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Cloaks, etc., will be sold.for cash at reduced prices,
None better in the city.
are with us, and will be especially glad to seive
wait, but call at once
NO. 5.
dwelt in Egypt a time of 296
years, which shows the oppression
of the family in Goshen to be 208
years, and by .putting Joseph’s op
pression of 18 years to this, which
Spocial Correspondence,
That President Roosevelt is fast
estrangiug the members of his
I don’t think should be. will make 1 own party is evident in Washiiig-
in all 216 years. Now we . have | ton. There is no question as to
come to the time of the Exodus the choice of the Senate. With
from Egypt, a host of several ! 'the possible exception of Senator
hundred thousands, who were led Lodge, there is no doubt but that
forth to Caanan by Moses. Mo-, every republican Senator would
ses was born 2488 A. M., and cast his ballot for Senator Hanna,
while an infant, perhaps this There is an alliance between Sen-
year, was miraculously preserved | ators Hanna and Fairbanks, by
from the execution of the king’s which it is agreed that if when
decree—was brought up in the the convention tneets Mr. Hanna
king’s c-uirt and house, as a legit-! desires the nomination all of Mr.
imate son ot‘ one of the . king’s ! Fairbanks’ strength will be
daughters; thus wa9 Moses in po-1 thrown to him but if Mr. Hanna,
sition to learn all Egyptiau laws, j for any reason, concludes not to
Moses staid with the king 40 years | enter the race., his strength will
until 2473 when he fled the court I be thrown to the Indian Senator.
for the murder of an Egyptian,
and went to the porbioii of coun
try settled by Midiau, a son of
Abraham and his second wife,
Keturah, and married Zipporah
V^citten For The Home Journal.
We will now speak of Esau and
Jacob: they being twins; Esau
was the older son, and was, by
the customs of that day, entitled
to the headship of their father’s
family at his death; but the older
must serve the younger in this
ca'se, though Isaac did not fully
understand the arrangement for
deceiving him concerning the
blessings when due to be-grauted;
yet afterwards, was fully aware of
his apparent mistake, but did not
offer to correct it, believing that
the blessings were as the Lord
would have it. Jacob proposes to
Esau, that for a feast of pottage,
or, of what Jacob had cooked in- a
pot, Esau should grout that Jacob
have the birth-right, or headship
of the family, and it was,done.
Esau' ever remained in Canaan
with the descendants of his half
uncle Ishimael, son of Hagar, ah
Egyptian. Ishmael had at this
time begotten the 18 tribes of
Ites, Lites, Vites etc.;and jshmael
died in 2171 A. M. Esau became
very rich, and honored by the in
dwelling kings of Canaan, but his
death is not known.
Jacob, feariugjharm from Esau
because of the birthright, goes to
his uncle Laban’s this year, 2181.
In 2188 Jacob married Leah, La
ban’s elder daughter; in 2195 he
married Rachael; Laban gave to
his daughter Leah a handmaid,
Zilpha, who is the mother of Ja
cob’s 7th and 8th sons, Gad aiid
Asher. Leah bears for Jacob 6
sons' and one daughter, whose
nances are Beuben. Simeon, Levi,
Juda, Issachar Zebulum and Di
nah. .
Rachael’s handmaid, Bilhau,
bear for Jacob two sons, Dan and
Naphthali; Rachael bears for Ja
cob two sons, Joseph and Benja
min who are Jacob’s 11th and 12th
♦sons. In 2201 Jacob leaves Laban
to visit his father, Isaac, and his 1 struction of Pharoah and his ar-
kinspeople by Esau; this year he | my. N C. L. W
Mr. Boosevelt knows of this com
bination and is trying to .meet it,
but his lack of familiarity with
politics and his headstrongness
both stand iirhis way and it is a
the daughter of Gethro, a priest, question if he will succeed against
who bore for him two sons, Ger- j the wily methods of Hanna and
sham and Eliezer. Zipporah,, and j Fairbanks.
her childreu first started with| The President and his closest
Moses and Aaron to the king to friends are seriously concerned
defend, or plead, for his peoples’ over the fate of .the Cuban treaty,
freedom, but she fell out with j After amending the convention
Moses for the circumcision of her j so that American cattle shall re-
sous, and she returned to Jethro J ceive a 40 percent concession from
her father, until Moses was wan-, the Cuban tariff : and adding a
Staple Groceries, Stock
Feed, Farm Supplies, etc.,
is where the stock is complete., the goods of best quality
and the prices right.
I invite the farmers of Houston county, and other readers
of the Home Journal,'to give me a share
of their patronage.
dering in the wilderness. Moses
and Aaron now go on to Pharoah
the king, and were before him
pleading for their peoples’ free
dom, and performing his wonders,
(the plagues) for 21 days, as fol
lows : 1 day snakes; 7 days water
to blood; 2 days frogs; 1 day lice;
2 days flies; 1* day murrain; 1 day
boils; 1 day hail and fire; 2 days
locusts; 8 days darkness.
