The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, February 05, 1903, Image 7
•Mr. W. Gordon Bears the W •Signature- S of V# C A S T 0 RIA For Infants and Children,. m, ■ j w ‘ - II' '-' V'l V-, I 308 Third St, . V .. / p v ■ i-• • \ ". ✓ i ,' j BARGAINS ALWAY3 HAND _a.x_,x- sriisriDs New AND Second-Hand OUR Rapid Fire HAT PRESS PACKS TON AN HOUR. TOOK FIRST PREMIUM FLORIDA STATE FAIR. THE WILLIAMS BUGGY COMPANY. MACON, GEORGIA Dennard Dots. ,By The Judge. / The “Judge” is one of the oldest correspondents of the Home Journal, both in years and service, and nat urally feels an interest in reporting the haps and mishaps of this section, but, if “Dennard Dots” lack the vim and spioe of other years, it may be attributed to. the business engage ments of their, author. I have been around the court house about a month and it seems to me to be a very newsy place. I can’t see what better field the Journal man wants. Judge Duncan advanoes the' idea that there are too many people at work in this country—too much be ing produced—and that there would be more prosperity for all if half of the people would quit work entirely. He also advances the idea that a rogue never enters an open door, and that looks are unnecessary. This might work all right in a graveyard. But to Dennard: Farm operations have commenced and every farmer has his eye on his neighbor and imagines that he, him self, is the only one who 'will plant an extra large cotton crop. There has been a marrying fever of epidemio tendency among the young people around Dennard. I prophesy war, famine, or some 'other plague; or it may be that in a few years there will be an inorease in the pub lic school attendance. Miss Edna Harrison, the popular teacher at Union Academy, went down to Grovania last Frivay even ing,her first visit to home-folks since commencing school. She returned Sunday afternoon on the G. S. & F. to Kathleen, and they say a young man from Perry just happened to be there when the train came, and brought her oUt to Mr. C. P. Pitts’, her boarding place. Mr. Tom Welloqs spent the starry end of last Sunday with friends near Dennard. Mr. V. E. Heard’s dwelling house is nearing completion, and when fin ished it will be one of the most beautiful homes in this section, and quite probably in the county. Torn Woodard is getting real cross-eyed, trying to look at two girls at the same time. A Runaway Marriage. Houston farmers will greatly ben efit themselves by organizing and ednduotingjan institute iu each com munity, or militia district; A farm- institute is but an old-time ag- ers Iu a buggy drawn by a mule a man and woman entered Perry last Sunday morning and stopped at the court house. Mr. George Kuuz was near by, and he was ebon at the home of Ordinary Hurst, a marriage li- oense being desired. As soon as practicable after the license that had beeu procured, a minister was sent for. Then about 10 o’clock, Rev. Albert S. Dix performed the ceremony that made man and wife of Mr, Wil liam Oscar Whittington of Craw ford county and Miss Lougenia Greathouse of Fort Valley. About a dozen men witnessed the marriage in the court house. ^he groom appeared to be ajjout 85 years old, a farmer; the bride i a. apparently about 20. ey ieft Perry direotly after the ceremony for their home near Roberta. They received the congratula tions of the witnesses —Mr. F, C. Day has been for several weeks engaged in business with the T J. Peacock Clothing Company of Columbus. As trav eling salesman his territory is South Georgia, Florida and South Carolina. For about a week he was at home on account of the serious illnes • of his sister, Mrs. J, D. Martin, Jr. He left home last Saturday for Florida, and will be on the road three weeks before returning home again. Mr. Day is wall versed in business and we dare say will prove him self very valuable to the company with which he is engaged. His many friends here wish him much success. —A new seed store has jii9t been opened in Maoon, frontiug on Third street and connecting with the late Lamar, Cheatham & Co. drug store. The new firm is The Cheatham Drug & Seed Co. The firm is at the top as to character, and the seeds are the bqst grown —true to name and sure to grow. See local ad in this paper. ricultural club or society under a new name. We all know that in no one man is centered all knowledge, but that each learns something from others. An institute could be made to embrace the farmers, their wives, sons and daughters of one district o more, with monthly meetings ar ranged to "include pleasing social features. At these meetings there could be an informal exchange of opinions concerning actual farm work and management, as well as recitals of practical experience. Fur- thur, there could be competitive ri valry in crop production, giving in centive to improvement in every de partment of agricultural industry. We would be pleased to hear from some of ..our progressive farmers on this subject. l *| - h An evidence of what the republi can leaders think of the president’s negro policy is furnished by the ac tion of the Commerce Committee of the Senate, which has determined to turn down the nomination of /Dr. Crum,"'the negro appointed collector, of the port of Charleston, S. 0. Al though an earnest effort has been made to defend the Indianola post- office case, it isdreely.admitted, con fidentially, that the president has se riously blundered in that respect and has caused grave embarrassment to his party. Moreover, he is at outs with his Secretary of the Treasury, who declares that Mr. Roosevelt is coquetting with free silver and stul tifying the rebublican platform.