Newspaper Page Text
V' '■
Blizzard Covered the Country.
Birthday Celebration.
Probably the most extensive wind j
storm in many years was that which f
covered all the states of the union
last Monday , and until Tuesday
morning. ItWhe north and west
the wind reaclid the velocity of 77
miles an hour, and as high on the
Atlantic qoast. Show and sleet fell
heavily in many states and the cold
was intense, in North Dakota the
temperature falling to 42 degrees be
low zero. Preceding the blizzard
there was heavy rain throughout the
south,, flooding all the rivers and
many smaller streams. On the west
ern ranches many cattle were killed
by cold, or drowned. Houses, trees,
telegraph wires, etc., were blown
down and railroad transportation
seriously obstructed. With the des
truction of property, people in sev
eral states were killed.
In Georgia snow and sleet pre
vailed only in the northern section,
and the material damage was not
generally great. In Elbert county
the town of Bowman was praotioally
demolished and severeal people were
There has been colder weather in
central Georgia this winter, but the
change was quioker and greater
than has been known in many years.
At Perry the fall in temperature was
47 degrees within 12 hours, from 70
to 23.
In this immediate section of Geor
gia the direct damage was not ex
cessive, but there is much specula
tion and anxiety concerning the ef
fect upon the prospective fruit crop.
Whether or not the peach and plum
buds had developed sufficiently to
be killed is'the question that troubles
our people most. It is hoped that
this freeze has served rather to pre
serve than to destroy, as it was cer
tain that a few more days of warm
weather like last Saturday and Sun
day would have so developed the
fruit buds as to make destruction
sure with a later freeze.
At the court house in Perry last
Thurday night a fairly large audi-
encnce heard Rev. Frank Dixon de
liver his great leoture, “The Threat
of Socialism. He is a brother of
the author of “Leopard Spots,” a
distinguished Baptist minister, lec
turing under the auspices of the Al
kahest Lyceum. Thp lecture is in-
it 'was admirably
deed great, and
delivered last Thursday night. 1 For
two hourB he held the close atten
tion of his hearers, affording rare
entertainment to all except the
younger children. The speaker
proved himself master of the subject,
displaying deep thought, rhetoric
and logic above adverse criticism,
and a high degree of oratory In
handling his subject he placed so
cialism in positive auiagonism with
anarchism, and contended that the
phase of it that threatens is not so
much political as social, As a lec
turer he is decidedly good, and all
who follow him thoughtfully will re
ceive much instruction.
Baptist Union Meeting.
All members of The Houston
Count} Baptist Union are requested
to meet at the Perry Baptist church
at 10:30 a. m, on Friday, February
27th, 1903.
J. D. Martin, Gh'm'n Ex. Com.
Gen. Miles, commander of the
United States army, reached New
York last Sunday, returning home
from his trip around the world. He
left the United States several months
ago, ostensibly under orders from
the president to inspect military
conditions in the Philippine Islands.
A conference of land and indus
trial agents of leading railroads was
held in Atlanta Tuesday, the main
purpose being to devise ways and
'means of inaugurating an immigra
tion movement from the north and
northwest to the south, for agricul
tural purposes.
He who doubles the producing
capacity of land is a public benefac
tor; and that farmer is exceedingly
sensible who produces abundantly
the supplies needed on his farm.
Stops the Cough and Works off
the Cold.
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets
cures a cold in one day. No cure,-
No pay. Price, 25 cents
—Syrup by barrel cheap.
F. M. Houser.
C A S TO RIA ForInfantsa/id Children.
Last Thursday, February 12th, a
number of relatives and friends as
sembled at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. 0. J. Marshall to celebrate the
birthday of Mrs. Anna Houser, Mrs
0. J. Marshall and Mrs. J. F. Hous
er, mother, daughter and daughter-
in-law, the daughters being - the
same age, and the mother just twen
ty years their senior.
There are few families where there
are three persons having the same
I never saw a crowd looking bet
ter and in better spirits. From the
ring of their merry daughter they
seemed to feel as if they were in
their teens. Even the day seemed
to respect and honor the occasion.
It was a beautiful, bright, balmy
day. And, too, it reminded us that
spring is in the near future, and the
time would not be long when we
would hear the cooing dove and the
song of the whippoorwill.
Promptly at the noon hour we
were invited into the dining room,
where we found a table laden
with everything to tempt the appe
tite, and really we became alarmed
for fear some of tire crowd would
not be able to speak so fluently in
the afternoon as before.. But not
so, for on entering the parlor we
heard sweet strains of music and
the songs of long ago.
Thus time passed rapidly by, and
at four o’clock each one declared the
day too short, when their best beaux
arrived to take them home, and ere
the Bun went down they were gently
reminded they were not in their
teens, but three times seven.
May each one live to enjoy a good
many just such birthdays.
Elko, Ga. A Guest.
Hayneville Happenings.
