Newspaper Page Text
Wms Mqmb Jamwast,
Perry, Thursday, May 14.
Picnic Season.
I offer you at low prices
everything for picnics.
All kinds of Pickles,
Sauces, Condiments,
Crackers, Fancy Cakes,
etc., etc.
W. B. Sims.
Special Mention:
Wight’s Can Georgia
Cane Syrup.
...CALL AT...
Richter's New Cafe,
' 413 Third SI., Xacon, On.,
Two Doors from Exchange Bank.
Meals served at all hours
both day and night.
Best, Dinner in Macon| r 25c
All delioacies of the season
served to order.
Headers of the Home Journal have
speoial invitation.
may have been our predelic-
tiousjjwith regard to soliciting
business, we believe it is no
longer considered a violation
of banking ethics to ask for
that which we would like to
have, and acting on that the
ory that what is greatly worth
having is certainly worth ask
ing for, the
Home Savings Bank
is better prepared than ever
to handle the business of the
people and solicits jour ac
count, promising all the cour
tesies that are extended by an
obliging and carefully [con
ducted banking house.
Loans negotiated on improved farms
at lowest market rates, and on most lib
eral terms.
Business of fifteen years’ standing.
More than three million dollars in loans
negotiated. Facilities unsurpassed.
No. 814 Second St., Macon, Ga.
Farm Loans
We consider good farm lands the best
security for loans. We can make such
loans promptly and at lowest rates. If
you wish to borrow let us hear from you.
Security Loan & Abstract Co.
Daughters of Confederacy Reception.
The reception at the beautiful
home of Dr. and Mrs. Henry
Holtzclaw Wednesday, May sixth,
given by Mrs. Holtzclaw, was a
beautiful compliment to the
Daughters of the Confederacy and
ladies of the Thursday Afternoon
Club. The house was exquisitely
decorated with the Confederate
Palms, ferns and roses were
gracefully used .as a deooratiou in
the reception hall, sitting room,
and dining room.
The mantels were bauked with
Confederate Jessamine and crim
son roses, giving an effective touch
of color.
The table was banked at the
center with ferns, red and white
roses, and the silver candlestioks
had crimson shades to soften their
light. Roses, ferns and palms
deoorated small tables and cabi
net. Charming young ladhs
wearing the coufederute colors,
served the.deiicious refreshments.
The refreshments were served in
courses: First, a salad course,
then frozen dainties of white
cream in beds of crimson straw
berries, and last, iced tea dashed
with strawberries and delicious
oake iced in red and white. It
was a happy thought of Mrs.
Holtzclaw to arrange a pleasing
program for the entertainment of
her guests, which was exceedingly
Miss Lula Houser sang,, “My
Maryland” accompanied by Mrs.
Edgar Brunson. Miss Russell re
cited, “Lines on a ^Confederate
rote.” Mrs. Norwood and Mrs
Bridger sang the o’d songs. “Lo-
rena” and “All quiet along the
Potomac” accompanied by Mrs.
R. N. Holtzclaw and Miss Evelyn
Mrs. Holtzclaw is a charming
hostess, and is to be congratula
ted for that grace and ease that
characterizes her in the entertain
ments given in [her lovely [home.
Mrs. Holtzolaw, as President of
the Houston county Chapter, N.
D. C.. is a presiding officer of abil
ity, dignity, oourtesy, and
thoughtful^consideration. Undeis
her leadership, with the co-opera
tion of the competent officers and
loyal members, this ought to be
one of the most successful Chap
ters in the [state. Guest.
Powersville Paragraphs.
By Gloomy Gus
Mr. J. H. Brown and niece,
have returned home from Atlanta!
Miss Ellen Scarborough, who
has been visiting her aunt Mrs.
Z. Hayes, has returned home.
Messrs. Virgil and George Bur
nett and sister of near Byron vis
ited their sister, Mrs. Jim Hughes
of Powersville Saturday and Sun
Sunday School was organized at
Allen’s Chapel Sunday, We all
feel interested.
