Newspaper Page Text
I Hit Motim J&mawm
Perry, Thursday, March 12.
Musical Concert next Tuesday night. ;
Mossy Hill Notes.
local nkw®;
As announced last week, the ! Bx ‘- 00KS *
‘Original Quaker Quarteette’’ We are § lail to see the Journal
will give an inimitable musioal i urging a county fair and making
concert at the court house in Per- ■ a county exhibit at the state fair,
ry next Tuesday night. • If we are to have a county fair,
The quartette is composed of now is the time to organize and
Everything known to
the Grocery business
that the market will
Your patronage solicited.
Best goods.
Prompt service.
W. B. Sims.
for want...
four musical artists, N. L. Baker,
Josef Bistline, H. L. Bassette
and A. W. Cords, who will render
program of vocal aud instru
mental music that has won great
praise wherever heard.
They appear in Quaker, costume,
and their renditions, £rp,m solo to
.quartette, embrace thj&best that
is in music, and giviug^entiment
in its sweetest phasS, pathos, hu
mor,dialect. It is said Prof. Bist
line is a superb violinist, and that
each of the others is a master ei
ther of voice or instrument.
The quartette will appear under
Lyceum auspices, and will render
at Perry one of their best pro
grams. A rare treat is in store
for those who attend.
Performance will begin at 8
o’clock—usual prices.
“For want of a nail the shoe was lost;
For want of a shoe a horse wsb lost;
> For want of a horse a rider was lost,”
A neglect of yours to lay aside
some part of your earniugs in our
savings department, may cause
you great inconvenienoe, possibly
For want of a decision, the aooouNt was
For want of an aooount, the saviugs was
For want of the savings,a home was lost.
For want of a home, the family wus lost.
Home Savings Bank,
American National Bank Building.
Oscar E. Dooley,
Loans negotiated on improved farms
at lowest market rates, and on most lib
eral terms.
Business of fifteen years’ standing.
More than three million dollars in loans
negotiated. Facilities unsurpassed.
No. 814 Second St., Macon, Ga.
Farm Loans
We oonsider good farm lands the best
security for loans. We oau make suoh
loans promptly and at lowest rates. If
you wish to borrow let us hear from you.
Security Loan & Abstract Co.
J. J. Cobb,
Thos. B. West,
Seo. and Att’y,
For several years for a case of Piles,
Boils, Outs, Burns, Bruises, Sore and
Fevered Breast, Old Sores, Insect Bite
or Sting, Ringworm or Tetter, that Mrs.
Pope’s Mullen Salve would not
oure, but so far we have been agreeably
disappointed. The verdict of all who
have used it is that it’s the one quick
absolute and perfect healer. Nothing on
earth like it. Nothing sensational or
fakey about it. It stands on its merit
It is put up in a neat and pretty pack
age. Use it. Yopr money bnck if you
are not satisfied. If your druggist'does
hot have it in stock,send us 50 cents and
we will send you a large box by mail.
Mbs. Annie M. Pope & Co.,
526 Bismark Place, Jacksonville, Fla
Houston County Fair Meeting.
Elko Etchings.
By Big Sandy.
Work on the Methodist church
andparsouage is nearly complete.
Mr. C. E. Eubanks went to Ma
con last week on business.
Mrs. Peddy of Hawkinsville is
visiting Mrs. H. J. Brown.
Miss Ellen, Etheridge of near
Hawkinsville visited Miss Willie
Dennard last week. She and Miss
Dennard are visiting in Hender
son this week, the guests of Mrs.
J. T. Smith.
Mrs. W. R. Davis and Mrs. H.
J. Browu visited Henderson to
day (Monday).
Mrs. J, 0. Mann and little
daughter returned from Vieuna
last Friday.
Miss Mary Jones of Henderson
is visiting her sister, Mrs. P. S.-
Dennard, this week.
Mr. T. J. Shinholser visited By
ron last week.
Prof. J. A. Green attended the
teachers’ institute in Perry last
Mrs; 0. B. Till of Henderson
spent last Thursday here.
Rev. H. C. Brewton left last
Saturday, for Bonaire, where he
filled his regular appointment
Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. W. L. Means visited his
family in Macon Saturday and
Miss Edna Collier is visiting
relatives in Perry this week.
Rev. J. J. Hyman filled his reg
ular appointment at the Baptist
church here Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. J. F. Houser returned home
last Friday, after a pleasant visit
to her daughter, Mrs. 0. G. Har
deman, at Macon.
Miss Edna Kezar, who is at
tending college at Forsyth, spent
Saturday and Sunday with home-
folks here.
Mr. W. H. Buff’s house is near
ing completion. When finished it
will be one of the prettiest in
get iu shape. If we are to make
a county exhibit at the state fair
and contest for a prize, let hs go
in to capture the first one by all
means. Several years ago Capt.