Reduced Rates to Mobile, Pensacola
and New Orleans.
By Pineapple. '
On last Friday night at the
home of Mrs. W. G. Fitzgerald
there was a social gathering and
valentine drawing, (reported in
another column.)
Our village is rising very rapid
ly. We .can now boast of; three
stores, a Post Office, and I have
been inclined that there will be
a restaurant, 26o per meal. \ Come
all and cast your votes. We will
also have a 'savings batik hourm.;
the name of Red Clay Savings
Baiik. Make haste friends and
invest your money.
On last Sunday, the 8th, Mr.
W. G. Fitzgerald and family,
Mrs. J. W. Mercer and babies,
also Mrs. W. S. Haley, Estelle
and little Eugene Haley sp^nt
the day with Mrs. A. J. Skipper.
Messis. W. S. Haley and Aj| J.
Skipper made a business trip to
Hawkinsville Thursday.
Rev. Albert S. Dix will preaoh
at the Huyneville Baptist ohurbh
on the first Saturday in March,
and Rev. Bassett will preaoh on
Sunday.. All come who can.
Miss Lillian Harrison, aft.erj an
extended visit to relatives, has
now returned to her home at this
place. \
Mrs. G. T. Crawford and Miss
Nellie Harrison of Grovania,
were the guests of Mrs. Fitzgerald
a short while last Friday.
Mr. J. G. Skipper still speaks
of his bay horst?, but I think the
top buggy is a thing of the past.
My head doesn’t v swim now,
but my heart hurts.
All suocess to the Home Jour
nal and its editor.
February 14, 1908.
Women as Well as Men
Are Made Miserable by
Kidney Trouble.
! Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis
courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor
and cheerfulness soon
disappear when the kid
neys are out of order
or diseased.
Kidney trouble has
become so prevalent
that it Is not uncommon
for a child to be born
afflicted with weak kid
neys. If the child urin-
—ates too often, If the
urine scalds the flesh or If, when the child
reaches an age when it should be able to
control the passage, It Is yot afflicted with
bed-wetting, depend upon it, the cause of
fie difficulty Is kidney troublo, and the first
step should be towards, the treatment of
' these Important organs." This unpleasant
trouble is due to a diseased condition of the
1 kidneys and bladder and' not to a habit as
most people suppose.
Women as well as men are made mis
erable with kidney and bladder trouble,
and both need the same great remedy.
The mild and the immediate effect of
Swamp-Root is soon realized. H Is sold
by druggists, in fifty-
cent and one dollar ■
fcizes.‘ You may have a|
sample bottle by mall
. free, also pamphlet tell- Bom of Swamp-Root, '
; Ing all about it, Including many Tf the
thousands of testimonial letters received
I from sufferers oured. In writing Dr. Kilmer
1 & Co., Binghamton, N. Y„ be sure and
mention this paper.
Don’t make any mistake, but remember
the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's;
Swamp-Root, and the address; Binghamton.
N. Y., on every bottle.
Central of Georgia Railway offers
rate of one fare for round trip to
above points, tickets to be sold Feb
ruary 17th to 23rd, inclusive, and
for trains soheduled to arrive at des
tinations during forenoon of Febru
ary 24th; final limit February 28th,
1903, except that by deposit of tick
ets by original purchaser with Jos
eph Riohardson, special agent, not
earlier than February 18 th nor later
than February 28th, and upon pay
ment of a fee of 50 cents per ticket,
at time of deposit, an extension of
the final limit to a date not later
than Mavch 14th, 1903, may be ob
tained. For further information ap
ply to nearest ticxet agent.
A Baptist Missionary Conference
assembled at the First Baptist
church in Macon last Tuesday even
ing, to be followed with three ses
sions daily until Sunday 'night.
Eminent Baptist ministers and work
ers from all sections of Georgia, and
from other states, are attending., A
school of method is a leading feat
ure of the assemblage. Rev. Albert
S. Dix, pastor of the Perry Baptist
eburpt, is among the prominent
ministers in attendance.
In United States district court at
Macon last Friday Judge Speer de
cided that a failure to record does
not impair the validity of a mort
gage in a bankrupt case, and that
the holder of the mortgage is a pre
ferred creditor.
To Buyers o£ Field, Flower and
Garden Seeds.
The Cheatham Drug & Seed Co.,
successors to Lamar, Cheatham &
Co., in addition to their regular
Drug business, have just opened
immediately in the rear of and
opening into their Drug Depart
ment, a first-olass, up-to-date
Seed Store, where will be found
everything in the seed line. We
also handle largely Genuine East,-
earn Irish Potatoes and Onion
Sets, Amber and Orange Cane,
German and Cattail Millet, Rooky
Ford Cantaloupe and Watermelon
Seeds. Also oarry a full lipo of
Flower Seeds, Bulbs, Fern Balls
and Plant Foods. Cabbage, Col-
lard, Radish, Ououmber, Spinach,
Kale, Rope, Turnip Seeds furnish
ed in bulk or in papers. Don’t
fail to oall and see us when need
ing seeds.
