The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, February 27, 1902, Image 1

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joiSK H. HODGES, 3Pro3>r. _ DEVOTED TO MOBflE INTERESTS,. PROGRESS' AMD «4e.. ’ lift a Year in Advance. yOL XXXI. PERKY, HOUSTON COUNTY, GA., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1902. NO. 9, •‘THE'AIM OF LIP'S.” v composition toy Marie Frances Jones, V nipS of the Henderson School. Life is a limited space of time. It must be short even with the ! longest, and because it is short it behooves every person to live his best. He who lives best, must live to accomplish some aim. The consideration leads me to write on the above named subject, “The Aim of Life.” The definite ar ticle is prefixed to the subject af ter deliberate thought. The aim of life, not simply an aim. The aim implies that no person must, have a large number of aims be fore him, but that he must have one and only one aim before him. More than one aim would neces sarily divide liia ‘thoughts, his en ergies and his efforts. Let these be divided and results would be diminished, and that person would not live his best. The aim of life futher implies that the aim must be for the whole of life. It. would not be well to aim at one thing while young aud <ij something else in old age. The aim selected must be oue suited to all periods of life, and to all possible conditions and spheres of life, If these things be admitted, it is easy to see that the aim of life should be the aim that is in keeping with the great est dignity of man. Nothing mean, nothing low, nothing com mon-place. It must be in keep ing with the ideal man. Man,the crowning act of God’s creation, could not in gratitude to his Crea tor select an aim beneath the dig nity his Creator has given him. What should be that aim? Surely many a person has ..made the mistake of life just at this point. That is in choosing bis aim. It clear to my mind that no aim is so great, no aim so high as the aim of usefulness in its highest and best sense. This will suit all conditions and. spheres of the whole life. With this aim before us, we shall never have cause for shame, or reason for changeing the aim. Now, as to how we may attain un to this great usefulness, I must leave for wiser minds than mine. But I think I have • heard the preacher proclaim from the sacred desk that no one can reach use- fulnees in its highest degree with out being in harmony, with his Creator. And we as pupils should ever let this be our motto through life; “Do all the good you can, to all the people you can, in all the ways you can.” We should study well our aim and motive of life, so that on en tering into a profession we could meet our responsibility so as to secure the approval of our own conscience and our God. Laborers In Louisiana And Texas. Negro Population In Amerian Cities, ^ SHH Orleans Picayune *e-I NewOriamslica^ne.' Wt . t ^? e Twesion of farm In matters concerning the ne- vorv 19 b . ecom | m S a gro population, the Mobile Regis- Sifl fi Si the : m is generally well informed, but +h } ‘L°i ue | 1 J e3 to lea vo tbejfollowing paragraph,which ap- n fi0 . ck +i t0 t ie pears in its issue of the 6th inst., v s and cities, where^they can ; i s B0 manifestly in error that the gt occasional jobs and hnd other ,pi ca y une ventures a correction, means of living without having to The paragraph m question F. C. Benson. : : : 408 3rd St. W. G. Middlebrooks. ii Mr. Wheeler Got Rid Of HisS Rheu mat-ism. “During the winter of 1898 was so lame in my joints, in fact all over my body, that I could hardly hobble around, when _ bought a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. From the first ap plication I began to get well, and was cured and have worked stead % all the year.—R. Wheeler, Northwood, N. Y. For sale by all dealers in Perry, Warren & Lowe, Byron. The increase in assessed valua- inf New York city is $80,000- yCO, which will give . the city an increased borroing margin of $~ w0,000 on July 1st next. The increrae js normal. It is caused W enlarged building operations. perform regular work” and where the earnings of the negro women in domestic service largely go to support the idle men.” The Louisiana country papers are therefore complaining of the great lack of laborers, and the Abbeville Meridionul is quoted as saying in a recent issue: “Cotton, lots of it, is standing to-day in the fields of the Vermil lion unpicked, for want of labor at a figure short of confiscation, “The demagogues and politi cians will keep out the Chinaman, and we have but two other sour ces which promise relief. The Italian and the Mexican. In the sugar district on the river and Bayou Lafourche the. Dago has given satisfaction and is regarded as a faithful laborer, though phy sically inferior in strength to the negro. “In the Red river section the Mexican has been tried and found acceptable as cotton pickers.” With cotton still in the fields in the month of February for want of pickers at living rates, no wonder there is a demand for imported Chinese workmen or la bor of any kind obtainable. The quotations from the Louisiana country papers are chiefly inter esting for the comparisons made between negro labor and that of the Italians aud Mexicans. Of Mexican labor in particular, the Bienville Argus says: “In the scale of intelligence the Mexican is in advanoe of the ne gro labor. The Mexican gets in more time picking cotton. He picks cotton more free of trash. The expense account of feeding a Mexican is less that that of a lie gro. The Mexican is largely t vegetarian. He eats onions, gar lic, red peper, cowpeas, rice, corn meal, lard,coffee and a little fresh beef onco a week. O11 the same