Newspaper Page Text
The healthy old man wears his
gray hairs like a crown. What if he
be threescore and ton if there is Btill
fire in his eye, firmness in his Btep,
command in his voice and wisdom
in his counsel? He commands love
and reverence. Yet how few wear
the mantle of age with dignity. Dim
eyed, querulous of speech, halting in
step, childish in mind, they “lag bu>
perfluous on the stage," dragging
out the fag end of life in a simple
existence. The secret of a healthy
old age iB a healthy middle age. ihe
man who takes oare of his stomach,
who keeps his body properly, nour
ished, will find that the body does
not fail him in old age. The great
value of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medi
cal Discovery lies in the preserva
tion of the working power of the
stomaoh and other organs of diges
tion and nutrition. From this cen
ter is distributed the nourishment
of the whole body, the salt for the
blood, the lime for the boneB, phos
phates for the brain and nerves. A
sound stomach means a sound man.
A man who keeps his stomach sound
by the use of “Golden Medical Dis
covery" will wear the crown of gray
hairs as befits a monarch, with dig
nity and ease.
A Buggy Bargain.
A good buggy for sale at a low
price at Winn’s Stables, Perry,
Thodford’s Blaok-Drauglit has
Baved doctors’ bills for more than
Bixty years. For the common fam
ily ailments, such as constipation,
indigestion, hard colds, bowel com
plaints, chills and fever, bilious
ness, headaches and othor like
complaints no other medioine iB
necessary. It invigorates and reg
ulates the liver, assists digestion,
stimulates aotion of the kidneys,
purifies the blood, and purgeB the
ils of foul accumulations. It
. cures liver complaint, indigestion,,
sour stomach, dizziness, chills,
rheumatio pains, sideache, back-
aobe, kidney troubles, constipation,
diarrhoea, biliousness, piles, hard
colds and headaoho. Every drug
gist has Thedford's Black-Draught
in 25 cent 1 '
. and in mam
moth Bize for $1.00. Never accept
a substitute. Insist on Ak ing the
original made by the
Medicine Company.
I believe Thedford’s Black-Draught
Is the best medicine on earth. It Is
good for any and everything. I have
a family of twelve children, and for
four years I have kept them on foot
and healthy with no doctor but Black-
Draught. A. J. GREEN, lllewara, U.
Perfect and Peerless
and all Diver, Kidney and Blad
der troubles caused by uric acid
in the system. It cures by
cleansing and vitalizing the
blood, thus removing the cause
of disease. It gives vigor and
tone and builds up the health
and strength of the patient
while using the remedy.
UR1CSOL is a luminary in
the medical world. It has cured
and will continue to cure more
of the above diseases than all
other known remedies, many of
which do more harm than good.
This great and thoroughly tested
( and endorsed California Remedy
never disappoints. It cures in
fallibly if taken as directed.
Try it and be convinced that
it i9 a wonder and a blessing to
Price $1.00per bottle, or 6 bot
tles for $5. For Bale by druggists.
Send stamp for boos of partic
ulars and wonderful cures. If
your druggist cannot supply you
It will be sent, prepaid, upon
receipt of price. Address:
LAMAR ft RANKIN DRUG CO., Atlanta, da.
Distributing Agtnto.
Subscribe for The Home Journal.
Written For Tho Home Journal.
In our last we noticed that the
house of Juda survived the house
of Isruel 188 years; when in 8522
all Israel were subject to the As
syrian monarch, these being ruled
by Nebuchadueza of Babylon.
Tho government of this haughty
king is the first universal empire,
and is shown as such by the vis
ion of the great tree, and of the
great image; an interpretation of
them by Daniel, who declares
them to be Nebuchadneza as head
of this universal kingdom. The
great tree gave protection to the
different nations, and the image
shaped their vanity and obedience
to this temporal government.
