The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, March 19, 1903, Image 7
I DO YOU GET DP WITH A LAME BACK? Sidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. L Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver : arid bladder remedy. It is the great medi cal triumph of the nine teenth century; dis covered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent kidney and blad der specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Bright’s Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to -sffllffiSadciFHaUMi Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing hamton, N. Y. The regular fifty cent and Homo of Bwomi>-Roofc dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y„ on every bottle. GUARDIAN’S SALE. By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Houston county, Ga., at the January term, 1008, I will sell at publio outory at the court house door in Perry, Ga., within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in April next, (1008) the following real {estate belonging to the esjiate of Edwin J. Honser, a miuor, to- wite Lot of land No. 70, except 10 acres on the north-east corner thereof, being 192)^ acres more or less. Said realty situated, lying and being iu the 9ch; dis triot of Houston oounty, Ga. M’oh 4,1903. F. O. HOUSER, G’dn. rirTTrK. _ THARPET DENTIST, PERRY, - - GEORGIA. Crown and Bridge Work. All olasses of Dentistry. Offie adjoining Express Office, South side of Court House Square, Grovania Gleanings. By Joo Beilge, EDITOR HOME JOURNAL: Rev. H. C. Brewton filled his reg- Please allow me to ular appointment here WARREN D. NOTTINGHAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 855 THIRD ST. MACON, GA. Will praotice iu the several courts, Federal and State. Speoial attention given to causes in the courts of thiB. circuit. H. A. MATHEWS. A. O. RILEY. MATHEWS & RILEY, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA. Practice in all the Courts. Loans negotiated and Land Titles abstracted. Collections on all points. Security Bonds furnished. J. D. MARTIN, Sr., JEWSLEB, Perry, Ga. Watches, Olooks and Jewelry Repaired. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Office in Masonio Building. C. Z. McARTHTJR, DENTIST, FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA. Office over Slappey’s Drugstore. Sunday. It being sacramental day, his subject was “Sacrament,” and he preached an excellent sermon. Spring hes opened, and her sweet fragrance is much more admired than the odor of guano. Our school girls are beginning to watch the. robes of the spring-like beauties and will soon be wandering the woods for wild flowers. Farm work has been greatly re tarded, but corn planting seems to be the order of the day. Eight or ten days ago Prof. G. W. Smith of Perry invited tne following gentlemen to join him in a bird hunt on his farm near Grovania: Judge W. H. Felton and Stenographer Em mett Barnes of Macon, L. A. Shep pard, J. J. Houser, T. H. Renfcz, J. M. Buun, S. F. Bivins, W. H. Rob erts, Dempsey Brown, L. H. Riley, J. G. Brown, Jr., of Grovania, J. H. Grace, W. L. Means of Elko. About 260 birds were killed. Our clever Judge seated himself in a ehair about the center of the field and shot the birds from all dirctions, and our stenographer took them down in shorthand. The judge decided it waB a pleasant occasion. On last Tuesday morning about the dawn of day, on Mr. J. G. Brown’s place, in sight of Grovania, the following gen tie then congrega ted to shoot birds: Drs. Pate and Wooten of Unadilla, J. H. Grace, W. E. Means, H. J. Brown, J. H. Coffee, J. F. Houser, R. E. Jackson, T. J. Shinholser of Elko, J. Q. Ellis, W. H. Roberts, T. H. Rentz, J. J. Hous er, J. M. Bunn, S. F. Bivins, L. H. Riley, A. O. Pate, J. G. Brown, Jr., H. R. Brown, L. A. Sheppard of Grovania, G. W. Smith of Perry, have been told some 800 birds were killed. The boys were jovial and enjoyed the occasion muoh. On last Friday another posed of the following gentleman, gathered at the same place (Mr J G Brown’s) and killed about 160 birds: W H Roberts, T H Rentz, J M Bunn, R L Baird, A U Pate, L H Riley, R F Napier, Dempsey Brown, H