Mr. James W, Epthing visited
Macon Saturday and Sunday.
We are glad to say that Mr. H.
W. English, our popular post
master, is now improving; we
hope he will soon recover.
Mr. Homer Chum has returned
home from Knoxville.
We are glad to say that the
Powersville school is progressing
fine under the management of
Miss Laura Carter.
J. J. Cobb,
Thos. B. West,
See. and Att’y.
rUulllUllO conditions. May deposit money
for tuition in bank till position is secured, or
give notes, or contract to pay ont of salary,
and without security, after course is completed
and position is secured. Our facilities for se-
r of our
, 150-page
catalogue will explain all. Send for it. Ad
dress Draughon’s College at either place.
Nashville, Tenn.
Atlanta, Ga. sj| Pt. Worth, Texas:
Montgomery, Ala. Galveston, Texas.
Little Rock, Ark, Shreveport, La.
No Vacation St. Louis, ilo. Enter any time
Most thorough, practical and progressive
schools of the kind in the world. Author four
text-books on bookkeeping. Four weeks book,
keeping with ns ecioal to twelve by the old plan.
Also give superior course shorthand, etc. We
expend more money securing positions than al
most any business college takes in as tuition.
Cheap board; car fare paid. CATALOG FREE,
PEN M A NS HIP, etc, succXS®
taught by mall or no charges. We
give better Home Study Course than!
50 per cent of the business colleges
give by personal instruction. Write
for pricelist of Home Study Course. A
-—Dr. H. W. Mason of Macon
was in Perry last Thursday and
has decided to locate here and
practice dentistry. He is the son
of one of the foremost dentists in
Georgia, and is himself a gradu
ate in the theory and practice of
dentistry. Highly endorsed by
those who know him, he proposes
to give satisfaction. He will come
to Perry within the next few days,
and probably occupy an office in
the Masonic building.
" —Last Saturday Mr. D. Fol-
lendore exhibited in Perry a lot
of white mulberries grown on his
farm about three miles north of
Perry. The berries are larger and
shorter than the black mulberry,
but not sc prolific. Mr, Follen-
dore has two trees, which he says
are vigorous growers.
—There will be a genuine
“Coon” show in Perry next
OASTORIA For Infants aid Children.
By Pineapple.
Well May is here but winter is
also and to-day, (9th) is very
gloomy and cold.
Miss Delia Ethridge of near
Hawkinsville is now the guest of
Mrs. W. G. Fitzgerald,
Several from Hayneville enjoy
ed a picnic at the Houston Facto
ry Friday, (May lBt.)
Let us shake your hand, Mr.
Wimberly, and offer you our con
gratulations, “’Tis another girl*”
Mrs. T. B. Edmundson is visit
ing her daughter, Mrs. T. 0. West
of near Henderson.
Mr. J. G. Skipper, after a short
illness, is now able to be going
Mrs. M. Fitzgerald spent a few
days last week with her son, Mr,
W. G. Fitzgerald of this place.
Rev. Albert S. Dix, preached at
the Hayneville Baptist church
the first Saturday, Rov. Bassett
on Sunday. On account of rain,
attendadce was small on Satur
Miss Emma Barfield spent last
Saturday and Sunday with home-
On the 22nd inst., Hayneville
school will meet others at Beach
Haven in a union pionic. I have
been informed that Governor Ter
rill will address the pleasure
seekers on that day.
Miss Emmie Dehaven, after a
brief visit to her sister, Mrs, E.
H. Wimberljr, Jr., has returned
to her home in Maoon.
Madam Rumor informs us that
before the waking of another
year, our little town will have
disposed of all its daughters and
thatthere|won’t be one old enough
to think of “beaux,” but I must
differ with her, unless the pros
pects grow brighter. There’s a
great deal of visitingjgoing on,
but that’s no sign. I see no
sparkling jewels.
Wish our good Madam would
give us a bit of information re
garding the sons of our town.
May 9, 1908.
'<»»»■■ —
Real Estate Transactions.
