The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, April 25, 1901, Image 1

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mwq SSBHJSR DEVOTED TO HOME INTERESTS, PROGRESS AND CULTURE. HOUSTON COUNTY, GA„ THURSDAY, APEIL 25, 1901 VOL- NO. 17. SCHOOL COMPOSIT1 ON. In Memory, Mrs, Sarah J. Thompson. » - SPRING. Annie C. Mathews,-Class 8th, Centerville School After many long cold and blus- t r y days, the disagreeable weather has departed and the bright spring sunbeams have appeared to bright en and cheer our happy land. Do we say spring has arrived? Yes, she is here with all ber pomp and’glory. Nothing but joy and gladness seem to illuminate her pathway, when she throws her pleasant rays of sunshine in her path. The many wild flowers that come to cover the hill sides and lowly plains with their welcome presence, soon perceive she has taken her abode in tbeir midst and after the space of a few -flays they sprout up bud and blossom in as much radience as the ‘Bibli cal Rose of SharonWhen this delightful season arrives,the num berless stately trees begin to beau tify their presence by buds blos soming into a multitude of per fectly shaped green leaves. The fruit trees are the most important of all trees. They first present to the naked eye a multitude of sweet scented flowers, then a host of green foliage and last, but of the greatest importance, a bountiful supply of delightful fruit. Soon as the unmberless trees become robed with their new dress of green, the sweet voiced nightin gale, the little sparrows and all the birds of every name begin building their cozy little nests on one of the boughs of the beautiful trees. If spring is the season for flowers to bloom, birds to sing and growth of vegetation, it is time for some youthful maiden to hear the words of love from the lips of her ardent admirers. When spring arrive 3 she brings to mind many thoughts that are sufficient to ennoble our inner natures and cause us to purify our lives and begin life anew like the tree hears a new supply of fruit every year. How can the eloquent poets for bear from taking their chief works from some river, or mountain side just after it has been refreshed by the sweet dews of God given spring time. Alas 1 poets, like many otfr- er mankind, fail to find as much charm in spring as in the melan choly months of autumn and win ter. w.0! beautiful spring, never re move thy wing from our doorsill.; If thou will stay with us from day to day,' we will be more joyous, happy and gay. ' Mexico knows nothing of the dilatory court methods so com mon in this country. A Califor nia prospector had a case involv- mg some mining property in Sir naloa. It came up first in Febru ary, 1900, and went against him. It has since been appealed three fimes, all four decisions having been secured in eleven months. Three of the courts favored the American. Job Couldn’t Have Stood It If he’d had Itching Piles. Ihey’re terribly annoying; but micklen’s Arnica salve will cure jhe worst case of Piles on earth, yt has cured thousands. For in juries, Pains or Bodily Eruptions p ? the best salve in the world, pice 25^ a box. Cure guaran- ee d. Sold by druggists. The common and familiar phread spun by Madame"Spider is [ 80 fine that 25,000 miles of it, | *° g° around the earth, would only weigh eight ounces. And yet fine as it is; the thread consists of 1,000 filaments. i„P° Cure A Cold In One Day | ake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- I ets All druggists refund the mon- I 7if it fails to cure. E. W. G-rove’s ^nature is on each box. 25/. j • Written for the home journal. About one year ago death’s an gel visited and summond from us ! ODe we loved devotedly, but the One that doeth all things well and | knows best had claimed her sou] | for His glorious cabinent above. She was confined to her bed about three weeks prior to ber death, but she bore all of her afflictions with the utmost modesty, await ing the final call of her Heavenly Father. Alas, the hour came on the morning of the 18th of April, 1900. Just|as the light of day was appearing from the east her soul passed from time to eternity. She was a most estimable lady in every respect, a kind friend and neighbor; a devoted wife and a loving mother. She was born in Houston coun ty, Ga., April 22nd, 1826, was a daughter of the late Daniel Mur ray, and in the twenty-first year of ber life, 1847, she was married to Mr, M. M. Thompson, with whom she lived, loved and comforted the rest of his live, when about fourteen years prior to ber he was called by his Heavenly Father. Of that union there eleven chil dren, seven of whom survive her death. All that loving hands and a skillful physician could do was extended her in her last illness, but the time had come for us to part from our loved one. If our petitions were, “Heavenly Father, let her stay,” He knew best what we needed before we asked Him, and He saw fit we hope to take her to a place He had prepared for her in bis Father’s bouse, where there are many mansions there, where no farewell tears are shed, where sickness, sorrow, pain and death never come. But where the pure and the good will be gathered to enjoy an immortial destiny for eternity. Ob? If her .dear chil dren but had her back again, would they ever speak unkind to her again? or would they be ever so disobedient as to forsake her law? God forbid. My dear readers, if yon have a mother living do all that is in your power to make her happy. Always be obedient and speek kind words of love and com fort, never do any thing that would hurt her feeling, for yon know not the value of a parent’s love till you have experienced the loss of one of them as*I have both. She has gone, we hope, to that heavenly home where we are told by the word of God that all good people that doeth His will and commands and keep His law shall be awarded with a golden crown. Never more are we to hear her speak kind words of love and com fort. But, dear children, strive to do good and obey God’s kind laws that you may meet her on the other shore. Mourn not, dear ohildren, For the one so dearly loved; Let us hope she has only gone, To a better place above. And remember, well dear children, That God always knows best, And has taken her from this perlons world To a happy home to rest. He has taken one from us Whose face,on earth we’ll see no more, But let ns only try to meet her, On the happy golden shore. A Friend, J. W P. Whose Girl Are You? Do you ever have the headache so you can’t go to the theatre with him? Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin cures headache, aod if you take it according to directions you can pre vent its return. Sold by druggists. V ' — » The war in South Africa has al ready lasted nearly as long as the Crimean war, and has cost Eng land much more money. When you are billions, use those famous little pills known as De- Witt’s Little Early Risers to cleanse the liver and bowels. They never gripe. Holtzclaw’s drugstore HOLLINSHEAD HEARINGS. BY TRIP. Since our comminflty has been supplied with a postoffice, we wish outsiders to know that we are in the procession and have shown no disposition to retire, even if the heavy rains did discourage ns somewhat. It seems that the fruit crop is safe and will make many people of Georgia as well as other states feel that it is good to be here, if they don’t know why they should say so. There was some appre hension about the time of the full moon but, as far as we can ascer tain, all has subsided and leaves a feeling of pleasant satisfaction that is very conspicious upon the part of interested parties who speak in glowing terms of the prospects. Corn and cotton seed are com ing up after a few weeks of iner tia, which at one time seemed to preclude a re-plant. 1 We have learned that there is a fishing club organized in in our section known as The Pine Island Fishing Association, the object of which is physical gain and expan sion of the cuticle of its members. A worthy mission, to be sure, and one that, no doubt, will be filled to the pleasure of its organizers and others who are allowed to participate in the revels. The property controlled and that ad jacent is reputed to yield profits equal to that of a four-horse farm when properly managed-the man agement referring to the property and not the farm-which no doubt helped to create a desire to be one of the managers. Some of our young men, of the romantic disposition called to see the ladies at a certain place on last Saturday night and happened to stay longer than their horse thought prudent, thereby having to cover the distance homeward as pedestrains, which was nobly and hastily done according to their testimony, corroborated by dust and perspiration. It no doubt was quite a khock-out to their dignity, but from their appear ance and conversation all goes well that ends well. We have recently learned of Capt. J. B. Jame’s death of Fort Valley, from paralysis, and offer condolence to his family and wish them the assurance of a meeting in the world beyond the vale where there’ll be no parting or farewell taking one of another. Mr. B. F. Murray and daughter visited Perry one day this week. Mr. Henry Harris was here one day this week looking after his farm. He was accompanied by little Henry and Rnby, who took a look at the goats and things in general. A Raging - , Roaring - Flood Washed down a telegraph line which Chas. C. Ellis, of Lisbon, la., had to repair. “Standing waist deep in icy water,” he writes, “gave me a terrible cold and cough. It grew worse daily. Finally the best doctors in Oak land, Neb., Sioux City and Oma ha said I had consumption and could not live. Then I began us ing Dr. King’s New Discovery and was wholly cured by six bottles.” Positively guaranteed for conghs, colds and all throat and lung troubles. Price 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Holtzclaw’s Drugstore. The first paper money used in this country was issued by Penn sylvania in 1728. In the early part of that year fifteen thousand pounds were issued on the credit of the colony, and a few months later thirty thousand pounds more followed. We Have Opened Again AFTER THE FIRE ■'\77"ltlh. a, Bran Z£Te‘\X7- Stools of MEN’S AND BOYS’ SUITS, HATS AND FURNISHINGS*' We will be pleased to have you call. All Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention. 414 & 416 Third St., M ACON, GA. GREATEST BARGAIN STORE. The Place Where You Can Buy Everything that You Need to Wear at Prices from 25 to 50 Per Cent Cheap er Than Others Will Sell it to You. QTlffcPC We sell more Shoes than most aDy reg ular shoe boose in Macon. Why do we do this? Simply because we SELL NONE BUT THE BEST, and guarantee every pair that leaves our house to give satisfac tory wear or refund your money. Men’s Shoes from 98c. to $5.00. Ladies’ Shoes from 65c. to $3 50. Children’s Shoes, 25c. to $1.50. Ladies’ Slippers, 25c. to $2.00’ Children’s Slippers, 35c. to $1.50. Why not give us your Shoe trade and save 25 to 50 per cent on every yair of Shoes needed in your fam ilj? In this line we ^lotning*. CA]sr D0 EXCEL aDy clothing store in Ma- ' cod. Oar Clothing is well made, it j fits, it is durable, it holds its color, aod is 25 to 50 per cent cheaper thau most clothing stores can af* ford to sell yon the same quality of goods. Mens Saits, $3.00 to $12.50 Youths Snits, $2.00 to $ 8 00 Childrens Snits, 65c. to $ 4 00 Boys Knee Pants, 15c to 85c The largest and most .complete line of Extra Pants for men in the state, 49c to $5 00 the pair. Extra Coats aod Extra Vests to fit aod please any man in Houston coanty. Dry Goods. Yes, we sell everything in the Dry Goods Line—Dress Goods, Percales, Lawns, Dimities, Calicoes, Sheetings, Shirtings, Checks, Cottonades, Tickings, Bleachings, No tions of every description, and our prices are right} this you will acknowledge after you have seen us, Straw Hats. l g 3 est line of Straw Hats to be found in Macon for Men, Boys and Chil dren—10c. to $1.00 each. If you want a Straw Hat come to us. Millinery. This is where w you save just half. We do not want regular Millinery prices. Here you can select your Hat and trimmings and have it trimmed while yon wait. This department is upstairs, and yon can be suited. Sailors 10c. to $1.00. O URS is the most complete store in Macon, and the only one where you can buy everything that you need to wear. Come and see us. Stop the Cough and Works off the Cold Laxitive Bromo-Quinine ^Tablets die p/iCBS. cure a cold in one day. No Cure No Pay. Price 25 cents. prepared to do it in a Now is the time to have your JOB WORK done* The Rome Journal io manner at reasona- mmm ■ rk ~f :fg iSSteSB