The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, March 05, 1903, Image 7

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If So, Try a Bottle Of
Working the Oountr
A few words about
ing. We are never
more than we can
where the troable cot;
ise a negro he can
and rest the third,
We defy the world to produce a medi
cine for the cure of all forms of Kidney
and Bladder trohbles,and all diseases pe
culiar to women, that will equal Smith’s
Sure Kidney Cure.. Ninety-eight per
cent, of the oases treated with Smith’s
Sure Kidney Cure that have come under
our observation have been cured. We
sell our medicine on a positive guarantee
if directions are followed, and money re
funded if cure is not effected.
Price 50 oents and $1.00. For sale by
R. L. Pater, Druggist, Perry, Ga.
-■ 1
By virtue of an order from the Court
of Ordinary of Houston county, Ga., at
the .January term, [903, I will sell at
public outory at the court house door in
Perry, Ga., within the legal bouts of sale
on the first Tuesday in April next, (1908)
che following realjestate belonging to tl(e
estate of Edwin J. Houser, a minor, ttf>-
wit: Lot of laud No. 70, exoept 10 aords
on the north-east corner thereof, being
192% acres more or less. Said realty
situated, lying nud being in the 9th dis
trict of Houston county, Ga.
M’oh 4,1903, F. O. HOUSER, G’du|
Grown and Bridge Work.
All classes of Dentistry.
Offie adjoiniug Express Office, SJouth
side of Oouit House Square.
■ ' . : • :
xious to work
and there is
. You prom-
ork two dayr
ill P A-
355 THIRD 8T.
Will practice in the several courts,
Federal and State, I
Special attention given-' to causes in
the courts of this oircuit. i
Practice in all jbhe Courts.
Loans negotiated /and Laud Titles
abstracted. Oollectkpns on all points.
Seourity Ponds furbished.
J. D. MARKIN, Sr.,
Perr/y, Ga.
Watohes, Clocks apd Jewelry Repaired.
Satisfaction* Guaranteed.
appey’s Drugstore.
Qlfioe in Masoi
X -
Hr. W. A. Blasseugamo.
A-N-S Tabules
Doctors find
pod prescription
Por mankind
feet is enough for usual occasions,
ttle (CO cents) contains a supply
1 druggists sell them.
11 attention given
transient Trade.
peot to i’68t the j&ird whether* he
works the two orf Aot. So it ir* on
the road; you telyhim he w Jm have
to woik only five days in ■ the year
aud he will not fork one* day longer
if the rains a sa'ilW across the
road in fron^ of hiiymouse as deep as
the great cation Si Colorado. We
believe if th/ commissioners would
make the overseers work five days in
the year, with t)ha privilege of work
ing longer in c ( !ise of emergency, it
would pro\e more satisfactory. Al
most any roetd in the county could
have five,.days’ work spent very
profitably f bn it, dut there are plenty
roads in (the county which if they
were worked twenty days and the
twenty-prat day there Bhould fall
suoh rpns as we often have, they
would immediately be impassable.
Th^ what are we going to do? Do
likfs the Yankees did* to get to Rich-
nd, go around and wait? Gen
tlemen, give us more time in case of
Our overseers will not work like
George Thomas (a negro) gave the
medicine to John Lamar (another
negro). John being sick, sent for
the doctor, who, on his arrival at
John’s house, found George the on
ly one to wait on John. After ex
animation, the doctor left medicine
for John,with instructions to George
to give John every four hours as
much as would lie on a dime. The
next day when the doctor arrived he
found John dead, and after asking
George pointedly about size of dose
given, George replied: “I gin it jes’
as you say, 'oept I hpd no dime an’
I- jea’ took two aickles."
We think our overseers know how
much will lie on a dime and will ad
minister it in proper doses. L, N.
Ex-Slave Pensions.
By a Colored School Teachar.
A good deal has been said about
ex-slave pensions, and a great deal
of money has been given away to
push the movement as it went, and
I suppose the led-away ex-slaves
gave a good pension to those move
menters, and 1 know' those where I
live have received no pension, and
have no fitting place for their chil
dren to go to school while it is cold;
they helped push the movement just
as though they and the movement-
era could push an ex-slave pension
bill through oongress. It would be
better had they given the money
for a district sehoolhouse.
If all ex-slaves would agree with
me, they would pay no attention to
the so-called ex-slave pension clubs
and wait ’til the introduced bill be
comes a law, then go to the ap
pointed place to draw pensions. We
have men to make our laws. All the
ex-slave pension clubs in this world
and the dark world can’t pass an ex
slave pension bill. My dear people
hate to see you fnade fools of and
then robbed of your little money. If
there is a pension for you, you will
undoubtedly get it.
