The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, March 06, 1902, Image 1

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J'i ' I®® ISP ~~ m v 111*1111 J-Otliv EE. I-503>GJ-E3@, r»x*op,r. DE VOTED' TO ^CMSE INTERESTS, PROGRESS AND CULTURE. $l.<SO a Year in Advanee, yOL XXXT. PERRY, HOUSTON" COUNTY, GA, THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1902. NO/3L A Worthy Official. THE FIRST LADY OF CUBA. Sparta Ishmaeltte. The Ishmaelite is gratified A writer in the March Woman’s Ishmaelite is gratmea at Home Companion gives'the foil being able to reproduce from the, lowing interesting facts about the Jackson Hera>d_the following edi-, wi£e and „ h ildren of General Pal ma, the first President of Cuba: ' The family of General Palma is an interesting one rT 1 * Flowers North and South. torial endorsement of its old I friend, State Treasurer Robert E. Park: “Some efforts have been ma^e to get out a candidate against tha present treasurer, Hon. R. m Park. For a while it was thought ex Treasurer W. J. Speer would be a candidate, and, in fact,* Mr. Speer spoke to several gentlemen asking their opinion about his en tering the 1 race. We do not know whether he is still contemplating making the race for treasurer or not, but our advice to him is $$> stay out. He cannot defeat the present incumbent, and we do not believe a man can be found in the State who can do so. “Mr. Park has held the office on ly one term, and has made a splendid officer. It is true he was criticised by many because he re fused to pay out the public prop erty fund last year, but the su preme court sustained Mr. Park, showing that he Avas right in re fusing to to pay out this fund. With that exception no man lias found fault with him. He is thoroughly competent, but in ad dition to this he is akind, courte ous and affable gentleman. * If he ever meets a man once he will never forget him, but ever after when he sees the gentleman will shake hands with him and call him by name. “Treasurer Park is all right and there is no excuse for opposition to him, and he will do any man who undertakes the job of knock ing him out of the treasurer’s of fice this time.” That is sensible and to the point. There are of : course m th’e State numbers of men who would like to be State Treasurer ; but there isn’t one of them that could give a better reason than that for opposition to the re-election of Bob Park. The people are con cerned only in having the office honestly and ably filled; and in asmuch as all the conditions of honesty and ability have been met by the present incumbent, it would be foolish to suppose that the people would think of displac ing him. Bob Park is no stran ger to the editor of the Ishmaelite. —Acquaintance with him anted ates the glorious war for South ern independence, and enables the Ishmaelite to affirm that a truer, nobler,more honorable man never has held office in this or any oth er State, Editor Holder is right. The people put Bob Park where he is, and they are glad of it He has six children—four boys and two girls. Senora Estrada has born up re markably under the strains that the wife of a fighting patriot is always under. She has no fads or fancies. Her world is the tour story fmme house in Central Val ley that has so well sheltered the family for eighteen years and seed the birth of five of her chil dren. Whether or not there is some, sentimentality attached to this Bitter fact, the truth is that Senork Estrada would rather re main in this, unpretentious home than occupy the palatial palace iu Havan^ and shine as the ijfirst la dy Cuba*.' She possesses to a great degree those Latin-race character istics—devotion bo husband and love of offspring. The great so cial responsibilities that- will de volve Upon her in the position she is to occupy after May 1st’ she fears may interfere with her share of bringing up her children as good men and women. The lat ter are good-looking and sturdy children. Jose, the oldesjj, is nine teen years old. He was ' born in Honduras, aud came here when a year old. He is a law student at Columbia University. When at home Jose acts as secretary for his father. Tomas, Jr., is seven teen, aud attends school at New- burg. as does his sister, Candelar ia, who is fourteen. The three youngest are Carlos and Luz - twins of seven years—and Rafael, six, who the father refers to as his baby. ' \ General Palma became acquint- with Senorita Guardiola, whose father had been President of the Republic of Honduras twenty years ago. She Was his prettiest daughter, courted and \feted and with the proverbial thousand suit ors at her feet. Seuorita Guaridi- ola was a sympathetic listener to the tales of hardship under the Spanish rule, which the brave General narrated. Even to-day, in talking of these tranquil* days of his wooing following the years of conflict, he quotes, “She loved me for the dangers 1 had past,and loved her that she did pity them.” Working 24 Hours A Day. There is no rest for those tire less little workers—Kr. King’s New Life Pills . Millions are al ways busy, curing Torpid Liver, Jaundice, Biliousness, Fever a^d Ague. They banish Sick Head 1 ache, drive out Malaria. Never gripe or weaken. Small, taste nice, work wonders. Try them 25c at Holtclaw’s Drugstore. are are The silver coins of Hawaii being retired as fast as they received by the Federal and Terri torial officials in the course of their public business. These coins were all minted in 1883. They amounted te $1,000,000, of which sum about $900,000 is still in cir culatiou. Surgeon’s Knife Not Needed Surgery is no longer necessary to cure piles. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve cures such cases at once, removing the necessity for dangerous, painful and expensive operations. For scalds, cuts, burns, wounds, bruises, sores and skin disrases it is unequalled. Be ware of counterfeits. Holtzclaw’ Drugstore. Savannah Nows. The Philadelphia Times the other day printed a page illustra ted article on “Winter Luxuries that Cost Small Fortunes.” Two of the pictures should be of espe cial interest to persons in this section of the country. One pic ture shows a Philadelphia florist packing blooms "for the South;” the other one shows the florist ar ranging whitejlilacs “to be ship ped to Florida.” The idea of send ing flowers to Florida seems quite as paradoxical as sending coals to Newcastle, yet the Times says the florists of Philadelphia do a flour ishing business with the South and especially with Florida. Vi olets are in great demand, it is said, and sell in Florida at prices ranging from $2 to $10 per bunch, according to the variety. Lilies of the valley are said to be “very popular with the belles of Flori da,” and are grown in Philadel phia and shipped South. A bunch of them “about the correct size for milady to carry to the ball” costs about $25. The demand for Northern hot-house ^oses i3 very large, aud good blooms readily fetch as much as $5 each. Prac tically throughout the winter Philadelphia sends weekly and often daily shipments of flowers to the Florida winter resorts. The* sum of money that changes hands during the run of a season, for flowers at fancy prices, must be very considerable. Why doesn’t Florida raise her own flowers? It certainly isn’t because she cannot do it. She ought to beat Philadelphia, or any other Northern city, in the business, and at a lower post. In the North hothouses must be kept heated during the long cold months. In Florida there would be comparatively few days when artificial heat Would be required. If, with heavy coal bills the Phil adelphia florists find profit in raising flowers for shipment to Florida, florists in Florida ought to find a 'great deal mor'o profit in raising flowers not only for homo consumption bub for shipment North. Evidently Floridians are not utilizing to the fullest extent their opportunit} 7, for making money out of their Northern vis itors. F. C. Benson. 408 3rd St. w. g. Middlbbbookb. £t§i Wish to announce to their many friends and customers that they are through with the repairs on their store and are able to show. The Most Complete Line of Shoes to be found anywhere, our stock. Call and in spect Make our Store While in Headquarters Town. W. F. Houser. 408 3rd St. R, L. Pbbmentbb. YOU ARE PLANNING Night Was Her Terror. “I would cough nearly all nigh;; long,” writes Mrs. Chas. Apple- gate, of Alexandre, Ind., “and coulcl hardly get any sleep. I had consumption so bad that if I walked a block I would cough frightfully and spit blood', but, when all other medicines failed, three $1.00 bottles of Dr. King’s New Discovery wholly cured me and I gained 58 pounds.” It’s absolutely guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds, LaGrippe, Bron chitis and all Throat and Lung Troubles. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Holtzclaw’s Drugstore. A Printer Greatly Surprised. “I never was so much surprised in my life as I was with the re It is announced that a big boi ler works is to be removed from Chicago to Beaumont, Tex. It will use crude oil as fuel, and hopes to decrease the cost of pro duction considerably. No doubt there will be a steady growth of manufacturing interests in the neighborhood of the oil wells, since cheap fuel is a great attrac tion. You will never wish to take an other dose of pills if you onde try Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easier to take and more pleasant in effect. They cleanse the stomach and regulate the bowels. For sale by all deal ers in Perry, Warren & Lowe, By ron. suits of using Chamberlain’s Pain Balm,” says Henry T. Crook, pressman of ^he Ashville (N. C.) Gazette “I contracted a severe case of rheumatism early last win ter by getting my feet wet. I tri ed several things' for it without benefit. One day while looking over the Gazette, I noticed that Pain Balm was positively guaran teed to cure rheumatism, so bought a bottle of it and before using two thirds of it my rheuma tism had taken its flight, and T have not had a rheumatic pain since.” Sold by alD dealers in Perry, Warren & Lowe, Byron Ga The president, through the post master general, has struck a severe* blow at partisan politics by a deter mination to resist the removal of fourth-class postmasters except for cause. If the president persists in his present intention there will be an insurrection in congress of im mense proportions, as these appoint ments now form the chief perqui sites with which politicians pay po litical debts. For Infants and Children, The Kind Yea Have Bears the Signature of To Clothes. counting get a new suit of Of course you are how many dollars you’ll have to spend. We fully appreciate all the conditions and will meet you accordingly. Come and let us talk the matter over. We can soon settle the price question. BENSON & HOUSER, The Up-to-Date Clothiers, 420 Third Strete. Bacon,- gJ Wedding Presents, Holiday Presents, Fancy Goods, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry in splendid variety, Spectacles, Eye- i y Glasses. Our line of goods is choice in style and quality, and prices are right. EYES TESTED WITHOUT CHARGE Repair Work to suit all customers. You may go farther and fare worse. or. m, sootr, Give us a Tbial. FORT VALLEY, GA, c. HUH DEALEB IN SPORTING GOODS.: te. Hand- Bicycles, Baseball Goods-, Fishing Tackle, Guns, Pistols, etc some Specialties, Pocket and'Table Cutlery, Mechanics’ Tools. Repairing of Guns, Bicycles, Etc, 520 MULBERRY ST. - - MACON, GEORGIA II®:: - ■ : • ■■ -: - • V ' ■