plantation the Mexican will make money when the negro comes out in debt. Cotton -production in Southern Texas is largely the re sult of Mexican labor. In hand ling Mexican labor on cotton plrntations, and in log camps in Texas, all promises made them must be complied with. The swearing vocabulary of the white man accustomed to handling ne groes must be laid aside. Then the Mexican is a reliable laborer.” The last two paragraphs of the above show that the -Mexican la borer is faithful and that he re quires faithfulness In return as well as respect and consideration. This ^suggests the thought _ that better results might follow in the case of other forms of labor also, should the “swearing vocabulary of the white man” be laid aside favor of more considerate ran:j “Chicago has the largest negro population of any city in the United States. New Orleans for years had the largest negro popu lation of any city, holding the record until 1890, when displaced by Washington. Now Washing ton has been displaced by Ohica- go.” The negro,population of Chica go in 1900, as given in the census reports, was only 80,150, These figures place the Windy City but twelfth on the list, no less than eleven cities having a greater number of negroes, to-wit: Wash ington, D. C.,''86,792; Baltimore, 79,258; New Orleans, 77,714; Philadelphia, 62,618; New York, 60,666; Memphis, 49,910; Louis ville, 89,189; Atlanta, 85,727, St. Louis, 85,516; Richmond, 82,280; and Charleston, 81,52’2. Hellen Keller’s Own Story Of Own Life. Her Helen Keller, the remarkable deaf, dumb and blind girl, who has hod only learned to talk, but enjoys every privilege of those who hear and see,has just finished writing with her own hands the story of her remarkable life for The Ladies’ Home Journal. In this she describes hey first awak ening to the realization of life and the world, and all that bodi con tain; her first impressions and feelings and emotions, and the first rays of understanding that came to her. From that point she tells of the unfolding of her mental and physical powers, how she learned to think and act, how she received instruction, and fi nally became capable of acquiring and education which places her among the best educated women of her agein the world to-day.It is a wonderful story, wonderfully told. It will begin iu the April nutuber of the Jour nal. The great beauty about Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is in its certainty to cure Constipation, indigestion, Sick Headache and stomach Trobles. Sold by 7 drug gists. J 6 in methods'.—Macon Telegraph. During the past year 28.862 magazines, illustrated papers, picture cards, etc., which could not be restored to owners, were distributed among the inmates of the various, hospitals, asylums and other charitable institutions of the District of Columbia, by the order of the postmaster gen eral. .0 c-®— Working Overtime. Eight hour laws are ignored by those tireless, little workers—Dr. King’s New. Life Pills. Millions are always at work,night and day, curing Indigestion, Billiousness, Constipation, Sick Headache, aud all Stomach, Liver and Bowel troubles. Easy, pleasant, safe, sure. Only 25c at IToltzclaw’s Drugstore. Had To Conquer Or Die. “I was just about gone,” writes Mrs. Rosa Richardson, of Laurel Springs, N. C., “I had Consump tion so bad that the best doctors said I could not live more than a month, but I began to use Dr, King’s New Discovery and was wholly cured by! seven bottles and am now stout and well.” It’s an unrivaled life-saver in Consump tioii, Pneumonia, La Grippe and Bronchitis; infallible for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hay Fever, Croup or Whooping Cough. Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial hot ties free at Holtzclaw’s Drugstore. Mendelssoh n’s “Wedding March” is said to have been play ed for the first time at a public ceremony on the occasion of the marriage of the Princess Royal to Frederick Williom, Crown Prince of Germany, in 1858.—March La dies’ Home Journal. When you lack energy, do not relish your food, feel dull and stupid after eating, all you need is a dose of Chamberlain’s Stomach & Liver Tablets. They will make you feel like a new biahi and give you an appetite like a bear. For sale by all dealers in Perry, War ren & Lowe, Byron. For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of "Wish to announce to their many friends and customers that they are through with the repairs on their store and are able to show The Most Complete Line of Shoes to be found anywhere. Call and in spect our stock. 1 Make our Store Headquarters While in Town. V j . • < ‘ ' . / ' • . v v W. F. Houser. : : 408 3tCl St* : :,R 1( L. Phrmenteb. g^varomui—unuoniniMwirK'riMewin YOU AMR PLAWMJTO To get a new,suit of Clothes. Ot course you are counting how many dollars you’ll have to spend; We fully appreciate all the conditions and will meet you accordingly. Come and let us talk the matter over. We can soon settle the price question. BENSON & HOUSER, ■ ' ' ’ '• ‘ ' '. j ' The Up-to-.Date Clothiers,. 420 Third Strete. M ACON, GA Wedding Presents, Holiday Presents, . Fancy Goods, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry in splendid variety, Spectacles, Eye- Glasses. Our line of goods is choice in style and quality, and prices are right. EYES TESTED WITHOUT CHARGE. Repair Work to suit all customers. You may go farther and fare worse. Give us a Trial. T- SOIfcT, 3FOI1T VALLEY, GA, C. HUHN, DEALER IN =SBORTTNG GOODS.= Bicycles, Baseball Goods, Fishing Tackle, Guns, Pistols, ere. Hand some Specialties, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Mechanics’ Tools. Repairing of Guns, Bicycles, Etc. - 520 MULBERRY ST. •* - MACON, GEORGIA