The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, March 05, 1903, Image 4
m 111111 mmm ■Mf mm* i ■ Hfe)' . .*.-;'. ' P JHL—«—* Read It Through. Diild Spoil This Story to Tell It iu tlio Headlines. To use, an eighteenth century phrase, this is an “o’er true tale.” Having happened in a small Vir- towu ill the winter of 1902, it is a story very much of the pres ent. “Up to a short time ago Mrs. John E. Harmon, of Mel fa Station, Va., had no personal knowledge of the rare curative properties of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, “Last January,” she says, “my baby took a dread ful cold and at one time I feared she would have pneumonia, but one of my neighbors told me how this remedy had cured her little boy and I began giving it to my baby at onoe and it soon cured her. I heartily thank the manu facturers of Chamberldin’s Cough Remedy for placing so great a cure within my reach. I cannot recommend is too highly or say too much in its favor. I hope all who read this will try it and be convinced as I was.” For sale by all Druggists. <f)rtrir%00> Thin «l(maturo la on owery box of the genuine Laxative Bromo»Quinine Tablet* the remedy thus onre* <i on Id in Olte dtfT pfcv.‘ Wm m m p§vp| fjpl : v: Hu! ty:- emnalism and all Liver, Kidney and Blad der troubles caused by uric acid iu the system. It cures by cleansing aud vitalising the blood, thus removing the fcause of disease. It gives vigor and tone and buildB up the health aud strength of thg patient while using the remedy. URICSOLi is a luminary in the medical world. It has cured aud will continue to cure more of the above diseases than all other known remedies, many of which do more harm than good. This great and thoroughly tested and endorsed California Remedy never disappoints. It cujrea in- 1 fallibly if taken Os directed. ■ Try it and be convinced that it is a wonder and a blessing to suffering humanity. Price $1.00 per bottle, or 6 bot tles for $5. For sale by druggists. Send stamp for book of partic ulars and wonderful cures. If lyyou upon URICSOL CHEMICAL CO., Los XesoIm, Cl. or (bo LAMAR & RANKIN DRUd CO., Atlanta, da. Distributing Agints. TWO PAPERS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE Containing eaoh week from eight to twelve large pages of four broad col umns eaoh, all beautifully illustrated with original and artistic half-tone en gravings, in black and colors. Touug People’s Weekly has reaohed its marvelous eucoess and attained a cir culation of over 210,000 oopies a week because its contents interest young readers. Its iiotion is wholesome, its oomment on current events is helpful to young people, its editorials are inspiring. OUR SPECIAL OFFER. Arrangements have been perfected be tween the publishers of Young People’s Weekly and the Homo Journal which enable us to offer both papers at the price of the last named alone. Send us $1.50 for one year’s subscription to the Homes Journal and both it and Young People’s Weekly will be mailed to you regularly for .52 consecutive weeks. This offer applies to both new subscribers and present subscribers who renew their subscriptions before February 1, 1903, paying for same a . fall year in advance at regular rates. Address THE HOME JOURNAL, Perry, Ga. ■ • - ■ * Adult Male Population and School Population. Southern Education Board. An important factor in determine ing a state’s ability to educate itB children is found in the proportion of adult males (the natural wealth producers) to children of school age. Where the proportion is small each adult male must not only bear a larger part of the burden of school taxes ohan where it ta large, but al so a larger part of the burden of government and of support of the non-produoing part of the popula tion. The extent to which children of school age may be freed from la bor is also involved. Where the pro portion is small it becomes necessa ry for children to earn a part or all of their living earlier than where it is larger. The following figures, calculated from statistics in the United States census, show that from this stand point the bnrden of education in the southern states is much heavier than in other sections of the country. In Tennessee there are 62 adult males to every 100 children betwen five and twenty years of age; in Virginia, 68; North Carolina, 66; South Caro lina, 61; Georgia, 69; Mississippi, 66; Texas, 66; Ohio, 91; Michigan, 91; New York, 102; Rhode Island, 102; Massachusetts, 108; Connecticut, 109; Washington, 126; California, 129; Montana, 166. In the states of