The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, March 12, 1903, Image 7

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    \ I
,, CT
Has Cared Thou&auds, Will
Curo You.
If you are troubled with Kikuey or
Bladder troubles, such as Bright’s Dis
ease, 'Dropsy, Catarrh, Gravel of the
Bladder, Albumen in Urine and un
healthy deposits, or too frequent dis
charge of the urine, pain in the back
and bladder, dropsical swelling of the
feet and legs, etc., eto., we guarantee
that by using Smiths Sure Kidney Cure
a complete cure will be effected.
Price 50 cents and $1.00. For sale by
R. L. Cater, Druggist, Perry, Ga.
By virtue of an order from the Court
of Ordinary of Houston county, Ga., at
the .January term, 1903,. I will sell at
publio«outory at the oourt house door in
Perry, Ga., within the legal horns of sale
on the first Tuesday in April next, (1903)
the following realjestate belonging to the
estate of Edwin J. Houser, a minor, to-
wit: Lot of land No. 70, except 10 acres
on the north-east oorner thereof, being
192)£ aores more or less. Said realty
situated, lying and being in the 9th dis
trict of Houston county, Ga.
M’oh 4,1908. F. 0. HOUSER, Q’dn ■
Crown and Bridge Work.
All /classes of Dentistry.
Offie adjoining Express Office, South
side of Court House Square.
Will praotice in the several courts,
Federal and State.
Special attention given to oauseB in
the courts of this oircuit.
: Practice in all the Courts.
Loans negotiated and. Land Titles
abstracted. Collections on all points.
Security Bonds furnished,
JV 1)7 MARTIN, Sr.,
Perry, Ga.
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired.
11 Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Office in Masonic Building.
Office over Slappey’s Drugstore.
Successor to Dr. W. A. Blassengame.
R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules
Doctors find
A good prescription
For mankind
The 5-cent packet is enough for usual occasions.
The family bottle (00 cents) contains a supply
for a year. All druggists sell them.
Rates, $2.00 Per Da^.
Special attention given to
Transient Trade.
tS, il
The Macon Telegraph.
Published every day'and Sunday,
and Twice-a-Week, by The Maoon
Telegraph Publishing Go.
Subscription Daily and Sunday,
$7.00 per annum. Daily except
Sunday, >$5.00 per annum. Twice-
a-Week,' $1.00 per annum.
Best advertising medium in the
city ' Rates furnished on appli
cation. - ' ’ ' .
Vaccination The Only Preventive.
Mb. Editor—Some three weeks
ago I instructed the clerk of the J
board j of county commissioners to
correspond with various county au-
thorities, city and county physicians
as to the best and most economical
way of treating smallpox. Fearing
we were going to have an epidemio
of that dreadful disease, I wanted
all the information I could get in
order that the board could aot intel
ligently in the matter. Two letters,
one from the city and bounty physi
cian at Oolumbus, Ga., and one from
the city physician of Macon, Ga.,
were the most practical we received.
I quote a portion of Dr. Ledsinger’s
letter, from Ooluinbus, Ga.:
“I am sanitary inspector of Co
lumbus, Ga., and have charge of all
contagious diseases, both in the
oounty and City. My method of
treatment is simple: Keep the bow
els open and the fever down, and af
ter patients have broken out grease
them every day with carbolated vas
eline, 10 per cent strong. This id
all we do for them. Isolate all cases
v that have been exposed to the dis
ease fifteen days and vaccinate them.
Give patients plenty fresh air and
plenty to eat. The main thing to
get rid of smallpox is vaccination,
isolation, thorough fumigation of
houses and patients where disease
has been.”
Every one pf twenty-odd letters
stressed the fact that vaccination
was the only means of stamping it
out, and hence the action of the
board, (as appears in the published
minutes) is toward thorough vacci
nation. The landowners and people
generally can materially aid in this
work by vaccinating and encourag
ing others to be vacoinated. There
is nothing more tVue than that suc
cessful vaccination will keep one
from having this dread disease. In
Russia all children have to be vacci
nated and entry made in a record
book, and a certificate of successful
vaccination issued to every child.
In Germany every May the children
whiehi haVe been born since the Majy
previous are vaccinated, and the offi
cials have to see that it is successful.
la six hundred cases of smallpox
in Muscogee county treated by , Dr.,
Leisinger, not one of them had been
successfully vaccinated. Dr. O. O,
Gibson of Macon, Ga., says: “Out
of four hundred cases, not one of
them was ever successfully vaccina
ted. Thi? faot should be conclusive
evidence 'that vacoination is, we
might say, the only preventive. I
think it would be wise for your
county to enforce vaccination, espe
cially among the,negroes, for there
is where we get nineteen-twentieth
of our smallpox.”
So, if we will all act together, we
can, lessen the expense and stamp
out the disease.,
J. D. Mabtin,
Oh’m’n. Board Go. Corns.