R Brown, L A Sheppard of Gro vania, Will Riley of Macon, Dr Mack, Dr E 0 Brown, Jim McGriff, Glenmore Pate of Hawkinsville. While some of the boys did not kill any birds, they had a lot of fun. Miss Charlie Moore of Macon was the guest of Miss May Hodges from Saturday until Monday. Miss Julia Rentz returned home Saturday from Swainsboro, after pleasant visit to relatives and friends. Mrs J T Sheppard of Maoon spent several days with Mr and Mrs L A Sheppard of Grovania last week. Miss Edna Harrison of Heard spent Sunday with homefolks at Hayneville. Messrs Jack Hodge and Ed Marr of Henderson were visitors to our place Sunday. Mr J T Ellis, who is traveling for Culver & Kidd of Milledgeville, was in Grovania yesterday. Dr H F Frederick of Hawkinsville was shaking hands with friends here yesterday. Quite a number of Grovania speak of attending the oyster supper next Friday night at Henderson for the benefit of the Methodist church. March 16th, 1903. w. H. HARRIS, DENTIST. Successor to Ur. W. A. Blassengame, OFFICE OVER DOW DAW BANK, FORT VALLEY. : GEORGIA R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The 5-cent packet is enough for usual occasions The family bottle (60 cents) contains a supply for a year. All druggists sell them. Hotel NEXT DOOR TO ACADEMY <5f MUSIC, 663 NTOLBERBY ST. MASON, GEOBGJA Rates, $2.00 Per Dajj. A HOME-LIKE HOTEL Special attention given Transient Trade. to say to the readers of your paper that on the 1st day of the present month (March) my son was taken real Bick. He developed what has been pro nounced a sure case of smallpox. He is now seemingly perfectly well of it. There are four individuals of up, who have been in the house with him all the while, aud some of us have been in the room with him ev ery day since he was taken, and only one of the four has been vaccinated. This was done about Ihe time my son commenced to scale. A day or so later I was looking through Dr. Oharles’ Book of Recipes and found what is reoommended as a sure cure for the worst case in three days, and an absolute preventive. We prepared it aud commenced to take it at once. Now, as to its merits, I cannot say, but this much I am glad to say, we are all well at present. The one who was vaccinated, and had commenced to feel very sensitixely its effects, has not felt the slightest symptoms of it since the day after she began to take the solution. The recipe is as follows: One ounce of cream of tartar dis solved in one pint of boiling water, cr eight ounces to a gallon cf boil ing water. Drink it at intervals, cold; say one good swallow every hour. I would ask, if any should try it, that they report results. Very respectfully, Jas. T. Grant. Tharp, Ga., March 12. Extraordinary business, extraor dinary shortage of freight cars, or some other extraordinary condition has very seriously interfered with the prompt shipment of freight^ over the railroads from east, north and west during the last two or three weeks. Everywhere in Georgia the complaint is made that goods way billed several weeks ago have not yet been received. The railroads cer tainly should provide the facilities for prompt shipment. During a severe squall that swept the Havana harbor last Sunday af ternoon, the crew of the V. S. ship Dolphin volunteered as a resoue par ty in behalf of those in small boats in the harbor. Among those saved from drowning were five Cubans. A training school for nurses will be established by the Macon Hos pital Association. Mr. Editor:— I hereby offer the following individual speoial prizes to be delivered at our Houston County Fair next Fall: To the lady exhibiting the best and largest display of preserved Houston County Fruits, $6. To any citizen of Houston County exhibiting the best and greatest variety of farm produots raised by him during the year 1903, $6. To any citizen of Houston oounty exhibiting the heaviest Houston county raised pig not over one year old, $5. Respectfully, J. P. Duncan. FOR Strayed or Stolen, March 8bh,one Black back Hcund $s mp s christian lit werai «’ liberal reward for her return to me or information of her. E. B. Hose, Perry, Ga. W 4 AT 1 TVTf A man to