The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, July 03, 1902, Image 1

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I • A ■’" I im§ m i . .. JOHN H. HODGES, I?r„p r . DEVOTED TO HOME INTERESTS. PROCRESS AND CULTURE. »l.CO a Yea, i„ Advaie.. - • * v ... . V' 1 '-:-r , . * ' ' VOL, XXXT. PERRY, HOUSTON COUNTY, G-A., THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1902. NO. 27. Am I Remembered? Written for the Home Journal. And am I then remembered still Remembered too by thee, Or, am I quite forgot by one, Whom I no more may see? Oh! say not so, for this would add Fresh anguish to my .lojb, ■ I dare not hope to be recalled Yet would not be forgot. A Story of Progress. Had they who parted us beat known What hearts like ours could feel, They would have us both a page Beyond their power to heal. I know not if thy heart, retains Its wanted warmth or not, Though I’m forbid to think of thee I would not be forgot. And should we meet in after years Thou’lt find that I am changed, My eyes grow dim, my cheeks grow pale But not my love estranged. From memory’s page the hand of death, Alone thy name can blot. Forget, forsake me, if thou wilt, Thou’lt never be forgot. —Dew Drop. The Work of the Plodders. To the College Graduate. ! “Success." If we were to examine a list of the men who huve left their mark on the world, we should find that, as a rule, it is not composed of those who were brilliant in youth, or who gave great promise at the outset of their careers, but rather of the plodding young men who, if they have not dazzled by their brilliancy, have had the power of a day’s work in them, who could stay by a task, until it was done; and well done'; who have hfid grit, persistence, common sense and honesty. It is the steady exercise of these ordinary, homely virtues, united with average ability, rath er than -a deceptive display of more fflpwy qualities in youth, that enabled a man to achieve greatly and honorably. So, if we were to attempt to make a fore cast of the successful men of the future, we should not look for them among the ranks of the “smart” boys, those who think they “knpw it all” and . are anx ious to win by a short route. An insurance agency in New Or leans is being sued by a fire insur ance company to recover the amount of a policy paid beqause of the burning of a gin house be longing to a negro. The company alleges -that it instructed .the agents not to write insurance for negroes, and did not know the in surance was on a negro’s ginhouse until after the payment had been made. The insurance company is a Northern concern. Are our Northern insurance friends boy cotting the negro on account of his race and color? If A Man Lie To You. t wh X d And say some other salve, oint ment, lotion, oil or alleged heal er is as good .as Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, tell him thirty years of marvelous cures of Piles, Burns, Boils, Corns, FelonS, Ulcers, Cuts, Scalds, Bruises and Skin Erup tions prove it’s the best and cheapest. 25c at \ Holtzclaw’s drugstore. Savannah News. In the course of an address be fore the Georgia School of Tech nology, Mr. R. H. Edmunds of Baltimore recounted a story of the progress of the South that must have filled his hearers with pride, and which should have the effect of spurring then on to greater ef forts. How many persons know that the South is wealthier to day than the whole country was in 1860? Yet that is what Mr. Edmunds asserted, and quoted statistics to prbve. And this has been accomplished in. the course of a little more than forty years, during which period the section was devasted by the greatest of modern wars. Deducting the war and reconstuctiqn periods, it may be ,said that the*' South’s present development has been brought about in but little if any more than twenty-five years. What does that development amount to? In I860 the total wealth of the whole country was $16,100,000,000. Mr. Edmunds says the census will show that the South’s wealth in 1900 was fully as much. In 1860 the entire coun try made less than 1,000,000 tons of pig iron; to-day the South is making nearly 8,000,000 tons per year. Last year Alabama alone produced twice as. much coal as the whole country produped forty years agcK The value of * lumber produced in 1860 was $96,000,000; the South is now marketing over $200,0000,000 -of. lumber a year. Forty years ago the country had a little more than 80,000 miles of railroad ; "the South has now over 55,000 miles of railroad and ex tensions are being consfea'ntly made. And so the figures go alj along the line. Even in banking capital we have nearly one-half as much as the United States had in 1860. While this great advance has been made, the material resources of the South have hardly been more than touched upon. One half of the standing timber of the country is in the. South; the Southern hills are filled with valu able ores and other minerals, and the valleys and lowlands are adapted to the growing of about every product of tile temperate zone. The progress of tlie next forty years will be more Wonder ful than that of the past, forty. The South’s most valuable re sources, however, are, as Mr. Ed munds says, her boys and girls. They must be educated in such manner as to fit them for the re sponsibilities that will devolve upon then as the coming devolop- ers of the section’s richness. The Technological School is doing i great work in that direction. Oth er schools that will afford techni cal training are needed. The present era