On Friday, March 11, 2518 was
clause which provides that during
the life of the covenant the duty
o*i sugar shall at no time be low
ered below the concession made to
Cuba-20 per cent discount from
the Dingley rates—the committee
on Foreign Relations reported the
treaty favorably. Then however
it was found that serious objec
tion existed on the democratic
side of the chamber and as it will
probably requiie ten democratic
451, 453 & 455 Third St.
. 1
lot of Abib, Thursday, March 24,'votes to ratify, the situation is re
full moon, and the Passover night, I garded as grayts, although it is the
Wednesday, March 20th the Exo- ’
dus, and the crossing of the Bed
Sea, Thursday, March 25; and de
Father of Stories About Doctors.
wrestled with an angel by the way
to obtain a blessing; also, the
abuse of Dinah occurred, and at
last the much dreaded time came The New York Tribune says:
for him to meet Esau; Esau with Dr. W. W. Keen of Philadelphia,
joy meets Jacob and gives pres- the surgeon who wrote recently to
ents, rather than take them from Senator Gallingor a striking open
j aC qb. letter in defense of vivisection,
In 2202, first year after Jacob’s has the hobby of collecting auec-
return to Cunaan, Benjamin was doteB of physicians. These anec-
born, and his mother, Bachael dotes he preserves in scrap-books
died in his - childhood. The 12 and in costly extra-illustrated vol-
sons of Jacob were in after days umes, and sometimes he reads so-
called patriarchs. lections from them at
Jacob in 2238, because ©f a fam- festivals
ine, goes tc Egyyt to his son Jo- “The most common medical
seph, who had been sold in Egypt anecdotes,” said Dr. Keen reoeut-
for about 10 dollars, in the year ly, “suggests that the physician is
2217, where he served as servant a murderer. All such stories are
13 years, until in 2230 Joseph be- as old as the hills in their funda-
came the prime minister in the mental idea, though your modern
king’s court, and was therefore |^riter puts them in new clothes,
fully able to grant the needed
Everything Go©sI
Our winter stock of Fine Dress Goods, Trimmings,
protection to his father’s family.
So in 2238 Joseph sent his father’s
family to a fertile land called Go
shen, and,having all privileges
that could be grauted to any
Egyptian t until the death of Pha
roah the king.
Joseph was the 2nd highest in
the Egyptian court for 80 years,to
/ his death in 2310. Now Joseph
had gone to Egypt in 2217; Jacob
and family, of them 75, went to
Egypt in 2238, and dwelt in Go-
jhen until the death of the king,
when another king sat upon the
throne. Joseph and the previous
king now being dead, the present
king now disregards the privileges
enjoyed by the Hebrews and be
gins to oppress them until their
departure from Egypt in 2513;
this departure is called the Exo
dus. We will here speak of the
oppression of Hebrews in Egypt:
They, as a family of Jacob, dwelt
peacefully in Goshen under Jo
seph’s administration of 'state af
fairs for 72 years, Joseph having
been in office 8 years before Jacob
came, wich gives the Hebrews 80
years rest in Egypt. And they
And they look ghastly in their
new clothes; as ghastly as though
you should array a corpse in any
fancy dress.
“A lawyer, and
conversing. The
‘Your profession
men angels, sir.’
swered: ‘No, it is
does that.’
“This anecdote, which is 2,000
years old,” said Dr. Keen, “is re
puted to be the parent of all the
myriad of medical anecdotes that
now exist”.
The Secret of Long Life
Consists in keeping all the main
organs of the body in healthy,
regular action, and in quickly de
stroying disease germs. Electric
Bitters regulate Stomach, Liver
and Kidneys, purify the blood,
and give a splendid appetite
They work wonders in curing Kid
ney Troubles, Female Complaints,
Nervous Diseases, Constipation,
Dyspepsia, and Malaria. Vigor
ous health and
follow their use.
unteed, H. M.
belief of your correspondent that
the convention will be approved.
Senator Bailey has announced
his intention of talking the treaty
to death because he believes that
it is unconstitutional in that it
initiates tariff changes in the
Senate and because he believes it
will work a hardship to the sugar
and tobacco producers of the
It is quite obvious that most
members on the republican side
of the Senate are delighted with
the set-back which the Attorney
General has administered to the
cause of anti-trust legislation.
They have from the first desired
medical to avoid all anti-trust legislation.
Forced by the determined stand
of the President and his announc
ed purpose to call the next Con*
grass in special session if nothing
was accomplished at this session,
the republican leaders consented
to give the matter consideration,
stipulating however that any
measure which would pass tbe
Senate must be extremely con
servative, in other words, must
prove innocuous to their favorite
corporate interists. Now that a
member of the Presieens’s Cabi
net has taken ocnasian to hold up
the measure and postpone its con
sideration until a later date, the
sentiment is growing that it will
be possible to pass the matter
over and then say to, Mr, Boose
velt that he is responsible for the
failure to legislate o.n the subject
as earlier in the session the Senr
ate was ready to give the matter
due consideration.
their Houston friends.
a doctor were
doctor said:
doesn’t make
The lawyer an-
yours which
strength always
Only 50c, guar-
Holtzclaw drug-
Every Bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough
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We guarantee every bottle of
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