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E. A 8E
Is the best and safest remedy for
all stomach and bowel troubles of
babies and children. It quickly
cures constipation, diarrhoea, con
vulsions, wonns, sour stomach and
loss of sleep. It is perfectly harm
less, but very effective. Children
like to take it. At all drug-stores—
a large botde for : : : : :
Ask your druggist about the
LEAF Agriculture For the Common Schools.
Many communications have come,
to this Department in recent years
asking us to recommend a work h leaf our, ,a a disease which; “eX|B||SSS
eariy, into the carriculum or our common
(By W. M. Scott, State Entomologist).
Pour fuHQ,uarts of this Pine-Old, Pure
We ship on approval In plain, sealed boxes)
with no marks tp indicate coutenta. Whemyou |
rqceive itand test it, If it is hot satisfactory,
return it a' our expense and we wll return your
$3.50. We guarantee this brand to be
Eight bottles for $6 50, express prepaid;
12 uottfes for $0 50 express prenaid.
One gallon jug, express prepafd, $3 00;
g gallon jug, express prepaid, $5 60.
No charge for boxing.
We ban
50 Per Cent, on Y our Purchases:
appears in our orchards in
spring, causing the young and tender
foliage to thicken, curl and finally
drop. Although it may occasionally
be seen on the twigs, its attacks are
confined principally to the leaves.
In the early part of the summer all
the affected leaves are shed and noth*
lng more is seen of the disease until
the following spring. When an or
chard is but slightly -affected, a new
crop of leaves is quickly produced and
the damage is slight; but when, as fre-
quently happens, the greater part of
the foliage is involved, the tree is Im
poverished, the present crop of fruit
destroyed, and future crops affected.
• Prevention by Spraying.
Few fungus diseases affecting cul
tivated plants have proven more eas
ily or surely prevented than the Leaf
Curl of the peach. It has been demon,
strated beyond question that even
the worst affected orchards may, by
proper spraying at the right season,
be practically freed of the pest, and
with a single application of the treat
ment. Numerous fungicides have
been used and recommended, but of
them all the safest and most effective
has proven to be the Bordeaux mix
ture. This should be applied in late
winter or early spuing. After Lhe buds
have become swollen the germs of the
fungus begin to penetrate the tissues
and the treatment is therefore less
effective, so that it is necessary to j
begin spraying in time to finish at
least two weeks before the trees are
likely to bloom. A little later when
the young leaves have begun to push
out and the evidences of the disease
become apparent, it is altogether too
late, and a spraying, so far as the
leaf curl is concerned, would be a
waste of labor and material.
It Is very Important in spraying for
this disease that every part of the
tree he reached by the Bordeaux or
othw mixture used, for if a limb or a
schools and also from many farmers
desiring a work on general agricul
ture in the south. Until recently we
have had nothing of that
kind prepared by any of
our own people, who are best ao-
quainted with the needs of the farm
ers of, Georgia and neighboring South
ern States. This department sug
gested to Professor J. B. Hunnicutt,
editor of The Southern Cultivator,
the preparation of a work of this bind,
and invited the co-operation of Profes^
sor G. R. Glenn at that time School
Commissioner of the State of Georgia.
Such a work by Professor Hunnicutt
has just been issued from the press
of the Foote & Davies Publishing Co.,
of Atlanta, and is, therefore, a genu
ine home production, well adapted to
the farmer boys and girls of the South.
Every farmer should take pride in
ils profession; for without such a
sentiment he cannot do his best work.
By pursuing proper methods he can
instill the same sentiment into his
children, so that they will find both
pleasure and profit In learning how
to make the soil grow good crops.
If farming is ever to reach the
place which it should occupy, it will
be where the children have been
taught its usefulness and beauty in
the school room.
The work of Professor Hunnicutt is
so simple that even a teacher, who is
entirely Ignorant of the theory and
practice of farming, can use it with
profit to his pupils and himself.
Many bdoks have been written on
agriculture, but they are all more or
less treatises on agricultural chemistry.
