The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, July 10, 1902, Image 1

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JOHN H. HOUGHS, J?ropr. DEVOTED TO HOME INTERESTS. PROGRESS AND CULTURE. «l.SO a Tcaf in Advonoe. VOL. XXXI. PERKY, HOUSTON COUNTY, G-A., THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1902. NO. 28'. MEETING AN ANACONDA. Experience of a New York iSaw/or.l* the Amazon Valley. A New York lawyer, lias traveled a great deal, bad an en counter with an anaconda, which he describes as follows: “I was riding ahead of my party along a narrow road in the Amazon valley. My mount was a large white mule, whose only ambition in life seemed to be to bite and' lrilt every one he encountered. I do Jtjot kno'w but what lie was a more dangerous quadruped than any of the wild-an imals in the Matteo grossa On either side of the road rose the for est. The branches of the trees met here and there overhead, so that the thoroughfare looked more like a verdant tunnel than a country road. Suddenly my mule,stopped, dropped his ears and turned liis head about. Thinking that this was evidence of a desire on his part to bite my leg, I was about to whip him when I noticed that he was shivering all over in an ague. “I looked up and down the road, and then I shivered. Not more than sixty feet away a huge snake, half ceiled abound a bough which pro jected over the road, lay swinging and looking at me with a glare that was not at all assuring. I had left my rifle behind on a baggage mule and had nothing with which to fight save a hunting knife. I drew this promptly from the scabbard and with the courage worthy of a better cause used it as a spur upon my luckless steed, which turned and galloped for dear life in the opposite direction. “I reached my party, got the rifle and with my men galloped back to secure the constrictor. The reptile and I must have had the same brand of bravery. , He had dropped from the bough and vanished in the recesses of the jungle.”—New York Post. Colors Produced In Iron. Investigation as to the clause of the production of colors in temper ing iron satisfactorily shows it to he due to the formation of thin films of oxide on the surface of the metal when it is heated in the pres ence of air. It also appears that the oxide so produced is practically transparent, first because the se quence of colors is what would be expected iu films of a transparent substance when the thickness of the films gradually increases—also be cause of observation on the reflected light, the color of which varies somewhat at different angles—but chiefly because it is found that on increasing the temperature a little above the point necessary to produce dark blue the color gradually dis appears and the surface, though covered with more oxide, becomes almost colorless again. The colors being the result of oxidation, it is probable that, the nature of the sur face to be heated, its freedom from any soiling and the length of time during which it is heated must exert a considerable influence on the shade produced. Tlie Best Liniment For Strains, Mr. F. H. Wells, the merchant at Deer Park, Long Island, N. Y., says: “I always recommend Chamberlain’s Pain Balm as the best liniment for strains. I used it last winter for severe lameness 111 the side,, resulting from a strain, and greatly pleased with the quick relief aud cure it effect ed.” For sale by all dealers in Perry, Warren & Lowe, Byron. In the tests of guns on the ships of the North Atlantic Squadron recently the man behind the gun bit the target seven times out of iSleveu. Only the Truth. In a town of D., whenever a lec turer can be induced to visit that out of the way place, the audience is, as a rule, kindly disposed. It is said that a chairman, after a de pressing address in the local “insti tute,” assured the speaker that his discourse was “moving, soothing and satisfying.” • When reproved next morning as having commended a dismal fail ure he denied the charge and main tained that he had uttered no appro bation, but only simple facts— namely, that the lecture was “mov ing,” because a large proportion of the audience fidgeted in their seats and several left the room; it was “soothing” because many fell asleep, and it was “satisfying” because there was not a single person who had not had enough.—London Chronicle. ' Patience Among the East Indians. Every one knows how the Indian can endure and wait. “Why' are there so many people at this “rail way station ?” “They are waiting,” the official answers, “for tomorrow’s train.” His patience indeed goes to make that dignity which justi fies the saying, “There is no vul garity in India.” He does not strive nor cry, he does not assert himself by speech or dress. He is not anx ious to seem other than he is. Quiet and dignified, although he is as one that serveth, he is in some respects greater than many he serves.— .Pearson’s. An Opportunity. “And how is the poor lady on your first floor ?” asked a fine' dame who was district visiting. “Very sadly, ma’am,” replied the lodging house keeper. “She’ll hard ly last over the night.” “Dear, dear!” rejoined the sym pathetic inquirer. “Is she con scious ?” “Only at times, ma’am; just be tween the fits, you know.” “Ah, y,es, very sad; very sad in deed! Next time she comes to I wish you’d ask her the address of her laundress. She was a very good one, I recollect, and worked cheap.” —London Tit-Bits. Nothing Easier. