The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, January 02, 1902, Image 1

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j DEVOTED TO HOME INTERESTS;-PROGRESS AMD .CULTURE, PEKRY- HOUSTON COUNTY, GA., THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1902 CONDENSED STORIES.. j Reasons For l-ds Admiration of the | \ Redoubtable* Oewey. j Not long ago a party of Washing- _ _ l Pe°P ie to ° k A a yachting trip ^is~to~retirtT along, the coast. Among the guests j iag i3 een so devoted to his business 11 a daughter of a pxoimnent Sen- tfrat life rarely went out and boasts aAor, who during the day found her- | that he has ne'ver seen Eiffel’s tow- sell next to a piodpst, quiet looking ^ er- . Casimir laments the decadence young man, who seemed a stranger dinirfe In Paris of recent yeoi&. iTA TUACT A.T Ttlrt *trl»/snA mi v VUi * i *»m • « '** + A MASTERPIECE. Wedding- Presents, f Holiday Presents, Goods U Watches, Clocks, Jewelry in splendid variety, Spectacles, Eye- o Glasses. My line of goods is choice in style and quality, and g prices are right. !| EYES TESTED WITHOUT CHARGE. \l Repair Work to suit all customers. ® You may go farther and fare worse. Give me a Trial. bus rftbfek^g with this co^red hjsiowi will add considerable politic*!- digit tkor. Pot wining floors, hbavy caa- jpn flannel'makea a good elofefe. (h& ■a flohvenient swe and overmt tfo* edges coarsely. This is also an ex cellent plan for cleaning paint. Dusters made. pf cheesecloth with the hems run in are soft to use and wash easily. Old india or foulard silk is the best thing I have ever tried for bric-a-brac and small arti cles. All dusters'should be washed and dried after using. There is nothing gained by using a cloth filled with dust. It will not make anything clean. If brooms, both lajrge and small, are often washed and dried, then turned up on their handles, they will sweep cleaner and last longer. There should be a con venient place for keeping brooms, dust pans and cloths. It will save many steps if a set is kept on each floor.—?' DEALER, IN SPORTING GOODS Bicycles, Baseball Goods, Pishing Tackle, Guns, Pistols, etc. Halid- some Specialties, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Mechanics’ Tools. Repairing of Guns. Bicycles, Etc. 520 MULBERRY ST. - - MACON, GEORGIA “The Splendor of the Man!” Talking of jewelry, how regretta- -Mary Graham in Woman’s' Home Companion. bly fond is the Marquis of Anglesey of decking himself out in precious stones ! “The marquis likes wear ing jewelry in profusion, doesn’t he?” asked Mr. Plowden of the mar quis’’head valet. “Yes, sir,” was the reply. “And changes his’ jewels from time to time during the day ?” “Well, I—er”— “At any rate, he has-jewels for the morning and jew els for the night?” “Yes, sir.” , If Mr. Plowden had allowed the head valet to finish his answer be gun by “Well, I—er”— he would have learned that the marquis has been known to wear one set of jew els for the morning, another for the afternoon, another for the evening and another for the night; which is sad, to say the very least. The very most had better not be said.— Eree Lance. English Muffins. The regulation English muffins are made of raised dough and are baked in muffin rings and on a grid- die and are turned during the bak ing so that the muffins come out flat on both sides. Put one-third of a compressed yeast cake into one- third of a cupful of cold Water and let'it dissolve. Have one and a half cupfuls of water heated to blood heat and add to it a teaspoonful of salt and the dissolved yeast. Sift one quart of flour and gradually stir into it the yeast and water. This forms a dough that requires thor ough beating. Cover and set in a warm room for about five hours, when it will he light and spongy. Now-,shape the dough into cakes about one-third of an inch thick and put in the rings on a warm and slightly greased griddle. The heat under the griddle "must be very lit tle indeed at first, for the muffins must rise and bake slowly. Later on, as they begin to rise, pull the gridclle toward the front of the stove and cook a trifle more rapidly. Thirty-five minutes is none too long to allow for the cooking. When ready, break the muffins open, but ter them and serve.' ANT MAN Ne matter how exacting ho may bo, our new Pall Suits will come up to his expect itions. Our prices range from and we feel