Whether you desire to sell or
buy real estate, it iB often best to
consult a man or men whose bus
iness is exclusively in this line.
With excellent endorsements, the
Hvmphey-Gibson] Company of
Goldsboro, N. 0., seek customers
in Houston county. They under
take to sell any kind of prop
erty, organize stock companies
and their transactions cover the
entire country. If you wish to
buy or sell, consult this company.
See their advertisement on the
editorial page of this paper.
—While in Macon last Thurs
day we met Mr. D. F. Handley,
formerly of the lower 5th district
of Houston county, now a citizen
of Florida. Mr. Handley[says he
has done fairly well since he left
Georgia, his; business being stock
raising and' farming. His chief
source of profit is buying and fat
tening cattle for the beef market.
He desires to be remembered cor
dially to hie friends in Houston.
Though a resident of Florida, his
postoffice is Metclaf, Ga.
—The publication of the Fort
Valley Enterprise has been dis
continued, Editor T. J. Shepard
of the Leader having bought the
Enterprise plant. This deal gives
Editor Shepard a free field and
full favor at- Fort Valley. May
he live long and prosper as his
work deserves.
—The anti-farming weather of
the last seven days hasn’t brought
a smile to any countenance in this
county, though some may have
taken an occasional “smile” to
enliven their spirits.
Children’s Colonial Slippers,
Children’s Sandals,
Children’s Oxford Ties.
L. M. Paul’s.
Take “just a mite” of Ramon’s Tonic
Regulator nightly and you will be pleas
ed with the effect. That tired, exhausted
feeling will disappear, there will be no
cause for headaches, pains in the back
or side. When the organs are ip a heal •
thy state one has no cause for complaint,
and that is just the state a systematic use
of Ramon’s Tonic Regulator will pro
duce. 25 cents. '
Take Laxative Uromo Quiuine Tablets. All
Lily of the Valley,
American Beauty,
Pride of C3eorgia T |
We use the best winter wheat.
Have the newest and best equipped mill in Georgia, a»
good as any anywhere.
Our miller is a skilled expert of 30 years’ experience.
Results are Satisfying.
Try our flour and you’ll be satisfied with no other.
There’s a reason why
is better than water-ground meal.
O. R. Mann, Pres.
PBimZlV, G-A.
R. L. Oatbb, V. Pres.
L. F. Oatbb, Cashier
Dxbbotobs—F. M. Houser, L. M. Paul, A. A. Smoak, J. N. Tuttle, 0. R. Mann
L. F. Outer, R. L. Cater. t
-. ,yV; - ‘
Every facility for transacting a general Banking Business..
Are Yon Troubled With Any Skin Disease?
Eczema Ointment
: : : Will Cure It.
Eczema, Salt Rheum, Itch, Ring Worm, Scald Head, or any other
Parcitio Skin Disease.—
All Who Use It Once Recommend It,
For Sale by all Druggists. Price 25 cents.
W. D. DAY,
Farmers’ Supplies.
I have just received one earload of the
Best Patent Flour from Illinois mills,
the best wheat country in the world, that
I will offer for - - $4.65 Per Barrel;
cash. Second Patent at $4.40 cash. I
. guarantee every sacK to be the very b.est
flour made or money refunded. Try It.
I have 15 Bbls. Fine, Bright Ga. Cane Syrup for sale*
I also carry in etocK Corn, Meat, Oafs,
Meal, Lard, Tobacco, Farm Tools, Wag-
ons, Buggies, Hardware, Sugar, Coffee,
Bran, StocK Food, &g,
■ ■ i-
I am also in position to furnish anything in.
the Dry Goods line—Clothing, Shoes, Hats*
or any goods you may need. Cali on me. I can supply
gbovb’s signature is on eachbox; 26c.' your wants at reasonable prices for cash or on time. Your
trade will be appreciated.
druggists refund the money If It fails to cure
K. wTgbc |
Bears the
of 1
Store fef 1, Brick Block.
W.D. DAY, Perry, G<
V&'-i -tA. trY"' x' r fC, 1
mr&Vf' 1 &