The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, February 19, 1903, Image 3
tmu ifome #&&&#*& Perry, Thursday, February !l9. LOCAL IfteWI*. “Cold @lioulder. 33 I have 800 pounds of the best Country Cured Shoulders and will guarantee every one to be per- 1 feet and give satis faction. Your orders solicited. W. B. Sims. FOR WANT... “For want of a.nail the shoe was lost? For want of a Khqe a horse was lost; For want of a horsb.aj.ider was lost.” A neglect of yours to lay aside some part of yoifr earuiugs in our savings department, may cause you great inconvenience, possibly sorrow. For want of a decision, the accouNt was lost. , x For want of an account, the saviugs was l03t. For want of the savings,a home tfaB lost. For want of a home, the family was lost. Home .Savings Bank, American National Bank Building. MACON, GA. Bi. A Merritt, President. Oscar E. DoOIiEV, Cashier. Loans negotiated on improved farms at lowest market rates, and on-most lib eral terms. Business of fifteen years’ standing. More than three million dollars in loans negotiated. Facilities unsurpassed. HOWARD M. SMITH, No. 814 Second St., Maoqn, Ga Farm Loans We consider good farm lands the best security for loans. We can make such loans promptly and at lowest rates. If you wish to borrow let us hear from you. Security Loan & Abstract Co, MACON, J. J. COBB, President. GA. Thos. B. West, Sec, and Att’y. WE HIVE BEEN looking... By Big Sandy Miss Bosalirid Davis of Macon and Miss Willie Walters of Al bany are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Davis. Miss Fleetwood Brown of Ma con is visiting Miss Maud Rogers this week. Miss Mary Brown of G-rovania, Miss Maggie Marrof Henderson and Miss May Hodges of Perry,, spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Mamie Brown. Quarterly meeting convehed'at the Methodist church here Satur day and Sunday. Rev. M. A. Morgan, now presiding elder of this district, preached both days. The congregation was large. Sev eral from Henderson, Vienna, Unadilla, Grovania, Bonaire and Wellston attended. Miss May Jeter of Unadilla spent Saturday and Sunday here, the guest of Mrs. J. D, Marshall. Miss Edna Collier of Means- ville is visiting Miss Virginia Means. Mr. and Mrs. 0. G. Hardeman of Macon were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Houser Sunday. Rev. J. J. Hyman of Arabi, passed through here last Friday, enroute to Henderson where he preached Saturday and Sunday. Miss Willie Dennard and Mr. H. E Marshall visited Henderson Sunday. Miss Emmie Means of Mar- shallville, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Means. Messrs. Bryan, Lassiter. Pitt man, and Bryan of Vienna, were visitors to our oity Suuday. Messrs. W. R. Davis and J. F. Houser went to Macon last week on business. Mrs. M. A. Killenand son New ton, of South Carolina, are^isit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Wm Means. Messrs. J. W. Hodge, Jr., and E. H. Marr of Henderson spent Sunday here. Mr, R. B. Means went to Perry Sunday. Mr. Ed Henderson of Grovaiiia was here one dfay last week on business. Mr. H. J. Brown went to Una dilla Saturday on business. Mr. A; 0. Pate of Grovania was here a short while Sunday after noon. Mr. Will Jones of Wellston was here Suuday. Mrs. Maude Collier of Means- ville is visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Marshall. Miss Clyde Buff spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks here. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Houser of Grovania were visitors to our city Saturday and Sunday. Feb. 16,-08. By Uko. Miss Minnie Robertsou of Ma con, was the guesp of Miss Effie Lou Crawford last Saturday. Prof. M. C. Mosley visited his brother, Mr. J. B. Mosley, in Ma con Saturday and Sunday. Mr. E. Bruce Walton is at home again for a week or so. Mrs. S. F. Crawford spent Sat urday with relatives in Macon. Rev. E. R. Pendleton filled his regular appointment here Satur day and Sunday. Mr. Coleman Tidwell of Wal den was shaking ' hands with friends here Sunday. Miss Annie Lou Hood of La- Grange, is the charming guest of Miss Effie Lou Crawford. Mrs. Walker Kemper >aud little daughter are spending some time with the former’s parents,* Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Walker.' Mrs. H. J. Peavy and sister, Miss Sadie Warren, visited Ma con la9t week. Mr. Chester