The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, February 06, 1902, Image 1

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.TOffitW H. HODGES, Propr. K>EMOTED TO HOME HKSTER&SfS, PROMTS AMD CULTURE, $1.50 a Year in Advance. VOL. XXXI. PERRY, HOUSTON". COUNTY, GkA., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1902. NO. (5. A MAP OF MILLIONAIRES. IS MAN “TOO LAZY?* The Mortgage on the World. The New York World Almanac for 1902 contains a . map which pretends to give the number and geographical distribution of mil lionaires in the United States; • The editor of the almanac does not guarantee that the list is ab solutely complete and accurate, but says it must be approximate ly so, as it is the result of a very careful, systematic effort. The total number of men and women who are worth $1,000,000 or more is given at 8,546, and they are distributed by states as followers: Maine, Iff; Vermont, 14; New Hampshire, 17; Massachusetts, 818; Connecticut, 72; Rhode Is land, 70; New York, 994, New Jersey, 114; Pennsylvania, 869; Delaware, 18; Maryland. 106; District of Columbia, 49 ; Ohio, 162; Indiana, 80; Michigan, 111; Ilinoiso, 275; Wisconsin, 77; Minnesota, 78; Iowa, 86; Missori, 161; Kentucky, 19; West Virginia, 17; Arkansas, 2 ; Tennessee, 19 ; North Carolina, 9; South Caroji- Ml’S. Sophia Demilth of Alton, ! Pittsburg Dispatch. 111., makes the charge against There is instruction for the man that he is altogether too lazy. 1 whole world in a little statement She holds, indeed, that his lazi- i 3§tf issued by the Treasury Bn- ness causes more destitution fflacj.! reuu of Statistics showing the to- suffering than his drink habits. jtal of the national debts of the For eighteenyears' Mrs. Demuth: world at various times for a little has been a police matron in Alton. For a nuinbsr of years she has been an officer of the humane so ciety, and for two years the pro- bation officer of the County Court! m S oul y raade a start at tho work which she lives. It will be of debt-building But the Napo- na, 5; Georgia, 5; Alabama, 5; Mississippi, 8; Florida, 7; Louisi ana, 27; .Texas, 81; Kansas 10; Nebraska, 16; South Dakota, 2; North Dakota, 1; Montana, 26; Wyoming, 2; Colorado, 57; Utah, 19; Idaho, 7; Arizona, 2 ; Nevada, 4; California, 110; Oregon, 14; Washington, 18. It will be seen that the south las very few millionaires in com parison with the.east, the middle states, the central west and Paci f ic coast. . Mbre than half of the jyhole number in the United States live in the states that border. the great lakes.' , It is somewhat surprising that Louisina is credited with having more millionaires than any other southern state this side of Texas, which has 81 against Louisiana’s 27. Georgia, South Carolina and Alabama-have 5 a piece, while Florida has 7. Comparatively few great for tunes have ydt been accumulated in the south, but the number will prabably increase rapidly in the next ten yearp. The estimated total of 8,546 millionaires in the United States is probably none too high.. There are more millionaires in this country than in all Europe and yet there were only three or four until considerably after' the first decade of the nineteenth century The world has never seen any thing like the accumulation of wealth in the United States in the last thirty yearB.—Ex. *Mr. "Wheeler Got Bid Of His Rheu matism. “During the winter of 1898 was so lame in .my joints, in fact all over my body, that I could hardly hobble around, when bought a bottle of Chamberlain’ Pain Balm. From the first ap plication I began to get well, and was cured and have worked stead ily all the year.—R. Wheeler Northwood, N. Y. For sale by all dealers in Perry, Warren & Lowe Byron. Many agriculturists in Europe have long been convinced that molasses is ap admirable food for horses and cattle, and their con viction is now stronger than ever owing to certain experiments which have been recently tried and which have proven eminently successful. more than a century back. It| shows that the national debts of the world in 1798 were $2,432,250-, 000, the” eighteenth century hav- Wedding Presents, Holiday Presents, Fancy Goods, m seen Watches, Clocks, Jewelry in splendid variety, Spectacle#, Eye- Glasses. My line of‘goods is choice in style and quality, and prices are right. ‘ » ■» therefore, that Mrs. Demuth has had opportunities for investi gation; and haying waited so long give publicity to her theory, she is certainly deserving of the credit of honest conviction. In the course of her experience, she says, she has found that not all lazy men driiik, nor are all drinking men lazy, Men who have schooled themselves in iudo- lence, she says, and who have gone to sucli a degree of laziness that they lack in a large measure the initiative for earning a stable livelihood, are.chiefly responsible for the poverty of the country, and are indirectly the cause of the large expenditures' for charities and corrections. In short, it is her belief that laziness causes more destitution than liquor. We cannot fully agree with Mrs. Demuth. We do not believe the average man is lazy. No country peopled by lazy men could possibly have made the strides that this country has made during the last hundred years. The average man. as a matter of fact, realizes the res ponsibilities that rest itpon him and is something of a hustler. At the same time we are will ing to concede that there are too many drones in the hive. Every city, town raid hamlet has its loafers^ind idlers. Buttkey|are not typical citizens. They are, how ever, capable of exerting a perni cious influence. They are pes simists usually, and as they whit 1 tie the tops of boxes they growl about the hard times, the corrup tion of politics and the general backward trend of the times. They do nothing to improve the times or the manners, but some times succeed in planting the seeds of discontent in the minds of workers with whom they come into contact. If this class of la zy idlers could be eliminated, it would be a good thing for the country. We should have busier communities, more productive farms and greater prosperity .