J. B. James went over the county
just a few days before the state
fair opened and collected together
material that made such a grand
showing as to capture the second
prize. If we had begun in time,
we would have been sure of the
first prize that time, but we will
certainly have to work for it this
year, as mauy counties have al
ready entered the contest in dead
earnest. What uo the dear people
say about it in your neok of the
woods, Judge? Talk to them aud
tell us. It is a well-known fact
that the agricultural interest in
the state of Georgia is not encour
aged as iu many other Btates, aud
we hope to see oar farmers make
the county and sta^e fairs a grand
Corn planting will soon be the
order of the day on the Hill, if it
don’t hitch up and rain again be
fore we get our plows bright. We
never saw garden work so back
ward, and the prospeot for early
spring greens is gloomy.
It is delightfully warm aud
pleasant ou the Hill to-day, aud
many pretty flowers smiled out at
us. The pi'onios and redbugs will
soon begin to bud too, aud then
the gallant boys, sweet girls and
spring frocks will be strictly in it.
Mr. W. T. Vanlandingham re
turned home last week from a
pleasure trip to southwest Geor
gia, aud is now more strongly im
pressed that this is God’s own
Col. Buford M. Davis of Macon,
accompanied by his young sons,
Jesse and Ned, spent last week on
Mossy aud enjoyed great sport
hunting, as birds and squirrels
were plentiful.
Dr. J. D. Coleman of Hender
s<m was on the Hill Monday.
Mrs. Manning Davis of Perry
spent several days last week ou
the Hill, greatly enjoying a hap
py home party.
Commissioners’ Court Minutes.
The stock-holders of the Hous
ton County Fair Association of
1901 are requested to meet at the
court house next Saturday at
ten o’clock a.-m., to wind 1 up
the affairs of the association and
oonsider the question of having
another fair. A great many are
of the opinion that Houston coun
ty can carry off oue of the big
premiums offered by the State
Agricultural Association for coun
ty exhibits. Let every district be
represented. Now is the time to
aot if we expeot to have a fair
this fall. ^
J. D. Martin, J. H. Davis,
Seo-Treas. Pres.
Honor Roll
Of pupils at Union Academy for
Eighth Grade,—Eula Hunt, 97.
Seventh Grade,—Jiin Hunt, 95:
Jim Taylor, 90.
Sixth Grade,— Abner
Early Orange Sorghum Seed.
Houston-raised Early Orange
Sorghum Seed for sale. Thorough
ly cleansed and strictly first-class.
The best green, forage for this
5 cents per pound; 50 cents per
peck; $1.40 per bushel.
At Cater’s Drug Store,
tal Perry, Ga.
Vo Buyers of Field, Flower and
Garden Seeds.
The Cheatham Drug & Seed Co.,
successors to LAmar, Cheatham &
Co., iu addition to then* regular
Drug business, have just opened
immediately in the rear of and
opening into their Drug Depart
ment, a first-class, up-to-date
Seed Store, where will be found
everything in the sedd line. We
also handle largely Genuine East-
earn Irish Potatoes and Onion
Sets, Amber and Orange Cane,
German and Cattail Millet, Rocky
Ford Cantaloupe and Watermelon
Seeds. Also oarry a full line of
Flower Seeds, Bulbs, Fern Balls
and Plant Foods. Cabbage, Col-
lard, Radish, Cucumber, Spinach,
Pitts, 95.
Fifth Grade,—Lizzie Perdue, 97;
Gussie Thompson, 90 and Georgs \ A I |JL d aee P n8 P wh ; n “ e ed-
Redding -90.
Third Grade,—Susie Hickson,
94;' Homer Bartlett, 98; Eufa
Bartlett, 90.
Second Grade,—Barney Hunt,
95; Lee Redding, 91; Harry Red
ding, 90; Bessie Oulbert, 90.
First Grade—Gussie Clark
Hicks, 90.
Edna. Harrison, ( Teaoher.
With the first warm days of spring you
begin to feel dull,tired and worn out. It’s
because your blood is tliiok and ologged
with impurities it collected from the
body during the winter. Ramon’s Liver
Fills and Tonio Pellets will dear out the
impurities and dean up the system.
Complete treatment, 25 oents.
iug seeds.
The Cheatham Drug & Seed Co. 4
Mulberry and Third StB.,
Macon, Ga.
Cured of Rheumatism Alter pSoml
lug $U,000 Iu Vain.
Mre. G. L. Tkaxter, of Ashlund, Cal.,
writes: “I had been long nfflioted with
inflammatory Rheumatism and Was con
fined to mV bed Bix months. I had tried
every known remedy; spending 08,000 to
no effect. I used three bottles of URIC-
SOL. and fouud permanent relief.”
UlilOSOL, never fails to cure diseases
inoident to disorders oflthe Kidneys and
Bladder wiur oausea by urio aoid.
Druggists sell i at $1.00 per bottle, or
six bottles for $5.00.
