The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, April 18, 1901, Image 1

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yOL. XXX. PERRY, HOUSTON COUNTY, GA., THURSDAY, APRIL IS, 1901. NO. 16. PROGRESS AND CULTURE. GR AND jury presentiments. We, the Grand Jurors, chosen and sworn for the April Term 1901 Houston Superior court, beg leave t0 submit the following general presentments: 1 Through appropriate commit tees we have examined the public buildings and records, and find the following facts: We find the court house in good condition, except a small leak in the roof, and one lightening rod loose from its fastning on chim ney and lying on roof. \Ve think this ought to be put up or took off, as, in its present condition, it might be dangerous to building, also, that the leak should be repaired. We find the jail in good condi tion, with the exception of one cell which needs repairs, also wa ter facilities out of order, neces sitating the hauling of all water for use of prisoners and cleaning jail at an expense to the county. We recommend repairs on cell, and also that pump be put in good order at once. We find inmates of Poor House, consisting of one white and six negroes, all well cared for and contented, but we find the build ings somewhat out of repair, es pecially the dwelling of superin- tendant and two houses occupied by inmates, which need rlpairs. We recommend that necessary repairs be made.. We find the books of Ordinary, Clerk Board Commissioners, Coun ty Judge, Clerk Superior Court, Sheriff and Tax Collector, correct ly kept and everything connected with each office creditable to the officer in charge, and we heartily commend them for their efficency. We find Treasurer’s Book’s cor-; rect and vouchers to cover all ex penditures. We find upon examination of Tax Receiver’s Books that much of the taxabble property of the county, in our judgment, is re turned, in mg.ny instances, at much less than its actual value and, therefore, we recommend and urge that our Tax Receiver rigidly enforce the. rules under the law as laid down for his gui dance. . We find that the Books of County School Commissioner neatly kept, and we. think Commissioner and Board of Edu cation are energetic in their ef forts to advance the cause of Edu cation in our courity.' We have elected J. A. Smith on Board of Education to fill the un expired term of G. M. T. Feagin, deceased. We find the Criminal Dockets of J. P’s. of the 928th, and 970th, Districts G. M. have cases marked settled and cost paid by defend ant contrary to law. We find the civil and criminal business of J. P’s. of the 527th, 542th, 769th, 492nd, 500th 771st, 541st and, 765th kept together. We find that the J. P. of 887, has not his cost itemized, and that the J. p 8 . of the 769, 619, 926, 771, 527, 887, 542, 626, 500, 928, 528, 541, 492, 765, and did not bring their Criminal Dockets before this body for ex amination. We have elected S. J. Hose No tary Public ex-Officio J. P. for the 756th Dist., and H. E. Talton N. P. and ex-Officio J. P. for the 970th Dist. We find upon examination into the prevalence of Small Pox that the county has paid out on anaccount thereof, some twenty-three hun dred dollars, and the probability that it may be .more prevalent la ter on forces us to insist upon the proper authorsties taking necessa ry steps to stamp it out, and we recommend that Vaccine Virus he furnished by the county for the vaccination of all in the county who have not been successfully vaccinated, and that detention the are the J L Fincher J H Wimberly G D Anderson T W Young J T Hortman S B Wilson I T Woodard W H Noorwood Geo S Haslam A H Tharp W B Kemp WW Woolfolk GW Winn W B Sims T H Brown B C Holtzclaw J A Smith W O Lewis W G Edwards . C J DuPree S L. Norwood. Houston Superior Court April Term, 1901. It is ordered that the foregoing Presentments be spread upon the minutes of the court and publish ed as recommended. In open Court April 9th, 1901. W. H. Felton, Jr. J. S. C. M. C. Wm. Brunson, Solicitor General. I hereby certify the foregoing to be a true extract from the min utes of Houston Superior Court, at April Term, 1901. M. A. Edwards,C. S. C. A Raging, Roaring Flood Washed down a telegraph line which Chas. C. Ellis, of Lisbon, la,, had to repair. “Standing waist deep in icy water,” he writes, “gave me a terrible cold and cough. It grew worse daily. Finally the best doctors in Oak land, Neb., Sioux City and Oma ha said I had consumption and could not live. Then I began us ing Dr. King’s New Discovery and was wholly cured by six bottles.” Positively guaranteed for coughs, colds and all throat and lung troubles. Price'50c. and $1.00. Trial bottles firee at Holtzclaw’s Drugstore. ——■. ■*> • — The women of Cleveland, 0.,are apparently losing interest in the ballot. Under the law they are permitted to vote on school mat ters. A year ago 6,000 of them voted for school director. Last week only 706 of them turned out to the polls to vote. camps and pest houses be estab-1 lished, if necessary. We find upon investigation that j the financial condition of our : county is bad. We attribute this mostly to the present systen of working our pub lic roads with the chain gang. For the last five years,. 