can only be measured by what it will suffer. The way to make a man right is to make his heart right. If there is good in us it will be sure to inspire good in others. If some people never had any teeth they would live longer. Lions are never so big as we think they are from their roaring. Buckleii'sArnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Colds, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Bheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Price 25 cents per box For sale by Holtzclaw & Gilbert. The less a man knows the more he finds fault with other people. SEND YOUB OEDEES TO Sam'" ' - Cherry Street, MACON, GEORGIA, —FOB— Fine fild Straight Two-stamp Blue Grass Eye, Hume Bourbon, Mellwood Eye, Finch’s Golden Wedding Eye,. S. W. Private Stock North Caro lina Corn and Apple Brandy. Ga. Hand-Made Peach Brandy. The best goods for the money in Georgia. Give me a call when in the city, or send me your orders. fQRJEN ONLU IFcr I0ST or FAILING MANHOOD: general and NERVOUS DEBILITY: WeaineBe of Body andEind, Effects V 7 5° States *nd Foreign Countries. Write then. YOU CAN BUY Msec-Made Trunks, Valises. Satchels, . Hand-Bags^ _ i Pocket-Books, and other leather goods in this line of; the very be3t quality, at FEEtST-MAIH)© I Examine our stock when in the city J VAN & CO., . 410 Third Street, Macon, Ga. THE SRIST MILLS —AT— Give the Very Best Eeturns in MEAL ANS FLOUR. Cotton Received, .Stored and Handled at .Lowest Prices. , - Insurance Low. Weights Fair. !: IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN. HINA,, ROOKERY- EARTHENWARE, CbORClA’S PRIDE THE OLD RELIABLE! JOUR MOTTO: “We Price our Own Cotton ” R. W- BONNER, Manager. ALLABD BAENWELL, Salesman. 3 MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS Blood Purifier Cures Boils, Old Sores, Scrofulous Ulcers, Scrof ulous Sores, Scrofulous Humor and all scrofulous diseases. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Con- tageous Blood Poison, Ulcerous Sores, diseases of the Scalp, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Pustules, Pimp les,Itch.Tetter.Ring-worms,Scald-Head,Eczema k Rheumatism, Constitutional Blood Poison, Mer curial Rheumatism, Diseases of the Bones, Gen eral Debility and all diseases arisingfrom impure Blood or Hereditary Taint. Sold by retail drug gists. $1 per bottle. Roy Remedy Co., Atlanta, Ga, PI/ ORG/ IALE P IANOS $25 CASH O RGANS SIOCASH land THE BALANCE next ' December 15th, I WHEN CROPS ABE SOLO. j SPOT CASH Prices, J Specially Reduced, and the 3 LOWEST known on stand* ard instruments. NO INTEREST or advance on the cash price. Three to Four Months 1 time giv- mm Ait ALE | THIS OFFER COOD for August, September, or October, 1890. ? Any Piano, any Organ, any Style or Price. NO EXCEPTION. OUR ENTIRE STOCK. THAT 3 !n tbo Schedule for our Sommer 0 Sale. The REST SUMMER 'OFFER we ever made. You will bay when you see the bar gains offered. Write for Circular— Summer Offer 1890. L&B.S'M'H. The whichest moans 1 1LUDOEN, & BATES, ° r .fl h Southern Music House, ' SAVANNAH. CA. fjk I oil R ADAM’S MONUMENTS, IRON FENCES, FTC., 464 PLUM STREET, - ,- - - MACON, GA. Manufacturer and Importer of the-best grades of Italian and American Marbles, and the following noted Granites: • BAERE, " CONCORD, QUINCY, RED BEECH, WESTERLY, BAY FUNDAY, CLARK,S ISLAND, - DICE. Satisfaction guaranteed. No money till work is complete. Correspondence and work prompt. Don’t buy your monuments until you write me. I will save yon money. ' . - . 