the East, North and West the pro portion of adult males to ohildren of school age is from twenty-five to one hundred and fifty per cent larg er than in the Southern states. In the Southern states as a whole, but not including any state north of the Potomac, there are 69 adult males to every 100 ohildren of school age; in the North Central states, 84; in the North Atlantic,'States, 99; in the Western states, 116. In North and South Carolina the average man must provide for the support and education of twice as many children as the average man of Massachusetts or Connecticut, and throe times 0^ many as the av erage man in Montana; the average man in the Southern Btates for al most twice as many children as the average man in the North Atlantic or the Western states. It should also be remeniberou that one-third of the 69 men in the Southern states are negro men, possessed of little property and doing, as a rule, a low and unremunerative grade of labor, and nearly one-fifth the remainer are illiterate white men, whose labor is of a similar grade; If we had as muoh taxable prop erty as the people of the East, North and West, still the burden of edneating our ohildren would be as heavy again aB theirs. The state senate of Missouri has passed a bill providing for the “tax ing, branding and licensing of for eign lords and noblemen, both real and bogus, found running at large in the state of Missouri,” and pro- \iding severe punishment for viola- tiob of the said law, “to the end that the young womenn of Missouri may be protected and fully warned against engaging in a speculation of such risky and dangerous character as investing in suoh enterprises.” More ltiofcs. Disturbances of strikers are not nearly as grave as an individual disorder of the system. Overwork, loss of sleep, nervous tension will be followed by utter oollapse un less a reliable remedy is immedi ately employed. There’s nothing so efficient to cure disorders of the Liver and Kidneys as Electric Bitters. It’s a wonderful tonic, and effective nervine, and the greatest all around medicines for run down systems. It dispels ner vousness, rheumatism and neural gia and expels Malaria germs. On ly 50o at Holtzoiaw’s Drugstore. Satisfaction guaranteed. r — —*>*0-4 — _ . There are now at work in the riv ers of the middle island of New Zeal and about 240 dredges, each costing from $26,000 to $70,000,with the ob ject of extracting gold from the de posits in the beds of the streams. When the harbor authorities of Calcutta advertised for bids on loco motives the lowest English bid was $7,349,with delivery in nine months; the lowest American bid was $5,998, delivered in six months. If it’s a bilious attack, take Phamberlaiq’s Stomaoh & Liver Tablets and a quick recovery is certain. For sale by all druggists, World’s Fair Dedication. The magnificent character of the ceremonies contemplated for the 30th of April next at St. Louis has scarcely been touched upon. The occasion is the celebration of the 100th anniversary of. the Louisiana Purchase, and the dedication of the buildings for the World’s Fair of 1904. President Roosevelt, accompanied by his cabinet and the diplomatic corps, will attend. Former President Cleveland will deliver the principal address. Car dinal GibbonB, Bishop Potter and Bishop Hendricks will represent three of the great church organiza tions at the ceremonies. The gov ernors of the Louisiana Purohase states will be present, accompanied by their staffs. The governors of many other states will also be pres ent. The national commission and board of lady managers of the expo tion, state and foreign commissions to the World’s Fair, and many other distinguished persons, will take part in the event. A publio holiday season will be proclaimed, continuing for three days, April 30th, May 1st and 2nd. Major General Henderson O. Corbin will be the grand marshall and over 6.000 government troops and 10,000 members of the National Guard will attend the ceremonies in uniform and participate in the grand pa rades. The fireworks display will be of a character surpassing any prtvious attempt in this line. The fireworks program covers the entire three days and provides both day and evening displays. The program for the even ing display of Thursday, April 30th, contains fifty-two parts, and for Fri day eveping, May 1st,’ forty-four parts. On Saturday, May 2nd, a day program only will be given. Among the many large features will b« the unfurling of an Ameri can flag 300 by 400 feet in size and the flags of several of the