This work avoids this channel, but at
the same time adheres strictly to sci
entific truth, while expressing it in
plain language. ~
It teaches the history of agriculture,
treats of the composition and kinds of
soil, their preservation and Improve
ment; how plants grow, the proper
use of manures and fertilizers; the se
Tinware, Woodenware,
Farming Implements, Etc.
308 Third St. (Near Post Office) MACON, G-A
cliargo ror Doxing.
i handle all the loading brands of Rye'and
bon Whiskies aud -will save you
Kentucky Star Bourbon,
Elkridge Bourbon
Boon Hollow Bourbon
Celwood Pure Rye
Monogram Rye : 55
McBrayer Rye
Maker’s A AAA.."
O.O. P. (Old Oscar Pepper)....
Old Crow ,
Fincher’s Golden Wedding..
Hoffman House Rye
Mount Vernon, 8 years old
Old Dillinger Rye, 10years old,.... 126
The above are only a fow brands.
Bend for a catalogue.
All other Soods by the gallon, such as Com
§1 25
.... 45
.... 75
2 50
1,.... 126
portion of a limb be missed the fungus 1 J*® “ “TT W ter f tuIze 5 8 ’*
will develon unnn it and tvma and- planting of seed with the
win develop upon it, and thus tend n?eded preparation 6t th , e solli fOT
their reception; the cultivation, gather
ing and storing of crops; the proper
to re-infeet to some degree the rest
of the tree. ' /
Formula and Directions.
methods of marketing, and the best
investments of the profits that accrue;
treats also of farm labor, farm ani
mals and implements; of every kind
of farming; and, in fact, takes a gen
eral and comprehensive view of every,
thing that a farmer or a farmer’s child
should know. The tables in the ap
pendix are just what every farmer
The Department of Agriculture
heartily endorses this work, and hopes
that it will be adopted in every school
and find its way into every family in
the south.
have our prompt attention: Special
inducements offered.
Mail Orders shipped same dav of the
receipt of order.
Tlie Al tai ay er & Plateau
Liquor Company,
606, 508, 610, 512 .Fourth Street, near
Union Passenger Depot.
luwjr wuuuQuvLcu. ...udbookon Patents
sent free. Oldest agency for securingpatents.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
ottce, without charge, In the
g•pedal notice, s ~,
Scientific American.
A'hanjJsoTnely illustrated weekly. Largest cir
culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a
year; four months, ?L Sold by all newsdealers. „
MUNN & C0,361 Broadway, New York
Br T Office. 625 F St„ Washington, D. C.
(Mr. Bryan’s Paper.)
The Commoner has attained within
six months from date of the first issue a
circulation of 100,000 copies, a record
probably never equaled in the history of
American periodical literature. The
unparalleled growth of this paper de
monstrates that there is room in the
newspaper fields for a national paper de
voted to the discussion of political,
economic, and social problems. To the
columns of the Commoner Mr. Bryan
contributes his best efforts ;and his views
of political events as they arise from
time to time can not fail to interest those
who study public questions.
The Commoner’s regular Bubcription
price is $1.00 per year. We have arrang
ed with Mr. Bryan whereby we can fur
nish his paper and Home Journal to
gether for on& year for $1.90. The reg
ular subscription price of the two pa
pers when subcribed for separately is
Bordeaux is composed of k mix
ture,. of the diluted 1 solutions of lima
and bluestone and may be prepared
from the following formula:
5 pounds fresh, unslalied lime.
5 pounds bluestone (sulphate of cop-
per). J - .
50 gallons of water.
As much as six pounds of bluestone
and an equal quantity of lime may ba
employed with safety and perhaps
advantageously in some cases. How
ever, when it is desired to Use Bor
deaux for brown rot or other diseases
after the foliage is out, the quantity
of bluestone should be reduced to 3
pounds and that of lime increased to I A Chicago dispatch says that
nine pounds, because of the injurious Miss Martha Wilson, a rich, cul-
effect that strong Bordeaux, has upon tured and charming young woman
\J° hTu™ i, 4 J of that city, grown tired of the
enough water to redueeYtothe $ haS suddenly
sistency of thick cream and dilute to 1 cast aside 80(Jiet y llfe and g one to
25 gallons; dissolve the bluestone in i worlr 111 the clfc y’ s bureau of char-
25 gallons of water also. Then in a I ities. She told her father that
separate barrel mix the two solutions, I she wanted to “du” something
first pouring in a bucket of one and! and not fritter away her life, and
then a bucket of the other, or better he permitted her to have her way
still, pouring then in simultaneously.
