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tm Jl,. ’ m Hgnawajgs
Cotton in Asia and Africa.
Cured by One Bottle of Chamberlains f
Cough Remedy.
“When I had an attack of the *
grip last winter (the second one) i
tactually cured myself with one t
bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough |
Remedy,” says Frank W. Perry, I . , . . , , „
Editor of the Enterprisn, IhoMi« ,1““™iM 1.*?*?&
Macon Telegraph.
Every prospejt of an expansion of
the cotton area in the south calls at
tention naturally to the production
of the staple in other parts of the
world. Those of our readers who
ville, N. Y. “This is the honest
truth. I at times. Kept from
coughing myself to pieces by tak
ing a teaspoonful of this remedy,
arid whOn the coughing spell
would come on at night I would
take a dose and it seemed that in
the briefest ’ interval the cough
would pass off and I would go to
sleep perfectly free from cough
and its accompanying pains. To,
say that the remedy acted as a
most agreeable surprUe is put
ting it very mildly. I had no
idea that it would or could knock
out the grip, simply because I
had never tried it for such a pur
pose. but it did. and it seemed
with the second attack of cough
ing the remedy caused it to not
only be of less duration, but tho
pains were far less severe, aud I
had not used tho contents of one
bottle 'before Mr. Grip had bid
me adieu.” For sule by all drug
9 2.
Perfect and Peerless
and all Liver, Kidney and Blad
der troubles caused by uric acid
in the system. It cures by
cleansing and vitalizing the
blood, thus removing the cause
of disease. It gives vigor and
tone and builds up the health
and strength of the patient
while using the remedy.
URICSOL, is a luminary in
the medical world. It ha3 cured
and will contimie to cure more
of the above diseases than all
other known remedies, many of
which do more harm than good.
This great and thoroughly tested
s, and endorsed California Remedy
never disappoints. It cures in
ti fallibly if taken as directed.
> Tiy it and be convinced that
it is a wonder and a blessing to
suffering humanity.'
Price $1.00 per bottle, or 8 bot
tles for $5. For sale by druggists.
Send stamp for book of partic
ulars and wonderful cures. If
your druggist cannot supply you
it will be sent, prepaid, upon
receipt of price. Address:
LAMAR & RANKIN DRUG CO., Atlanta, da.
Distributing Agents.
familiar with the Indian ana Afri
can experiments. The Russians are
also meeting with some success iu
Central Asia, ihe German Colonial
Association has been operating in
Togoland, and will give attention to
ootfon culture in eastern Africa.
There are already ootton plantations
at Kiliraatinde, Tanga, Wilhelm-
stahl, Maudora, Kissorawe, Kilwa,
Kilossa and Bismarkburg, and prim
itive cotton weaving mills at Wah-
raega, Kilimatinde, Kangwe-Urun-
ger and on the Tanganyika, which
prove conclusively, they say, the
possibility of eotton growing in this
part of Africa. A tabulated state
ment by Dr. H. Maurer shows that
the climate conditions and tbe year
ly rainfall do not differ essentially
from those observed in the cotton
growing districts of the United
The East Africa cotton enterprise
is to be developed on broad lines by
founding an agricultural sohool. It
is said that the government of East
Africa, aided by some large German
cotton-spinning companies, is willing
to aid the enterprise financially.
It is a part of their programme to
procure negroes, supposed to be ex
perts, from Booker Washington’s
sohool at Tuskegee, to instruct na
tive laborers in tlie art of cultiva
tion. How far this scheme shall suc-
oeed remains, of course, to be seen,
All Ouf Willows From One Twig.
“Did you know that all tbe weep
ing willows in this oountry are de
scended from a twig planted by the
stepson of George Washington at
his place nt Abingdon, a few miles
from Mount Vernon?” asked a tree-
lover who has recently returned from
these interesting eBtptes, according
to the Philadelphia Record.
“It was this way: Young Oustis,
as a membpr of Washington’s mili
tary family, sometimes carried mes
sages, under a flag,’ between the bel
ligerent commanders, in this ser
vice he became acquainted with a
young British officer, who, like oth
ers, had oome over with an impres
sion that the ‘rebellion’ would be
speedily orushed out, and that he
would then settle on the confiscated
lands of the rebels. He had even
brought a twig from the weeping
willow near Pope’s villa, at Twicken
ham, carefully wrapped in oiled silk.
As his visions of a castle in America
faded away he gave the twig to
John Parke Oustis, who, on his re
turn to Abingdon in the spring,
planted it near bis house. It grew
and flourished. Just how it multi
plied may be noted from one end of
thq oountry to the other.”
The means by which sea birds
quench their thirst when far out at
sea is described by an old skipper,
who tells how he has seen birds at
sea, far from any land that could
furnish them water, hovering around
and under a storm cloud, clatterihg
like ducks on a hot day at a pond,
and drinking in tbe drops of rain as
they fell. They will smell a rain
squall a hundred miles distant, or
even further off, and scud for it with
almost inconceivable Bwiftness.