Smith of Macon, visited friends in Byron Sunday. Mrs. W. E. Vinson of Walden, spent several days with home folks last week. Messrs. Romno Aultman and Dave Renfroe of Dunbar, were in town Suuday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Hardison spent Sunday with the family of Mr. O. 0. Bateman. Mr. M. D. Hood returned last week from a visit to his son, tyr Glover Hood, of LaGrange. Miss Rosa Colwell, our able as sistant teacher, visited her par ents in Butler last Saturday and^ Sunday. Mrs. S. J. Hayes and daughter, Miss Lucile, are spending the week in Byron. Mr. Emmette Vinson’of Wal den, was in town last Wednesday. Quite a nice party of young folks from here attended a ‘‘Grandmother’s Tea” at Dunbar Friday night. The entertainment was a success both socially and financially. Misses Ellen Midwell aud Min chew of Avondale are boarding at Mr. John Walton’s and taking music from Miss Lizzie,King, who has a flourishing class here, as well as quite a number of pupils in Macon. The first quarterly meeting of Byron circuit will be held here the first Sunday in March, and the Saturday before. A full at tendance is expected. □Li. JS/C. IELA-TTXj 7 ! Yes, they are here in all their beauty and loveliness. We can’t even attempt a description. .frothing like the lino nor the bargains in these goods has ever been approached' in this market. We invite you to come and inspect. We know what the result will be. mg For eeverul years for a case of Piles, Boils, Outs, Burns, Bruises, Sore and Fevered Breast, Old Sores, Insect Bite or Sting, Ringworm ur Tetter, that Mrs Pope’s R£ulBcn Salve would not cure, but so far we have been agreeably disappointed. The verdict of all who have used it is that it’s the one quick, absolute and perfect healer. Nothing on earth like if. Nothing sensational or fakey about it. It stands on its merit. It is put up in a neat and pretty pack age. Use it. Your money back if you are not satisfied. If your druggist does not have it in stock,send us 50 cents and we will send you a large box by mail. Mrs. Annie M. Pope & Go., 526 Bismnrk Place, Jaeksonville/Fla POQITMUQ GUARANTEED under reasonable nJolllUnd conditions. Mar —Messrs. W. G. Smith and W. T. Carter, soil experts sent out by the bureau of soils af the Agri cultural department at Washing ton, were in Perry last Thursday They will remain in Houston county about six weeks with head quarters at Fort Valley. They are inspecting the soil within a given radius of Fort Valley. They bore into the ground about three feet and make a technical map of each inspection, giving topogra phy, etc., making complete re ports to the bureau. It is pre sumed the great success of tl^e fruit industry is the primary cause of the inepection in this locality, to find the soil condi tions necessary to shccessful peach growing. -O* O —We have been requested to express in behalf of Mr. R. W. Folks will eai too much Vich, heavy food in cold weather. Re sult—Indigestion, constipation, biliousness. The cure—Ramon’s Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets. A complete course'of treatment for a month costs but a quarter and a cure is guaranteed, without griping, purging or other unpleas ant effects, —We handle the Milburn Wag ons, Come and let us show you how they are made. Edwards & Marshall. _ deposit money for tuition in bank till position is secured, or give notes, or contract to pay out of salary, and without security, after coarse is completed and position is secured. Our facilities for se- - r r , position BWWWpMMl curing positions, and the proficiency of our graduates, are strongly endorsed by business men from Maine to California. Our 150-page catalogue -will explain all. Send for it. Ad dress Draughon’s Co: aughon’s College at either place. DRAUGHON’S PRAOTIOAL BUSINESS^* Nashville, Tenn. Atlanta, Ga. sj| Ft. Worth, Texas* Montgomery, Ala. v* Galveston, Texas. Little Rock, Ark. Shreveport, La. No Vacation St. Louis, ilo. Enter any time Most thorough, practical and progressive schools of the kind in the world. Author four text-books on bookkeeping. Four weeks book, keeping with us equal to twelve by the old plan. Also give superior course shorthand, etc. We expend more money securing positions than al- Hartley his heartfelt thanks to the neighbors and friends who were so kind and sympathetic during