0. P.& 6. E. WILLINGHAM & 00., MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN SASH. DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDlNeS, MANTELS, PAINTS, OIL, LIME, AND —BJMBMP M®»WAl!f MACON, - - - - - - GA- FINDLAY IRON WORKS, Macon, G-eorg'In- C. D- FINDLAY, Proprietor. Also, successor to A. B. 1 arquhar & Co., and B. W. Witt & Co., of the late Centra City Iron works. ’ Manufacturer and Dealer in—- ’ Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Shaftings, Pulleys, ongar Mills, Syrup Kettles Horse Powers, MiB Gearing, Castings and Machinery of every description, • Steam, Gas and Water Pipe, and Fittings, Brass goods for water or steam, Steam Gagnes, Hancock Inspirators, Belting, Babbit Metal, etc. mmJW9 mmwum mum. For Steam, Water, Hand or Horse POwer. • PACKS UP OR DOWN. FINDLAY’S CELEBRATED - ’ I. X. L. COTTON ‘GINS, FULLY WARRANTED. REP IRS A SPECIALTY. , Steam Engines of all makes, Boilers, Separators, and all lands of Machinery *■ _ repaired. If YOU IflYO CONSUMPTION I00USH OR COLO BRONCHITIS Throat Affection SCROFULA I Wasting of Flesh Or any Disease where the Throat and Lungs are Inflamed, lack of Strength or Serve Tower, you can he relieved and Cured ty PURE COG LIVER OIL ' With. Hypophosphites. PALATABLE AS MILK, Ask for Scott's Emulsion, and let no ex- pltxnation. or solicitation induce you to accept a substitute. Sold by all Druggists. SCOTT Sl BOWNE,Chemists, N.Y. The Greatest Discovery of the Ago. OLD IN THEORY, BUT THE REMEDY RECENTLY DISCOVERED. _ CURES WITHOUT FAIL CATARRH, CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, HAY FEVER, BRONCHITIS, RHEUMATISM, DYSPEPSIA, CANCER, SCROFULA, DIABETES, BRIGHTS DISEASE, MALARIAL FEVER, DIPTHERIA AND CHlLlS. In short, all forms of Organic and Functional Disease. The cures effected by this Medicine are many cases MIRACLES! Sold only in Jngs containing One Gallon. Price Three Dollars—a small investment when Health and Life can be obtained. “History of the Microbe EUler” Free. CALL ON OR ADDRESS HOLTZCLAW & GILBERT, Perry,! Ga. * BRICK MAKERS MACI1INER1 The different parts of the “SWGBD” machine mado and kept in stock- at manu facturer's prices. TIME AND FREIGHT SAVED BY ORDERING FROM ME. Barrow and Truck Wheels especially designed for-Brick Makers, constantly on hand. All the patterns of the late “Central City Iron Works,” including the patterns of the Farqnhar .Engines, are owned and nsod solely by -me. Corres pond or call when yon wish anything in the way of castings, machinery ^ pairs. * G. ID. ZFIII^iDID.i^ZV FINDLAY’S IRON WORKS, Mucon, Ga. • B@L.Send foi Price Lists and Circulars. To core Biliousness, Sick Headache, Const!- pation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, take the safe and- certain remedy, SMITH'S JOB WORKl We Have a Complete Stock and Full Assortment of Commercial Stationery, and duplicate Macon or Atlanta prices in th is class of work. Woodenware, glassware, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Lamps, CHANDELIERS, OIL STOVES, TINWARE,Etc. ARTISTIC POTTERY, HOUSEKEEPERS' NOVELTIES. Sole agents for City of Macon for the Celebrated Back’s Brilliant Cooking Stoves and Ranges. 