is one of industrialism and it has a long time yet to run. AugUBtaHerald. For the past few weeks th^ col lege graduate has been giving us endless advice as to how we should conduct our own affairs and those of < the nation, and so it 1 is only fair that he Id his turn should be the ; recipient of advioe which is of value or not according to whether or not he will accept it and according to the person from whom ifc emenates. There is possibly no man in the union more thoroughly compe tent to offer suggestions along the line of business success for the college graduate than Charles M. Schwab, president of the Uni ted States Steel Corporation, and a few paragraphs, direct, practi cal, terse and expressive, from his recent address to the gradua ting class of the State College at Belleponte, Pa., are worth read ing and heeding, for they come with all the force of the unques tionable results of personal expe rience. He said: 1 The college man must start at the bottom. One reason why practical men are at the head of organizations is because the col lege man depends too much on his diploma. The college man who wiil not start at the bottom will be outstripped by those he finds fault with. The worst thing you can do is to start in life with influence. Nothing will do you so much in jury. Never ask your friends to help you. Get a position yourself, for if you accomplish Anything they will receive all the credit. , Be energetic. Make' mistakes if you must, but keep working. People will respect you for it. Act, and act first. Be interested in your work. Be assured that success is not won by chance. Be original ; do not follow the beaten path. You will thereby attract attention and win promo tion. 1 Ability is now sought every where. Capitalists ..bemoan the lack of it. Do not bekliscouraged, but stick to your work, Be honest. Don’t find fault. Work where you' are placed. Be thorough'; be original. .V. Quitman is' now the Georgia ’town for which sympathy of the . ...general public is now in order. The Weekly Press Association will swoop down on her July 15 and , 16.; But these 'South Georgia towns are getting to where they can stand almost anything,’ and jt Quitman may come through this - ordeal * unphased.—Oglethorpe Echo, . ■ SMITH’S NERVE RESTORER. ‘ This medicine is guaranteed to cure all cases of Nervous Prostration caused by overwork. It is a true Nerve Tonic and restores Nervous Vitality or Loss of Manhood. It will not only relieve these / nervous troubles and weaknesses, but will restore them to fnil vigor and man hood. Guaranteed. Sold by Dr. R. L, Cater. . Subscribe for the Home Journal The Best Liniment For Strains, Mr. F. H. Wells, the merchant at Deer Park, Long Island, N. Y., says: “I always recommend Chamberlain’s Pain Balm as. the best liniment for strains. I used it last winter for severe lameness the side, resulting from in strain, and greatly pleased with the quick relief and cure it effect ed.” For sale by all dealers in Perry, Warren & Lowe, Byron. Of 8890 convicts in the Texas penitentiary, there is not a print er or newspaper man, Some per haps ought to* be there, but are not all the same. While there are ministers, lawyers, music teachers, doctors, bankers', cooks barkeepers,, barbers and members of other professions and callings Stops tlie Cough and Works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cures a cold in one day. No cure No pay Price, 25 cents Summer complaint is unusually prevalent among children this season. A well developed case in the writer’s family was cured last week by the -timely use of Cham berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Dial’ rhoea Remedy—one of the best patent medicines manufactured and which is always kept on hand at the home of ye scribe. This is not intended as a free puff for the company, who do upt advertise with us, but to benefit little suf ferers who may not be within easy access of a physician. No family should be without a bottle of this medicine in the house, .especially in summer-time.—Lansing, Iowa, Journal. For sale by all dealers in Perry, Warren & Lowe, Byron. —i A large percentage of the edit ors running for the Legislature were defeated in the primary yet there will be more of them in the next General Assembly than ever before. Editors being financiers without finances, we shall look to them to pull the commonwealth out of its present financial embar rassment. They have all been busily telling how it can be done. —Oglethorpe Echo. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Bears the Signature of Subscribe for the Home Journal m HO *YS and all other ders promptly filled. or- CORRESjpONDENOE SOLICITED T. A. COLEMAN, Bookseller and Stationer. 808 Second Street, MACON, OA Men’s Oxfords, Ladies'’ Oxfords, Boys’ Oxfords, Misses Sandals, Child’s Sandals, Infants’ Sandals, $2.00 to $5.50 1.00 “ 3.50 1.25 “ 2.00 1.00 “ 2.00 80c; “ 1.25 50c. “ 1.00 We haye these Oxfords in all leathers and we can please you< MACON SHOE OO. V' ' ■; .. ■ ' ;■ 408 3rd Street. Men’s Spring and 1 Our Suits are garments of surpassing excellence, well worthy of a place in any man’s wardrobe. Tliey are made of the most fashionable fabrics by skilled tailors, producing stylish suits which fit ' and look welL at prices from. $7.50 to $20,00. R. L. THE: M0NEY-SA¥1M ST0RE, 410 Third Street. MACON, GEORGIA Weber, Brown, Russell and Thornhill Wagons cheaper than you ever bought them before, to make room and duce storage and insurance. re- MACON, GA. J. W. SHINHOLSER, MACON, GA