sell Sew- VV libLJ.iug Machines. Oon. traot to right man to start on, with good chance for promotion. Experience not necessary, Address, THE SINGER MT’G 130, That Disease at Byron. —!T — In addition to the article publish ed on the first page of this paper, Dr. R. H. Baskin writes as follows concerning the disease prevailing at Byron, “Now\they are claiming that those who have been vaceinated are im mune from this disease. “I have one oase that was vaccin ated. I know what I am saying, as vaccinated the patient and treated her for the disease going the rounds. So I am not guessing about it, nor reckoning about it. ' “Bretheren, it is not small pox and you can’t make it small pox. It is laid down in Musser, Flint and Pepper’s works, as plain as oan be, Varicella. There is np pus to be found in the eruption. I learn a new name for it—Philippine Itch— good as any, so call it Philippine Itch. It is not small pox, nor any of its relatives. Yours, R. H. B.” Rev. W. J. Holtzolaw resigned the pastorate of the Jones Avenue Baptist church of Atlanta one day last week, the result of a factional disagreement among the members. Dr. Holtzolaw was pastor of the Perry Baptist church two years pri or to his acceptance of the pastorate of the Atlanta church. With the first warm days of spring you begin to feel dull,tired and worn out. It’s because your blood is thick and clogged with impurities it collected from the body during the winter. Ramon’s Liver Pills andjTonio Pellets will dear out the impurities aud clean up the system Complete treatment, 25 cents. A GOOD PLAGE. Notice is hereby given to ladies and gentlemen who visit Macon that Mrs. W. H. Houser is now running a flrst- olass Boarding House at 755 Cherry St. which is very near the businees center of the city, and she will be pleased to serve them meals at 25c. each. -Best Seed Irish Potatoes. F. M. Houser. CASTOR IA For Infanteind Children. The swellest line Linen Collars ev*»r in Perry. We sell the H. C. Curtis Collar. Eewards & Marshall. . Bears the j Signature 1 of ..CALL AT... FOR LADIES . AND . GENTLEMEN 413 Third St., Bacon, Ga., Two Doors from Exchange Bank. WE NEVER CLOSE Meals served at all hours both day and night. Best Dinner in Macon fm 25c All delicacies of the season served to order. Readers of the Home Journal have special invitation. H. J ? RICHTER, Plowing and Garden Work. / I am prepared to do plowing and furnish hands for garden work in Perry. Satisfactory work, correct prices. Give me your or ders. Respectfully, Sidney Burges. . . —Fruit of the Loom Bleaching, 8/ yd. “Plantation” Bleaching 86in 7/ yd. Other good brands marked verytcloseat.L. M. Paul’s. —A big lot of Men’s Stylish Summer Clothing just received. Prices from $6 to $15. the Suit, . Edwards <fe Marshall’s, * Subscribe... -12-4t Maoon, Ga. a strong, religious, seven-column paper, devoted to the moral und material ad- vauoement of the colored raoe, with an extensive oiroulation. Published Weekly nt Savannah, tin. Subscription $1.00 Per in r. REV. W, A. DINKINS, Editor, ; P. E. Fort Valley District. T'ou Can, IBix’sr J^aoUnLiner-sr., Have your Machinery repaired, buy parts of Machinery, Pipe and Steam Fittings imd Dressed Lumber at ...Antlioine’s Machine Works... FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA. All kinds of Repair Work in Iron and Wood. Patterns made to order. Dress ed and Matched Flooring and Ceiling for ^sale and Lumber dressed to order. FULL LINE OF COFFINS AND CASKETS. GRADE ACID, MEAL KAINIT. GUANO, AND Can see me. I am CLOSEST DP2SZOSS. save you money. Hold your orders until you selling for B. T. Adams 'Sc Co« J". JEf COOPER, PERRY, GEORGIA. Ready to Accommodate All Who Need -i Caskets, Coffins, Undertakers’ Supplies. My stock is being received daily, and we are ready to sell at the Cater Store. Everything new. Prices right. R. L. Marchman, 3Pexr37\, O-a,. CREAM... SIGNIFIES BEST. is the best product of a- ISTew Roller Process Mill. It is made of the best wheat, for in dividual customers of the mill and for the trade. * ' j ^ .'.’A. Ask your merchant for JERSEY or bring your wheat to HOUSER’S MILL. A. J. HOUSER, Pbop’b., EVA, GA.