363 Second Street, 164 & 166 Cotton Avenue, Mmm s , i> % » IftWilSte. HOME PRODUCTION. BIS Alls -SH1II MACHINERY Mb CASTINGS OF E.' CROCKETT, and make yourself rich and the. boys happy. E. CKOCKETT, Macon, <Ga. V. E. WALTOft. C. L. BATEMAN. RYRON, WALTON & BATEMAN, Ga. -DEALEBS IN- Dry Goods, Groceries, Farm “..' i Gents! Furnishings, Staple and Fancy Articles. BEST GRADES OF GUANO A SPECIALTY Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic It is as pleasant to the taste as lemon syrup. The smallest infant will. take it and never know it is medicine. Children cry for it. Chills once broken will not return. Cost you only half the price of other Chill Tonics. No quinine needed. No purgative needed. Contains no poison. It purifies the blood ana removes all malarial poison from the system. It is as large as any dollar tonic and RETAILS FOR 50 CENTS. THEBE ARE MANY IMITATIONS.!?} GET-THE GENUINE ASft FOR GROVE'S Cobxzbsville. JIlSS., Dec. 1”, Paris Medicine co., Paris, Tcnn.: Please send me three dozen of your Gr less Chill Tonic. I was pleased with t | you last rammer. The people were driightul'ai it. Igave your Chill Tonic to *omo children wi... were pale and swarthy and emaciated, baring !■»s. rydxi chronic chills for months past, one of th.-ni fur a — C year, and within three weeks after bepnnin*; with the Chill Tonic they were hale and hearty, with red -T? *nd rosy cheeks. It acted like a charm. - W. W. STINSON. M. D. Ip pAKLTFACTURED BY PARIS MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUIS, KG FORMERLY OF PARIS, TENN. J-e:T ST?LG BY HOLTZCLAW & GILBERT, Perry, Ga. JentraJ. ^Ssillroad. of <3-eorgpIa, BETWEEN MACON, FORT VALLEY, PEEIIY AND OLUMBUS. (Southwestern Division.) Schedule went into effect August 24th, 1890. (Standard Time, $0th Meridian.), 8:14 8:22 8*40 ID U5 J0;42 10:49 10:53 11:09 11:18 11:35 Macon j Ar. Wiso. Lv | I Ar Rutland. La {- Ar Walden. Lv J Ar Byron Lv | Ar Povvrsville. Ar | | Ar Port Vslley. Lv J BETWEEN FOBT VALLEY AND PERRY’. 8.25 p. m.1 11.35 a. m. 9.10 p. m.[ 12.20 Leave Fort Valley Arrive Arrivo Perry Leave STOJDAY ONLY. 8.35 a. m 7.50 a. m 3.5Ip. m. 3.05p. m. “Use Hie SHALL Size (40 little Beans to the ’ - -j THE host convenient, i , „ , , sh |Satisfaction guaranteed. Pries of either size, S5c. per Bottle. mmmsmm J.F.SSUTH &COiMotersor-BILEBEANS,-ST. 10S1S KO. 8}40 a. m. Leave Fort Valley Arrive .8.54 “ Arr Everett’s Arrive 6.20 “ 9.07 “ Arrive Beynolds Arrive 6.07 “ 9.23 “ Arrive Butler Arrive 5X0 “ 9.33 a. m. Arrive Pcott-’s Arrive- 5.37 “ 9.47 “ Arrive Howard Arrive 5.24 “ -— io:oo “ Arrive Bostick Arrive 5.11 “ 10.11 •£ Arrive Genera Arrivo 5.00 10.20 “ Arrive Juniper Arrive 10.27 “ Arrive Box Springs Arrive 4.42 “ 10.40 “ Arrive Upatoie Arrive 4.27 “ 11.02 “ A i rive "SchatnJga Arrive 4.07 “ 11.30 a. m. Arrive Columbus Le?ve 3.40 p. m. GIVE US J TRIAL ORDER j For further particulars relative to ticket rates, schedules, best xrufec oto I to or call upon E. M. FULLEB. Agent, Perry; J. C. McKENZlE Surf E.T. CHARLTON, Gen’I. Pas. Agent, Sa^h.Ga ' • At Low Prices i Men’s $2.50 •, we will save the first-class grade. We have afull line of Shoes, with a special run on Ladies’ $2.00, 5, that we guarantee. Straw- and Felt Hats we are Leaders in, and if you will send us one or-