Although the two houses, Juda
and Israel, are again united, they
now speak of themselves as Isra
el until the days of Christ; then
they are spoken of as Jews. It
will be well to mention again
that God had to this time, 8522,
been his own time-keeper, but
now secular dates, or times, being
quite acourato, He oeaBes to keep
time any longer, except prophetic
periods, which serve us as a cor
rection of any error we may make
in after times. In 8482 Jeremiah,
the prophet, beoame a mouth-
p : ece for God to all Israel. Often
did this prophet advise Israel to
become subjeot to the Babylonish
government, but as often were
the advices re-fused and because of
thiB ndvioe Jeremiah was arrested
and put in prison for a short time.
In 8600 told that Nebuchadneza
would be the universal king of the
earth; in 8504, Jeremiah tells of
their 70 years captivity and many
other things, which, when they
were presented to King Jehoiakim
he burned it; then did Jeremiah
and Baruoh, in 8500, put all their
forecasts in book-form; apd in
8511 Nebuohadneza besieged Jeru
salem, dethroned Comiah, or Je-
hoiakin, and placed Zedekiah
upon Juda’s throne; in 8520 it
beoame necessary for Nebuchad
neza to subjugate Zedekiah, which
was fully done in 8522.
Daniel, Shadrao, Meshao and
Abednego, oaptured in 8508, were
of the house of Israel, and be
cause of their qualities of mind,
person, and features were educa
ted in the Syrian tongue and fed
from the king’s table. Daniel, in
8605, interpreted the forgetton
dream of£au image that was put up
this same year, and worshipped
by the Babylonians, and beoause
Shadrac, Meshao, and Abednego
refused to worship the image,
they were oast into the fiery fur-
naoe. But one may ask, “Did
Dauiel refuse to worship the im-
?” Daniel was in another part
of the kingdom serving the king
and his house, therefore he had
no opportunity to show his con
tempt for such service.
In 8549 Nebuchadnezzar became
demented for 7 years, during
which time his son Evil Muro-
dick, had reinstated Zedekiah over
Jewish affairs. His father beoame
angry and banished Evil Mero-
deck from his presence. In 8578
Nebuohadnezar dies, and his son
Belshazzar is made king, also
Daniel this year has the vision of
the four great beasts, In 8590,
Belshazzar holds the impious
feast, sees the mystic writing on
the wall, (mene, mene, tekel up-
harsin.) Daniel this night inter
prets the writing. Belshazzar dies
and his kingdom passes into the
hands of Cyaxares 2nd, or Darius
the Mede. After a war of 21 years,
or 21 days, during which term of
years it is Baid “the angel with
stood the Prince of Persia.’’—
Gen. Orus, the nephew of Darius
the Mede.
In 8591, Daniel is cast into the
lion’s der.
In 8592, Darius dies, and Gen.
Gyrus is jiroolaimed king. In
8590 Daniel had the vision of the
70 weeks, and of what should be
fall his people in latter days, also
of the universal inonarchs, Darius
1st, Cyrus, Darius 2nd, Hisfcas-
pes, Xerxes, and Alexander. Al
exander died in Babylon at the
age of 88, having been a military
leader for only 12 years, and his
kingdom is now divided to his
four generals. In 8592 Cyrus is
sues order for the return of Jews
to their former home, Canaan,
and to restore vessels of servioe in
the temple; but this order was
mislaid, and Cyrus ruled until
bis death in 8007, having ruled
for 15 years. Now follows Hystos-
pes, or Darius 2nd as king, who
ruled 08 years, and disregarded
favors in behalf of the Jews, but
in 8075 this Darius failed of life,
and the tnrone passed to Darius
3rd, who was true to the course
of Modes and Persians; having
by request of Jews, the order of
King Cyrus favoring the Jews
searched for, which was found in
quite an unexpected court; so
soon as Darius knew the certainty
of this order, he issues an order
to put Oyru’rf order in force. And
this year, 8075, Dauiel’s vision of
the 09 weeks or 488 years begins
to count, and which will end in
4158, or as is now known as A. D.
29, and too, this is the year in
which our Lord Jesus was bap
tized. His ministry ended and
He was crucified in 4102, or A. D.
88, being the middle of the 70th
week by Daniel, and beginning of
the Jewish Meshne, or double,
4105 ends the 70 weeks, being A.
D. 30. And lastly in 4198, or A.
D. 70, the Jewish polity ends and
they become as chaff before the
The Ooming and Going of People.