After thoroughly stirring the mixture
and allowing it to stand for a few mo
ments it is ready to be strained into
the spray pump tank.
When thus prepared, Bordeaux is
at its best, consisting of a fine floe-
ulent, pale blue precipitate suspended
in the water. If either or both of the
Ingredients should be in concentrated
solution when the mixing is dene the
resulting Bordeaux in coarser grain
ed, settles much more quickly and is
less effective as a spray. Even the
best will begin to settle quickly on
standing, and it is essential -that the
spray pump be supplied with an agi-'
tator that will keep it stored in the
act of pumping.
The bluestone may be gotten* into
solution more quickly and readily by
suspending It in the corner"of a fer
tilizer sack ju*st below the surface of
the water, or by the use of a small
quantity of hot water.
When a considerable amount of
spraying is to be done, it will be
found convenient to prepare stock so-
t. rr ceoo
-DEAr.EB in—
EigE Class Work of Every Description.
Absolute Satisfaction Guaranteed,,
509 Fourth Street,
0. J. CLARK.
! /
Dealers in Tennessee. Georgia, Italian and American Marble and
European and Domestic Granite.
Estimates furnished aud contracts made for all kinds of Building
Stone. Iroh Railing for Cemetery Work a specialty.
We have lately added a fully equipped Cutting and Polishing
Plant, with the latest Pheumatio tools, andean meet'all competition
s iJjY i u? -U/# »
Wakeful Children.
For a long time the two year
old child of Mr. P. L. McPbersen,
59 N. Tenth St., Harrisburg, Pa.,
would sleep but two or three hours
in the early part of the night,
which made it very hard for her
parents. Her mother concluded
that the child had stomach troub
le, and gave her half of one of
Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver
Tablets, which quieted her stom
ach and she slept the whole, night.
Two bottles of these Tablets have
effected a permanent cure and she
is now well and strong. For sale
by all dealers.
John D. Rockefeller is credited
with owning $35,000,000 par value
of Standard Oil stock which, at
the present market value, is worth
nearly $260,000,000. He must be
quite as rich a man as Andrew
as non a
lutions by dissolving 25 pounds or 50 Carnegie, and no one else stands
pounds of bluestone in an equal num-lin the same class with them, un-
ber of gallons of water, while a like less it be J. P, Morgan, whose
amount of lime is slaked and diluted wealth nobody .ventures to estim-
to a similar volume. Then by dipping
out five gall.ons of either solution it
will be seen that an equal number
of 'pound® of lime and bluestone will
be secured, and thp separate weighing
It Saved His Leg.
P. A. Danforth of LaGrange,
and" dissolving oAh7"small Tots be j ; Ga., suffered for six months with
avoided. The two ingredients should a frightful running sore on his.
leg; but writes that Bucklen’s Ar
nica Salve wholly cured it in five
„ the Owfh and Works Off the Coli. For Ulcers. Wounds, Piles.
Laxative lAomo Quinine, Tablets H|fjM §jfe£
never be mixed unless diluted as be
fore described.
cures a cold in one day. No cure,
No pay Price, 25 cents
Advertise in The Home Jourmq*
Cure guaranteed.
Bold by druggist.
Subscribe for the Home Journal
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 years, has home the signature of
and has been made under his per
sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Just-as-good” arc but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger tlio'liehlth of
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTOR1A
CJastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. * It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It curc3 Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. I£ assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea—ThO/Mother’s Friend.
Dears the Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years.
i m
1870, 1903.
V.. 1 ■ •; . V; V
la this Section of Georgia.
We strive to make the paper a welcome visitor to eveiy
household, thereby deserving patronage,
Snbscription Price $1.50 a Year.
Liberal reduction for Fcash one
year in advance. Subscribe now.
Editor and,
Perry, Ga.
: ■ 7 : ; Jj-j.;.