Of. course some ex-slaves have
been pensioned, but they were sol
diers. You must not be fooled by
that. If they paid anything it was
for identification, and held no clubs
at all. You do not need to hold
/ Please believe me and keep your
money for the education of your
grand-children. They need it, and
are more entitled to it than those
movement raisers.
Perry, Ga. A Friend,
[The author of the above is one of
the best negro school teachers in
Houston county. He is earnest and
faithful in his work,and has the con
fidence alike of the white and color
ed people. He is sensible, and the
advice he gives is worthy of accept
ance and observance. Ed.]
Marriage at Elko.
At the Elko Methodist church on
ednesday, February 23 d, at 3 p.
, a most beautiful wedding was
Solemnized. The contracting parties
wore ' M>rtfca Virginia M^ane.
and Mr. Benjamin David Bryan.
Tile church was artistically decor-
orated and was Hilled to its capacity
by relatives and friends to witness
the ceremony, which Rav. H. O.
Brewton, the pastor, performed.
The ushers. Lawton W. Houser
and Fred Eubanks, marched in on
the side aisles, meeting under the
arnh, then separated, marching back
to their proper place, when the at
tendants came in on the side aisles,
forming, couple s under the aroh,then
separating, forming a semi-circle on
either side of the aron. They maroh-
ed in the following order: W. O.
Gaines and Mibb Elma Houser, W.
H. Bryan and Miss Pauline Srnoak,
W. E, Swearingin and Miss Gertrude
Marshall, Donald MoDonald and
Miss Edna Collier, B. B. Means and
Miss Mary Lou Megrath, W. H.
Lassetev and Miss Lillie Mae Mims,
J. W. Lytle and Miss Emmie Florine
Means. The best man was J. D.
Means and the maid of honor Miss
Mary Bryan, brother and Bister of
the bride and groom. Miss Louise
Herndon played Mendelsshon wed
ding march, and while the ceremony
was being performed very softly
played “Hearts and Flowdrs.” The
Lohengrin march was given at the
The bride was attired in castor
silk with panne velvet and peau de
soie timmings. She caried a. boquet
of hyacinths fuchsias.
After the ceremony refreshme;
were served at the home in
of Mr. Walter E. Means, brother of
the bride. The attendants were
seated at table in a circle, with the
bride and groom, best man and maid
of honor seated at a - table in the
center, which of course made it also
the center of attraction.
M. Bryan and wifeJefb at 6 o’olock
for Vienna, the home of the groom,
Misses Emmie Means, Edna Collier,
J. D. and R. B. Means accompany
ing them.
The bride is the youngest daugh
ter of the late Dr. M. H. Means.
She was greatly admired and loved.
The groom is a man of reakworth in
his community, and has a lucrative ,
and responsible mercantile interest/
in Vienna. Guert.
The Macon Telegraph.
Published every day and Sunday,
and Twkpe-a-Week, by'The Maoon
Telegrajph Publishing Co.
Subscription Daily and Sunday,
$7.00 Jper annum. Daily except
y, $5.00 per annum. Twice-
k, $1.00 per annum,
advertising medium m the
Rates furnished on appli-
STOR! AForlBfants«ndChi!dreiu
In the public buildings appropri
ation bill passed by the House of
Representatives last Saturday was
included a liberal appropriation for
additions to the federal postbffice
and court house at Macon.
Earl? last Saturday morning a
terriffic wind storm swept over the
south, destroying much property.
— Golden Dent C/Orn at
Holtzclaw’b Drugstore.
— — — ui^L
i Bears the
J Signature
Grovania Gleanings.
By JoeBedge,
The frinds of Prof, and Mrs. Geo.
W. Smith extend their sympathy in
connectin with the sad death of their
little sou, E’Hs, who died in Parry
and was interred in Hayneville cem
etery last Sunday.
M. J. G. Brown, Sr., shipped to
Macon yesterdy 10,000 pounds of
home-raised meat, hams, shoulders
and sides. This is no hog lie, Broth
er Sooks.
Some days ago our streetB were
blockaded with wagons belonging to
Hon. J. P. Brown hauling gUfino—
about 75 tens.
Oapt. C. C. Anderson of Maoon
was among hia friends of Grovania
several days ago. VPe are alwayB.
glad to see the Captain. He is the
same old Kit.
Miss Mary Riley, who is attend
ing shool at Hakinsville, was with
home-folks from Friday to Monday.
The “grippe” is still holding on in
this seotion.
It was a lively day in Grovania
vania last Saturday; horse trading
with gypsies and a man wrestling
with a Shetland pony. The bea r
has lost his reputation in Grovania.