Rally for Crawford County Baptists.
To Be Held wir.Ii the Robert® Baptist
Church March 27,28,20, 1903.
Fbiday, 10 a. m. The who, why,
how, of this meeting.
11 a. m. Introductory Sermon, by
Rev. J. W. Tittle.
2:30 p. m. The Ghuroh, her duty
to pastor, members and community.
7:30 p.m. Sermon, The Church,
her constituency and mission, by
Rev. W. H. Norton.
Satubdav, 9:30 a. m. The Church
es of Crawford county. Shall they
organize for local development?
11 a. m. Sermon, “Begin at Je
rusalem,” by Rev. A. S. Dix.
2:30 p. m. The philosophy of giv-
. 7:30 p. m. Sermon, The Champi
ons'’of the Cross in Hostile Lands,
by Rev. E. R. Pendleton.
Sunday, 9 a. m. Sunday School
mass meeting, The Scholar, Teacher,
Superintendent. ,
11 a. m. Serpaon,“Parents’ Duty,
as it relates itself to Home, Sunday
School and Church, by Dr. J. M.
2:30 p. m. (1) The Sunday School
Teacher and his Glass. (2) The Bi
ble on Sunday School Work.
7:30p.m. Sermon..
All are cordially invited.
W. L. Cutts, Pastor.
There will be no session of the
Houston County Baptist Union this
and it is expected that the
cjuuty .will be liberally represented
at the Crawford county meeting. :
Hattie Hummings.
By v.
• It was the extreme pleasure of our
school and community to have Rev-
Albert S. Dix of Perry with us on
last Friday afternoon, who gave us
au excellent lecture on education.
His talk has instilled a great deal of
interest in both patrons and pupils
on educational lines and will be of
lasting good to the community Af
ter the lecture Prof. Murray, our ef
ficient teacher, took a collection for
the library, and has about forty dol
lars, all told. We expect to soon
have our library well filled with
good books.
It was also our pleasure to ha\e
Bro. Dix preabh for us at the Bap
tist church Fridaj night. Our peo
ple were all very favorably impress
ed with him, and w6 will be glad to
have him come again. ■
Miss Fannie Etheridge returned
home Thursday after having-spent
the week with hen* sister, Mrs. W.
G. Kemper, in Macon.
Miss Clara Smith returned from
Macon Saturday, where she had
been visiting relatives for ten days.
Rev. W. L. Cutts, our association-
al missionary, preached here to quite
t). large and attentive audience Sun
day night. It is quite a pleasure to
have Bro. Cutts drop in occasionally
and preach for us.
Mrs. W. G. Kemper of Macon was
down oo see her parents last week.
Mrs. Garvin has a flourishing mu
sic class at he): home. She is a skill
ed teacher on several different in
Mr. M. F. Etheridge has been “in”
for a few days with the grippe, but
glad to say he is improving.
Jack White returned home last
week. He enlisted for the naval ser
vice about six months ago and his
travels have been extensive, but
shortly after he enlisted his health
failed, and he had to return home.
- 1 —
Houston Oounty Baptist Union.
At the meeting of the Executive
Committee of the Houston Oounty
Baptist Union, held on the 27th of
February, it was decided to suspend
the regular meeting on the 5th Sun-
dayjn March, in order to accept an
invitation to assist in the organiza
tion of a county Union for Crawford
Invitations have' been received
from the Byron and Elko Baptist
churches to meet with them.' on the
5th Saturday and Sunday in May.
The Union has a regular mission
ary employed to preach once a
month each at Hayneville and Fitz
gerald school house.
. r M. Kunz, Secretary.
A Great Gathering.
In the city of Madison on March
17-19, will occur a great gathering
of many of the choicest people, of
Georgia. . At that -time and place
will'uccur the State Sunday School
Convention. Besides many local
speakers, Mr. Marion Lawrence,
General Secretary of the Interna
tional Sunday School Association,
covering North AmSfioa, will be
present; and also the world-famous
leader of song, Prof. E. O. Excell, of
Chicago. Every Sunday School in
the state should be represented. We
predict there will be a large attend
ance. For programs and further par
ticulars apply to Geo. Hains, State
President, Augusta, Ga., or J. J.
Cobb, Secretary, Macon, Ga.
Card of Thanks.
Qur heartfelt thanks are gratefully
extended to the good people of
Perry and vicinity who so kindly
and untiringly helped us in our late
bereavement. Words cannot express
our feelings. May God shower His
blessings down upon them.
M. j. Nelson and Ohilpken.
Card of Thanks.
With profound gratitude, I , wish
to. publicly thank,,my friends and
neighbors for their assistance and
sympathy during the severe illness
of my wife.. J. D. Mabtin, Jb,
■—Extra Copies of the Delinea
tor for sale. April fashion sheets
to give, auray. Orders for Butter^
ick Pattern’s promptly filled.