Subscribe for <>h9 Home Journal.
Since disposing of my stock of General
Merchandise, I have decided tp conduct a
Honor Roll Spring Hili; School.
POSITIONS GUARANTEED, under reasonable
conditions. May deposit money
for tnition in bank till position is secured, or
give notes, or contract to pay out of salary,
and without security, after course is completed
and position is secured. Our facilities for se
curing positions, and tbe y proficiency of our
graduates, are strongly endorsed by business
men from Maine to Callfoi
catalogue will explain all.
dress Drangbon’a College at either place.
Send for it. Ad-
Nashville, Tenn.
Atlanta, Ga. A Pt. Worth. Texas*
Montgomery, Ala. tL Galveston, Texas.
Little Rock, Ark. Shreveport, La.
No Vacation St. Louis, flo. ' Enter any time
Most thorough, practical and progressive
schools of the kina in the world. Author four
text-books on bookkeeping. Four weeks book,
keeping with ns equal to twelve by the old plan
Following is the roll of honor
of this school for February: Ma-
bpl Barker, Joe Barker, Pauline
Wasner, Ambrose Pierce, Paul
Thrower, Edna Pierce, Dewitt
Cheek, Gilbam Pierce, Margaret
Wasner, Julia Washer.
MARiLU Wellons, Teacher.
—Prof. S. W. McCallie, assist
ant state geologist of Georgia,was
in Perry Wednesday morning, and
secured a copy of the analysis of
the water of the deep well on
court house square. He is touring
the etate investigating the artesi
an and other deep wells from a
geological standpoint, the purpose
being to secure information that
will be of practical benefit in lo
eating wells. 1 he Home Journal
editor gave the professor the sec
tion of petrified animal vertebrae
that was taken from the chert
quarry on Limestone creek several
years ago. This specimen, prop
erly labeled, will become a part
of the state’s museum.
Also give superior conrse shorthand, etc. We
expend more money securing positions than al-
• liege takes In as tnition.
most any business college
Cheap board; car fare paid.
PENMANSHIP, etc., successfully
taught by mall or no charges. We
f ive better Home Study Conrse than
) per cent of the business colleges
give by personal instruction. Write _
—We can sell you cotton
Hulls and Meal cheap.
Edwards & Marshall.
s Houston County Commission
ers’ Court met in regular monthly
session March 8rd, 1908, with all
the members of the Court present.
The minutes of the preceding
court were read aud approved.
It was ordered that James Christ
mas be stricken from the pauper
list, and that Miles Green, Enoch
McBiide, Zeke Styles, apd Lee
Brighthawk be allowed $1.00 each
from pauper fund.
It was ordered that John Kil-
len, under age, be refunded $1.00
poll tax.
It was ordered that the Ordina
ry be instructed to order vaccine
points in lots of two thousand at
one time, and that he employ one
or two good men in each district
to vaccinato, as far as practicable,
all who have not been recently
successfully vaccinated.
The Ordinary was further in
structed to keep ,T. M. Player in
his employ and have him investi
gate reported cases of smallpox.
It was further ordered that the
Ordinary guard no cases of small
pox hereafter reported, but that
he have a red flag displayed wher
ever small pox shall be found.
There being no further business,
Court adjourned.
C. E. Brunson, Clerk.
(The only business of the kind in Perry, Ga.) and I an now*
ready for busines© with a'first-class line oi
Farmers’ Supplies, Buggies,
Wagons Plows, Etc.,
occupying one of my stores in Day’s Block.
W. D. DAY,
Exclusive Farmers’ Supplies,
Buggies, Wtigons, Plows, &c.
IDa/sr’s BlocHs-
jE^err^, Q-su.
Largest Manufacturers of
—86inch Black Taffeta Silks
at $1.00 yd. A guaranteed Black
Taffe-ta 36 inches at $1.25 yd.
L. M. Paul’s.
—Some more of the New Bar
rett Stoves. See them at
Edwards & Marshall’s. -
Importers of
—Cotton Planters and Guano
Distributors. F. M. Houser.
In buying fertilizers it is important, not only to secure goods of estab
lished reputation and h?grade, but to buy where
Scrapes, Scooters and Shovels.
F. M. Houser.
CASTORIA For Infants and Children.
Sabsc ribe for The HombJoubnai-,
See our nearest agent'to you, or write us direct.
Send for the Vlrglnia-Carollna Almanac
Free for the asking
—Landreth’s famous Vegeta
ble and Flower Seeds are true to
name and stfre to grow. Sold by
measure at y
Holtzclaw’b Drugstore.
We are in position, with our unparalleled facilities and our many plants
located all over the territory, to furnish all classes of goods and in such
quantities as buyers desire. When you buy of us, with our immense'
capacity, you know you can get the goods, arid all you want of them.
—Golden Dent Corn at
Holtzclaw’b Drugstore.
Bears the