The town of Winchester, Mass., is
now almost entirely bereft of cats.
The superintendent of the state fowl
hatchery, finding that the animals
wrought great havoc among his poul
try, fixed up wires and at night ran
a powerful electrio current through
them. During the past two years
over 200 cats have been electrocuted.
It SaVed His . Leg.
P. A. Danforth of LaGrange,
Ga., suffered for six months with
a frightful running sore on his
leg; but writes that Buc^len’s Ar
nica' Salve wholly cured it in five
days, For Ulcers, Wounds, Piles,
it’s the best salve in the world.
Cure guaranteed. Only 25 cts.
Sold by druggist.
_The progress in the scientific
treatment of beets in Germany has
resulted in raising the percentage of
raw sugar extracted from 6^ in 1940
to 13 in 1901,
If it’s a bilious attack, take
Chamberlain’s Stomach & Liver
Tablets and a quick recovery is
certain. For sale by all druggists,.
‘•Fool Killer” and the Taxpayer.”
Bolton Hall, th£ Bingle-tax apos
tle, has just given to the public, in
a little book called “The Game of
Life,” a sheaf of fables that satirize
modern customs and laws, and at
the same time are intended to show
how much better off we all would be
under the reforms which Mr. Hall
advocates. Among other things that
rouse his indignation and irony is
the spectacle of unemployed work
ingmen and idle land existing con
currently, with no effort by society
to bring the two together. Mr. Hall
satirizes this state of affairs thus:
“What’s that?” asks the fool killer.
“That’s an unemployed map in a
vacant lot,” said I.
“Why don’t you have him work
on the lot and produce something?”
asked the fool killer.
“Because,” I said, we suffer from
over-production already; and, be
sides, the owner of the lot won’t let
him work on it.”
“I must get my club,” said the
fool killer.
“Hold on!”T said. “Pretty soon
we will arrest the man because he
does not do anything;then the judge
will fine him, because he has no
money; and we will keep him idle in
jail because he was idle out of jail;
and tbe workers will tax themselves
to pay for all that.”
The fool killer gaped, “I must or
der a Gatling gun.”
“Don't go off half-cooked,” I said.
“Those are our laws.”
“Everybody, civilized men,” said I.
“The men that pay the taxes?”
asked the fool killer.
"Why, yes.”
“I must swear in some deputies,”
said the fool killer.
“Stop,” I said; no one speaks like
that about the laws; they are the ac
cumulated wisdom of the ages, and
must be'treated with respeot.” j
“Why don’t some one tell the
truth, and say the laws are stupid
and wicked?”, asked the fool killer.
“We kill such fools as speak the
truth about such things,” said I
“Oome,” said the fool killer, “I
will go and poison the water sup
On the way the fool killer asked
“What are those places?”
“That is a tobacconist’s,” I said,
and the other is a gin-mill 1 You see,
we poison our own drinking supply
—oh, the next is a drug store and
beyond is a hospital—”
“I will go home,” said the fool
killer. “These fools are doing my
work themselves.”
Increase In State Pensions.
Georgia annually pays in Con
federate pensions a sum greater
than that yearly paid by all the
other Southern states combined.
This tells in no uncertain voice of
the great liberality and patriot
ism of the people of Georgia.
More than $800,000 of the state’s
pensions fund has been paid out
by State Treasurer R. E. Park
sinoe January 20, and there is yet
about $70,000 to be paid. There
is an increase of more than $125,-
000 over, the year 1801. Georgia
has paid out in pensions nearly
$7,000,000 since the state began
paying pensions iu 1879.—Ex.
Iu New York a clergyman has re
signed his pulpit in order to become
what is called a hotel chaplain. Grad
ually the big hotel in New York is
becoming a city within itself, with
all of tbe necessities and convenienc
es of modern life. To each big hos
telry there is attached a doctor, one
or more lawyers, a corps of stenog
raphers, various workers in the me
chanical trades, and now comes the
house preacher. For people will get
married, and have christenings, and
die in big hotels just as they do in
private residences, and preachers are
usually desired on such occasions.
More Riots.
Disturbances of strikers are not
nearly as grave as an individual
disorder of the system. Overwork,
loss of sleep, nervous tension will
be followed by utter collapse un
less a reliable remedy is immedi
ately employed. There’s nothing
so- efficient to cure disorders of
the Liver and Kidneys as Electric
Bitters. It’s a wonderful tonic,
and effective nervine, and the
greatest all around medicines for
run down systems. It dispels ner
vousness, rheumatism and neural
gia and expels Malaria germs. On
ly 50o at Holtzclaw’s Drugstore.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
' mm wmm ■HR
Largest Manufacturers of
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In buying fertilizers it is important, not only to secure goods of estab
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We are in position, w;'h our unparalleled facilities and our many plants
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takes the joy of life away and opens
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avoid strong drugs, use a gentle Treatment.
t AND TONIC Pellets will help the natural forces
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^paint the bloom of health on the cheeks, fa
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Complete Treatment
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These Pianos are all the very best makes.
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