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, and 1900, we find the average cost per year for opurating the chain gang to be $8000.00 We find th^t the county for a number of years has borrowed large sums of money, and still owe $4200.00, of which $1,500.00 has been drawing interest for some twenty-one months, balance of the $4200.00 long since past due. We find the amount of money on hand about enough to pay ex penses of this session of court,and possibly ordinary expenses of this present month. . To meet current expenses for balance of year we will be forced to borrorw money. In view of these facts we rec ommend, at the earliest practical date, the suspension of the pres ent mode of working our roads as provided for in the law known as the Alternative Road Law, embod ied in sections 578 to 588 inclusive of the Code of 1895, and all subse quent amendments thereto, so far as the Bame applies to Houston county. We return thanks to his Honor, Judg W.H.Felton and the Solicitor General for their uniform courte sy, and request the publication of these presentments in the Home Journal and Fort Valley Leader. T. H. Rentz, Foreman. ELKO ETCHINGS. BY BIG SAi'DY. Dr. J. O. Mann and wife visited Macon last week. Miss Sarah Tounsley of Perry was the guest of Mrs. J. H. Coffee last week. The youug pebple of Elko en joyed an Easter egg hunt last Fri day night. Misses Lilia Mae Mims and Mamie Brown were the hiders. The moon failing to shine, lan terns were procured and used. Prof. G. A. Gresham made a flying trip to Unadilla Friday night, and another to Henderson Sunday. Messrs. F. T. Eubanks, H. E. Marshall, F. W. Pool and R. B. Means attended preaching at Hen derson Sunday. “Captain Coot” was in the vil lage last week for the first time in twenty-one days. Mrs. Frank Till of Macon was in town last week. Miss Rosa Lee Harrison is the guest of Mrs.- W. E. Till. Miss Nancy Kilgore was in town Sunday. Mrs. A. A. Houser has gone to South Carolina, where she will visit a while. Mr. W. L. Means, as usual, vis ited Macon Saturday. Miss Ella Speight,who had been visiting Mrs. W. R. Davis, has re turned to her home at Vienna. No rain, no rest. Cotton plant ing is all the go among the farm ers now. . Mr. E. F. Holmes left Elko last week for Huntsville, Ala., where he will drum for Mr. J. D. Means. Mr. Jake Roberts of. Vienna vis ited Elko last week. His many friends here were glad to see him. April 9th, 1901. Prof. Ivison, of Lonaconing, Md., suffered terribly from neu ralgia of the stomach and indi gestion for thirteen years and af ter the doctors failed to cure him they fed him on morphine. A friend .advised the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and after taking a few bottles of it he says, “It has cured me entirely. I can’t say too much for Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.” It digests what you eat. H. M. Holtzclaw’s drugstore. * . During harvest last year Edward Pallas of Maysville, Kansas, was caught in a machine and terribly injured. While he w as still laid up his wife deserted him. In Oc tober he secured a divorce, which under the state law did not be come final until the expiration of six months. He died before that time, and now his divorced wife claims his estate. Job Couldn’t Have Stood It If he’d had Itching Piles. They’re terribly annoying; but Bucklen’s Arnica salve will cure the worst case of Piles on earth. It has cured thousands. For in juries, Pains or Bodily Eruptions it’s the best salve in the world. Price 25/ a box. Cure guaran teed. Sold by druggists. Army recruits are scarce in England as well as in this conn- try. In order to stimulate the laggard - military spirit among British yokes a genius of the war office in London.has devised what he calls a ‘ ‘recruitograph. * * This is a moving picture machine which shows all sorts of attractive views of army life. To Cure A Cold In.One Bay ... ^ ... j Take > Laxative Bromo Quinine The lingering cough following | Tablets. All druggists refund the grippe calls for One Minute Cough money if it fails to cure. E. W. Cure. For all throat and lung; Grove’s signature is on each box, troubles this is the only harmless 25/. rompfiv that gives immediate re? —— suits. Prevents consumption. Cooking is taught in 230 Girls’ Holfczclaw’s drugstore. schools in Germany. #1.150 a Year in Advance. KESSLER BROS. 414 & 416 Third Street, MACON, GA. MACON’S GREAT BARGAIN STORE! The Place That Gives You Better Yalues for Your Money Than Any Store in Georgia. Clothing Department is full to overflowing with the latest things in Men’s, Boys’ and Children’s Suits suitable for the season. When you are in Macon be sure to see our leaders, the $5.00, $8.00 and $10.00 Saits for Men. 0 They are stylish and durable, and fit as if the tailor bad made the from yo u. Youth’s Suits $2.00 to $6.00; t In this line we can fit and please any boy from 15 to 18 -ears of age. CHILDKEH’S SUITS 75c. to $5.00, Knee Pants. Some with Vests for the smaller ones, 1 to 14years. Extra Pants to fit. and suit any man or boy in Houston County. This is the line of goods that yon want to see. We sell none but the best, aud will guarantee to save you from 25c. to 50c. on every pair of Shoes that you buy of us; and re member that we absolutely warrant every pair of Shoes that leaves our store to give satisfaction, or we give you your money back Don’t fail to see us when in Macon. Shoes, Shoes. FASHIONABLE CLOTHING F0R MM MD B0YS. SPBI m 1901. We are ready with our complete stock of Clothing for Spring. Suits from .... $7.50 to $25.00. Orders by mail carefully filled and satisfaction guaranteed. Jno. C. Eads & Co. s MACON, GA. 117' fi n TT Now is the time to have VV UillYi Vour JOB WORK done. The Rome Journal L prepared to do it in a neat and artistic manner at reasona ble prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. Faro a Us Wira Vova Oaaaas.