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey, a young couple recently married, .were begin ning their housekeeping and were doing the work of putting the rooms in’order themselves. Mr. Bailey was having some trou ble in hanging one of the presents, a fine clock, upon the wall of the dining room. “Why is it taking you so long, dear,’/ asked the young wife, “to put up that clock ?” “I can’t get it plumb,” he replied. “Then why don’t you send for the plumber ?” she asked in perfect sincerity. | Ready To Yield. “I used DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve for piles aud found it a cer tain cure,” says S. R. Meredith, Willow Grove, Del. Operations unnecessary to cure piles. They always yield to DeWitt’s Witch- Hazel Salve. Cures skin diseases, all kinds of wounds. Accept no counterfeits. Iioltzclaw’s drug store. Sound Kidneys—Perfect Health. The use of Smith’s Sure Kidney Coxa ^fll produce both. Try a bottle aup .be convinced. 50 cents at Oater’s Mhugstore. There is a larger proportion of foreign residents in Fall River than in any other, city in the country, 48 per cent, of the popu lation being of alien birth. Montgomeiy, Ala., with 98 per cent, of her population native born, comes nearest to being an all American city. >■ # «- ■ Out this out and take it to your drugstore and get a box of Cham berlain’s stomach & Liver Tab lets. The best physic. They also correct disorders of the stomach. Price 25 cents. For sale by all dealers iu Perry, Warren & Lowe, Byron. FOR THE LITTLE ONES. •— i The Little Bowlegged Dog of Long Ago Who Turned the Spit. The antiquary patted his little bowlegged dog on the head, “Be glad,” he said to it, “that you didn’t live a hundred years ago, my lad, for you would then, perhaps, have been a spit dog.” The eyes of' the animal took on an inquiring look. “A spit dog?” they seemed to say. “What is a spit dog?” Thereupon the antiquary re sumed: “Iu olden times men roasted in stead of having baked meat. They put it on a spit over the fire, and the real flames, not a dry oven heat, got at it. It was excellent cooked in that way. It excelled the so called roast meat of today as. a broiled steak excels a fried one. “But”—and here the antiquary sighed—“the meat had to be kept revolving on the spit, or otherwise it would have charred, and' to re volve it was a monotonous and pain ful task. This task tired the arms, besmoked the eyes. and singed the hands of the cook. And hence a certain breed of little bowlegged dogs—your breed, my lad—was trained to turn the spit. Truly, it was hard to train the first of these dogs. It took a dog’s life almost, but the descendants of the original spit turners learned the task more readily, and as the time passed and the power of heredity made itself felt a puppy would acquire in a month the whole art.” The antiquary tweaked the ears of his little friend. “Now, aren’t you glad,” said he, “that you didn’t live in the olden times and that you never were a spit dog ? JSome of those poor little curs, you know, worked eight and nine hours a day.” A Well Marked Man. “Uncle Jim” Wilkinson of Vini- ta, I. T., lias been United States deputy marshal there for thirty- two years and a terror to outlaws aud desperadoes all through his service. Thirteen bullet scars and a .jagged mark on one of his ankles, where a Comanche arrow lodged, show that at times he has led a strenuous life. It is a common say ing that Judge Parker of Fort Smith and Jim Wilkinson are the two men who made living possible in the territory in old days. Dep uty Wilkinson is an Englishman by birth. ‘‘I am using a box of Chamber lain’s Stomach & Liver Tablets and find them the best thing for my stomach I ever used,” says T W. Robinson, Justice of the Peace, Loomis, Mich. These Tablets not only correct disorders of the stom ach but regulate the liver and bowels. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. Price 25 cents per box. For sale b3 T all dealers in Perry, Warren & Lowe, Byron. • The St. Louis World’s Fair to be held in 1904 will cover 1200 acres and cost $40,000,000; over twice as big as the Columbian Exposition in 1893, which covered 600 acres and cost $18,000,000- — To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Brorno Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove’s signature on each box.25c. i v—O—^ : As-national flags go the Danish one is the oldest in the world. It has been in use since 1219. BOOKS AND STATIONERY For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of For HOLIDAYS and all other days. Mail or ders promptly filled, CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED 11 A. COLEMAN, '.Bookseller aud Stationer, \ 808 Second Street, MACON, «A> OXFORDS BIBS Men’s Oxfords, 12.00 to $5.50 Ladies’ Oxfords, 1.00 “ 3.50 Boys’ Oxfords, 1.25 “ ,2.00 Misses Sandals, il.OO “ 2.00 Child’s Sandals, 80c. “ 1.25 Infants’ Sandals, 50c. “ 1.00 t these Oxfords in all leathers and we can please you. MACON SHOE CO. 408 3rd Street. Men’s Spiring and Summer Suits. Our Suits are garments of surpassing excellence,, well worthy of a place in any man’s wardrobe* They are made of the most fashionable fabrics by skilled tailors, producing stylish suits which fit' \ $££I|£ $7.50 to $20.00. L. CHEEK & CO:, THE MONEY-SAVING STORE, 410 Third Street. MACONT, GEORGIA Weber, Brown, Russell and Thornhill Wagons cheaper than you ever bought them before, to make room and re duce storage and insurance. MACON, GA. J. W. SHINHOLSER,