The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, February 20, 1902, Image 1

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JOHN II. HODGES, Propr. DEVOTED TO HOME INTERESTS. PROCRESS AND CULTURE. #1.00 a Year la Advance. VOL. XXXI. PERRY, HOUSTON COUNTY, GA., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1902. NO. 8. insuring against smallpox. Savanuali News. The increase in the number of cases of small pox in London is ao great that the people are flocking to the insurance officos and taking out policies against the epedemic. It is said that the insurance com panies have never had such a vol ume of business as they are hav ing now. It is interesting to notice the difference in the rates between vaccinated aud unvaccinated risks. For the vaccinated risks the rate is about 65 cents per $500, and about 85 j cents per $500 for uuvaccinated risks, but the dispatches do not say whether these rates are for a month nr a year. In the crowded tenement districts, however, the rate i's a great deal higher. It is, in fact, almost prohibitory. The amount that, as a rule, is taken out is $2,- 500, though there are some who take out as much as $85,000. A curious feature of this insur ance business is that those- who take out insurance seem to be ex tremely indifferent about revac cination. Either they think that being insured there is no danger that they will contract the dis ease,or else they don’t care wheth er they catch it or not, believing that if they do there will be some compensation for their sufferings in the insurance money they will get. The small pox scare has become bo great that those having charge of the coronation ceremonies are becoming seriously alarmed. May and June are spoken of as being the months when the epidemic will likely be at its hight. Should that prove to be the case the suc cess of the coronation festivities would be endangered. A Magazine’s Immense Mail. Few persons have any idea of the enormous amount of mail re ceived during the busier seasons of the year by so large a house as The Curtis Publishing Company, of Philadelphia, which publishes The Ladies’ Home Journal and The Saturday Evening Post With this company the month of December usually brings the heaviest daily mails, and on Thursday last December all pre vious records were broken. On that day the actual number of let ters . received was 9,080, These • contained 18,177 subscriptions to the two periodicals mentioned, and $15,498.44 in express and money orders and in cash. To open, recipt for, tabulate and file these letters, and acknowledge each one separately, requires the work of a small army of young women, who, needless to say,have no time to spare. Favorite Nearly Everywhere Constipation means dullness, depression, headache, generally disordered health. De Witt’s Lit tie Early Risers stimulate the liv fir, open the bowels and relieve this condition. Safe, speedy and thorough. They never gripe. Fa vorite pills. Holtzclaw’s Drug store. A recent traveler in Central Africa gives several instances of the capacity for sleep developed by Arab servants. He mentions one of these men as being undis turbed by the discharge of fire arms within two feet of his head. Amoricana Are Too Self-Conscious, j Succeseion to The Presidency. It is peculiarly necessary that savannah News, we in America should understand It seems strange that so able a the danger of morbid self-con-■ constitutional lawyer as Senator sciousnesa, for it is one of our two Hoar should have blundered when most distinctive national vices, 1 he introduced and had passed his being equaled only; by our irrever- j bill providing for the succession enoe. It is no accident that more! to the presidency in the event of books are written about America the death of both the -president than concerning any other la*nd, j and vice president. And how such nor does it mean that we are more' a bill could have passed both the interesting (except to ourselves) j House and Senate, with their than the rest of the world. It- does scores of able lawyers, without the mean that we are so self-conscious, so over-sensitiye to praise and blame-above all. so> anxious to know what our neighbors are say ing about us—that any traveler, however inane and incapable, who spends a few weeks upon our soil, may return home and write his book about us and we buy it by the hundred thousand. We are doing great things, thanks to our opportunities and our forefathers; but how much greater might we do could we use in quiet, simple action the tune and energy we spend in pluming ourselves upon our achievements.—Edward How ard Griggs, in The Ladies’ Home Journal for February. ^When you lack rtdish your food, Oil In Lee County. Hon. Phil Cook, secretary of state and who, many years ago, lived in Americus, may develop into an oil king. Mr. Cook owns a large plantation in Lee county, perhaps a dozen miles below Americus, and indications of oil there are abundant. He has just been advised by a neighbor in Lee of the exisence of oil on his plantation.The surface of a pond, it is said, is covered over with an oily substance which burns when a match is applied to it, while the atmosphere is strongly impregnat ed with an order oleaginous. Since the discovery of indications of oil on his place Mr. Cook has had quite a number offers for his land,either to purchase it straight out, or for options upon it. So far he has rejected all offers as to both propositions, believing that he has a good thing and will hold the property, and develop it him self.