assured that we can save yon from $2.50 to $5.00 on your suit. Largest Prison In the World. In Prance at the new prison, which is about eight miles from Paris, the authorities show their be lief in fresh air and sunshine, and the prison is a model sanitarium. The prison is the largest in the world and takes the place of three old ones. It is built in a very sim ple style, but covers, with its floral gardens and residences of officials, more than half a square mile. There are so many as 1,824 cells; hut, as there is accommodation on the as sociation system for about 400 more prisoners, the total it will contain is considerably over 2,000. How’s This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be~cured by Hall’s Ca tarrh Cnr-. P. J, Cheney & Co, Props,, Toledo, O. We, the undevfpnpd, Imve known P. ,J. Cheney fur ihe insr. 15 years,' and believe lorn perffcilv honora ble in all br.eineSH tnoii-Aonoos and financially able to <vnry out any obligations mude by their firm: West & Truax, WholeH'ile Dni|!gists, Toledo, O. Waldixg, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’a Catarrh Cure is taken in ternal.)}-,’ acting directly upon the blood and mucouw surfaces of the system. Prict- 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimoni-' als free. , Halls Family Pills are the beat. CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES MAUON, €3 very much as a big boy would, with many an interjected “Yes, ma’am.” Miss Keene went on to tell Bar ney how he was injuring his health in keeping such late and convivial hours, 'and, although it 1 was fun for the boys, it was death to McNulty, O. T. BAILEY, Gt. P. POSTELL, the same as to the frogs in the fable. Thereupon Barney put on a bold front and with the airs of injured innocence exclaimed: “What 1 Me up late in a barroom, telling storiefe?” “Yes,” said Miss Keene. “I heard you with my own ears. Don’t I know your voice ?” “Oh, you might have heard my voice, Miss Keene; I admit that. I have a habit of talking in my sleep.” •DEALERS IN- GROCERIES, BAGGING, TIES, ETC, 458 POPLAR STREET. MACON, GEORGIA. To Preserve Cut Flowers. A bouquet sprayed with water and placed under a bell glass will last many days longer than if sim ply placed in a vase or bowl, while if a,buttonhole or a spray for the hair is required to look fresh all day or at an evening fete a dab of seal ing wax at the end of the stalks will keep the flowers fresh for many hours. Violets, primroses and many oth er simple flowers, if placed in a bed of sand and kept moist, will keep fresh, for some, weeks, while suen flowers as foxglpves, campanulas, etc., if placed in water, with the bottom leaves on the sttlks kept under water, will last thrice as long . as if the leaves were stripped off the stalks. Eerns when placed in water should Farmers’ Trade a Specialty. ' . , 1 We carry a full line of all staple articles, and we are in a position to make very close prices. Try us an i b > con vinced. Satisfaction guaranteed. Consignments of Farm Products Solicited. Unmindful of Advantages. Robert Lowe, afterward Lord Sherbrook, once saw a deaf member of parliament trying his best to catch with his ear trumpet the words of an extremely dull speech. “Just look at that foolish man,” said Lowe, “throwing away his nat ural advantages.” Thousands Sent Into Exile. Every year a large number of poor sufferers whose lungs are sore and racked with coughs are urged to go to another climate. But this is costly and not always sure. Don’t be an exile when Dr. King’s New Discovery for Con sumption will cure you at home. It’s the most infallible medicine for Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and* Lung diseases on earth. The first dose brings relief. Astound ing cures result from persistent use. Trial bottles free at Holtz- claw’s drugstore. - Price 50c and $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. For HOLIDAYS and all other days. Mail or ders promptly filled, CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. T. A. COLEMAN, ^Bookseller and Stationer, 808 Second Street, MACON, CJA am going to take Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin for my cold. It kept, us free all last winter from every kind of cold. It is a great remedy and .a perfect laxative. ’ ’ Sold by druggists. Tor Infants and Children. * Tlx Kind Yep^AlwayUB^t GIVE US J IE ML ORDER &