the last illness of his mother, who died at his home near Claud about two weeks ago A specific notice of her admirable character and death would be giv en but for lack of particular in formation. —Blue and White Ware. Have you ever tried it? We have it in Coffee Pots, Sauce Pans, Pudding Pans, Milk Pans, Dish Tans, etc L. M. Paul’s. Boy Dixie Plows, Blue Steel Points and all kinds of castings —Men’s Leggings at 50c, 75c and 90c at L. M. Paul’s. -Best Wagons and Buggies. F. M. Houser. DAINTY MEOHLIliS—Insertions and Edgings to match, Prices low. MACHINE TORCHONS—40 per cent linen. Will wear as well as the real Torchon and not half as expensive. Biggest line we’ve ever shown ( VAL. LACES—All qualities, and the prettiest assortment that oan be had. LACE ALL OVERS—A grand line./ Dainty and exquisite patterns. LACE APPLIQUES—All the new styles in White ahd Black LACE AND EMBROIDERY BEADINGS—Everything new and styl ish from beginning to end. EMBBO: BBIES. We can’t give you any idea, not the slightest idea, of how much and how cheap we have tbem. Come and see for yourself. We’ve gov plenty now and plenty more to follow in a few days. MOEK12 ABOUT EMBROIDERIES LATER. L. M. Paul’s. I L. M. Paul’s. ee-e Going Out of Business! MY ENURE STOCK OF FURNITURE AND COFFINS AT MANU- FAQTURERS’ COST. Stook has been removed from the Masonic Building to store 4 opposite the postoffice. ..F. C. DAY, Perry, Ga.. I?hos. R. Ayer, Pres. Edwin S. Davis, Gen. Mng’r Planters’ Supply Co. Mules and all grades of Standard assg^sMai^EBMBWraaii i at kewabds & HOME STUDY ---iKp.EpiNG, SHORTHAND, , PENMANSHIP, etc., successfully 1 tauglit by mail or no charges. We 1 give better Home Study Course than II 50 per. cent of the business colleges ' give by personal instruction. "Write for pricelist of tiome Study Course. Address DRAUGHOK’S BUS. 60LC, Masfnlffc' —Harness and Saddles. * F. M. Houser. r> RAUG HON’IS PRACTICAL BUSINESS COLLEGES'. Schools of National Reputation. Draughon’e Practical Business Col leges, located at Atlanta, Nashville, St. Loais. Montgomery, Little Rock, Fort Worth, Galveston and Shreveport, are schools of national reputation. They are strongly endorsed by business men from Maine to Oalisornia. Prof. Dragh- on, who is author of four text-books on Bookkeeping, and proprietor of these in stitutions, doubtless expends more mon ey for securing positions for his students than almost any one business college in this country takes in as tuition. He guarantees positions under reasonable conditions, and will allow a student to deposit money in bank till the course is completed and position secured. Four weeks course of Bookkeeping in his col leges is equal to twelve weeks in any col lege that does not employ his improved methods of teaching. His Colleges also offer special advantages in Penmanship, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. It is gen erally conceded by those who are in po sition to know that Prof. Draughon’s success in the Business College work has been greater than that of any one else. His superior course of instruction aud his special facilities for securing posi tions are almost an offset to competition where the merits of hi/6 work are known. His illustrated catalogue will explain all. Send for it. Address J. F.Draughon, President, at either//" the above men tioned places. ^ 98 B G1 HA - CAROLINA ■ CHEMICAL O il P A N Y / ATLANTA, GA. RICHMOND, VA. CHARLESTON, S. C. Largest Manufacturers of FERTILIZERS JN THE SOUTH. Importers of PURE GERMAN KABNIT, MURIATE OF POTASH, NITRATE OF SODA, SULPHATE OF POTASH. In buying fertilizers it is important, not only to secure goods of estab- hed reputation and 1: ; ’ grade* but to buy where ; ^ - y',. We will make it to your interest to consult us before making youi^ purchases. 451 Poplar Street. MACON, G-A. (Near Warehouse of W. A. Davis & Oo.) EDWIN B. ZD-ArVTS, (Formerly of W. A. Davis & Co*, General Manager. lished YOUR WANTS OF DESCRIPTION BE SUPPLIED. We are in position, w ! " ~fir unparalleled facilities and our many plants located all over the terr ,, to furnish all classes of goods and in such quantities as buyers desire. When you buy of? 1 us, with our immense capacity, you know you can get the goods, and all you wajit of them. See our nearest agent to you, or write us direct. OASTORIA For Infants and Children.