-Ex. leonic wars tripled that total, so that in 1820 the sum was $7,299,- 750.000. The next twenty-four years was not an era of war, and the-national debt swelled but one- sixth, reaching $8,419,045,000 in 1848. By 1862 this had increased over fifty per cent to $18,882-, 75,000. The increase by 1872 was another great one, to $22-, 410,282,001), of which over oin- qiui/rter is chargeable to our Civil War. In .1882 thq total swelled to $26,249,901,000; Since then, with no large wars anywhere, an other $5,000,000,000 has been ad ded, making the present total $81.- 493.749.000. This; an amount somewhat under one-half the total wealth of tho United States, rep ose nts a mortgage on the wo/‘id from past expend mire. So far as these national doLts 'stand for works of improvement, they rep- esont additions to ■, the product ive wealth of tho world, though not always successful ones. But so far as they .stand for military expenditure, they .roy>resent either wasted energy or actual desiruc- tirpn. It "is hardly 1 necessary to go beyond the general facts of history to, know that the greater part of this vast total stands for the expenditure which is a dead loss. Senator Clark, of Montana, is said to be the richest man in the world. His Arizona mine, “The Great Verde,” is probably the greatest the world has ever seen He is reported to have alreadly re fused $500,000,000 for it and well he may, for experts estimate that there are 28,000,000 tons of ore in sight, aiid that if properly worked the mine will yield annu ally $180,000,000. “I have used Chamberlain’s Cougb Remedy for a number of years and have no hesitancy in saying that it is the best remedy for coughs, colds and croup have ever used in my family, have not words to express my con Working Overtime. Eight hour laws are ignored by those tireless, little workers-—Dr. King’s New Life Pills. Millions are always at work, night and day, curing Indigestion, Biliousness, Constipation, Sick Headache, and all stomach, Liver and Bowel troubles. Easy, pleasant, safe, ■ure. Only 25c at Holtzclair’s Drugstore/ fidence in this remedy.—Mrs. A. Moore, North Star, Mich. For sale by All dealers in Perry; War ren & Lowe, Byron. The Primitive Methodist church of the United States decided that hereafter all fairs,bazars, festivals and other money-making social diversions for raising funds for church purposes he dispensed with, and the tithing system collections prevail. EYES TESTED WITHOUT CHARGE. Repair Work to suit all customers. You may go farther and fare worse. j Give me a Trial. T T . pcti TP, .. JUnw!» JUa uU.AjN W •£»!■ Anul ITOR-T VAL JLilQY, C4A, G. H U H N, DEALER IN SPORTING GOODS.: BMycles, Baseball Goods, Fishing Tackle, Guns/Pistols, etc. Hand some Specialties, Pocket.and Table Cutlery, Mechanics’ Tools. 520 MULBERRY ST. Repairing of Guns, Bicycles, Etc. MACON, GEORGIA The break-up ol the “Solid South” Avhioh Republicans so con fidently predicted a few years ago is not materializing. Even the entering wedge has bean knocked out. In Kentucky and in Mary land, the Republicans lost a sena tor they had gained. In North Carolina tho Democrats gained a seat held by a Populist and the Republican Senator from that State will go out in March, 1908. Similarly Maryland, Kentucky and North Carolina chose Demo cratic Governors to succeed Re publicans. The break up is still so far off we need hot worry about dodging the fragments.—Ex. —*&• tt -<**•*— — Had To Conquer Or Die. THEY’LL PLEASE ANY MAN. Ne matter how exacting he may be, our new Fall Suits will come up to his expectations. Our prices range from .50 to $25.00 and we feel assured that we $2.50 to $5.00 on your suit. can save you from "crisribiNr oo. CLOTHING, HATS/SHOES. 40 TDircI Street. M.AOOJN, YOU AHE PLANNING “I was just about gone,” writes Mrs. Rosa Richardson, of Laurel Springs, N. 0., “I had Consump tion so bad that the best doctors said I could not live more than a month, but I began to use Dr, King’s New Discovery and was wholly cured by seven bottles and am now stout and well.” It’s an unrivaled life-saver in Consump tion, Pneumonia, La Grippe and Bronchitis; infallible for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hay Fever, Croup or Whooping Cough. Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial bot tles free at Holtzclaw’s Drugstore. In Rhode Island 81.2 per cent, of the population in 1900 lived m cities and towns of 8,000 inhabi tants or more, while this element also constituted 76 p er cent of the population of Massachusetts, 68.5 per cent, in New York, 61.2 per cent, in New Jersey and 53.2 in Connecticut. To Cloihes. counting get a new suit of Ot course you are how many dollars you’ll have to spend. We fully appreciate all the conditions and will meet you accordingly. Come and let us talk the matter over. We can soon settle the price question. of The New York World Almanac for 1902 gives a list of nearly four thousand Americans each .of whom is worth over $1,000,000. For Infanta and Children. The Kind Yin Have Always Bongbt Bears** Signature of Subscribe for the Home Journal BENSON & HOUSER, The CJp-to-Date Clothiers, 420 Third Stkete. MACON, <fl GIVE US A 1RIAL ORDER