leading nations of the world 200 by 300 feet in size. These will be carried 2,600 fCet into the air by seven immense balloons, and there the fireworks of which they are composed will be set off. One of the set pieces will be a representation full size, of the illu minated cascades and colonnades of the Cascade Gardens. This, will be over fifty feet high with 1 central feature 200 feet high, and the whole over a quarter of a mile long. There will be flights of 100 rockets of va rious kinds, flights of 100 bombs, 1.000 triple star candles, 600 mam moth prismatic whirlwinds, volleys of 1,000 showers, grand bouquet of 6.000 large colored rockets, a Ja cob’s ladder consisting of 1,000 spe cial rockets, an illumination of the park, a flight of balloons carrying the flags of all nations, jeweled mines, 100 batteries of gyrated won ders, eta. The display is the largest ever planned for any occasion. Splendid musical events will be a part of the three-day celebration. Two hundred thousand visitors are expected, for which provision has been made by a complete canvass of the city and provision will be made for the comfort of all. YOU GAN sit AS ALL THE At a nominal cost by joining COLEMAN’S CIRCULATING LIBRARY. months. and give Fifty cents per month, $3 00’for six months, or $5.00 for twelve Write for new List of Books and further particulat e. I also handle a Complete line of BOOKS ANI) STATIONARY, special attention to Mail Orders, My Houston County Friends are Invited to Cali When Iu MacoNT. ft A. COLEMAN. 308 Second Street, MACON, GA. Special Offer Bought and {Sold to out of town customers p oh our Circulating Library- Picture Frames made to order in best manner at lowest prices. McEvoy Book & Stationery Co., 672 Cherry Street, MACON, GA v Malarial Weakness X takes’ the joy of life away and opens , the system to disease. Assist Nature, /avoid strong drugs, use a gentle Treatment. ON'5 IIYER V and Tonic Pellets will help the natural forces to restore perfect health, feed the blood and paint the bloom of health on the cheeks. A Treatment tHat Cures without unpleasant effects. ■ \ Complete Treatment w - 25c. ‘M . e °o., New Yo** & Well Again. The many friends of John Blount will t>0 pleased to learn that he has entirely recovered from his attack'of rheumatism. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm cured him after the best doctors in the town (Monon, Iud.) had’failed to give relief. The prompt relief from pain which this liniment af fords is alone worth many times its cost. For sale by all Drug gists. The most peculiar feature of the doll trade is that no one factory makes the entire doll. A toy turtle with a clock in its chest has to pass through the hands of three men and thirty-seven girls before it is ready to be put on the market. Some doll makers employ many bands inside the factories and send the different parts to the homes of the workers to be completed there. Working Overtime, Eight hour laws are ignored by those tireless little workers, Dr. King’s New Life Pills. ' Mil lions are always at work, night and day, curing indigestion, bil iousness, constipation, sick head ache and all stomaoh, liver and bowel troubles. Easy, pleasant, safe, sure. Only 25o at Holtz- claw’s Drugstore. "STotj. Can Bu.y J^a.ola.ixiexy'. Have your Machinery repaired., buy parts of Machinery, Pipe and Steam Fittings and Dressed Lumber at ...Anthoine’s Machine Works... FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA. All kinds of Repair Work in Iron and Woqd. Patterns made to order. Dress ed and Matched Flooring and Ceiling for sale and Lumber dressed to order. FULL LINE OF COFFINS AND CASKETS. CREAM. SIGt- ^XEXES THE BEST. JERSEY CREAM EL0UR is the best product of a ISTew Roller Process Mill. It is made of the best wheat, for in dividual customers of the mill and for the trade. Ask your merchant for JERSEY or bring your wheat to CREAM FLOUR, HOUSER’S ZMTXIEjIj- A. J. HOUSER, Prop’r., EVA, GA. Easy Way to Purchase a Firstclass Piaho at Lowest Prices and on Very Easy Terms. 1st. Join the Club for very best Pianos (prices from $350 to $500) by paying $10 and then $2.50 per week or $10 per month. Pian os delivered as soon as you join club. 2nd. Join the Club for good medium Pi anos, fully warranted (prices from $250 to $300), by paying $8 to join and $2 per week or $8 per month. These Pianos are.all the very best makes. Call at once and join the Club, and make vou r selection of one of these celebrated makes of Pianos. I. A. GUTTENBERGER. 452 Second St. Macon, Ga* mik m I