Lu M. Paul.. ,
Pure White Wyandottes.
Egg.v $1.00 per pitting of 15.
Miss Mattie Tharp,
Perry, Ga.
Peach Industry and Agriculture.
In the Macon Telegraph last
Saturday appeared the following
interview, the gentleman making
the report being one ot the most
progressive farmers of Houston
“The peach industry is on a
boom in Houston,” remarked Mr.
J. W Aultman yesterday to a
Telegraph reporter. ,‘The people
are setting out trees by the hun
dreds and thousands. I never saw
anything like it. Over a thous-
and aores around Dunbar, in what
is known as the upper fifth dis
trict, are being devoted to peaoh
culture. This is merely a begin
ning of what the industry will be
in Houston. There will be sev
eral thousand acres planted in the
course of a short time.”
“Farming property has advanc
ed to $50 and $60 an acre, and it
is hard to obtain at these prices,”
said Mr. Aultman, “on account
largely of the unprecedented peaoh,
culture. T. H. Willingham and
his brothers are planting 1.000
acres in EJbertas, and other vari
eties. Dr Baskin, Judge Felton,
the Massees, the Dunbars, Hugh
Arnold and others are investing
heavily it) peach trees.
“The farmers in Houston are
diversifying their crops to their
finanoial advantage. They are
raising a good deal of wheat, aver
aging from 12 to 80 bushels per
uy <* proper Treatment oi
If you are feeling badly you
» mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer’s
>ot, the great kidney, llvet and
Bliss’ Triumph, Early Rose,
and several other leading varieties
Seed Irsb potatoes in any quanti
ty desired. At
Holtzclaw’s Drugstore.
Plowing and Garden Work*
I am prepared to do plowing
and furnish hands, for gurden
work in Perry. Satisfactory work,
correct prices. Give' me your or
ders. Respectfully,
Sidney Burges.
—We are now selling the best
$8.00 pants ever sold in Perry for
the money—a Job. '
Rewards & Marshall. ,
—Best Seed Irish Potatoes. -
F. M. House?.
The Cause of Many
Sudden Deaths*
rhere Is a disease prevailing in this
country most dangerous because so decep-
tlve. Many sudden
| deaths are caused by
lit —heart disease,
1 pneumonia, heart
—! failure or apoplexy
r arc often the result
of kidney disease. If
kidney trouble is al-
lowed to advance the
Z. kidney-p-oisoned
blood will attack the
« i j ^ cwmtocT m wuulm juuvc*. vital organs or the
kidneys themselves break down and waste
away coll by cell.
Bladder troubles most always result from
a derangement of the kidneys and a cure is
obtained quickest by a proper treatment of
the kidneys. If you are feeling badly
can make no ml '
bladder remedy.
It corrects Inability to hold urine and scald
ing pain in passing it, and overcomes that
unpleasant necessity of being compelled to
go often during the day, and to get up many
times during the night. The mild and the
extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon
realized. It stands the highest -for Its won
derful oures of the most distressing oases.
Swamp-Root Is pleasant to take and sold
by all druggists In flfty-cent and one-dollar
sized bottles. You may
have a sample bottle of,
this wonderful new dis
covery and a book that
tells all about it, both nomootSwompOtoot.
sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co.'
Binghamton, N. Y.- When writing mention
reading this generous offer in this paper:
Don’t make any .mistake, but remember
tho ; name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer'p ,
Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton,
N.Y., on every bottle.
■ ■ 1 ; _■: it I,-,".- f.i,, ,.»>j
Notioe is hereby given to ladies and
gentlemen who visit Macon that Mrs.,
W.H. Houser ie nq\v running a first-/
olasa Boarding House nt 755 Cherry St.
which is very nenr the businees center
of the city, and she will be please.d to
serve them meals nt 25o. each,’
^ .. —
Christian, Union Herald,
vaubatnent of the colored raoe, with att I
extensive circulation. /
Published Weekly at Savannah, Ga.
Subscription $1.00 Per re t.
REV, W, A. DINKINS, Editor,
' Pi E. FortVftlleyDietrlet. ,
y, Macon,
Qur winter stock of Fine Dress Goods, Trimmings,
Cloaks, etc., will be sold for cash,at reduced prices.
None better in the city.
• , / , • .; .
• ’ ’ AND
are with us, and will be especially glad to seive
i 1
their Houston friends.
Don’t wait, but call at once.
either need a Stove or a Range? If
so, I can fill your order and guaran
tee to do it satisfactorily. I carry a complete line of
National -Steel Ranges .(uSld &£,)
Excelsior Stoves and Ranges,
New Enterprise Stoves,
l Grand Oak Stoves
My fall stock qf Crockery and Housefnrnishings is even
more complete than it has been heretofore.
I -
Triangular Block;
-M IJI havin't!4tw
'v •
* WsT
m -