The Cheatham Drug & Seed Co. t
Mulberry and Third Sts.,
Macon, Ga.
—Pruning Shears and Pruning
Saws at L. M. Paul’s.
R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules
Doctors find
A good prescription
For mankind
Will be sold before the ooiirt house
loor in the town of Perry, Houston
county, Gn., between the legal hours of
sale, on the first Tuesday in March,
1001, the following property, to-wit:
All that lot or traot of land situate in
the county of Houston, state of Georgia,
described as follows: Beginning at a
point un the right of-way of the South-
Western Railroad 75 feet from theoenter
of the mum line and 898 feet, more or
less, south-west of the ltarrell and Crate
Factory building, thence measuring,
south 47° 241 east 690.5 feet' to the Mar-
shallville aod Fort Valley road, thence
along sajd road Bonth 88°80'. west 252.7
feet, thence north 47°24i west 725.4 feet,
thence north 40 o 2L< east 252.2. feet to
point of beginning; said lot of land con
taining 4118-1000 acres; the exaot metes,,
bounds hud location of same being fully
shown o" map attached to deed, Central!
of Georgia Railway do. and F. W. Gano.
Levied on as the property of F. W. Ga
no to satisfy a ti-fa from Houston; Coun
ty Court, returnable to the October
Quarterly term 1002 thereof, in favor of
The Cherokee Marble Works vs. said F.
W, Gano. Notioe given in terms of the
M. L. COOPER, Sheriff.
Feb. 2nd, 1908. -
GEORGIA, Houston Counter
E. M. Slooumb has applied for admin
istration on the estate of Mrs. V. E. Slo
oumb, late of said county deceased.
This is therefore to cite all persona
concerned to appear at the Marob
term, 1908, of the court of Ordinary of
said county and show cause, if any they
have, why said application should not
be granted.
Witness mv official signature this
February 2,1908.
SAM T. HURST, Ordinary,
The 5-cent packet is enough lor usual occasions.
The family bottle) 50 cents) contains, a supply
for a year. All druggists sell them.
Representative Flint of Spald
ing county is reported as saying
that the state military encampment
should be held at Griffin this year,
or the state should relinquish con
trol of the land donated for that
Get Ramon’s Liver Pills and
Tonic Pellets for biliousness and
“cut out” calomel and other dras
tic drugs. A month’s treatment
for 26 cents.
A Buggy Bargain.
A good buggy for sale at a low
price at Winn’s Stables, Perry,
Cured of Rheumatism Alter Spend
Ing $3,000 in Vain.
Mrs. G. L. Thaxter, of Ashland, Oal.,
writ os: “Ihadbeen long afflicted with
inflammatory Rheumatism and was con
fined to my bed six months. I had tried
every known remedy; spending $3,000 to
no effect. I used three bottles of URIC-
SOL, and found permanent relief.”
URIOSOL, never fails to cure diseases
incident to disorders of'the Kidneys and
Bladder VVr caused bv uric acid.
Druggi* cs <-ell iat $1.0'J bottle, c**
six bottles for $5.00.
Gnai’diau’N Sale.
By virtue of an order from the court of
Ordinary of Houston county ,1Ga., at the
January term, 1008,1 will sell at public
outcry at the court house door in Perry,
Ga., within the legal hours of sale, on
the 1st Tuesday in March next, (19118)
the following real estate belonging'to the
estate of Edwin jjJ Houser, a' minor, to-
wit: The one-twelfth (1-12) undivided
interest in one town lot 140 feet fronting
on Anderson avenue and running ,160
feet back, in the town of Fort Valley; al
so east half of lot No. 247, less three
acres sold on southeast corner of said
lot, containing 98 aores more or less. All
of said realty situated, lying and being
in the 9th district of Houston county,Ga.
Feb. 2,1908. F. C. Houser, G’d’n.
GEORGI A—Houston County,
W. L. Means, administrator of the es
tate of Geo. W. Lane, deceased; has ap
plied tor dismission from> said trust. r *
This is therefore to cite all persons con
cerned to appear at the March term,
1008, of the court of Ordinary of said
county and show oause, if any they have,
why said application should not be
Witness my offioial signature this
February 2, 1908.
SAA1 T. HURST, Ordinary.
GEORGIA— Houston County.
Annie Lowp has applied for adminis
tration on the estate of A. L. Lowe, late
ot said county, deceased.
Thisis therefore to cite all persons con
cerned to appear at the March term,
1903, of the oourt of Ordinary of said
county, and show cause, if any they have,
why said application should not be
Witness my offioial signature this
February 2,1908.
SAM. T. HURST, Ordniary.
Bears the
1 of
Can save yon money. Hold your orders until you
see me.
I am selling for B. T. Adams Sc Co,
: >v|f
> iriilsHH