—Americus Times Recorder. Hon. 0. B. Stevens, Commis sioner of Agriculture, says that up-to-date the farmers of Georgia have bought 60,000 tons of fer tilizers less than last year. This would indicate that less cotton will be planted, but more grain and stock will bo raised this year than last. At the present high prices of all kinds of supplies, the thoughtful farmer will hesitate long before, risking his all oh a cotton alone. Georgia will never prosper as she should as long as we make the West our barn and smoke house.—Americus Times Recorder, blunder being detected is still more strange. Now, it seems to be admitted, even’ by Senator Hoar, that the succession law, which caused an easier feeling throughout the country when it was enacted, is unconstitutional. The law, as is well known, provides that in the event of the death of both the president and vice president, the secretary of state shall be presi dent until a president is properly chosen, and in the event of the death of the secretary of state, the next cabinet officer iu rauk shall become president, and so on through the list of the members of the cabinet. It being admitted that this law is not warranted by the constitu tion, Senator Hoar has introduc ed a bill, containing an amend ment to the constitution, provid- that in the event of a vacancy in the presidency it shall be tempor arily filled by Congress. It is already apparent that the bill will meet with opposition, notwithstanding the fact that it has been passed by the Senate. A bill has been introduced into the House providing for a constitu tional amendment making the President pro tem of the Senate the successor to the presidency in the event of the death of bpth the President and Vice President, and providing against a vaoancy in the presidency pro tem of the Senate. Some of the objections against Senator Hoar’s new bill are pretty strong ones, so strong, in fact, that it would not be surprising if it should not meet with approval in the house. No doubt more care will be taken with legislation on this subject than was taken with the present succession law. energy, do not feel dull and stupid after eating, all you need is a dose of Chamberlain’s Stomach & Liver Tablets. They will make you feel like a new man and give you an appetite like a bear. For sale by all dealers in Perry, War ren & Lowe, Byron. All is not fair in prefer brunettes. love. Some Had To Conquer Or Die. “I was just about gone,” writes Mrs. Rosa Richardson, of Laurel Springs, N. C., “I had Consump tion so bad that the best doctors said I could not live more than a month, but I began to use Dr, King’s New Discovery and was wholly cured by seven bottles and a/m now stout and well.” It’s an unrivaled life-saver in Consump tion, pneumonia', La Grippe and Bronchitis; infallible for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hay Fever, Croup or Whooping Cough. Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial bot tles free at Holtzclaw’s Drugstore. A German newspaper asserts that negotiations are on foot for the sale of the Philippines to Germany, aud that the visit of Prince Henry to this country is in furtherance of this plan. Well, Germany is no better to be gold- bricked than we are.—Houston (Texas) Post. Mr. Wheeler Got IUdL Of His Rheu matism. . “During the .winter of 1898 I was soylame in my joints, in fact all over my body 1 -, that I could hardly hobble around, when I bought a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. From the first ap plication I began to get well, and was cured and have worked stead ily all the year.—R. Wheeler, Northwood, N. Y. For sale by all dealers in Perry, Warren & Lowe, Byron. Oranges are a most valuable fruit. Orange juice allays thirst, and with few exceptions is well borne by the weakest stomach It is also a laxative, and if taken at night or before breaksast it will be found most beneficial.—Febru ary Ladies’ Home Journal. Subscribe for the Home Journal F. C, Benson. : : : 408 3rd 8t. W. G. Middlebrooks. THE MACON SHOE CO. Wish to announce to their many friends and customers that they are through 'with the repairs on their store and are able to show The Most Complete Line of Shoes to be found anywhere. Call and in spect our stock. Make our Store Headquarters While in Town. W. F. Houser. : ; ; 408 3rd St. ' ‘ L. Pbrmbnter. YOU ARB PLANNING To get a new suit of Cloihes. Ot course you are counting how many dollars you’ll have to spend. We fully appreciate all the conditions and will meet you accordingly. Come and let us talk the matter over. We can soon settle the price question. BENSON & HOUSER, The Up-to-Date Clothiers, 420 Third Strete. MACON, For Stomaali Troubles. “I have taken a great many dif ferent medicines for constipation and stomach trouble,” says Mrs. S. Geiger, of Dunkerton, Iowa, “but never had as good reseults from any as from Chamberlain’s Stomach & Liver Tablets.” For sale by all dealers in Perry, War ren & Lowe, Byron, Ga. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Wedding Presents, Holiday Presents, Fancy Goods, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry in splendid variety, Spectacles, Eye- Glasses. Our line of goods is choice in style and quality, and prices are right. EYES TESTED WITHOUT CHARGE. Repair Work to suit all customers. b You may go farther and fare worse. Give us a Trial, m IFXtif’ClIjpiEe <2z SOIT. FOBT VALLEY, GA, C. HU N, DEALER IN SPORTING: GOODS.: Bicycles, Baseball Goods, Fishing Tackle, Guns, lhstols, ere. Hand some Specialties, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Mechanics’ Tools. Repairing of Guns. Bicycles, Etc. 520 MULBERRY ST. - - MACON, GEORGIA