— Wasnington Correspondence. Georgia farmers need to learn how to keep Irish potatoes. With the ability to grow hundreds of bushels per acre, Georgia farmers sell ex ceedingly few Irish potatoes, and eat none of Georgia growth except in April, May and June. The money paid by Georgians for Irish potatoes grown ip other states would add hundreds of thousands of dollars to the casa accounts pi'Georgia farm ers. —Of the white turkeys adver tised by Col. J. F. Troutman, he says: “The turkeys alluded to are in fact a real novelty. The,hens have beards the same as the.gob- blers, and are said to have origin ated in the Adirondack raoun- tiins, and all are as while > j as snow. Day ed in bueiue&s with a Gents’ Fur nishing goods firm at Boston, Mass., and will sell to ihe trade in Georgia and other states. He " as practical experience in that line of business, and he is sure to prove a successful traveling sales man. —Mr. J. T. EJllis has moved from Hayneville to Macon, and will travel south of that oity in the drug business. We regret to lose Mr. Ellis as a citizen of Houston oounty, but wish him happiness and success at his new home and in his new business. MARDI GRAS CELEBRATIONS. Reduced Rates tp Mobile, Pensacola and New Orleans. Central of Georgia ’Railway offers rate of one fare for round trip to above points, tickets to be sold Feb ruary 17th to 23rd, inclusive, and for trains scheduled to arrive at des tinations during forenoon of Febru ary 24th; final limit February 28th, 1903, except that by deposit of tick ets by original purchaser with Jos eph Richardson, special agent, not earlier than February 18lh nor later than February 28th, and upon pay ment of a fee of 60 cents per ticket, at time of deposit* au extension ,of the final limit to a date not later than March 14th, 1903, may be ob* tained. For further information ap ply to nearest tioket agent. Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cures a cold in one day. No cure, No pay Price, 25 cents —If you want the best wearers in Hosiery you have ever gotten, buy the Black Cat Brands at v . .... L. M. Paul’s, THREE SOWS AND PIGS for sale; two with 8 pigs eaph, and one with 7. Apply early. A. A. Smoak, Perry, Ga, Seed Sugar Oane. About 25,000 stalks of Sugar Cane for seed for Bale on my farm four miles from Perry on the Henderson <road, Stalks will av- errge at Ipdst five feet in length E. J. Thompson, Perry Ga —The best^Cook Stove on the market; it arrived this week. Something new. We. would be glad to show it to'you. Edwards & Marshall. A Buggy Bargain. A good buggy for sale at a low price at Winn’s Stables, Perry, Ga. -New Bed Tickings. Big line complete. Prices are 5o, 8o, 10c, 15o and 25o. L. M. Paul’s. Best Wagons and Buggies. F. M. Houser. WHY SUFFER HEADACHE OR EAGRIPPE1 CURE YOURSELF WITH CA PUD1NE .dVefebots. ill Drugstores. NO BADVEFEECTS. Sold at till GEORGIA— Houston County. Annie Lowe has applied for adminis tration on the estate of A. L. Lowe, late of said oounty, deoeased. This is therefore to cite all persons con cerned to appear at the Maroh term, 1903, of the court of Ordinary of said oounty, and show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be Witness my offioial signature this February 2,1908, 8AM. T, HURST, Ordhiary. GEORGIA, Houston County:' E. M. Slooumb has applied for admin istration on the estate of Mrs. V. E. Slo oumb, late of Baid oounty deceased. This is therefore to oite all persons concerned to appear at the March term, 1008, .if the court Of Ordinary of said oounty and show Pause, if any they have, why said, application should not be granted. Witness tnv official signature this February 2,1908. SAM T. HURST, Ordinary. GEORGI \—Houston County. , W. L Menus, administrator of the es tate of Geo. W. Lane, deceased, has ap plied tor dismission from said trust. This is therefore to oite aU persons con cerned; to appear at the March term, 1908, of the oonrt of Ordinary of said oounty und show oauso, if any they have, why Baid application should not be grnnted. Witness mv official signature this February 2, 1908. SAM T. HURST, Ordinary. HIGH GRADE GUANO, ACID, MEAL \ CLOSEST OPT3IOBS. ■ r 1 youi Can save you money. Hold your orders until you see me. I am selling for B. T. Adams Jfc Co. cr. IP. COOPER, PERRY, GEORGIA. —At a regular meeting of the Perry Rifles at their armory lapt Monday night the followlug offi cers were elected > Captain. Dr. R. L. Cater; First Lieutenant. L. F. Cater; Second Lieutenant, R. L. Marchman. - Last Friday the Record reported that no new cases of small pox had developed within several days in Montezuma or Macon county. Oured of Rheumatism After Spend ing S3,OOO in Vain. Mrs. G. L. Thaxfcer, of Ashland, Ortl., writes: “I had been long afflicted with inflammatory Rheumatism and was o on- fined to my bed six months. I had tried every known remedy; spending #3,000 to no effect. I used three bottles of UR r O- SOL, and found permanent \relief.” URIOSOL, never fails to cure diseases incident to disorders ofithe Kidneys and Bladder when caused by .uric acid. Druggists sell it at $1.00 per bottle, or six bottles for $5;Q0. GOOD POSITION. Pay Tuition after Position is Secured. A worthy student frpm each postoffice may pay tuition without security after course is completed and position is se cured. For “Application Blank A” and catalo?. address DBAUGHON'S PRACTICAL BUS. COuLsICB. (Write either place) At lanta,^ i/ille, St. Loni-. Fort Worth, Little liuck, Montgomery, Gor Shrevoporc, Every Business Day MR. WILL. C. RILEY Will give you cordial welcome and serve you .fittingly at our* store. His Houston friends have a stand ing and special invitation to call. OUR SHOES were made to fit and wear well. V The Macon Shoe Co., THIRD ST., MACON, GA. H. C. BAIL -DEALER IN Mare, Stoves, Cutlery, Guns, Pistols Tinware, Woodenware, Farming Implements, Etc. (Hear Post Office) MACOK, ft A. m.