We, the undersigned, wish to
sincerely thank our many friends
who so kindly assisted us during
the severe illuess of our daughter,
Mrs. J. D. Martin, Jr.
W. D. and M. E. Day.
Bliss’ Triumph, |Early Rose,
and several other Reading varieties
Seed Irsh potatoes in any quanti
ty desired. At
Holtzclaw’s Drugstore.
Over»Work Weakens
Your Kidneys
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood.
Gov. Terrell has offered a re
ward of $250 each for the White
men who killed ,two negroes and
wounded others at a mill in Coffee
county on February 7th, and Yor a
white man who killed a negro in
Spalding county on February 23rd.
St^te Senator J. Frank Allee and
Congressman L. Heisler Ball, repub
licans, have been elected TJ. S. sena
tors by the Delaware legislature.
For four years, through failure to
elect, Delaware has been without
representation in the Ui S. senate.
One of the entertainment features
of the state fair next October will
be a militarj prize drill, open to all
military companies of the south. It
is also quite likely that the farmers’
congress will meet at Macon during
the fair.
At Macon last Saturday middling
cotton sold for pf cents per pound,
l|g cents higher than on the same
date last year, while the receipts for
the year up to February 28th, were
705 bales more than for the previous
year to same date.
j — —*—
President Roosevelt has called
the 68th congress to meet in extra
ordinary session at noon on Thurs
day, March 5th, the day following
the adjournment of the 57th con
gress. ' 4
Early Orange Sorghum Seed.
Houston-raised Early Orange
Sorghum Sepd for sale. Thorough
ly cleansed and strictly.first-class.
The best green forage for this
5 cents per pound; 50 cents per
peck; $1.40 per bushol.
At "Cater’s Drug Store,
tal Perry, Ga.
Plowing and Garden Work.
I am prepared to do plowing
and, furnish hands for garden
work in Perry. Satisfactory work,
correct prices. Give me your or
ders. Respeotfully,
Sidney Burges.
—We are now selling the best
$8.00 pants ever sold in Perry for
the money—a Job.
Eewards & Marshall.
—New patterns in Mercerized
Damask with Doileys to match,
L. M. Paul’s.
-Best Seed Irish Potatoes.
F. M. Houser.
All the blood in your body passes through
yout kidneys once every three minutes. ^
. ^*in ^ The kidneys are your
blood purifiers, they fil
ter out the waste or
impurities in the blood.
If they are sick or out
of order, they fall to do
their work.
Pains, aches and rheu
matism come from ex
cess of uric acid in the
blood, due to neglected
kidney trouble.
Kidney trouble causes quick or. unsteady
heart beats, and makes one feel as though
they had heart trouble, because the heart is
over-working in pumping thick, kidney-
poisoned blood through veins and arteries.
It used to be considered that only urinary
troubles were to be traced to the kidneys,
but now modern science proves that nearly
all constitutional diseases have their begin
ning in kidney trouble.
If you are sick you can make no mistake
by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild
and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer’s
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is
soon realized. It stands the highest for its
wonderful cures of the most distressing cases
and is sold on its merits
by all druggists in fifty-
cent and one-dollar siz
es. You may have a
sample bottle by mall Homo ot swnmp.Root.
free, also pamphlet telling you how to find
out if you have kidney or bladder trouble.
Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer
fie Co., Binghamton, N. Y.
Don’t make any mistake, but remember
the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer’s
Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton,
N. Y., on every bottle.
Notioe is hereby given to ladieB and
gentlemeu who viBit Macon .that Mrs.
W. H. Houser iE now running a flrst-
olasa Boarding House at 755 Cherry St.
which is very near the business oenter
of the 6ity, and she will be pleased to
servo them meals at 26c; eaoh.
—Three papers for $2.25., the
Home Journal, Atlanta Weekly
Constitution and Sunny South.
Christian Union Herald,
a strong, religious, seven-column paper,
devoted to the moral and material ad
vancement of the colored raoe, with an
extensive circulation.
Published Weekly at Savannah, Go.
Subscription $1,00 Per xe r.
REV, W. A. DINKINS, Editor,
P. E. Fort Valley District.
fliem ffife
Pure White Wyandottes.
Eggs $1.00 per setting of 15.
Miss Mattie Tharp,
Perry, Ga.
—Negligee Shirts. Yes, the new
ones. You must see them to ap
preciate them. The iHettiest,neat
est patterns. The popular prices
50/, 75/, $1.00. L. M. Paul’s.
MtertL’o m The RasaS Jauraur
Full Circle, 2 Long Strokes.
Bales Ton an Hou
Took First Prize Florida State Fair, 1
Vehicles, Harness and Harvesting Slacliin
ipi i