Savannah Ntiws-
The number of immigrants ar
riving in this country is greater
now than ever before. Even from
England there has been a very
noticeable increase in the number
of arrivals. Of course the motive
of these people in coming to the
United States is to better their
condition. The higher wages paid
here attracts them.
It is claimed that 70 per cent,
of the population of New York
City is now composed of foreign
ers. If such is the
Offers to Planters 1,000,000 Peach Trees, 500,000 Apple Trees,
Grape Vines, Pecan Trees, Ornamental Trees, in fact,
everything grown by first-class Nurserymen,
absolutely free from any disease.
Soathern Narser^ GerripariY. Winchester, Term
I am prepared to furnish in any quantity
desired best quality
If such is the case it is easi
ily understood why it is so difficult
there to enforce what are known
as Sunday laws.
But while hundreds of thous
ands of people are ooming to us
by way of our Atlantio ports
many thousands are leaving us
for Western Canada. It is stated
in the Cosmopolitan magazine
for April that during the last two
years more than 00,000 persons
left North and South Dakota,
Minnesota, Illinois, Wisconsin,
Montana and Utah and took farms
in Canada West, taking with them
property and stock valued at more
thau $80,000,000. In the throe pre
ceding years at least 80,000 other
settlers went from the United
Status to Canada. In fact there
are reasons for saying that since
1890 a community of Amerioan
farmers numbering 185,000 has
grown up in Western Canada. The
lands are very fertile and these
Amerioan farmers are the wheat
and flax growers and cattle rais
ers of the section.
Indeed, so great has been the
loss of some of the states men
tioned that their Legislatures are
appropriating large sums to ad
vertise their resources and secure
immigrants. Of course the peo
ple who left khese Northwestern
states of ours were not dissatisfied
with this country. They went to
Western Canada simply because
they were able to sell their farms
at good prices and to buy equally
as good land for less than half the
price at which they sold their
American farms.
High wages and cheap lands
will attract people. Here in the
South we are making an effort to
get immigrants from the West.
If we succeed we shall have to of
fer lands at a very low price. We
shall have to bid against Canada.
I also maife and sell W&W®
and the best Water Ground Meal.
-A.- U. HOUSER. ETT-swO-a,.
A Farmer Straightened Out.
“A man living on a farm near
here came in a short time ago
completely doubled up with rheu
matism. I handed him a bottle
of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and
told him to use it freely and if
not satisfied after using it he need
not pay a cent for it,” says C. P.
Rayder, of Pattens Mills, N. Y.
“A few days later he walked into
the store as straight as a string
and handed me a dollar saying,
‘give me a another bottle of Cham
berlain’s Pain Balm. I want it
in the house all the time for it
oured me.’ ” For sale by all
The Philadelphia Mint turned
out over 70,000,000 bright new
cents last year—one apiece for
every man, woman and child in
the United States.
WANTED- ire for Gor-
Ijstbb-Staib Cob. Imsx., Cedar Rapids, la.
to out of town customers
ggpqgCr&ClIi Wisei; ononr Circulating Library
Picture Frames made to order
in best manner at lowest prices.
McEvoy Book & Stationery Co.,
572 Cherry Street, MACON, GA
The Best Spring and Summer
Medioine fox* Babies (EL Children.
Spring and Summer bring grave dangers to babies and children.
Thousands of little ones die or bowel troubles brought on by eating
unripe fruits, vegetables, etc. Serious results often follow a slight
derangement of the digestive organs. Baby Ease is the safest, most
effective ond best medicine for all stomach and bowel troubles of
babic3 and children. Pleasant in taste—children like it. '
If your druggist hasn’t it, write to the manufacturer,
Ask about the FFEE GOLF (FIFIG offer.
r When the liver is torpid, bile enters the
blood as a virulent poison. Liver ills follow. 1
, :‘>|j
[AND Tonic Pellets are the only Treatment ,
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^starts Nature’s work in the right manner.
The Pill touches the liver, the
Pellets tone the system.
Complete Treatment
25 cts.
9?«ii Now
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